We Se m Up Hot ... and Ouik Ove good sice of oui delcoos pizza always lads tu atier! For luch take advantage of our tssort'tRnt o tond- wiches ai La Bela-c and Sandwiches ÇA D SAVE $1OFF )ALL PIZA'SI PICK UP ONL Y GOOO TIL JUNE 30, lai FREE PARKING HOURS: Mon to hurs 11:00to 11:00 Fr! to Sel 1:00 Bn 100 464 STEELES AVE., MILTON DORSET PARK PLAZA BAYRISCHER-HOFI If you are planning a wedding or banquet, plan on reservlng with U.* Our expert caterlng staff wil, gladly look after ail your necils. frono menu se lections 10 entertalnment. Book your party earlyl Feturing Our 24 Hour Restaurant E.Braoh u ..nettuf tu.: Dir.- .*end 5 le 9np'. T5Y OUR MOWMILY SPECIS. AND BAVE OCi hoIm.,.o(ntoa4Hlearaai1ffll 4BChLahae OUle rNoTRY Dmi 7844 TreMatwinieofn ytefml t no i hi Fr houlseer og FLYLCNCEDLKINNELL 0 j 878», 41) 5-1806-851-27 AFL YL HOECOED ELS"f0 SAII-V LUNCREON SPECIALS FRESH HOME MADE PIES è' RISJP RATES FOR PRIVATE PARTIES Et BANQUETS "FULLPYLICENCEDO 1L7ý l *êaM"QIMUIia Juno winner Eastman in concert EdieEmtaaiJaoTued oe 9. iru.nd 311111 Wheel ea bnE p«aW» wirnah.barbecue. eonr aeiaa ainItnded aa a,"=n T ssat.llastni h 1.andUp aiseale- Chrialmaia trait la a fll =aaal e.=lagtaesuture' fr FMfhpliito have =dapiyof ldd a bief barbecue course lurbRy ditter, hw. eilsat euitoanr- lis new S198b1 rp"et pi=dilydriws for anar- uually *liged He aah= thd e profalionaltubc lb.hehow. eida rimai. Th. slmultanenoely ai each "Tori ovaHupua"dritir&-1i frai idtp. liiiEatman couverta, brbpu, rub laly F11111 Vheel location. in' .11 h.hadlbtelan te t h ginal pbi uduhlied 'Counteyouaad- aid ecountry atora aal iafrseafor irtcears. well. Jp",snlli eb pe wlB rut frai. 3 ta B9 pan. Lut yair's Dec. 19 give- Chimbalan Dr, Idilfon es atertr0uck duiini.abis f itatruck a= Iat Jian Ptwara, F11111dinoars, he aïi. waab. Th rvlii Wheail' vica-president, Flfth Whbaa ailla hava roaidshownaitai aapliinad thehow lau'"an bew dialrihathos lnvt- 1eVDoresater Motdiy, anuelaitrait for h. atiota, he h.pro drvern Bue ; matai b leiton irucear, toahoiw tur ta attend Cotry Round- Tuaidy, Jute ; totbe i. appeeaton frDei p it lld or."7 )P-EERIIVET-DNIGBwmnvila Wdsa' asa." or i e breu uIa. o j y, JT SO ad eai la ch yairFil 1h theh.truckaca wh. bold I n Canada dina aet Lou a Flac.fo h cary Co.iwll lousY, Jon ue lsgneaias anamr ichatsi lundaet thetrtck Wit wienjoy Ou axcallant amorgaabod whlch 1. barue for the. pro dri- alopa h general public Each day's format lu vers. Lait yeir il wan a 'tili puy1 $250 calt) for Iauludoa urler f dllcoau . ~ 55 ~ 7E th1e aima.Thie Eastantprh harbecue, ullholtg the mail," Mr. Ptwars mi iiud«a vieryof dMmbs, eti as suichM goonBt ag i Cth11e compinyn But purE- uid. THE MOHIAWK INN CAMPBELLVILLE, ONT-. GUELPHI LINZ AT 401 (416)854-2277 Tor. LIna (416) 453-1606 FOVA Tu e.tutu. SEAFOS ~aKN at 4 t12 Dinîng Lounge o.. ..A PLaZAMILTON 478BUTELEg AVE., 7'2a RESTAURANT BTAVEKN " Licen sed under CL.LB.O. " Business Luncheons Ttesday it ght b Seak tllghlf ueal . h.MliOaa Mail 878-3901J I~nFResturaantI RatmnfTavrn I..nýhý,and Di-m i l ta..Bi .1G . . 30TLS AVE., MILTON 378412E j retL Raltma t& averm a1h1ooFod tak and oaIl ood Bustiinets Luncheona BFully Lcenaidundar L.L.B.O. eTake-Out Sirv ico THURSDAY is LADIES NIGHT LADIES RATE % E.110.- ai luiot one bote. Appearig onlage iUl alto h. lwB lamai sngea re raruiled ram F11111 Whal'o owt staff- wraie ooyî Vascotta olMlta popniogar; and fuel ha r tanhar Bernadetta Va Loue of Cornwall unit, h.y = wonmai who comuee and alagn 11e anmpuny'e owt pupulir otg, "Yair Home in ail F1111 Wheel." Each stage show wil also feiurera a"ahoni show of weatrn wair, cortaiy of La« Jeans, A mobie coutrymtre wll Museum Curator explains HaBl euta 1.500Munt Cuiratar Enla Brillait ln et oih Tueeday). Mes. Brilai., wuoha b baie wiih 11e muaeta1 BluteR IMa, gave Playersi F SOMRDY MAY 30191 7 P.M. toi1 L. UNIONHALL 407 MIE 3f. SailPa (val nluh SpalaSuce) Tckets $8.50 par piasn AvaidahhArtlu.000 vwoeoe work 'bahlnth1e Benea" tiur and axplaload 1the wtrh- .loceted ln Relot Con- serallon Area.. ar tubk was the fourlh la1the crreot Bii, epunuored by tha FriendsofolHalto Mueauat"grotp. read play A rigoler meetingsand a play-raading wulS h baud toight (Wed' nesday> by The Milton PlayerustsiHaltan Cen- tnil Mante auditoritum. Th 8 pan. meeting viii h. flBowed by ltae raid' isg of Thoron Wldras "Our Towa". Plano for the comib a sio- waaly meeings, scial acliviliai and prtdte- senait Playars publiciol Jian Btavett»Ys -a pay radlng gitan averytteaa chancelu reaid a purt and haan il up, vithant 11e largo audieeafultipay wottd have. fi la alto i god way ta heomme ctanlorlable wllh readins a pay, aid taereltre, m autions. tyooe li- ta1atd in fludang ot about Th1e Mitn Playeru amatiurIhaitre group lu -J weloe oaPMêai t 'i M& Re OPIIONS 7FORENTERTAINMENT JO JO MAY 28,29,30 SEE*VEKTWMIS M 1 E ZWE JUNE 4,5,6 TrHE PROFESS IKE ZWENIG AND y