12D WOTMOCand Motmploo W.d., May2l,l190 Derek's gone to the dogs running kennel, classes y face Mutar gaSWth.1Msofai,.rt- rar,tdlg toa lang m, Dris Wood ham ges i aàhoardlssg kmamto 4ctased o.tdnooarus.L in4the dag, lit.rally. hm amd bNa t-yar-oli rni adividmi simiaer in lhe 2-yea"-olballon brother Dean. 66l as h. itatirrtss. with a .64-rn.knnmt the.gh 6.pomm Thsis km. bashmspcal nd mne prer.d 064, cs.te t two yaasg- peu otsr cla w56h clmh- Bdnutinta607 and est oa ight1.6chidrw lsng amp. nmm dcks ns-m bua a7-ru. keae t trmgh umlverty-but tsteai afi ns.. attachd n he rear of hta as il tarssed ou6 Derok tome of h. daga t p wl'hame ta rural BxolnWWdGrade 13, then Redwod Kemnelart, Ei p.4.,tls a pair ai 64kon h. keomel NItai ime residwnta wto are Glant chausoecamd i tm. astltregatarb y ther aalto oma ahoedincer e jHia hIeven mre familes. Drek explalin tranig clas. full610e h., mst, as that whe a famiys By theend of th1h iiecharges .eed con- living cndtonsachange smmmer Decet, wlth.esta1tattntion. Evm mad hey n taonger cmn elof ais118fater Dug ahi. 1inh. ouhem bskoop h dg at her an ie N. raher. w688 an sur an the dao ami home the kmsset hecomw bave faciltie foc bard- 0cati la the kem t hel hoe.. lsg 45 mnimala. hccuglo an tterca.. "I trat hem tliko "I6'a a lot offu, ytm. humant. A 646of the dmgs hecaua. t love ta hid. 'flsey arn atwayo bre have hem part ai.a 71.. doge lk iit asdr supecvsiom," tamily and are treated extra h.1<1 wietb a lot o4f lerets«amurez.hat Way." lightstg ta make hem TMie pesa are madm of Derek hadnever ,wsed feel cBmfortabe,' Derek remmnt btack wl6h .,fr -! M .irbd dmg umti h. expai. .me.li doue. a61th. frontt 64441.6 Andrew ai 7 Derek's father ug- Bd8a8lding dou tIte 8.B,h atdHoet"okhN Health Counicil suggests centre cou.cil member ,tarted meetings wt individel inbfomaton sevicesadir- ectr, inte region. "Couni', tterest stemmed trom, a decislon .,hilicoactudesi that for the pces0B6tiatitan d not ,eed a focmatty and rentratty ..tabttahed placement .o-acdnatlan centre ta ass100 ar resldents with tinorm- atin and placemmnt ta leiillicrc.insttutionsa an agmncls," h. .aid. Since that tune. 0the healt6h counci a con- ct4ded informtO58ion bout4 service eng ofered in "very imited" and the resut a tee.. the pre- parati8n of seen reao., mendations. 00,otoo the 6e1aI66 0080188 844<8.61804 0- ordinatr of infrmaio centres meet oBa regular buis, but il 10.1evs the The Hialto. Dstrct 14aI66 Council lia suggested btter met- 64dm h.e fosnd 64gel l- form.ation 0on avalabte tsath and socil sec- vices, ot t5those ho need i. HatUtCui..il Ex.- .otive Drectar, W.A. Lmsnard, snid the dma bo<mn 64,1 fall wbon 6w. Gra vel taiks con7tinue Halta. will continu 10 oogotite w16Il..the Hltoro Aigregate Prodcers Grup ovec prime gravel aresinothe alla,. Offi cial PIan the reglon ians ta potect fromn quacry extracton The asggregate group bas objeted to a namber of conditions oft he offi- cial plan amdinI.camsider ai nocto be i lavor with some ,ubfequent mtar changez in il prwmeted hy h. planning staff. igte oncept of 6.1.144 graveI and raad buiding materlta fro.. t64 164164, armaas il a cimse to tb. Metropltan Toronto are where mont of the wock 10 bolsog done. Miltan taconsidered one of the prime location for pit and quarry e- tracto. RegioaI CouBc8 las suppertesi a recom- mendatlm 1640 6the plan-, ni0g staff continue dix- rui. with the aggre- gte group of atta.and reprt 64,1. onBpre- lrred modficationsata the regiooal plan" ta the Planning and Public Wocta Commttee Champion sold at Chamber Copie. ofTh71e Canadian Campion are now avail- ablie each Wedneday a the Mitan Chamnbor ot Commerce information office, tJnity Park, au u'el as t over 40 news- deaer outebsi n Milton and vinity. 1.04166 couxoi atsald "Off er 8By assitanace pessible ta infocmatan centresai makls.g ter secvie knowoo targa.' out the reglan." The. 64.166 cousi ta Wed to aeBup a data XT'dmk tavait- ahblehil rylag la keep inforcmaton gtwoied up te date and socurate. 714The eth ,.unc4 ha. aso ,uggmted h. 0,641- i44 centre "coasiodr exted.g their hote o opertia. ta tacluda .0.01,8 and weekessd sevices." AI., designed tu betp 1101. move 1in6the recom- mendtia, htifal single1 regonl lelephane 0848- ber a developesi sorne- 018e i the future, the pBssiilIty of addng reglosal dstress centre servcesloiCt 11"lei vest- igata. " tlatk cescy-halrmd dmg ta ubklcta qut. a cha Mien an d admit Na "i.Ç. ormY«aPtB li. wus h. wcMt oftaie kt dm sr.y- otiou< bumch. 1. 66 la ay 6t.tbupOMap hrSg6a &lot of work whtltedembuti lsband t. with Aadmmw, D"-mbgat 8.0 64dm lB,' D"co ma.naged ta mmrehlm aumaWd ahediexce cortuiat te. lie aoa maceh dg la N.., ho t.act.sota.m sdffermt amd hmuit.4w, haie to andta Utir dcaj tavel of tarng ablty. L1km humasadp weMa ica. cmen h.oie...trandng h.<.r. succmalat peala.wbt hslme nmuet stck 16.Mt, Id Ont tit. odd he htmcod wt 6th. dag ietll in amd cm- wq gan eh &g la dIcd#oa w lae h.be umas- ddioru.lodord&p at ,«Yeu cmuttranaa da< gmaNa RetseIs tbaBint hol Wmihha.. ih.ltecacod,hohmatea 60 -b- ntae lh. mnd = b=hatsW buein sodopIfIla Doréword w.'t hp a dagtaote s. ownorhavem asgnaoi.. eodt.sst, teoi e ll, -mar uully bardr t.mm cjrne UmDtrok .muet0spnd mmy heurs to r rto tsa aay tjtamattaor<iehe 8h the dog Sg sgvie hsiha. L: Ca ta oi pt ohe lo In machMstof.4obmde cpnr hady bmSo ItoU andhwuUtheop1ofh rt oie. el ~but 11M ota grom a dag in a way sohlch smita the. prtcuar dL bad hNa fir68 aspiri- rcomtay w ibm lomata ennOast 8ct.n.. H dalvrodaà litatels... pps t<EtDerok, bmdade. FirmB famtay.Dero Wood aperatea a boarding kotinel in rural Milton, offere obedlence traning dai..for novices and rocantly became lnvalved la breedlng Giant Schnauzers. Haily (left) produced a littar of aeven pupm, lier firat, sirad by Andrew right), a Canadien Champion. Darek holda ane of tae rmainlng pups which is naw 10 weeks aid. WVage hike 164164. basappcaved a wage blke in h tée il peys its prvas home- Effective Match 31, private hamemaker. get $340 per bouc which te160 cents more than the ,ew minimum wage. F TRINITY MILTON GOSPEL BAPTIST CHURCH HALL 4272 Appib oaO 360OtaioSt. N. R4v. WE Pyne BM222 Suoday, May 31/8i CistanGthe sOonaO 945 a..BbleSoh88l for Ia The Namof .0The a1184g. Lod Jaq. Christ 01000 sa S.aon ,80,0 Sunday, May 31/81 th.S 4of 000tSamue 10800 M -Boakoag Boss 7:00p.- ApExpon0,aaof 1145.0,m. -Sada Saha8l the, tel Eist tc, e700Dp.aa i38.lSeoooa Thmsanans oWednesday Ail wlme 8:0 B0 p..-Puogo 8and Bibi, Tuesday Reading 700 pao 70,0,00 .. Alare Welaom,e Girls Cub Toisse Srvices Wednesdlay Thoras hno.Ohae, wIt 8000 pao 0-orye, Meetngunooou 08,8008at 1 eliv 0o0th Bi8ble Study nno.foaaekaSon06of0.Os;cas BOSTON and OMAGH et.,ai file.O1J.ha 513 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES THE R.v Lao A.W.laO PRESBYTERIAN 878388 CHURCH IN CANADA Sunday, May 31/81 KNOX, MILTON BSO 170 Main SiE, :878-464 BOTN Rea Tnre J Lewis. 3,4 L,0. 81attn ills Minima, 9:308 ao Chaoao Schaai Og'.o 1Chi001080080 ad Divine Wa,80,p Mo B,,aStoii OMAGH Sunday. May 31/8, RdOaou84West 845 a- - Sffi, Ch.osO 1100 -0 oao Laoa Sch.l 906.81 and aivie Woship 10000 a.ao Aill Bibie CHURCH OF CHRIST 'Xa MaagW. 1412 O,0arua RdW.., slip Moooî, B,,iaC.o Adl Speaaod Nrsery 878566Ail 004,0,, Sunday, May 31/81 1000 a8m. BibI, Satota C.. fo l ags EMMANUEL 1000.,. iMaaîaaw-, BAPTIST CHURCH ahip and theLord40 Sapper 245Cmmercia8l Si. 7 30 p- 'Ooahog of 0,aso: r.J.RArmstong 008 op8 878-3908 Thursctao 00800,80, 0 P,0,0 730p.m. OibStudy Do Ka.oC8ampbell Th Ch.,.hhaf Cio, a.ae 878-688 yoaa Roans 816 - PHNY Sunday. May 31/81 LUTHERAN 10084 .-Sol 0ay ~aScool CHURCH and Adult Bble Clause, Robert Blwin 00.000. -As800bI Et Public School WOOO6pSermoo 80 0in,5, 1040001840, CmpellIThe Ht88Cry010a R-8.a TOoPosch0,a. %Bo," Christin" 8782562 7Mi8p.m -Eveninaa4008l88 S inday, May 31/81 .an Bbe Sudy.SeronaBy 0.0, Aonootoooa-Hu., n0e HoouoSndayo0 '0Op- M ,g fo 800a-, CKOC, 006. P0oir, and Bibe S0010 1230p.- CHIN,1540 Ni.o.sypmvaoiet 811 iSun- 'Coe and Goo.With uni" May0. MILTON BAPTIST CHURCH &Pator: Kelvin FP Mutter 878-035 Sunday, May 3/81 10008.m.- SuodayWofo.1p Loation: Auidtoriumof .4Te 4H~..C8004O0,0i Ms., Wodnmday Evnng 730 p.o..- Bible 468v 1 ty.dap aUt t.day bebtre end h. ntIre n.ltAtr t teunt 64 - oNdmh h h. tq." T!...e two io-week- otd faeatatuaf or sat. et836$Maech. Ifbots parentswrmCanadin 6hcpin h. epe oead e orBa. trom $M4 tu $1,M60but as Andre ta a Champon amd Boaly la no, the Ottprtag are vatued et6 atlhty tam. Redwood Kenmela oc8tt8t8. mont of Dorm'. Urne au h. l ualBay on Ut. v 31teesdaye a wm amZmprequir. extra care la fmedlg, othor. oued 64 he ru, out- aide. 66 temi lacrmdl t1. Derea. deata wth rmany typea of do endamm ta accept her trmgs- taritiea. For exemple, amudogantthe kenânets m rtce, a haïf cm tofvmgm- tables and a half canaif mmt. Doua req.lring medcatl., muet saem h. attendmd in. .6,0. o.dy bmsa ittus once and thtat as hy a whippet ,"arekadmila. Tey areaamatabot .pe.dy br.md oft dog whlch cao alie through a four tact s ataI. acae. 1toe whtltpm'm ower was carefultetacheck 61mB 6h. pes ai.6 tdwad uoco whippet tlgat, and hy were. Mayh. D would bave hem happir bai tbmy neBte., msit- ahble.fThe dgbtNaiearm everaltirait and h. hareth. marka ta prave Derea. la cmalsg novice oheiimce train- tag clasaases e .lgtt a week foc 60 teeki at a = f 8M5. Hei rima ta ts.ep ttdnt smbers daien ta al.ow for tadl.l- duel attention, whtah la go n44188.57 whma meet- tag dag and master fot thse fitodîtne. KENT CARPIT te UPHOLSTERY STEAM CLEANINO Living Roomn, Dining Room aend Adjoining Hall $45.00 ý /SOS OK\878-1870 FREE ESTIMA TES Memberof f10.Mg/on Chambordo ComrceS ANGLICAN CHURCH 0F CANADA GRACE CHURCH 317 Man Sg.,Milon Sunday, May 3/81 Sunday Aller Ascen- sion Day 800 a- -oly Comu 1130 a- Holo Coo 930,oa- SenioooChurch OO3ooo .oaLoo Thursday 10000 - H.ly Caoopo ST. JOHN'S 930 - H.ly Caoaoo ST. GEORGES La.,.)), (Guelph Loean8da 1l1OoooMo,,ogPoooo' HGHWAY GOSPEL CH4URCH utnan ada3/a 945, R- M Chiiit.le Su000, Ma 31g/81 1100 rn . Al_ Chlden'Loah- 6:0po.FmpioPrayr 7:00pao OoooogW,hp- On Wednesday 9000 a , ILor ,.PYý,o Friday 730 p- Foaobo Ngh Coa..d,. fgOouYng P0pl. 7 14 8,0, ST PAULS OTHE JNITFD COoO,8o Folo Suod8o Suoday, May 31/81 1100 r.m.. Se,aoa. "ap 1100 a m. -Church School Nursey Failit8a5 jUiloo Cluodoan (qceptûme Cl4 '0 VER 30 EA RS EXPERIENCE" BiONDS, GEORGE E.C. JACKSON DAVIDOSONPAMTEAS UMfTD ON2E77M000 Ro. 7-25 __________mm_____________1 mâfflml efflmoew 1