10 Te Canadin Champion, Wed., Jane 17.1981 Luncheon ends contre 's season Dy Jne Mulle iTe lancheon gueula TIhe end of the inet cea ieard tier oten, and son fr TicsCentre, 1u1 PrOgram ,Participants' main t. was marbed by evaluation o The Centre. a pecial tak you lice ruit f a luncbeon nitere vol- quenioare icre anteero nere recogoined preaented by Carcliand for teir contribution le included mcny positive pareting and dropin Commente amid g progroos. gstions. Caret Holos, Pro- Te parenting progcamn gram faciltator teio whicichoete Mosday, instigated the tuncheon Wedccan ld rday van preeted itit o gift meroittgc titi nt rue tram the votuteeru nhite duing te cammer but tu titey eceived Peupe tnaietain contact wthl Hetping Peupe pin pregrn participants a Gus Goutouei and sommifer progam for Dianne Fuk were atm cttldreo iii end le the recognized for their e- new tatipogao tort ie rganiieg and Cicatine ptyan.d rec- iackitnethr centre (tram mtion * be Woftered te ieginnieg. mainly t. children of Crai Hotmm len- peuple who paricipae in trottsced er predececor Te Centre titcee mor- lien LeFrancois nito wull intgipr neeb et125 cent. tWke cve asprogram pr citld. Tids progison taciitator in leptemiter. wut ie overceen by Carot eerred lobher an a Meanie Vanderboor and creatice persan" nho Gai Hmiton botb of autitored a bookonit he Mitonbwo ave ieen topic of creattof a hitred as cbltdren'c pro- nomunscentre gramn coordnators. Milton Lions Cltib memrber Peter Seger is in Phoenix, Ariz. thin week as a delegate tf the cltib te the Lions' International Con- vention. Had s nice lette, this week witb a otbsription renewal from Aima Cragg of Kelleher, Saskt. Stili enjsy reading yotir paper ver y mtich, and look foward to it every week, " ohe writes. Welcscne to these new members of the ' Baha'i commtinitY in Milton: Ken, Lin and f Eric Backer. E. B., Janice andl Angela t Hyatt. Robin Phillips and Carol Wrtght.. W Publie Wccbc Direcleri Jtohn MaWss»wtlli go( back W tlnd ot if Ummre cntaime way oft pating a idewalb ce Woodward Ave between Ontaro a. and Riverpace Cru. A detegation tend by Mns. Janet Hrris, 260 Rdge Dr., nid site W concereed tct non sidewatb exisauand Il cold prove dangernua Wo sccioot chistdren, aime et wbom bave t. croie Woodward Ave. trea times. lMs. Harris sai cbe hod tW putl ber soe out of fte patbetfa car wblch pasced nitisin t0 te- era atcchet lit te lad teblie be err- rode ic bibe er . re c Matltewc teite Lti, 5, prepared a report on te Spiece. icone, cted te $30.98 Public shouldn't see police files "iaton PRogona Potine tc ulc lite films noyc offetine police bise exposed eit.. Cidef James arilln uiccl ay eed iW entrrement nonld iv lite ettect wcld ba gie5wtic a briet publice en, Harding jeopardizeil if films nere tbat te calipacen cfj eeadTIcrday by stresas. anailaitie for inspection inteormction tbat police1 Ontaro plire ciief, tint Ileapnding te ite by criminaln. Many receine niicb contribute liepbl imdd uni et b ovrenîsfrintention peope mite currentiy t. an cedenstaeding f1 alRtewed t revien plie t nioue feedon-ot- votunteer information 10tte oerait puzzle, woudid fie t. cieck licet. ac- information egicltien police muy heiteeinde ba ptying rlgbt lin thelis caracy. ter Iis year, Hardintg o if te ponibiliy of bonde etfte criminelt job et batancicgth ie igits te ieindividul asd lie igta othlie commadity t large," ayn Htarding. tBut by enrng lie rlgt. ofthlie indilviduel, te prvincial goemetmett montnot ossigitoteitergt f police in conduc con- fidentiat ced senitive investigationse t.ide et. thte glace ot public crutiny. Mucito e ice n- forma tien Ibal coms t. lice attetion efthlie polire ie in te form et criminel inlligecce ced cicalde't le releaicilta B FATHERS DAY- JUNE 2lst ARROW PUTS DAD IN THE PICTURE n an ultrablend shirt. The easytowear-easyto care for knit that offers the same high quatity standards as al An'ow shîiitso. Close Con venlent Parking on Mar-y Scient Expert Tiler on Premisen for Sanme Day Sarvice Lt ae Nqht Shopotnq Thurs & Fn nato9 p m ',Arrow-t ftRoCluett MEN'S WEAR LTD. -202 MAIN MURET, MIAON 87&4472 alioteil for sldemeilb constrction am repair bad l atbeaun mip n lte 19811liaiof p=crius. oecf lice main e- pnlir ci,M for a cd alalsgticseuct cide et Ontario li. troon Millan Malita tice coe E.C. Drury lllglcScicel. Hie nid cuber prinrlty worb sucb ai Pearl St. woldlu oecp ail lic hmc&l. Me adlhsi palais and repair work wocld asie baveiW be doancd licat wold drive openc- ding above tics0,00thm tics 1981 toten budget. tbougbt iiM,000aiunt a lot ef money, aod licat part of it sic"ili haspent ce Woodward Ave. t. avert a lcageily aod eUV* ,,a cild'c tifs." m-Chief element, baaiad. Harding l W m lowing lice p. bave acceen W police maintclsaid gscldsllnea. esceesnonereas ot allen criminals tics toaory of bcowlng ceiat police procedtcses.- cnsdilsr 9ail 7Claumana ad hawua 1 raseraedra4 thcs Sidewalk soluton sought on Woodward Plemty for everyone. A thank you luncheon honoring volunte The Centre waa held Tburaday afternoon. Each volunte4 ceived pina of recognition foUowing the mal. Alana Chri cuta the cake while ber 2-year-old aister Miranda waita for a1