Yes ladies, we d Dear Sr: tse tecreaae ilauatoi f wufd use ta congratulate Mna Kif- rancie thst te seff t mtad Mc. Martlaad on Usir saper IfteàasimnweffisaIm ant-hinutlsg pslcty, shiclà has misa takea an tteresi "elyed approvaf hy coinif firth10 ofatlohakows that far yar's deer hat. klued hy a car timie Thir reaaens for gttag a delay are ahiy gla away la:U st aways vofldandlan act lisre ileatlater. at u se mttal erre o altaed te lher la keepteg wllh fin statemeala, thaï: moold set ho cscog- for Ue dom, f asoos nlzed y the mJmlty et People. Cotemp for demr f talie Wlaiss tlh Mn. Marlaad ho Mlat. sasqate -shte wu aig hl roogh Ladies la questioa Ue woods ser her home aid foSd a eoy dong hantlsg dee camofaged hnter sttlsg ap a trou cepaul, alUogh i wth a crossna hailds a s e emd of for Use mame doga f0 November, long after Ue mlalary dem fI osder miaI giv hanteoocluded Nv.." rght tomoie that ju 1%elega arcisery sesaandld ot esd beUsl"yhavea vente untliUe mdde of Detember. tle-tise aidjmlghty bu TIbe pctrteof Ue twa ladies holdisg Have Ue ladies coi o paNo Trespaalsinga M isris waS rUsslag a dem'? ssthbysmmeidot, appears tle hiot Ilsnlta pretiy sg at wlUs relalinely -maH aise sia, i10d- certaidy de wlUou. atissu Uat h10 u not dose hy a deuM ife ladies qate à hanter, siace dem isiters u large seylag ha hado't em ahot or ags. pro=et. Tflfogic o fice ladies quota lie M Iltry 0f( Nt- qt lg another mi-1 oiral Resorces csrslng Uer laclio me. inforsmatonaabout Ueenact roaners o tajs lk ut dem. vr uh biul Ousr cluh was ulied la provide a mmuddlie suapect. dozen oremen I heat Urogh arim If lyooasaiany tarse wodiola la determtee Ue oexatmn- Uem wmliehoaareIl ber ot dem ten Uai locaion. tact, a surplus o de Asfr sail Ue figursa cocerlsg c-os, miea Uey dol' Supports deer hunt oer Sir: Sirice dem a rpO) Rsgardiag Use rosed dem hant te find it aniamtid and ii liallas and Ue dy of decialoo,'se- tetOunropeR'ty ai qiested hy Mm. Hartland ami Mn. Kif- dos. mer. Thesemdy altersiative If alays amames me Uat people itUsdem hard ta a mars -oom si stke eadeca n coporton' saetib tUs«oe.eai0fscety=f0 ,Iee uew- Crue, pehapa, (bha pont. ld la cruel)btotav No. 1 am nof a dec hanter, butla dem demr mangimi la a tral lover.pregoant dos chasedt liowever, aatrsuitgraer,iam lan boy'apet dog. tavor of a ctroled hnt (Imayha Bt lt an sot forgel yeerly) of th deer. cotas a large segîn tisave graun appiestinliaiton fr Ue and horicilaral an( lait 20 yeas, and tiindIf searly dopas- mildile parli for the p sibie tf0 estehlteh Oa em rchard, ulUs- tarsnlng commonlty. oui erectlag a prohibiitive, enlie te-c, for Protection tramUse .RtR fo need a Ha/ton deer hunt omoUive traftlc, of evident. iman Usat aoyhody mifI thUe deer pop- ievmryde duit la re la mue that pro- tise lah and dies s ladies' costempt îfe Uhselte oliy. I? men cliy e s" f0 fuel Usat r te pmtfecly Oc- i in onacceptohie tras sieep. ces Use ladies f0 aidgement, caald If Lod teterest te caf- buadi es agate. vermltaessed doge tht, ose Usat 1 cm Mr. OUIDJohnson to ny deer os hîs ofone ami-hanter hanter te heyond ter aeeiog deer in îy hstsatemens t, Use mojorlty of thut Usere are te clme, alUsmolgi, of 't direcliy ht fisc bcted hy law, wc napoaaible f0 pro- ipdol hese teva- ve te f0 1h10 ouf Use re managahie pro- lus en t, ivinthUe tmore cruel tisan a ttlic accident, or a f0 tdeatah y smc- t tuai Half0a sf15l caltot agricultuire od te nof a glant plesorcofthUe non- M. Troas, tRI, Campbellville. paclieoohaoh Usospriape if deesat have had Usir llveslacli shot atineopen mtter f0 Ue majorty of Ueal f0 quesion. Certaisdy nseof the far- Oaty wismi frge amomia 0of damage mmers at me hant ef have h10 hap- gef dmue,trsmera anaally aie la gel peiag. opet Perisapa Ue ladies wuid fike la As tr as Ue suggestion Usaf Ue malin a donat ion in ail Ue fermera mio gaeramet has protesolonai huniers- do get cr0 p damage doas. auper Ides, of corsei may coltthUe Tise Guelphs Rod asd Clan Clubs have ionpayoms a tein more millilon dolars an active hantiag section and Uey hunI hut miat Ue heci-ail hantera are on propcrty miicis ahondoitfUsdemr. Idios accordng f0 peope lise Oi OnuothUefarmomor Ue th rtof Johnson and Ue tino ladies. whch weisotedsasZnerypeet liee1 gueso I coudd go on and ons stce notf mnugisdem mee kfol n ies a d Uere are so maoy statementa mode hy prapmrty. Uefadies, dt I teef 1 have said eaoogh, fa paint of act, Ue hantlag gros pand Uinli i have provea Ue logic is nol rom Gocipisod and Gim Clubs escis aiaya ahaf il oppearo f0 h. carry a musndllra orUs ot hantteg Yes, Useeare f00 many dem tenliai- doouraacn, ami f0 Ue hest f my haam- ton, yen mc do nemi a dem liant. No, me ledge have always heea ecame hanS dont nemi siorvatian, coy doga or dis- open arma. In spite of ihat Uhe two ladies say, ail huniers are not bod hunters. fle statement tat many farnera Injustice to ai (Edtors Note: The foflowlng letter te belog seot f0 the Mnlory of Naturat Reacorces, hy the group oppoiog the Halton deer liant. A copy of the letter mas filed with Thue Champion, for pub- lication) Minitry of Nataraf Reaoorceo. Tise article ie The Canadian Champ ioaî dated Wednesday. May 13f aas got my attention ai wel aa a ew oher Hla- ton resideafa. I arn whofe-hearted y oppoed hi, anoflier dem hont lna1961. flic farts yoo provide are not con- crete evidence that Uheela an overpop- ai ation o deer la oit area. f have flved te thia distrct for five years ami have only come acroaa deer runolng on oit roodo and highmays twlce. Tice in five yearî te fot a great percentage. Lihe thse majorty in h10 coutry f prefer tooseedeeroaswellfasothermwld- lite in anaturel envronmneot. There are jus oc f00 t is that a person cao match ond enjoy. If and ihen me have to0 many deer, there re a nomher of alternatives, You could cforce strict humng toms, part f which huoters munt ha teted ao f0 their capahifities te hao- dl ing gon. fTic cane f tha dsfgred deer col d have eaily happeo f0 oa Seniors honored at churchý Sf. lGeorge's bfian for h10 jomlaitrîdte ceieratteg ia r1Mliineau and caninuoan aslnesary drlng tUf aappor, doUs physicai and seerai sp 'la nc-md iamelaidrnte s causehavce em Plan- pot, smmc for 5M yes sud fr tise lqe gtOn and more. f0 celarate l mit dlo. Ose f tUsmu occaateon These partehloacra hicS place April 30 mienssrUgied f0 matth Ue Ue seniors othUe parlisrisorcisasaJi Place Of mor- mmre hanored ai a sopper ship mnd tUsmoglvlog s hoid te tise rhrch hall. mdi as a centra f sup- Thoam present mmre: prt, itarent mnd ca- Mrsa Helen Corsul. Mc. cern for one aaoUer and Eiva liardsand, Mc. Usmu OthUe cmmanty. Ireae Hoard, Uns. Jatte Titey mmce respnsull Hughes, Mc. Mary for Ue mneru fond Leabe, Mra Ifl5nrating activifles, ad- - reMs Vr inmnisotrative aad cimrical Ms. Moiiy Parchom. utesaswmcli as cntteu- Mca Jesole Powel, ato mente ttemaclal Mia and R gordn ollgatliosmoutlde of Ue Thompsen, Dora amd isrlsh uand asetef f Nayior Mot Jessie and mitef0Uoemhe KenneUs Watoon, Smittan Ue pariah. Crnie, Neson Hoard A tour-stage ren- aad George Stoles. ovation program mwas Thimu memiers othUe sccessfliy campleted parish mmre stegled osut dse f0 Ue diligence and Canada Day, Tmo Milton ervice clodo have receîved c000- cl apprnvai for piano hi ceicrate Canada Day, Juty . Tise Rotary Coh ot Milton piano f0 old a chic- keno barbsecoe at Rotary Paris and iii also iold tiesnnai car dram and doce Tiecoi, tioogi s ecretory FA. Clement, receioed Mi- ton Councl approvol to seeli a liqoor permit f0 seit iquor and eeraithtie drisecue. Tise Miton Kisoico Cubs mit hotIf Ue arnonot sop boo derby hut itisiyar Ue venue oo s een changed 10 Pioe S. not Main S. as in Ue paît, Tiseressorn for tise chooge is e semi-moit con- struction ihicisnoo longer allom ortocaostraiglt Miton Knamen Soup Bon Derhy Chairmao to ochonbia ieen gven prmissionnf0clone Pne St. betineen Ciares and Commercia Sf. on Jly 1 dotoicen t0 arn. and 4 p.m. for tise dec- isy. Tise Miton Canoda Doy celehrations are ooder Ue omiscela spanoorsip ofthUe Mion Jaycems CORRECTION the dertsemnr for Ostrandors Jewe-:Iers tht appoocod on pago 3 in tise Shoppers Worfd Flyor, Wodnoodoy, May 20, 1981, hadaincorrect phone namiser Tie namisor sisould have rosd, 457-8093 persistance of tiese Mca. Vera King rerlled oclers. a homoroan paem ahout ise cventeg at a "Tha Newn Organ". amatI tohan o apprer- 'tiseeas a tme for ltion ginen f0 Ue seniors turthermsctilzing during un ehaif of Ue the echre games. Prizes parishiosera ha today mre aardPd for tisa enjoy Ue ieaty andti mistUe longet name, sereif y othtie churcis, mosf grandohidren and mnd are ableef0 anc tise Ue parnon ithU a ic- cirei s a a centre othUdoy cioaesf f0 tise day. mocaip and roui . Keonefis Wataon thonS- mtfmen o thetsir taitis. cd tism reapenile for Tiseecvcning iegon at Ue eveiag on hehali o 5.30 p.m. wiUs Evenoog ait tise guesto. lie read an led iy tie Rey. Chartes appropriate article tcom Matrs. a nempapar cippig Spper, prcpaccd and (presumaily rom Tie served iy memisera o Champion) dofcd 172, ai Ue aoniveruary crm- part of his respoose. mttec and ofier vol- Severol oldascrap books onfeeca as fottomed isy ece avaifahie for an enthuslaofic old vicming. Many of tise tasiioned inaog-a-loog led oippinga incloded in Ue isy BUilBisop andi ar- colections mre cancern- rnmpaoied y lielen Cor- iag anme othfie people oeil oo tie piano. present and f heir tam- ITie selerfiona mre diea, Cottee and coolies haUs papafar old lunes endedth iis memorahie and iymne. evenag eat um central cooling and heating .. 2l n0one! Cafi for free home estimate today. Ue wiluiperform u deloiled analyss nf Onu) home andi eogneer o system t0 ynur ivduo eqo rements MlYLOR HEATINC à AIR CONDITIOP4ING LTD. 121 ISOICTA DRVE.0000 IL *OeNARO 845-2202 Thse Canadiean Champion, Wed. May 27, 19815 M ONO ON VACATION? Worlddahoui 1.00100 voas hou" uooaiisd- RfrMHMWU Wrfter's cramp Toronto Blizzard soccer player Juliuo Sono (No. 24) mail smamped by fans mhcn he paid a voat ta Miltono nom Dominion Store Stur- dy affernoon. Lofer ho opent time coaching local soccer playero, ot a ciicat Brion Best Park.- Yors stecereiy, Joha Shadisoit, s Gueph Had ami Gmn Club. d ~ par"os.Srely an experiecd ihunier cash rteg one dem ithU a single shot. This particular deer was tise ter- if U ! - get ot an tneeperlenced and gan-happy person. Jant howmamoy people miso hit frd ... G demr do efor Ue prpoc otfoomi? -0 F Huantla tnta spart, If seon injustice < . hind alsIorecala fimc amhilc hacli, where a "hoter wm oalliteg ALL Currier Pianos and down theroad swngghieiagun likea sticki. Whetiser if as ioaded or n0f, or Hammond Organs had Ue satety catch oa or no, i dont 1 linoin, dol flua'experlcnccd iualr" INSIOCK masno anholedgos te esooghin s l0 te, carry a eapan. Fff'NA£ 2lA YS OF SALE Anoher way ist f locale tise deer. i know h10 con ha cotty aad fdoe-coo- sumteg, hut if Uis inotter was ookaied teto serioooiy, i'm sure thr arl' organlzallons millteg f0 help Whnyo eve hi itaio, .M iltonM~«W 1;# please atier ll the nformaion ym F O AENT BORN Wi N US O conideraf in ailprtem nend. 23Main St, Miltoun 878-162 RRare.ottai. Bl. Del Pahisco i mrdra Zammit Pb- a747 $00 8.90 FOR THEDSAR-8- Boof Pattien Regular'0 bb-04 1590 Medium iibb. $1990 Lean 0100o44 *25.90 chao si FREEZER ORDER Pelcesr Hinda *2.09 lb Fronts 1,49 lb Sida. *1.69 'b 140 Main St 870-65.01 TRY 77mm a whole new way to love chicken7.- lighi coc.tinof etfine broadcronhs - ha) tîst e absoluot eîy orrîfic on MothIickeil O become ail golden anod orspyyio te oookîog. top <f ha). a generoos layer of cnisp, re-h N<îw tis absoioieîy mooihwalering, ho) etocr.Then, the top ou tise bon gors on. chîico nayis sei ,n oor of oar famoos ses- Al yoo have io dois ame seed buns tha's be r rosly tastcd. gra itaod bhte n. Go ahead, You kwyou're-goingwto love ive - .~.~ . .. - - -- McDonaldis -,-------------,-, ..,..~.c cc,4t~r0,0.. ~ui î--s-.-o-....... . Mw M@fflý(pn