Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 May 1981, Sports, C1

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M Sports THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 27,1981 THIRD SECTION Abi: Blizzard plyar Juliua Sono wasn s it wlith the youngstnra, talcing uxemundcsor hs wing and ahwlg thcm tricis during tce Blizzard soccer clei. t-year-old Puneet Kapur wstches Juius juggle te bail -ith aslparts of is body but is bonds and arms durlng on axercise osn bail control. Blizzard Tise esrly pari af tac yesr kept osaoy saccon playe seay rai e csecond snnail Blizard an the i0o orsaplaycnseho didparicpatamasud scbnowledge. ITe chuter la parlais pragrain pramaliag sac- cr organsaitdandcasnac d hyTimadian Champoand Tise M= toYnta SoconCloiunu- don lise matabfl leye cof local naccer easiant Jataiogan. ToagVs lWdo.dy), tac aecod pans ai tac program seilSl aie pace wsen sevonsi bus.ia Bioadpiy CidagStii tanN:rtaAmserican Lagoce Sevrer Laque canlont ai Exhibition Stadiom a. Mltn Night ailthe Bizzard. Belrs tac matais, Ntwaitan pecwec gila' teas slli pay an exiitonmataisonu tac CNEs artificiel tsci.ITise bus salitbhorcady aI Mltailtla ite tae playccc Irom htaisata the CNE ai4.45 p.m. todsy. Theiisachi sesi af i otaec eIwta outa Aid- cao Jalian Bais, rotaon af Blizzard sr Joma Sano, becomlog an intant favorita e Ita tac youfgtrs. Sona arrlved ta tae park about as bouc helre tac 3 pm. scitednled stais and pistscd pick-up saccer sita tac ido np and dosaistac ield lac a lU lour befe tae cllislc. once taecl ciesan ndermay, BSaoentar- taised tac players wsehitMnvat srcay aI soccon abuta and encoursgcd tae yngntstao taiyseita hMo. At 2, tahe outa Aica starslaon hs sesy ta a career ntunlke his rtaon . About tan pisyers attanded tac cliic, o-lacis wsa dlappisling ta tac orgaitacs bt nontlo- sliy unepecicd. Tise soccce sasn basa ndcrseay lfo ui a seceianad many ptayert hod otarcamiitlmontaaorswereoltas hcodslrang io- ta soccer aitachecarlier data an tacy migitt ho lter l intcyear. Tisa ciis seanne ly Blizzard eactaog couds Joe cicaldi, anceceet teacisersehbadl gond coalcal over taecynungatars. AlongsitaBSootac Blizzard sent t9-year-old Dave MeQoeen sebo ptaycd ltas minr noceer tr tac Wonlrd ocer Clb, in Scarborougit, Ml/on »igt is tonigbi clinic a soccer hit Lslenisg: Blizzard teacning conch Joe Schtralinorgaosîzea te ouccer playens issoa nr cie belore Baliding tbem to quick ive-minute exorcises, A large u p layers alo-nys gnthered arousic Julius Sono. The Blizzard alaa sent tB-yenr-ol DBave McQue, anup- and-coming playero-ho played bis minar sacrer with the Woxford club in Scnitorough. Ollers set'pace in MFL openers A new nsame, a nom satinaitand evecat itew pistions have pssdlced lie saie aid resat Ifur Gege Tiocaliecras BP Bshelins ltbaUletos. Tisrabarr'neOlers winh revamped a- ter te lamaus. Baga ent Ileir varians ays, gai dawn Inthie iusinessaofai ms.ing gamon in lie Miian FacuuIselSLan uts weeit Olme 5 p Na big icores dnmpng MeDlie Eqalpmssni e-t la tie league = surtn day lefre ladisg La- e Benderslion onst denealof lise seeek liy an lt-t margin. The longue premiers lialees McDnlle asd QUers a aremalcis of tant yrs chsmplaaahlp sris. viicis Tlirsbaram sen n a ie gemes. Haever, tac remalcis wsanover lanlise libotom ai tac iri lnnlag sehen tac fiiaItres litstionsased bei re an nu. Iananier artisasisst secet, Fita Wiea and Colackt eaty Wold era tac only teaaotaramais ondeies.ld aller toa gaines. sitha a sin and s ti. Tise sese and lpraved vensaifFita Wliee, wiicli sen mt i litgamon lest ys.r, dnublcd tac score as MflilseRalt Estatiiarahyl 4-tliciore tiylg Calieci (Omnaghlin ta n crclons pllcling duel lie- isecon Fita Wleels NorsitTapplag and Caîeck's Dan Martin. In Coierits otar game tac teaie sen- tzcd taraugl i lrst-ys.r calry isa acersa Edge 7-2. MOnto-ne gal on the sin colamn sithana - in esvec Bcers Edge wselde Thruaey Mailera alsa emerged sitha n pit dring tae meecit htnklng Lovitie o-a ielore las- isg ta McDulle, fonttarsee iansd liad a no-liltaer galng onili tac ita innlog. Olers opened ei o crtog l te mcbîlson ai tac init. Norie Maselray led oa i o-laa singlecand "otird on as errar. Maseray sord un BilBrunhliaoingle whmlolioseed Momlray home selen Don Honnie flBoed lirushlta tac piteaond blcled a two-a-n smashs aver tac rgt-fild lance. Moo-lrsy trlpled home Msseray la tac ,seod Iing otr a 4-0 tend seid i lers spped Ita"lin tac Inrta. Bruce Miler slogled home Rager Johnon wtselî00run lelore scarnne an Do Clueta ingle. McDisilc gai on taelbaard in tae ita in- ning o-len Hugli Wilims rame lome an a iedschieodadded a sngle ron i Oilers a adcd the aeas Lewille eory ila second big lisofltheo-eek overcomnioga 1- 0 diadvatage sita a mn la tac serond andltooare Intahelourta lelnccsmalinggil asesysita iglil rima ta tac list. Ed Duos seant tac distance Ion taelsi selilie RIitRKing sulléed is second Ionu and s.wse iaEBA sec t ta.15. Barnde Jahsono pcd Olers sall as Lomilite sita tar s otoluding a home runnand taree tBIs. RayaTnell, lidshi liiolgsme sita Oliac, bltled a taras-rocs ioter. Lors Faggia, GeWiOBrien, Clietasd Johinsneidpped i ta Oers a- lance sita Na Mis aaplee Nclsullehiosaced bacit fraie!te speise- I gma leusaàanKelta hontarew a thcee-hit, camptle-gama sitlanover Kisme'se triple la tac second isoing scorsd Dmcg Willamss ita tac games talrd ros. Wiliam'single la tac nexi inobn drove home Na mare cons ta seat taesein. tn tac ista, Ps.voy i ita second tripleaftae gamesand crcd an Mtac Ml- linsingle. Ttc intlgame ai taceseaeh ls.turcd Fita Weel and Clliekin las hs.d-lo-li.d piiones duel smeng nndels.tad teasa and hota quada rcooalnedunobealcised ai- tac tac game. Collicks Don Machinstrnich nul 13 hat- trt and alinsead juNtwo to. lie did't sl- tose s selk and hMa leamionton helped lita out lynot cammllisg any errrs. Ms.nslilie, Futa WiteelienHNocmoTop- pisg secs maoisg doses Clbecbc hbattaco ai a similar npeed scilingogul ceven, aitosisg f lita Minsd on math. Slave Iogteliart, lac Clliect, ws etaonly bolier ta coflet mrs tHuanneisita toa se- lie$. Coibeekseon in lfirai gama liy a1-t scors aver Bacon's Edge an tac anemnic Coibecit Mtlong attacit braite lisoug scoring nn la four inninga. Dave Macin lad Coibeca sittarswe htt inclndisgna triple and a iomer and drove in four rune tohaci thtacfineeis-tot pitolilag oi At Fentan. Pat Devin managed Nwo htslacrThte Edge and coletdone n RBI. MILTONI FASTBALL G W L T Pet. GB Tihor.Oilers t2 2O0O0t1.00 Colliech 2 I 0 I .750 4 Fita heel 2 1 0 i .750 l Miltoses 2 i1i1O0.300 t Maillons t2 1 0 S t McDufie t 1 t 0 .500 t Rtacers Edge t2 0 O 00 N 2 Loovillc 2 0 2 0 .000 2 Lst wee's residts Coîbi;; 7, liRers ,Edge 2 Sifta Wlel 4, MOltosese 2 MeDulle 4, Malent ilien il, Leville t Tlruay. McDulle c ncad ait tac rima taey needed in tac iccti isg. WWilit la double and scorad on Dec McCnclemnc double. Pela McDnlie flitased ita an BBI-cisgle dcDSsaffl amay blaais mw in by drvng ta Doug MALascglin mita ltse lassas tird rom belrs Ricit McTach'c ld-inclssg ingle drave la PoeaMeDuffe mita the gma'c u"ai n. Ted More PIWW htre fcings lac Mitamne 8, Bacons Edgc i ita Witcel t, Coîbacit f Future Gaies. Wedsesdy-Lowffle vs Collicel pie.; acrs Edge vs Titaraorr BP ilera, .30 pi. llcensdny-Tisruay Mafilens Fita Wleelies, 7 pie.; MOltamne R Etata va McDsile Equiponent,8 p. m,; Throhorrose Oiers vs Collier. Omagh, 8030, Tsesday-Filtb o-keebes vs Tho hocrose Odles, 7 pie.; acers Edg< Losevitho 8.30 pie.: TiiSmnay Mai11i vo Millasete ai Honby, 8.30 p.. Mallen and nnllered taclatsa. Pao] men, ay Grlcld and DenlaGle tac anly Maflen hoiaten ta get I lety Meinno. Tiscumay ofened tac yaar ita liaalisg a of einte.ilck Gantalerq tac ia as tac maaind asBn il, justifur is amdicered wsetprv tahesinning essis t tlra st = "« mlkoed and time sround toams Grclalsingle. Orismocou BriaPeavoys triple. Fita Wheel praved ta ho pier husta tac nese Mltosene tean as Maris Granite Ilrese a six-MItter an lb o-ny toan 4-2 ram- pleta-game victory. Les Detioresi lrohe a -1tiesita a to- rndouble in the taicd hning. Triples con- lihotad to Fitit Wheels a tacr rafla. Granite singled in DeFaront, woiabd tri- pied, sita the games icol ran in tac icol laolag. Kevin Smita's triple knoaceul in Dave DeCaice sita tac fial rn. Kip Jaques hnanked in one Mltosese ran mita a sinle in thie tird and Gen MeCîres RBI single in ita scrsd Franki Rbainson. George Trcocosailcfred tae In on tac mond. Bacers Edge didolt have any loch againultolitosen ea ecl qoado second game ai the yonr sita tac Horoliy-hooed squad toMme as 8-toin. Sintacn-yonr-old huarler Pal Gunnly, o-ho ptohed lac tac Virgin Islands la the Wrld midgei lasihoit chomplomitipo mst al m mantha llaeed Jui Nto lus. Gsnhy led the o-ny allenuively hnachhtg la Miltasnes licol -o rns sita a sigle ta sstaa ur-ran second inning, RBainomos triple Iter isIthe innisog scored to-o more. Mlitoo-ne cranccted for10hlus ita Robimson lcading th a-y sita tarie. Steve Gervais and Dace Spencer vere tac note acers Edge itter collmel sale- liesfonmm tae teenagers allerings. * MFL teams go as far îp as finals in Hornby A&A Rad takes titie k,7 To-alotaama advanced is Bhe 'nal fore losnmg 2-1ta O'Byanno Caibecit o- ganses on bliaids ofnihe ianity Fasu- Omagit) otiinthe coslation quarinr hattban = ,on=av e e eiend anly te ta Paterma lie; and Loo-viiteo-as ta efetd aBechm-a tpgamea destroyed in hota ts a gmco Etea Tliorahocrsse Olen made i t intacgrn A & A Rad osera ore n 2-0 14st-inning championopcontaclacly isba esiliby a disadvanotge to scorenasingle rso in tac lai camilatos olrransand posr hittlog liy o second, two in tbe iird and one finai ron in 4-I margin ta Streetonilies A & A Badinaite sevealto-ile holdsg aIf Olersmon Ol Kise- aI mre ha "- Banden dicon ho Wd on Ak&A lRad earned t044thelac 3-cniplace finish whie Patermn tuooh home $M5. Thorahocrase s.raed $300flactair enlcrtn la shal wsanleosed iy ma"y paopl in atandance aos a coc.isstisenameol. ise taurcy wsanoganlsd by tae Hans- liy lataall tear (ielHasl. fIlbegnF1- day nigti and caiscladed Siday eveing under tae iligitin is Miltais Fanbati Laagssc teas ms- petdaofth e e hcit enlered. ise eaSy Miton teas hseicit dni compoea mon Tit acecnEdge and MiItowne whlicli rani lise chose Tisrssay MHalers advanced ta ibe semis of the ciapkouMp round beone belng as.lad liy O 3-; FM ta We made ilita, taeclsmpiiblp quirs le-j OIlrS,,uuucuc:cMe cu..a:h l"c o-ao, on errer and Ange Tasellis single in tac icol. Rd Donn stortad and lnstad on- Sthe fifta iosing mies Tony Broussard rsllevcd Mmn. Das o oithtac oua. Bobi Marcccci liii a "qaectilsd" home rn for A& A Rad intaecsecond laning. The liait laodod nmac a rape seocis circcnd tBe outileld ta becp cmarsaay. A boU it Ml vec the rpe snulced tao a homar wsee ose setocitboisaed avec masscaitesi a grosd-rule double. Tihe ai seancloseaand nodedaia oeiS.. On B cosoelation nide, Pairo ie l*d MeGDufe siniser Keta Pilcincm os1r cinla nouthe second and f antutas-u tani lonslngilt amay mita Na dih- ing rima inatBe Mlt. Springor Geniole 2nd best in OntarioI Tise Miton lpringers gymnastic Iprogramn was loi t leaming lrom ear- t o-ear after member Paula Gemioe Icaptured an overai nver medal i lise Tyro H division of the Provincial o-eekend in Thunder Bay. Geniole compiled 34.45 points finish- ing behind te winner lrom Oshawae Gemini which lef t lier and her family lieaming. 'We were just esalic with thiere- salis," said Mes. Geniole o-ko accom- panied lier dauglter 10 Thunder Boy. "Sie was catm.Itthougisl she lise miel colon 'dlever seen lier, t stil] rani lie- lieve il. Posta captared tesoliver medal on the beam wit a mark of 8.75and a bromze medal on hier flonr routine init a mark ni .05. Site also competed in te vauli and te kart and alltoagi scoring higis marinso-as uaaiele crack lise top tireetfor a medal. Springer Satan James, in lier first shot ai thse provincial meet, finmkhed lish overail including a fiftli on te flonr. A total ni 49 gymnasis competed ai tise meet whicli dreo- t escin- petitors irom, tise province. Kerry Hors accomponied lier teammates 10 Thonder Boy os on alternate, i mirieoy other seveslli-plerp finish ai lise regioni climpiamliips, liai dido't gel a chane torompele. IIl o-os Ponta's ihird ime ai tise pro- vicai ciamplomslps. 1n tise too prereding yeors, she o-ns 121h in lier I irst meet and iiaproved ta ltta ast 1 year. liai the jsmp 10 second iis year is indicative othlie impravemont she b las shosen.Posta rsmained in IThunder Boy ontil to-loy (Wednms- day) and coultbc reacbed for com tat tkosgkts ai movtng op ta the na- Jlonal streamerleasifer campeti- ~iono-ill ound. IHowever, saisis liseneacont riais ~Altli saliosal-streas oaochon onty as gttoue as Camnbridge and Mimnango, Wr.Geniote saitd n decinion wouln'i estertained untseetibintoetomi- Mitogesiser, 12 people froa inte clb theitrek teoThunderhBay. Te campeitive seasan canclnded fth liSprovincial cbamplo"sp. cempetitive Sprer nieambens pit on a caowai Harliculroni in Bahscrdy beoe wlndisg n forthe sumeo.

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