onWed., June 17,1981 11 for that specia ATES A gift for DAD - FA ERSD masculins pilures ahancei is rn, os Data Palsck end mors Cerna.Sao urgangt wbs So 167oit 5taat D - -- A » =9. M- 7-47 4 Plzzed *Coupon I Vald until June 3th * : ., SoOff to'a Specialj : ~ OffLarge or Ex-Large * * Sorrento's Special HOUR5ýCbaalMode" Tes. t Fi4 p.m.t2a.m 190A MAIN ST. LavfWochisd w If youlre raady for % somepickn' or strummin' this summer see our selection of *BANJOS *GUITARS M*IltonMutic FOR >I8 TALENT 500N WITHN US ITO m3 Main St., Mitonl 87&8620 ,9ugt ýoi 6ad - for Your Special Dad fat Great Savingsl 20%/-50% Off rTurning Milton ON.. wlth a SALE! e Largo Dining Room Fixtures GREATLY REDUCEDI * Ceramlc-base Lamps 10% Off O hadea, buba, Iemp repaire Summer. the rature la rthcng and work day. arglot. Wai jettes ime ta Isat YOa îleln ýair oadittaeil comfrn,ou, diffie0risi caas Mdan'oEarg ad Meeting Place" 's~ MiII St., Mlton 8784m5 THE ICE BLOC -tw ont Hey... ROHDE's ~ are on SALE NOWI Spning styles, reulaely $35.00 a«-a*29.98 Get yours wha'a thaylascl tdr~ (F@@TWEAm > 250 Main Street 878-7M6 Corneret THE CHANGING FACE WNE DOWNTOWN O:NTRE MILTON The faoe of downtown Miton la clanging - for the better. Ilacent improve- monts to the treetacape have made t a more attractive placelta shop, and aeveral new rtai ahops are coming ta complemeotte good .i of existing stores. Mfitonsa charming tosan core boasts a varlety of goodsansaervices, friendly clerks and comparative pricea. Each week on tii page, we invite you ta oseet and learo a littie more about the background and phioaophy of the individual torea, their aervices and their people. CHARLES HOTEL ay Jane Muiler t attin le ia lanlty atthse Charles Itotel. 270 MtsainS. Mteswlera bretlsrs Adam, Alvin and Nick Ctucismactt run tsdrnkng andddngestabishmnts. Tisa original prtiosnIftise building was constructed coe 150 yemaialet thse Ciucismacis cams e nosn tise o lesti1 Adam antisalisteeter Ciucismacis, thefosrtis irtisrin- vlved lnutetise einass, iegas ltaking for a isotel te bisssev- rat yaaraaftar tisalamily rnoved tleToronst famManitoba. NIck, wio adien a barer or14 years war akede jin his yeuoger brotisers in tise venture and he did. Nosa les sons Trry and Donald have joined tiseistet staff, aeting as wait- ers andisartenders. Ha cala tise cianges is Milton since hisa arrivai "alinnet uasiselvail." leanad linsallfe Marl.camne ta a cssunry 'M.rmer' tows wlcre tismwerae i-aior sole andesnp- tyletaweme't Mmesold tott-twflW. Witisahebelp of a toala real estata salasoasan tisylfond aihaseawicistiey stdt live le taday. Tishetai ias ciangad witistise tosa. A loiasga was addad in 19 sog sitis an etpandadkisicisan and iolis aiened Jan. "Sisrtly aller we isttons tisa Image waa tisa iegionng nf tieendaofaldMiltlen," Nikisarismacis recaits. He credilets m Mayor arias Beot for initiatbag tiseihangas In iliton wlecis iegan witis a steady bmprvemnent of tisa sewage sytains aiicis alowed for burtser construction iatise "For years davelapars melbantise Bear Rug Boom (tarated an tieiasemaent leve thetis iotel). Ties fbalty tise maya case," said Nicis. Tise Ciucismacis were allamesi le sel liquar ttise Charot Halain le btosnsly star a local plebisirie as isaid. At tisaI time thre wa a saffo0at work inte Charles btsasen l- qsor licences isagas tl e cinaaed la many toaa reslarans, thesaffalwas drotslsadle 4 ta cunster tiedrap le busissbs and lteresl rates wlecis doaistad ram a6par cent ile n tmiser, accordnglte Nick. As nas drlnkleg esailisismenseopased le Mittas,bisines athie longstandingCisarles would drop offor a while bust the regularn wosld corne back. '«Atasoaelme uplte aboutt 9M, aisesyos came lele a loga you wereuppstaeitand drik" remasoisrs Nick. Bst je and Hisolisrs mantasi le allerfood le tisa loga patron and il tank coma persuasian iocludiag a latter le a cabine minsltrisaore food couldibsaserved te'e. 'We cold jeve isaen ose o tise frst places le Onaria te desegregae cstolmers, " Nick sald. ROYAL ALBERT j0DIMITY ROSE ffO JUBILEE ROSE 210 LAVENDER ROSE MEMORYLANE OFF OLD COUNTRY ROSE 5 PC. PLACE SETTINGS y Lêtgat*~Gt 197 MAIN ST. 8789232d oFilmn Photo Procosscrsg WE HAVq T ALLI '-Bor14and&" a l 17 Wlson Dr. 878-OM1 Nlck ad Alvin Cleicismacle atong wististeir breticer Adam previde cometlelng for every- Oe-frons dlnlng te drlnklag ta entertabameflt and meens for rant-st ltce Charles Hen. saonnater tleilg posession ofisheiolitise wailsaacis ep- arated lise mes's ranisraistise ladies' raom was removed and tie large racis provides as ares for live bands. Country and wselrn or country rock bands are feslsrad everY Tisrsday, Frlday and Satsrday legislaiatie Ciarles Hatlets Sporlemens mange. IWe have 22 rantina raoms and abustailat ara rentesi ta rasidenl," jesaid. Tise ransomre rewired, remodelesi and ietad for lthe icol lime wiestise Ciucismacis brolisers irsI laok avec ta Nicis esplains lie tooks aller tisa "wrrying" end oftise joeaiuisnssa, speoding macisoaI isa Ure in tise office whicis wasa isitian part oIflise laanige addition in 1968. Alvin lios after thefood witie Adam specialies inoverseeisg thbrs. Alvins grandsoos ias joined tise ioel staff and ie atone ils Nici'sosons leke orders rois ltoor loreman Pal Lace. Tise Ciarles Hatli lcudes tise Trident Loange for quiet drlnking, ltse SporasestLoanuge, a dooing rosis and tise Besr Rug Diag Rasismishichis itles mcd forbuisness tan- Tise Charles Hotai bas talion Oaatltgistly diflerant purpooc ana day a year for lise past two yesrs wies il serves as tise Ulranian Pavillon dsring Miltons Festival o Costrien. Tisa location la qate lttisg anslise Ciucismactta' lamily rmoIs ara inathseUkraine. Tisa Cisscisaeiss' cammulely bvolvemant alsa inclades as assai golf loaroament il e miry oI braIser Peler Ciscisiacl wiso died o leakaisia. Tisa prnceeds are dosatcd t tise Millen Ciaptr of lise Caaadian Cantcer Society. CLOSE OUT SALE AIL SI400S. LUGGAGE, PURSES. ACCESSORIES. IN FPACT. EVERYTHING MUST GO CLOSINO .IULY 25th FOR RENUVATIONS Shoe. LId, 182 Main St. 878-6962 BEEF'n DIP 7 A KAISER VO/R FA VOLRITE ON TL/ESOA YNIGHT STORMAN NORMAN AND 1418 PLATTERS THURS. FRI. SAT.. ROUTE 68 REALLYGOODANO NE W Adeigh tfully Modern Flowershop, Downtowni DON7FORGET... Be sure ta use your 10% OFF coupon delivered with your Telephane Book caver w 228 Main St. ",' 878-5501 Men'n Hush Puppies Casuels reg. $3995 NOW 33IMM CXIO 9 ci-jotwecik 221 Main St. 878-6902 yNascofat freOmÈai e ...gaingtoleBseh? BAGS"t They mako a groat totc for beach or towv' NOW Aý Centre