Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 May 1981, p. 6

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6 Ti. Canadian Champion, Wsd, May 27, 1981 Public session on Steeles reconstruction A pubic information coolre iii ho st Up by Italton Comoîil t0 nform Milton residenis about planolo rconstruci Otaries Ave. The portion to hoe reconstructed ions ron 300 metres ist of Harrop Dr.to 240metrs east ot Thompson Rd. Tite regional couneil as giron lis PIsnring Drtvrttenl approval 10 start preparing lhs pl.îto for flic job Regionai Planing and Public Worbo Cons- iitier has caiied for the public information cen- tre io'tir held in the area 10 aiiom inerested ct îorîîte opliorlniyto reviem and commOent o the proposais. Foiiowîng the session for the public, any changes resullîng iii ho adverised hfoe going aitead. No dale for the public information session as yer hoon announced. Ask United Way support hostel tiegional rouniliors ave giveunanimoon sup- port 1u00 movehby Chairman Jack Raftis lo have the Unied Woys o hurlinglon and Hamlton- Weniivorlh comte 10o e aid of Hation Womeo's Me. Rfis sen a leller 10 hon- grooro poniîg. otiHWP servesithearoas coveredby the United Ways and il vas liime the organseations decîded 10 heip pay for ihor -piceof the pie." Itoio iomens Place had hopd iv ho inriodeol iis year on tanding fronn mnney raised ttrougti therUUnited Way campaigns. The home forhbaiirred and ahised women needn aimool ttitifO otueep ilsserevire gong in the rrf ion Sub-commrittee on audit formned A spertai su-commiioe 10 oseloc ne regoiai audiingtîirm as been setop and apProv edby regiooai courtiiii Thrrommiiee wiiienieriain tenders rom "na- tiona . 'audiîng frmss 10do thebtooks for the region, tir aition Rogion Conservation Aotioriy, and the Haiiov Chidrens Aid Society for 181 io Terommtee wili consitoftBurlington Coun rîiors f000 Aiingbam and Dore LaComho and toi His Conrlior Russ Mler. il othree sion regionaircouriiandithe HRCA white Mr. LaComho is aiso a memhor oi the ation CAS. Th Tftcrommiiee wiiiaiso convis oftrogionai snait memers îîciudîng Chiot Adsnnisraior DnnisPriiand Tresurer GerryLamson, Trafagar Rd. funding is sought Regtnl Coni bas edorsd aPlanning and Pubie îWforbo Deparlmenl rerommondotion to seeb speriai tondîng 10 reronsrori Traagar Rd. whih is rooidered tohbe emorstin Hailon Tbe rrnoton viii asb Oniario Transportation 1and Communications Milister JimSnowitoooo the rreqush erause throd bas* sufferedexten- frsi pr of 190 i hhcan ho ai easl prtîiiy ai triboled io te hravy volome o large grorri trorcks haoliîg maleriais 10 Highoap O43iQoroti Eizabehlbonrartin iiOubilie for the Minisry of Transportation and Communications. Itoilon oanio io bave Traalgar Rd resurtaced trom Dondon H ghy 0 up1tuSewaritomo The rvad surface is extremoiy bad and bas bren ai- riboird iv oter taritors surit*as por grade sairriats sed and the tari the rad sorfe as laid down drngweirconditions. St. John sale is success The Milon area Si. John Amiilarce ®rgaizatioreorded a surcessiol tihrd annuai garage soie Saiurday. Tevonleer grosp ipoedte doors oa Mi- ton Fargrounds biidng oi 7 am.oithe gonerai publierood ihîn a rouple ohoursssoverai itsdoed items wr nappe0 op L 055005 tor Adu Its & Chiden Summier Camp JULY à AUGUST TO REGISTER 827-4678 3445 DUndas St W (Hwy. 5) JultniltHo5 20 W.nn Movsng lu. Workers siarting movîng in shelvîng and dinploy cases store on Main St. lat Thurnday aven though tic openîng la stîlla moi Charlton stepping down as Manor Administrator doien May 31 an Admils- lstatlr nf mlon Cent- ennui Manor, It wan ssnaanced Monday by Halton Chiot Adinin- larator Oennto Pachan. Me. ,Perlis snid '«reglonal coancil han rdareqest by h'harlton.. .la retire Siwa yrsofn labo over Oie former Stdiani Oepartment Store ai 194 Main St., effective innmedlately. sfor thc new BiWSy But accordlng la Slway îth away. compteoler Monte Car- ton, a la anlkely the atn-e puli cemli ie ndo Pettit House rebuiding up to special committee Th ihgget dora inn vces lareviem 142 "de- vhere vlthout co me hach la, Oe re dng HlomoCen- t cieccon ol the Manni idering il In Oie oeail and Sca tomnai Monor tu ho larned op durîng a 1970 plan for rioatn Oe Cnmmittee vith a tocklod ibis poar ml ho inspection ni the taciitY tructuro. hy faiO whether 10 moite massive hy the Mnttry Oserlinglon Coancilor renonations and expan- The question of a la Verni ConneSl, o meuihar ??? sion0tu Poilu Rnuno or 10 mOn raisod during discus- of the comostteen sid Somethîi plan and huld nom ion of an $W,000 ad-uch a rnnm nhouid bhon-e seniors' rsidencos in juvant-rrfts roonm for "very -, ottons rsng populoîrd areon like PoIlu Ronus. prirlly ai fr asi he moaTs abvlie and Oulînglon Il van noted the i1 The dociion 10 rome fiwsntdtelch o Mr. Connoil saîd non- opmilalnn urhno ai oornmissnas aiorsei n is prt o oin oy n-e region mi eicinc bt heIds Bulinglon dont mont la hande te inreaingfor the vorbu mre nlt hasnt tenl anoonW hndierofseoinrning' applied for hy the region caune fis in Milton. far Look ilke tC nahrtoiritho boraine thre in eue-uo enehn nx iie tir i 10 years woui- - . fo n n sop- right. Lose luhen yoterduy duing a rently dsunion o igadothor umonitien treatment. meeting ai tho Manor. renovating al of the 3- in Bulinglon. iTe meeiofng a ceu por-nid building. Instoud ut uponding cali 878-9d by the Rogional Heult- Moton Chiot money onte Oceufts o eon and Scial Services Adminiteatur Donnin and ronovtions ai the Commutter and tho Ont Porlin nid pYou juil Pttit Houso tocility, M. ario Mnstry o Cons- cnt put in un $89 0oi Conneoil said ho anted munîly and Social Sr udjuvat-crut room ýny 10te monoy 10 ho spent on pooting nom facilitien Appreciation days 'Inofat, a ln-e pion for th, handief ot - Fac n-oe epectedinlxo feature nodlfe sniors had hoon ro- e Pedit quonled in the Minitry Put teuen and loniout toînd ai Oie an tudy in 107, but la da9 minondorsloodmn about uftihe laboe allons for a non-lng han hoon donol mildiit asid, hy risiting gret oppoetnmity tu Mr. Prlie said Monsborg Wddiito observe mter tomi. But Manne Roidento Approciation Dope, irds of prey iti ho part John Davidme n Loo weekedn rom, May 3f la ofthn-olive animal dinplup exception 10 Mc. Con- June 21. n the Interprolive nel's remarto nuayîng Thi spcia pogrm, . Cntre Filmns demon- they mre uin tla ayîng a nnecîuonl progru stnruliono and' dispiop o le in-Oihepeonplo ai unir odrtoolopr oi put the mesuage of the Macr." once and teatureonditt m- ildiito ppreciotion e Hoaid il nemed the ent wldife opcn e ac roîncoocillor van more con- vecind. ithe necien Roond oui a day ut cernod about the seniors hogîns oît irmt wup Moontshorg vîi t am- o the future than thon. ediaolinow tîrni mec-h iiy pcinic or tube a uready csidentu ut the en oivdh onui speZnetubeon oneofotthe Munor. live, a spociai foulure. asntais nd nc ild- lor. Ouvidme nuîad n-o thon Jone 13 and 14 are floern and indo ealong adjuvut-crat rons irds o prey duys. June te ay. The aro nt ull coud ho but aed aey 20 and 21 the progrurn o trm animais and te ronovtionn could use n-e oi include irdo ini Young Sîrd Centre han neomnsauolcalpolit bond. ploniy o chicks. duchi- and hoidd ott rins theco. Tho iidiiir altimay ingn and gsling nside. A su-committevan con ho raveiiod hy Hot and coid snacks tormed t lkaib t"pons- horse-dravo wagon or on are aruduabte ut the ie optiunu la fot Viîlrs' vaiksviii sping tes hop nin-e renovtinn" utPet ho tigtiightod hy the cafetoria. Hou and projet thene sighi of huttalo and elti Admitance 1u Wdldiitooptions flooeuain lalathb cAao ivi n u mie u forronin utue of Septeisber. Alioiigh Oie store han hegon movtog mar- chandise lino tOe premisen, lha snid It wnuld toke o tew Months eHeait n- mlitOe store la ready Srvices for cantomern. areport Stedimani cloned itos ipring. adminitator amd aesnsnas lu demandlng posilione atthe hianor, namnely Maintenance Iuevday eratepplng down an Aduilolaleator, Me. Charlton wii l'assumene anaw main- tenance aipervsoer dut- Ion, Mir. Parilasaid. In addition la that posl Mr. Charlton la expeced loactanea Speci al Advls- or la Oie nens adrnin- istrator. Mr. Perli o ld Th Champion the position of adminltrator wlli h advetued and "an open compatltinsheld la order lgin l."1 tintil Oie post h is ned, Gordon Tieshers, car- rently Asistant Adin- istrator yl ha appoioted temporarflylisanActng Admlnstrator. effective Jane i. Mr. Thahers vii carry on hie dties an assistant adminitrator la addition tla hfilhns Oie duties of acting a mlnstrator ontil a nevi odminiteator la selected and approved hy reglomil comcil. "Me. Charlton viii ha honared hy reglonal coancil fr is dedlrated services 'an Manne ng new haie arrivedi E BODY L(RAPF tie picture on the Inches the first ýFor more detaîls ý711. tFîý,seia tienne and Bsauty Therapist 878-9711 lails a Manicures a Sun Tanning !cures a Waxlng a Makeup for days or evening a Body Facial thi a reception foi- %turng bu yesr as Iolg the normal admlnistrator, Mr. Char- elIsa couneil meting Iton gave great service Jane 17," Mr. Perin by continulng the growth sald. and developenent of th Mr. Charlton, 60, re- Manor and offring pro- tires alier 3%1 yearn asgraisns mionly Ia the Admlnitrator and il realdenla but alan seiar yeara au Aaistent ctlzennhlving ia Oie cern- Admlnlalrator of Oie 370- ilunty," Mr. Perfilo Mid. D.J.my FarSt-Roliutsa ANNOUNCESI SCHANGE 0F ADDRESS: as from 29th Marina Drive, OakvIIs 827-0707. SAVE! 7% TAI RElATE LIMITED TIME 131 PICKUPS FlOU S$6N. PLUS FIUINT LARGE SELEOTUON OF IOUPS ARC VANS On the Lakeshore- West of Kerr St. East of Dorval GAK VILLE v 845-1646 iL MILTON DRU@ MART Honoring The Young and The Not-So Young (Û NEW BORNS Up To 3 NMa u ~ oVPsItAo WILL GET 5%/ Off ALL BABY NJEEDS ©SENIOR CITIZENS lWith Cardl WILL GET- 50/0 Off ALI MERCHANDISE (Excluding Tonarroi MOST - SUNDAY MOST COMPREHENSIVE Ah PiiT!Alt FAr l !W MILTON DRU. MART 878-4321 MULTON ALL 878-7122 ---à per car and $17 per bus. caged tiéwks and owls. A ofrfr

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