Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jun 1981, p. 1

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Committee wiII make decision deer hunt night - Johnson If teeomiffea mehesttof0maie a dise coasmiffie, Mr. Johnson fld The ChampS leahum aiedafie n la rgional coucit aaiing if f0 inform lise lrs. Dehiie Kimer, one of the two, oid enfimafes hunt derlalon Jua e y st dnouaccnrding f in ce poled lt lirmohr u isbn u nainMn0ro aua oreftfihd"uon lise deer harda in Half0n ere houed u whal oha ttilfa% gi lPlanigand Publie Worha Cosimif- ftyps h teswaf 0malle a deefise nou Jue objection" f0anouihrdeer hontheiiigiteld. cnidered faolfy informon o. teas ra lJhin24. Louf year o hut woheld frein Nov. 3 f0510n Halfon ise reaasutitconcil referred te issue hock î ie commit tee la holding a specfl meeting on lise fr. Jonsaon aid cnmmifine meunhers lire aind oly f28 deer sere shof ity huiers. Thes ponsor- f0 5Mr Johnons commif tee for soulier discouson nida Mnor Audif0rlun. delegilionsisoulddhair the discsasio n he dmerhasu n haebecinerf0to odeer. p i n ia eiinbigmd Iltwaa decided f0 hold lise meeting in Milons ding hy camdclilors han te shol st ent truc, maiing a Supported sy lise Half0n Federation of Agriculture Mr, Johnon, for his part, hou tated several imes te eening soua namhr f delegafinsi cas ceme and defiions.and the Halon Agricultural Advisory Commdtf se, thte ha feela thaf if thereatoatd bhaa deer hast lise huiern souk ousmliioo ouwhyor wty ot ise egis Mr. Johnson said there are eigitf delegatioas ha hini0fry ouhed for asethar has tof0tries c hae sedeer oiould congregate ut wateriog bot% and sources of daer"hasse2if7p..ise lh o hyntth0 ien- ll'TryMnslaadI olh ti ieigiinr fNaaaoieor fepctsfa oit d prloriasfiale cihadgande.igdwnted ahold approve a liree-day conrofled der husf, pro- haow ofinodate. herda plaqung farmers titit crop damage.,odnc sapeocadnadhm oe iede ialy inNovemiter. Ose f lie delegaf ou, ha uald, apparety feelas oBt wsiteissuhae camne f0 regionl ot ceicita two- thre. Alflinugli ose mesohar of thse commiffee,' Burt- Mr. Jonsaon La0 itased oulise need fr a hast aisd soman delegation ouhed for and sas graofed ime f0 Nof only wouid lbia îocreooe te nooshar of deer lngtoa Mayor Itoly aird soun tise discuina f0taie ahadldset haballased tfchairltecommlttee. prepare a oohmission ou whyfte tufnl soutd nouI ha tahen, he aaid, bit o old laite suters off privale BILL JOHNSON place follwlng a regularly chredled meeting of lie The ommittee had previouly paaaed a renom- held properfy and away from homes. DEBBIE1KILMER An Inland Community Newspaper- Serving the Community for 120 Years VOLUME 120 - NUMBER 5 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE f7, f981 44 PAGES -25 CENTS Three-year battie ends wiII rezone group homne By Jin oblsonMe.and Mrs. Lovatt were obvouly relieved Mon- The er, reappI i~ad~n otosd ay. nit ster Milton counicillors, in a six to four later, Mr. sdMsZoga oat aefniy rcrded vote, decided to let the Lovatta have a cleared the fit major hurdie in expandigteir chng in their zoning to up the numher of troubled Nsssagsweys foster home into a group home. choden they co takre in from four f0 five. To pay for tie cost of heter, food, and traoued supervision, iffuites mooey and thie Lovait approach is f0 have one adlat worker wilh euch frouiled chltd. They want t0 ex- pand from four children la five in order f0 gel more fundng assitance, buf 10 have fivefliey muat gefaprovincial licence. To gel theflcence, the Lovaf fa had on gel a reuoniog from Milton Counci 10 rural reidenial "apeciol" but f100 hou beeo fought strenaouly for several yearo iy aome councillors. ite main itone of contention 10 flot f0 hld the Lovatto hock, but f0 aroid seftiog a precedent selach would briog in many more requests for reooningu in rural areas, something Mitonas rural repreoestativeo want toavoid. "If tas ida have 501 prolileisa, it'a no -. heffearda e sf-etiing reuoiing. utbfrti I nlvolte as taten the >Lovabo s ere tld lhey would have toasign an agreement seit ite lasn la live hy nine trict provisions. One of these 10 thaf te Lovatts, nhould lley failtongelfaoprovincial licenceeorallould a licence ha revoited, muat ha prepared f0 have their prprfydown-noedfrua reaidentitoalog it o eit'digna- Andftheibattie 10 not over yet. Even ftougi Milton Coonil hou given its resfricted lesing, te Lovaffoseuilpro- hably f10d ftheir application for reuootng op- poaed by te Ontario Muicipal Board. Atagenerai coosmiftee meeting fot Mon- R ace s ar rol ingday focr peope livingoear te Lovaitfhome Anevent-fiiled day at Kelso Conservation Ares recently had E.C. Drury oid he did ouf sant o foter home oenrisy os Ifg colstudenta cheermng. Students were divided into teams for it would lower property values. activities such as the rolling pin race. John Dezeeuw do«s the rolimu Two oter resideola, Jim Hourd oud W. D. whletam aes(fo lf> auen hnodKitlDuncan, fld councillors titey do nouf oijecl whil temmaes fro let) auren hynldSyd footeK f0hta group or fouterihome butfhey doppose Normore and assistant teacher and coach Mrs. Corisoni cheer him ion. opecial spot rezoomogsn ma rural ares. Canada Day avents Night stick t/me Miltont Jayceen hove pt te finoshog Hlfo Poiceare traiinite uemo fouches ou pans f0 celerte ibis ona- new crowd confrot oticks.Tliey ren'thil- f iono hbirfhdoy. Story Pg 3 ly cubha btfmocit more effecfive, Sory and pctures Pg. CO Ontario detour Woris li airendy egas f0 contrist o dalaur aroud tBe CPR overpass on On- taro 0ft. sou orit con iegin on o for-lano udrpasu. Story and pictire l'e. 6. Dedicated customer For somne 6f yers Ms. Percy Merry sent fu hec tocat hock. Nose thaf the Bonis of Nova Sotia hans opened a nese heanci, it sas oid y fifting Ms Mery ct ftheriisbon Slory and pifrePg. 7 A wards night .asStce and pictcreePg. 9 Centre season over ie Cenre hua cltsecidodwo for Bhe saisn and Belt closing wsamried liy a lunciteon innor of ailtfhnise ho have hlped. Sry and pictare Pg. 10. They get along 719la lu Big rollier Wee in t HalfnSiand we peni a profk i0 a Big and Lifle Bradhe fron Milos.,TIusy do a lot tegellir. afsY Pg. a7. Nestie boycott MilonnwseBescene ls eeeitfor a rally f0 set ouf Bhe horrers some peopte sewifa P pan tu mrktet holiy formula tute ntiird wocld. Soiry and picfure CIO. Edifa iShrpe'o Pintonoiit 0ffae Weeit: If you reeoly sant t10 ha a somneiody'. ha youeself. SECTION ONE Concit Beefs ... ........ 2 In the Courtso...........3 Ediloriala, Colomns .........4 Lttera tte Editor ...........5 Itegsonal ltoudap.. . . ........ No deficîl here - .. .. 7 M: SECTION TWO Claaified Adverfisng.... Bf f0,55 Real Estate, Home of te Weel( . B6ou oB SECTION TIREE Sporfs Ne"sand Vlews .....CltuaCs Red Crou Homenates .......C8 SECTION F0OUR PerspctiveD Recîpe...m.i....uD2 OmagtDrmqul .1Wi1ows D4 Eslertaina...........DODO Spea upplemenin Home Hard- ware, -Mart, uardan Drugs The Generai Major-Geseral Clrsi Votes, a Cana- dian egesd darlng ths second WonId War, sas honSoed 10 a very ipiciat cersmosy letutFday. These page pro- Meand plctures starting onPg. Di. Country Round-Up stars, Juno aseard winner Eddie cotto of Milton, left, and fuel har cashier Bernadette Eastman had help from local talent when ho starred Van Loon tif Cornwsll, hoth Fifth Wheel employees. in Fifth Wheel Truck Stops' "Country Round-Up 'BS" Thse stage nhow wao a 'thank-ytit" for thse trucket-s at the Milton truck stop laot week. Singing with thse and a crowd tif 4,400 enjoyed the show at four Fifth four-day travelling show seere waîtrens Sonyd Vas- Wheel locations. More show photos, Pg DB. Country Roundçý-Up Eastman, singers stars of show ireezed fiscoagisMiltoo tot weeh. lisadt- lining a wiirlsind weeh of coutry mulec shows pnored liy iffis Wheet Trocks Stops. Ris Tuesday aternoun and eveolof oppearance on an ouf doue stage in Fifti Wieetn Milto parking lot drew an appre- cative audience of abot 1250 people. ioctuding o mixture of iigissay ruchers and townapeople. Canadas inp coutry mate vocaist for 1981, Eastman dida't disappoint tisem. Baclsed isy liasliree-moo band, Ter-ia Nova Expreu, lie rlliched tiseongi a donen numehr.iranging freoi ispopidar holad 'Easy ina asudering closing, a favorite sill the teucitera catted "Eoutimsnd 40t". Alouappertng on stage were two inging stars froin iffli Whee's owo staff - wail- rasa Sonya Vascotin, of Milono, and fuel bar roulier Bernadette Van Loon of tise Corn- wal Fiftis Wieel. Bothsng two oismhars. hoched isy Eassmans band. Bernadette wsa loudty applauded for tise song about tise company he srote and recorded, "Your Home is t Fiffis Wieet ibuf Sonya drew lise bisiget reuponae frem tise ismetown audience. Thes how, cotted Coutry Round-, p 'ut. sas Fifit Wieet's way of ouyiag a summer thanh-you f ta isnucer ooe couinmers, lise prefesuional trucit drivers, explaioed Fifli Wieel vice presideni Jiso Poseers. We avea re Christms ,di er oth e shv owr oppreciation fori-thiciecoctitueli bsiness,"he asd."Thisa year ws wtcised in a heef harbtecue and added tise muical sslertainmaif."1 Tihe show, mail and a haif f das priese fr Flff hWiesl and Itfernational Har- veuf er marchiandise, sers ail free for thn pro drvers. inernational Harveter trucitdeailers in the aria co-pansred flie Contry Round- Up. It played in four FuIt Wliel locations in four days, slfli twn shows a day 10 Dorcheaifer Mouday, Milles Tauy, sosemanville Wdoaiday and Corwal Tiuraday. Te itotl crswdwsau4400 and the staff served 1,814 meuas. show feafisine swestern wear sehichis inoutd in company stores and wsanold ut npeciat ohow prices in a moilie coutry store darîog tise four-day show. Kim Mauro co- ordinated tise fouf0on ohow and store van, Dionne Coulson the barbecuehaef onaas; portalioo. International Harveter badl a havy of iig trucks on dsptay attise shos, and sold onoe duriog tise Tsday performancesoin Mdlton -aol$W,000 cai-over Eagte seas isouglit sy o Burtington driver Mohawk Inn plans $5 million expansion I a propesed $5 millon expansion and renovotion gons ahend aI MohaIn ton B fatt tise laeily seil only lghf fy renemile tise motet and restaurant loeated aI Higis- seai- Ot ccd Guetph Lnen. Accisieci Brion Briohone presented oite plans and skhesnoltise propoued prolecl tn losen couccittoroseiscis led tla oroqueut for o report from insen ptanoee Bob Zudanyi. Aecording te tise arciieltishe renovafion and expansion sedt serve to change Bhe use and image of tise Inn, moiing it a resueS and seminar centre as seelI as a restaurant. Hie caltnd tise proet a 1'complete renov- at "to tise eisting leeîlity Il:.Mî,awî,iTgr':e :îenvc oies plans arc luiilirdTirer cepsiente dccg fardfitien, ee i ase unfng eupocity of tit and uai130 eaf loonge are inctodedin the plan. A two ulrey addition la mote t fs sel peovide further meeing roomo oand ameas for banquets aed receptions. Provisions for squash and tfinis courts, semninar roomsanmd swussming Pool ua" aho made in tBe expanion Plana. A 'woedoy nalual rOOmt feselng" silI ha dsvelopsd af MohuawkItnn sith estensive landocaping, and Bhe addition f trou. ti olaiftBis asusna" to le Bsmon- ielify,' said Mayor Gond Kraals. ie noted the nsauser f employm ai u hringing loin f0 Miltcn and pinted ftefise lau dollars la ha generafed isy tise en- pension seiicis le saîd seUl ho 'auhutant- lse Mayor added 't dont thînk t tere la onylising in the pion thot sel toc Bhe pre- sent ion serviceu." To-,o Ptanner Boi s Zodunyi uaid ite intent is la ha self sufliient and cralte a haffer seseage andihsta systemnt nis fliere Tibe enfronce roudway 10 fise Mohsawki Inn, seiichis in errentty sared seîB a gas stafion, wdt on ongerhacued au a nete enfranceeoff Guelphs Uneseifi ha otabisihed clsrtoel ighwoy 401i Me Zsadavyî'c repoet is ecpeced to ha Overdrawn? Don't feel bad We aiU eem tla ehaliviug froule maig ends meet ihese doyî butfhoon ssusd Yai faietel h ave ans nerdreaiglilBie ftltms Rfegina. RubIso Treisarec, Gecey Lwiui dursg a dscussou onmontes helO lInflhe besh. iaied the reglona erretliy bai as svee- drisgl I $4of e Me. Latesua satd Ile hopes le correct Bhe o#aat as usas as possible. 1

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