i h anon e.. MV 27.1981 For sais, horne on h.wacier. More thon a feso casuai paaoersby hava take t Steve Aitents largest project, a floating home. The MltOn co similar hotseboats sit) be thte key to lakefront living t a fractio aumnbor of prospective clients. Bguilder seeàs houseb asz%» a ho usin g Oy Trry Ruggles Owaoag c houishot "10 Ttty'oe hcoras pop- an (Osa ha i elItproholy allec uoag te wsnterncatch oan vy quicly," sahurd. und chnces lie soy. "t'n urprtisag rs thsp mcy awon dot tl haa't hse doae aur (rst Lahs hactaurs sooaer in iis rs.." For those aiahing 10 'l'h. ot of o labsrot get away ram tse hutîs cttaeantesotao o ai rliving and ot an rnas anhigh s tht mat ho ah.cnnot $100.000 soya Mr. Auîbs, afford h higli cost ai a nom quie out of tsoch lobsîront pvopoty-h- lot mot coupes. ousohoats muy lucane Mr Aitet plason tse ansuor. selllg Ihie houshbot for At arnal. Hrhouc,03,09 hs shne Stene Aiike, e l-yecr- $2pr0 ie s tapno adIh old. Miltt gonerol cou- atracîjtie anaoPavi- tructor,.i inthUtsfinal rasai dwslls s sktag a stagess aicorapleing lot ahcide nararer pace. finit hoaaot. is vnture ehich lh. hopst Theliing areoftse raay i o Ituaant a o Ioueot la 450 sqfi. lucratine etsvprite'0 diidsd lto a a hrour, lintil lhe fiadsa berpsdifing r00. and o M. Aitea inteoda on edrouralot. ura tse houstau oas The ciirg la mode of he «wekend umrsrpinoe wlObdul kylighta reiret oad a hait circîs oladua Dog-gone, hefs caught! Mapehust onat Marice Kurys prohahly doen't fee a dog ilalwaysmaen'shet friend. Thai le htcaut police dog "Mas" eas re- spoosie for siffitg oui KrYs. when t.1- year od mode hs escope rom Mplehonst grouods Thunsday moning. Krys, e-ho oas seriot at it-montsentence for robry, taiied fror a o orh test ai approxirnaiiy 10s.30,roooîog accoos Highe-uY 40110 1th fields hyotd Haiot Regooat Police anded togeiher e-ît Mlo OPP, Mapehurs gards and anOPP air- croit 10 recaptuce te youih. Buiule-as't uetilthe arrivai of "Mas"-a police dog wih Pmec Reionai Poictihoi Kurys was uhcocereul hdog in oarby brsh The dog appareeily picheul up the sceol iramedîateiy and e-îtis a short ime dog haodier Contahle Wayne Penner eadte arresi. Krys as een charged e-lUt ccapîng lawfui 1cusiody andis dueto appear incourt is eeh alterna ooukg out fvam te loft e-hich afford o paaoreaic ie-oftse Fvom teinids il e-d look much lie o con- temporary, opn cancept epartrasnt, soya Mr. Aithea,nutlcoa ef10150 with ain tseasitira found ia en aerage homes. "Yoa con haesa e-ahr and dryr pt ta. ced eenaodihwaibor if hou waat. "Ths oalp diffeencs 00ttiahouae la nhit il foa," ho coud. The tracture oftse hudlding hasihem cura- plssely isouatnd go niai Mr. Aitena stirnates w0ater fue otislaa only $30 uing lctrtc heaiing. To facilitate sxtra hat and for ce cdded tuurh of cîcas, o woud- stone w0ll ait ta Utc corner of tsefront lingaroc. The haoueoat 10 000 made lotgtpripg about rinsandea but001con ho ecedpiy rcapovisd asuers, Alte"by s boat tesizala cRoud- ahout. " fi con ho placcd on laad or mored in e acher. *'A hososla nouirecfly ihat heeny." "This te hoiieaci only aeighsabotut 10 tons," lhesasod. To pronent the ou,- boet frora frmtzing1intse lekte duriag the e-later Atken proposs 1epump hi uhhlmes rouud the sructureor ov heal Ut. hall vit le cic colsa. Mr. Aitkena Ioatag snhuat for raoap yera dsignsd tha ll. the building itteif eat deigaed hyOSue Pink. Leitfellliehosold ias 37- LougXR1nonln Z epys 'ClubN ) *.P.0tV n .0 01 20' Van cth 655 MaW St. E(it Wkoci Fer a DayI a Wecki a MontI a YerI Drop1 n and Check Our Economy Ratesa SPECIAL WEEKEND RA TES. 19B!ýi Councillors pass town budget lTas t98t Mllcton Mced 13.47 pur centai MO au paaaed tat week, for te rnareao. and ltmajor hikeata Intereoeaf dollars 10 lteBoardof Edantationnmecea the "aveffe" ced Healina Rgioc boeecalccdait$5,00 budigeta, l carric e -Utn wllaà 74.809 i i 1.31 pcv cent btai- te rna aroc ced *4.25 crecas for raraI Milice la low. Pilot proect for drop out students on. Barlington hgh charge te, scch higtt achool todetmit af 39 acheta in e Uspeojsct" dtaplays dttrhing wold lu lsicd. behuvior. flito e-hy Hallono'lb, committees a iao Sourd of Edacattan wect propootag te tcreae tse crea-Burltagto--ray conselltag of adcnta get a 1aject ta faOl by hiring 12 chId cars that'. gecrod ta tacrocs e orkes, e-lt lntse Ihoco atadenta' self papil-teacer ratio. T'hcy confidence ced job fta- wradd iao coanseltse ding ailitlen, aaong famills. other goal.. Motofate tadsnta wta wald gel thia apcil attentionae bsoys e paued for adouble aaderl16yearso f cgee-ho i ,ontractor hopes that a r nt doing watt ion of the cuit for a acaderialty. Sons f li thora faceopolice charges. There are lightly fewer girlsîn inthesoasegrmip. The raclasolutio 0Ï Oa t propotsed lnhe hoard'. earycdolesn.t cora- ~tiv e report inta to provido Ptiv e aml~~cternatoe edactationrt thnses tadeata. fon0 trawler the Islef tncreaacd coans- Skye hirhacppsarsd itac 1h09 of nach nidets la fins-page pread ile Uth ther play. Fshvuacy isseou f Saltagian "has the Canadian Yachting. gimaient idetified lI'os beea thlaklag nssd," accerdtag ta Uts aout huldng cahboe- report. Hscdquirtes for huit for h luit threstse project old lu yeora. Wxlln ths support Nelson Hlgh Schoo.t ram frisada and t. lnacddtion 10 hlpint *.j o people at Metro Marines uch tudenta irapronsve' idt Brente Harhoac)i t'a ter asen of cortt; tse oÙ hoso ansenealitolofa cpraject ouiood exaeraa dreca came tra," he woya f iraproing heir say. fitama, socal aklfload Construnctiona an the geasrally gsI Uera out hoaehoct hsgce ahout dotagt taga .I hrss aesskacg, aad The corarittees n & ~ U dlinsry ofacocmplete proposai coutO lirit houaehoat con he rmade ta saralrarat a 18 ta sach four weess a M, courses Ta fud tse Finance ced Treacora Dto Laagecd oidomm of te major rossoans for a a incre atse ta- cluineof te 1km fror h board af odocatino ced tse ragion e-htah st record-hreaklag tbudges ocrlicr ta April. Milton u Cril ao muset tesparItaina aambec of e-rkn prugrcttt h10 yor aid tat beau cIaced tse 1961îleny ta ineas.. 'bl'i rs department la ta hald, equip ced race c oes ouationl errvy Rd. The fire dsprtrasat w111 cdd a ful-time diapatcbsrnice ced tre will he aafler- boora aumhsr. "1h10 e-tO b. c giat tep forwrd for tse Thae Parka and Recreatioa Deptartnaant nu a ew waabrooea laPU Drrqain Park daaicg tact. At the oas Urnme te tawnw lOIpurckau a "majarnoew park property ...ana tas corner of TharpotaRd. and Mata St. adced ouler plans for recreatioal needs welt ke camplete la order for lng rane develaped. " Mr. Lagbeed aoted na eqalpract fortce deprtmet eUt mt $27009. Coaacil ao uwifll t.Ip fand h apdcting of campter serviccta inte Ftaance Departateet ced aill make te lat e a A cpsata pascooinpogeaionsofan cd Amt Uricca oclanaeceda s.edcaroyed kp JUSiE Oh. 1M end soot f e n aicmthicgout te @»n ce pscsacnt "ah. nlpcofai bai moeddiasancatof abk ois pacaaTlhnaToma f aS con HM$aine Monnaa - ae fPpotn cmddectoon Oncaa ramda Theo coc wm lu aincgcd cocinntad prsertosan encd oolaaaed Indunanaaneof MaaiepclTaxes. Coananaed Thinldca. CloaNn, Pahs nn, ftcemcad, WOd Cwrancd M131, O .a me On. u ncada mmidcoe oanau. ed muaetina devaned minccec fonnd. ComalcnahM egdiaa OadeBiaaend Ooidannod aMn ein ampted esi nin e ccan ocaidcod noin aiudas Ou tonnonf t h Wccd rCueai Act.. AnoncannaacoamploM Iotneath.auaacd. KEITOH OEUE Wcadlocesoeto. Tom aof teAocHft 77.4a c17l2 s"- You may have missed EARLSRX-I ~ ~seeing Our Elephant Repaira toaai makea of eiectric razots DONT miss Our Complte Ovethaul - $896(patta extra) J-Car - RepaIr# to ANssuEIApPJMia- 134 D@k« a '82n Gor~ VALU FOITOURCHEVY CAVAUER 00 TOU WANT THE DEST'Z >Y THE COMPLETE CAR NOM OMFOIT DOLUR? HOMEMISISSAJGÂCorne in and Test Drive one today 822-0933 RICHARDSON CHEV-OLDS AAIR CONDITIONING* 691 Hwy. 25 S. *Milo, n 78.2393 me imeiialiý M1e Exfflple. 170 lb. biopI 1 29 Iai L The Complete Waterbed Boutique * uawp"c $219.30(tan - l Our huge showroom is ililec with a variety aifEF ORDEA NOTICE. 8 l Ç~ff .c.S.dch mTiW 200 Wcgi V-- gti e0n0 id-.PRIMAL BEEF ORDERS bedroom suites ln as many price ranges with ail a MoficoOhNaOuehtI DI AAD OA< t =5L the necessary accessories - See you on May 3th. 31-. 0 2-Mthm, wo * R.seirý ao *pu79 » 70 :a. Prpitr 292 SpffdvaIe Ave. W. phone I k .500NOOÇ Pvopretori GEJELPI O OTAIO mc Oa R Rick & Sandy inei 2-87 Brdgmanl cac. ,. . oc(4 AT DLAOK AIGUS FREZER 111F LIMITER! Socck'up oo - Beef hoicsrted tob.ogo,eiuPysuuCDcch in040V o-ow'ii ho tiad t10 hlp ou c uk th orde oiee ouu budget Plu iie wiili u. finoeaaa tundnmark our ordeo youi speciiiVoVOet vo eotracharge leuT, FMUIIWUfPPto &INM UTO TU iEîîCTSIS lm. te Mhm u V e:3 bu (O m Il flEE AF OR ONLY .