Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 May 1981, Perspective, D3

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Tite Canadien Champion, Wed.,May27, 1981 D3 Hooked at Rattlesnake, now instructor MIeo s oa se h days-a Rachy - i M. Bichas haa bmeon mch alelgit. bas dacidme ladu miteisrlsuees. Mr. iches aiS con- dcl rock cllmblng clnlcsamRckaali it Asescities. Aller a titeay eione t Prt Credit, Il's an to Rwmatlsssa pint la mltu frfour asdn. lhecre - tsa M. "A frIand ci mine tan me sut mesasd I1mas banksd," nild lEches. "I wuea atadant myseff ad t1ltLwsd il Island of trees ANNUAL SPRING CLEAN-UP THIS VEAR ON FRIDAY South of Main St. - Friday, May 29 The collection je for arge unwnnted iterns rhcit could rot normalty be taken on a garbage cotlection. -Att items muet be at carltide t 7:30 ar..10 ensure pick-up. Routes witt be travetted ONCE ont. -Please place smaler items in a suitabte container. -01.0 CARS - The Town dosent remnove oIe veiictes or parts. Pese contact a local auto arecleer for disposa. PLEASE NOTPE: Trhis Pick-up onivly oudste usuel urbn garbag. collectfon ares wfthn the Town of Milon. Vour co-operatios in msking tht. progrsm sa succesa itI be spprec- iated. Depseltsnt of Public Workn Town of Milon fly De- Sya ilitaday t traeaie la Vitrat, frsi ima anar, IbeaMdiladamtnanVu- caeter amidtalhada fathebuhe n terminal. Arivng about fine midnutes before dalrme m, Iitaugit a M tsrs tare sud tasdsred eut tla lang pallncm 15 Aller a a-lsd niit, me mre esdg acray treugi theinacty curaTai lailidingases bebld a, te bha n td- ing mula, mes paslng reugi tacet- ina realdenllal arean I bad neyer san Bote:e Papad a sar ln. me eu alai t hiesaan s hony frA eahe rfcms pn t~ ~ ~ ~~T tamsaulmsjla eutu it ltmte. ea an triale tugredimln. Umnalra nes Lst pminao h fte elatescy asernaietry lacinavuesada Dew. Tiae, aer pledg lalsg ca fetrucs m _________ para_ Wtanemapusie asd w haeups may b..= a if ad lis mspS andcspt bus I clled lac dad isced tarue, anitoda lpa dk ceuo, Ttey-juin ssin gi As ineGdaishoada arngto miv e odinelonce theebmare s mddiha theling. houa lest n uy mites As nlralnspoe re 5 wutaping- lite aliaspased.mn J inest fshgia namarhedforng e lita galary and ina parh e hal use Ilaat. mscg Restertedsaamo -uicisiWnItamilita cigre t Ou Cous e fis direstra 10 .m. s melafI Las man i st uti nsd,in tto p.m rm mcn-May cuutolspthesPeade sgi Terads ta al nI Fme candiongS ltisnead ledybaguca o ties 5 dates are sua itlng itsu ,taesaeeriym a. seui FumoAry ia. a theasstane, arontayinmakcmd. as, nomurists wit ee wudta -ii Septetuher . rffl 1584 CP mcO nus s beMSUtOU vPAraîtsiîo oe leetainrl b tronssooiiield.s n îeuvgvl thne elrad1îtN otssp a -sOsls ,M oa t rei w rriw lJs ed hf w tey ware nfl and rseslng tatearis te Aller amhitte, feeling tse chili, 1 mgitteut lia main loange. Thisa lege caemasu cmstaale ais, arresgedi an in a teatre. tehere tlisacreen wmudd have nncmally h, large mlndume mre 1 esteM flisel mile spanorama of liaela lande, drectly aitad. As te eip drae cisser, ami hegas la lhrsad in mway lrongl te ceannela, theatareel ghas, cattered wtilect tages, here sud lisera, remnldsd me ut Meshoha country. Evns nder te sSwtlisg cias, te ie ste te satit- taking. Upan arrivai at ite ferry terminal. air hantmwu the iret vhidcle la drive off. Tb. triplaeVictra teeuesneetul, exceptwai e taol tse clty, te bus nappeel rigitt hy thea Mai Lies lus, mitera I had a resernaline. Il cat me a $5 cabt rida la gel hock. Undaestad hy tiis "iay egnnlsg, 1 cischad lala thaluai, omyinla ld te Inde an my ceum daur refued tlao speratale it e hey. A triesdly repelr- man tees aammuned and aons had Il rigitt. My iret phoune cati, la arrange ap- pulalmaula te tllamlsg day. mue lu Met Coper, grs-ident and guseral managerof radInetation C-FAX lu Vic- lania. I=catiehiis extraoely laay man rigitt sut f thiesu. Deapita tiis, ha graclmmsly jsggled hies aritdule for te mucrom la fit me l. 1 made everal catie, Ibsu asdered lala lihectufr a pra-dissar bsec. On thlsiary tubs mre a mries nI shortlelarts-sitject:itorror. 1t nI h- Ieus Imu mesnaito, ram lime lu lime, moula comment upos te action ounte TV ecreas. I jalned l, ansans e had uer omnsehowe going. Il mes a frlendly spiempa grn-P. Thil a msflliomad iy dioner lante dlning cnum, ami eaaly la itad. 'Ite meeting mith Ma, lante morn- lng, mas more uscceeafsl thas Id haped la. Be mes macm, frlesdly and mot helpEul. Tas tri p ackito uVancouver mas hy sufnlieecp ocrte irial us- couster Emitlie "ladies aIftaestreet" an I athsd pat lise S. Magie Mata. More about taI anter lime. aUprm ,-ditaraI. l i.ivl s.ttP Ai s iaonus mosafi"Che ises 5CarrpuNelutO bar e e Cmplimetoa.oeiertonitu77st Fams amuumeid agadst -tases il p aii ul Mtme ai booluou mU>WW mAdLaTaDAuTiR *wDRTUnomL moUInaX C PAi antIS 1 mas cerltied lest tee iteus dslag il toc tour yescs nom, "Titaeres a sailaction la a senme mIesyon cescit a pint lante climit ami ynsc palme lteclly pesie rheart goan craty antyou reuthze lu ouer mnd taI you con "I itegin lu wondec what 'm doteg hrt. "I like lu itandle te preare ofIhelitulation and deal mitit il and te physical challenge." Mc. Hichas minsisala despite te Icar of talling, lt'e ailin te mind. "Ttees a rIit lfacr la il, hut il's a vecy sale sport," he ald. "The riit occam mies te individonla dont Isba ite aety procedurea. "Rock clîmbituf lasale, redit cihhers are it." Accdlng la M. Bichon, te dfférence itwleen monisi clueshloz asd rnck an of te encunater. te eatitr' nald Mr. "Rock cllmblag in an a Bichx. vertical lace, mach ite a "lite flînesa cîtîl, ahile meustain reqairement ta nf the cllmbing lu a mach minimum standard," he longer proces," aid M. eaid. iches, eBut yon have la have ' You ravel along a a certain lenet et iIus petit tr a wmie, titen youulu go along. reactsoanme mnderalely "Il yoa vert gasplog, dlficult parts and exIra youucouldn'l itandle il and dilticuit parla. You alan ynu mnatd he lurnad of. encounter auo." During te eehend Mr. Hideux adds people eptAition, lte teait monl interesled ie taking climiter anchore te cape te clinice are uuuatly lu a 1cm uon top and snde ovre 8and in their 20s or haIt ends lu lthe hottam 30s titi a senne of ad- 'te climiter ataches venure. iimsecîtaluone end etfte Each climehr ieuap' cope. ahile te utitecend ported hy rope. The je tastenedto Ia helayer lu cliosh neyer exceed 100- torta a plley etterI. tet. lie addn, "me Il hy chauce a climiter always go lu rerngnited losem hie or hecfotngo, climhiog aeus mt no te taIt e a maximume ot vegetattun or tonne rockt. a tnt. îts le aItlid nIaI." Il a stadent mants la Theren tno nted lu fel contenuse his or hec ettorts ont te climhing hoots, lu reacit te goatut picit axes and pitons. climhiug Mount Everest, "Att you need are untermediale and in- running ehots tocrliraI nîcuclurs courses are typentf rock, eeal pents, aiso avaitahle. 8pcfl Yeu may nanan gad uer ia sgeleso cmlaslgppays and salmon unlil pu lyI. Once yeu hae IS bs lune t irt bit. LigitI mea areat' cohe ara echlsg fr mies ares ealier bsglnsbsae teerm. Bu use lites caoklng anr a ho slave wabuesu ns la ehinisg otaida. an dou't hoinar. A can otsim s ame papaye. cleey ami Saiaway wfth à Salmon Papaye B choppainits areaUathel Poegrsdbsnlaesded la mass a a sifyng and nulniesa ligeH e ssai. Drisiletebhiermeet druming uner tlb finant prsduct and ejuy. 2 ripa papayes 2 cees 114h a. aacbl Paciie ahous OR t cas vat cep citspped caery %et~ c leppai pacu OR amueda ilana papayes leugla- ise amidneed. Ulag ina emati esd et a mes baller ramane pulp trues sfapapa laavng eli" irme asughinlahld tneir duepe. Drain salmus, resarvlng jslcestlaunue la draunlg (see elwl and chu. Getliy cmbine alla papaya, clery sud note. Spasmihn ai nitelia; rerig ta la chili ml. Serve alla Bonay-LAmonsDressing, crap ralS anad chnlce of beveraga. Snce 1844 Milton:Mlton Malt 878-4173 Toronto Uine 821-2181 Rocco Zenga, Manager ANNOUNCING A PROGRAM 70 HELP COMMUNITY GROUPS IN ONTARIO WHO HELP UNEMPLOYED YOUTH if your communiry grouap s inerested n providtng colulSlllIltl 10 yoing people who have low educational levels or mnfsufilmcut tratntnn ntthse hndarnental skifs netessar5 o find and holti a )oh, there's financtal help avalahie. As part of BllD (Board of Indusrial Leadership and Dcvelopment), thse Ontario Youth Secretariai frnc thetîanio Manpower Commission hâve created a program to entourage a îommunary response o the speoLd problemis of unernployed youth. The Ontano Youth Secretanat wft match tocal montes fitl support of a cournsefftng service -up t $60000 per star. Arc you mitre'.ted? Wkmild you hlilme i n tiatott' Mati the coupon bclow for a brochure that wilt hîtt]yexpin the prograns and quatfiliations. Ontio iru th Seretai ONTARIO Aragmvtsuof lhe YOUTH Onia rne rvvt SECR[TARIAT Vsk.eqtî. .Uîtr, for Sacal Deeisireent mteanrDavis, Prrnier Ontario Join Agricultural Hall of ociaton ot Canada ami ina Cnadien National Exhibition. Otr nowm meesers are: Ma. Aule d ad leu, tho danuted btr lit la a muettde fr he- prvd food hendllng sud hwe scuemica edeca- tien n sd wteiu a c- tesnder o e asWume's InstilttstfOnario; Davd AliesnsJunes, e Be"ls eesle ho teusded tlb Otario Bee- keaper' Ascaiun; Dentl Mauey, teho1 lmndad wmitIlana Massy-Frgeus C. Lld.; and ev. Wliam 1 IPadret Yuemg ofi Fange., Wbo ervad 20 pearsaseeChphauin Otaiou grcultturai Cl- loge and as active lin e1 Junior Fermera' me-1 membre and plaques descriig inir cntri- butionsmIS bs dieplayed lanlaseMati ot Fame Dat-j The Otario Agricul- tarai Bll ut Famewmlii aonshave e.1*1 sea membre. Theaati of Fusse Da- lery t tae Onaro Agri- cuturnal Messes. lai Milon, ii home lames etatanding agrinedinra- liseusnJane?7. "Eacitofet lmascandi- dates met iigit goals and in hieorhecatesmway lflaenanai inadirsction and struegt etOteario agriculduree" sald Dr. R.J. Mtbesald, Presi- dent of ina ati o Pama Aaflaons. 1ita nematahars, aSl utftebsesare nontede- ceaaed are: Dlman Sassat, a Frreelers Fais diry fermer, an activa orgasizan thlb OnaicoFrmers Union sud tatar tlb Onario p'aderatius ut Agrcul tare; James Sommnas. Guelph,. a plnsr read- tr ot per itrivestacle; Frai Bray, S. Cata- ries, oeo e ia oandern oIfltheCanadien Puttry Coundilianda e mat-houas pnetry readr; ami Jadk Fraser, Brampton, aiorer inaet f h Hlti-rei Aas- Special ed. cost mystery Tas cst oet nipmesl- ing the pranlatesPlan lac secial dacallus may ru la 11-milites frinhe irt tour yere la Halton. SpaW , -ederatios. on docBl in p. pste evry papli. Iin la macht lbe neadesud ablilîes ai eacit pepli. Scitoni boards pea- vlcuesly could tacs amay chitldras alla pitysîcat or learaisef handicapa. Early eanImales ot mitIitheneprngraMt mnstd cot Rlola tan- payera mre placed et $75-miSIon Hoovr. te hord hasnounutelesm atas. ainsuerintendant ut spatial eatiolle Mo Chapman said TaeredaY taI peciat educatios "mili fare xethe ialan designted f75-millos". Y r 'o

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