Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 May 1981, Sports, C3

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The Canadian Champion, Wed.,My 27, 1981 C3 Royals out to show ths sthi-ya Gerg Mor -are2fr ayisao7ls Theoc ialixaCasssly BoochaliLeagu mlgbi mont la maitc ay for billion Opalu- li Royale. Bayais proved shomed unoir bopravc- meist ovr liai yar by balliq aOsde Maple Lals 14-7 la spofi Leaside's borne aluner Thursday nighl bforc Lasldc mon lin rciunamatch "-7 aurday afernuan oser a sinrt-bandcd Rayais 10cm. Tieoltgavc Rayais a52-1 tesso record aller mcc pes. WIithUiceiss ommlg against tusuto p cluba of Oakvlllc ami Loaéside, Il la indicative Rayais mlghl f in- lly bra Uhc corsr and bccome a araag; campeiblvc club alle ver"a ysn ai flrllng wmhUn fscgond clubs. EvnatUic ay Rayais lust Saiurday muni bad. Lcaaldc gai ugb Ryai' pilahina for six rasa in one ibing birning a 5- dladvanage inina 7-5 lesd. Rayais cut- played lin poerfol Liis, perenniailiHai- inn Cuniy ami OBA champons for lin olber clqht laninga. Ia thse bUbon ix bunsday igbi, Raas strck for 17 bismwisciscombled wllbclghi alin llomcd MUlo Uic 14 runm. Rayais ied Uic score ai 4-4 iUi a Urce- ru, fourlh lning ami pool the gornc amoy wlit thre-ruininga la Ue sixlb, scvenlb and lainth on. Tom Sheph erd mclhUi distance fr Ml- ion on te rnouad sisrendcrlig il bte but erroco led la four unearsscd ru. Tebgig lafor Rayais in lin gamemwere Gico Turner min mont four-for-six mlithNaw runs-bailed-ixlancludlin a lbcd-off bomrnl start Uic game. Wade Baesr ent lree-for-foua mlit thrce ribieicoand a borner whie Jack Conielon alaontani ec-foc-four mli ha iomer. sbopherd ma icked fr home cuefrorn Paai Canning, AI Riversa and Donc Pay- fil mu o dffreni caory alurday au Raleiscar"cfyostructed a r-Iisu!d ntili Leaide deslroycd lin lead mlithoasix-ru sprlsixg. Raya le ralllcd lalic lin score in thc botlam of the sixb on incb-to-bach dubles by Turncr ami Grcg Cracher and o sacrif i fly fram Gaccy Nayler. liamever, Leaside scored siglerunela intelghh ami Uic nintb aff Rayaes' cachWayne Mac- chand, mba sffercd tli a.lapull out Uic in. Rayais ere ithul lin services ai Catelonanad Tondul for Uic game and Skp McTroch mbo mlscd lin fini six lnlogs. Double-play try: Oakville'5 Rvis Tracey throws oui, Mohawks RiheKnighti2elore going on to lîrst hase. The throw wSlà oo laie Tise teams oplitwith Campiselîvîlle wînnlng 11-10 Salurday and Oakville winning 22-7 (thaIs tise rîgisl score) Sunday. Scott's bl ast seals Kibride 8-3 win Lacry Scot kcyed a big five-rua eigblb timng io ilka Ia-rus homer t10 gise Eiside Mbicanis n 80-3 in Su a day avec Watelo Tesu Sprts foc Kil-1 brides icol Inter-City Fasibli Leaguc viciry la Uies stats.1 Theacmw Kiliside entry llaally gaI u- fcaciscd offnivcly lan Susday's ornel game braisag a 3-3 ilsmlithUicebig ilu-i iog hick produeed Uic clabs lase is. Kilisido lust is icol Nwo games as cc' ors provoi tai bo hetams domfa. Tbccc eccors led Uic way te five u- earned romsan BurlingtoCugars on 6-2 in Kilbid's opnng gants Wod- aesday ai Kilbride Park. The acal igisi, Kilbidc travolled ta Cambridge and acre bomiscd 9 2 as fisc ocors1 opencif lisegalas. PilceccMus Curtis sel tise irai of many Kiliside inta by inlag agant Team Spota. Curtis lisea a complele carne and recrded ine sriouta. lHe allomoif tenn its and tan aliso and il Ian boliers. Curts pilcisoif imsecifout of a big îam mhn isesaîthIe bases loaded aod nne out in lie eigh ibisig, ho got tise aide nu os-ias-lbrco 1e end Uic ircai andf sel up Kilisido's big iaing la las hall. Cus sîrcri oui the frsi bolier, forcoif the second bolier la groood oui teoshoriton a force-nul ai borne and e- iced the iird bolier os a fy-oui laesd the Ireat. Kilicde slormed hock. Cus started ti insg ih a ose-oui als. Scot tallomed miUi a Imo-rus smash. Atter aotler oui, Mitcb Lkecuoessc tcipled and scored os mark Curtis' double. Ted La scored Mork Cuclis wIihasinlgle and eveaiuOlly ccarauod ta scoce on Ruan Prices single. la tise teom's npeocr, Kdbride aod Buclilon inUiscoccd once la Uic finit i01in belore Burlinglon capitalizcd os lkree errors ta score f se ruan and taire the min. Dave Gaies mas responible for inth Kîlhride rus alh as Rh Itriple la Uic hlesi and a run-scorial single laicr la tbe lame Lau Nistico mus Burlisgtoa's big gua goiag ikrcc-for-fivc in bis lead-olf raie and recordial ose EBI. AI Fcm sicuck oui 10 Kilbride ballera an goisg thc distance t a uca lie min. Mu Caurlin pitce e ione laningo foc Kilismideanad strucis nul tbrce. Cambridge tank advantage oi fîve errors nvecloraiag a 2-I disadvantage aith live ruas in tU i slab lataise Uic 1viclocy. Kiliscide bas added Uiree placers le ils active catec plckiog op Dole Smith, Ted La and Bob Boaker abif c alan sigaisg Dave Ycmm ta a card. Yem- mercwanal lu ceady la play foc about oemontb. Mcrchasts tacisie kigk flylaf Water- lon Ckymcs inigisi Wcdnsduy) ai 8 p.m. ai Kiliscide lutoce playiag la Uie 1Icague loursameol la Oleallordiis taeekesd. Equippd awih OsO ted uatllCopp replaced hm in the sixih. Marchand eplaced Copp. The lety Moore as crtlcized nverai lmesaby the Lesslde playel5 for is pick-off move ta fiiol hlch bordersaon a bals. Moore was called for a bals ia the finit lHis slow delivcry and cotral pitchini wblcb lant fost bad tbe Leside playero yelling,11'legs lw, eves pitehers mont ta it agant bn. AlS, 'Gweclaies 45 oeconde ta pitcb ami 30 seconds for Uic bal ta, gel la Uie plate,' as alan beard. liomever, Mmore bepi Leasides bain ai bay anlil thecixib lnnlng. More mas bit for tirec runbat l liasCoppwhmba ad Uicmis- fortune of serviog sp twa borne-flan balle ta Uic finI Nto battero be foccd whlch pro dsccd tbcee more runs. Turoer ent tbrce-for-live and scrcd tbcee Royal&' rune. Cranhcr mct tmo-for- Urce iUi Nao walbo and tmo REIs. Sikes: ToselB mlosed lin gome la at- tend ta is wmue min man givlag bis-lb l aa cild ... Royale ave imo home gamesiis wcekend esterlalning CampinIlvMle Satur- dayaet2 p.m. and loly Cmbjig iae Sunday ai 5.30 p..t BilaiBust Park. Diving: A Leaside rimner maken a dive to second side in Uhc two games they played tant week. Royals (appearing 10 grind his way throtlgh the sand) ohile sttinned thse defendng champs with a 14-7 in spoiling Royal second-baaemnan Rick Binsell awaits a throw. Leasides home opener Thursday at Talbot Park. Royala dropped the game 9-7 10 gain a spli with Les- _________________ Mohawks blitzed 22-7 Comedy of errors produces splt with Oakville iauehdamas, Conîpin-e lvillc Mawkmbomigisic bave mode o close ane ot of a 22-7 rouI aodcd I Uicm by abvileDOa E Sunday.V Uniorluaately, tiset teamo mccc pflayiogf bouebou and out alnf2 as Compilisille loobdcd lise Keystane Kopa iib glanes rommiltingi numoernus "tupid errars.1 Tbe luss, 9anday ai CampinlIville bail prkt, came on tUic bela aian 1-10 dramotiecame- rnu-binid victary oser Oabvile satuday mbca Moawksoscored Ure ruas ils ima out la tbe aita topick up Uic min. Th irs iclgame as receduled ram a 10er date and gave Maaks lise uuuai oituaion af playlag abville In a pair of hume gomes one day1 spart. la Sauday's in, i as Dakivlll'b tra o1 commit bg errars. ai' fist-bosema Bil Cristesea camolitied tan errors la the ninlk isolingils Ian nul abich apeacif the duor le al tbrcc Moaksrus. Ciarlie Crnie siaricd tbe inib aiib a sngle. Aller Steve Tait gcnanded oui and Bil Denis lnd u, Doug Timterl esîl-cil base an un errar s dd Riieble KaibI tbefore Rick Mitchell delivered a mun scoriol double 10 pull out the in. Crnie, the lasl ni four Mawak pitchers, eamcd the in. Sentti Gdd started os the moud und acai five isaings. Hema folloard ky Bob Evans, Dan Thomorn anad 5 Currie. Tian Raters lasled a elgthlb nig mbicb jloo e e p la a-n It mos a dilfercat stary tise sent afteron as Oubville capitalized as a multitude of Camp- keilville errors in the Ifid 10 nain up na20-4 lesd aller six lanisgs and cast ta tise min. Moaksbo mcctercible la evecy deparimeol cannial ibraugk Uicir couire pitchiol staff aod oe membar of Uic outield an tbe mouod oquad couldal dona lbiog rigbt. Roberts mas the lmac vhisixiof ligbl for Mohamks. Put la the designaicd-itler'o spot la tbe lune-up, Raberts conocted fofac im barnrsad o double drva aal sevea Capniderun. Rob Evans startad on tbe moud and eai 3 i 3 laalag. lie mas replaced by Mike MeCuodis mbo typified grand-slam borner la Mise Daymaa an hîs Iird pitcb and llloaed il ap mitb a tan-rna orner Ian bttera lter. la al, Ovile hi]tîve iilosut ni the park. Aller tour games, Campbellville opors ao2- 2 record and Uere are many igas the squad neodu anme help tla bm the sona mb a praduictive ycar. "Dur pithbgia sn' abat il sbauld lu." sald Mohawk coach Bab Evans. "We've gotin gel longer natigso nut fthe youger guys. Defea- sivly, 1ldoa'i kaommbOi me're galal tai do." Mohawks ravel la Leaside Tliucoday and Mltonsatourduy inface enlertaiaing Leoide Sonday ai 2.30 pril. ai Camnptelillell tipark. A wnaagalool Lesoide aould do a loi 10 cise tbe lo'c spris îacurced aller Sunday's game. Good hitting, pthn Selects split four gamnes Miltas Sciera Juniar camp]i Ladies football team lasses starind lise seso ofail yerrors aixaiag ils licol Imo Daltîii games iniore drappial a quesi pair of close contesta ta Uic se( emorgc miUi a02-2 record. gamc- Thie esrly laditaa nGlu aîlb the sqad arc Ibai 10f di lbcy bave anme gond bit- oleoc tan sand effective pîlcis- Ltke lin but arc Making many Ln cosly errons in tU ie ld gmne. ahicb have cmi Uihe club liaii may cana outs Mlon cdged Pari Cal- Collai borne in tbe opener 5-4 bita in lasi Tuesday asd Sna follamed il up Uic ocai nighl mitb an 11-7 vis oser Barliogn. p Oubville ruiocd Mi] lens gond start isy pauacisg ensix erocs focrf a 4-0 min Tliuraday asd M port Colinuroc gaixcd M anme ceveage ky lakisI the reiursî match hy a 7-6 The pirbhing of Diane Gilmour ad Sue liarvey bas becs stcoag £0 for ciae games la tise %but masoa victirn ai îby bac tesm la Uic ile game and some ouable urnpiriag la rond Pari Commore nmour Split Uic piles- olties cqually la the r mlihliacvey and relieved bSady mbatinl thc second 'vcy and Gilmour laoed for 10 stiie- ad limited Port roc ta jusi tbrcc in tbe opener. Rabyn Nad Dehisie Mdl- LEARNING TO TAKE O N ANYTHING IS WHAT TAKING ON COMBAT ARMS IS ALL ABOUT. Baanaal,,a'l0 deitvo.nihisaitdi th Bolk. aa ou [o C uît Ar lta' Poh oria,a- Force îd ol b, ead aI'n fair n s utCnmbhiln amo it'ha l'l Fullo o on -cnhîh 'i rUno1hanho hcho-tta'y"ndlln i.ba hoee' o op.wo n, htkep air a ,c eln ta c hal te bnaffleyîni O pjl i h 1rý caai'lli ars.,-mo a C A P2l Iiiîo t te s- -E.l yu tr,1M in tMl ,o tý as s .Ot F i casai'îaiçason sssmisisOs-550s5 lion i cucli.n05 I ""'-"" - i s.-. its upiene for Milton. limiiod aville ta jani la the second gaine, lkree its. liamever, six Burliagton mas held 10 Milon errors led directly six ita akîle Milton la ail four ruas Ordy Aaoag tbe its acre Longinul maauged ta it borne ruas froan Diane singles agasi n aisille. Tbacsell, aho hadt lhree Altkougk cutiiag ils ils aiid Milisuco ercors doma la ibree, Mlton commîtd Milonwaus huit ky a sevea errors duriag the couple of questiîale gaine and il's a silo the calis ai homne plaie abick nom faces on the ieam scored Ian bey ruas. bavent yei hecome Milton coiertained accaniomed 10 orkîag tHamilton l a igisike aiUi te players roan fore tavllisg la Agix- lusi ymar.couritoeplay ibe Meico Il mas o simlur siory Ladies tournumea ci the scal ihalI inosalday 10 Susday. :)we stering7975The only 'avy duty siociss OR suding wth the ip rps* 9 'fonth steel-plus-vinyl 36175R 1 5XL tiresdifference! ordYCroit.tw Bank mancangrAvFhb"FINE STELCO -TAX REBATE DEADUNE JUNE 30 SIDINCI SIIOP NOW FOR 13EST SELECION odcofSeoIn 1.sOn CASOR0TADE DOWN 60MONTHOS 9% e nbhtonela mtt *1' VAN EGMONO 539-76 130 & SONS ITO. Il

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