4 Titecanadien chtaepln, wad., may27, 199 Eatitllet.1861 ihe éanabian champion ROY DOWNS HERB CROWTHER MIKE HALL ldiev PUbiom Adseeinig Manere CIORIAI. DEPARTMENT: Nom, Idite,, Jm Robinson; Sports Lti, Mitai Beti.: Nom, lied. lOto. JanMlv AOVSRTIBINC DEPAATMENT: eRaLum ,Maaee, Glynie Wketo-Manse, Pal e a NATIONAL ADVERTISING SALES REP Den Povtz 416) W3-t051 CIRCULATION MANAGER: Rihad Fmat. .BUSINESS OFFICE: Gtiéele, esga,. Marne tii; Ciaaied udeetteto, Metg MeN, u.Rt Beaat; Typeent, S-eeeCàmtose tatesited evyWaditaty b0e vend Petaitîte Ce. Liieiaorai191 Maiv Sre tuami.MIts 000e oLT 4N9 eTlteoe 878-2341. SusaiptoieveSîvula 00010e25ce eueS$.002t par eor nanCada.e.00.inellateSntrnetito theCanada. lTe. CanadenvChamineoe ofetth e Inaod Potblice gCe. Lied 5,eaoet ofitoituv nvaeaptr it aivolude TietoneeFPu Paa. The ,Ajax/ eviiito/ Pceng eNumaAd- etset,. Tet rate io Guîite..Tite OcBvrigonesPot, BainoevW»e,d Pet,. Et.eiteeie luenea, Teeetgtemo In- dependevo, MrkamEv eevevt evo CSo.,lTe Mssitssau N, tTh Newaoeo/Arom ECia Gosilele Oeev ,Oniomo Tii Weei Onitamo Titooi enaded lit. 5tealeaTibane. Mmieetthitetadilet CsrrmottoNeocwep Asociatio, lhe Ottarie WeeitioNaeeee, Aseeiateon,5atatoo Nampapote et AmeumMutonCitmeetttfetCeemmeeu, Mote SmeeOA. aeO OOo a -p- ao e5 e5,5 Phono 878-2341 TrootaLUn 2-3W3 Aggregate and ESAs A group calling itscît the Halton Aggrcgatc Producers dots flot like tht tact the Halton Officiai Pian is trying ta protect on- vironmentally sensitive flore and feuna froce tht mom af the extrac- flan shovel. Bomtd down to by thc Provin- cial Govrnmcnt aind treated with the ulmot respect by planning staffs acrasa Ontario, tiis group af business people believe they have tht right ta lake gravel and sand tram any spot juat as long os tht company con continue ta sup- piy tht need for road building and ather construction materiale. Tht people caliing themnelves te Halton Aggrtgatt Producers Grop abjected ta tht Haitan Of- ficiai Plan and tht desire ta set op Enviranmentally Sensilve Areas (ESAs>; and for reasons known only inside tht Planning Deport- ment and tht Solicitors Depnrt- ment mhere a suit was filed, Lifesty/e los A bicycle poth, something peo- pie mould have thaught c frivolous idea juat t0 years ago, could well prove a bot and heavy item in te near future for tht Tomn of Mil- ton. A meandtring bicycle path mss pleced an a 30-foot berru along tht north ide of Derry Rd. between Thompoon Rd. and Houpy Rd. lasf yeor as port of tht aesthetics of tht Timberlea subdivision. If it nom mcili sed by tht people living in tht subdivisian and it is tht kind et amenity nem home- omners aimoat expect follawing tht Erin Milis breakthrougit 10 years ago. Bat if seems Halton Region neyer gave ils off iciai approlial tu tht bicycle path along a regional road (Derryl, and nom that there is tht possibility tht roadmoy may be idened. tht bicycle path may have ta go. Rager Cunninglon, speaking on behaîf of tht subdivision builders, mania ta ktep tht bicycle path and He whonhes Hemho htsttt slet hue, ing gos a 50 t applitesaom igtht ammeno t aps o soure oatien of Hllnstesuce- sprstd rofecentlbyMil erex pray Maien. l yMlo lr RMain ie h eini mooing "a utile tee fast" imb a Haltan-mîde pragram ot having Phiosobits Oy Edit Siarpe No eknos ye,lie ye kneeyeer- self. Iftwe keepitiisy coectingoui-ontaults i leok ai My pool mitates aoiens 'oc teureed (rom. Newmi bave put tem n ale- bled me, ced itope 1 imli et mate te same unes agais. miee slpigsgomeooe, Ia seasp ta uadectaed, hale thal; but mitan seconoe stop toviefi pua, il taOcitengi*thae itetore yumealtey aresaottermng itact a pu. Maypople onqileinaot t mttemin lietleay epa nuh eoft urletint.dohw,. mitI ther are c ten totade. s Hlton bas had several meetings mith tht groop trying ta make some changes for this group of people. Believe if or nef, tht group oi people la fnot satisfied the region is trying ta bond (yet aguin> ta their mishes end han poo-pooed if- lempts as seemmng ta look tee much like tht original official plan, mhich by the may hae been approved and pot inoaw by tht Ontario Minister ai Housing Claude Bennett. Big business contraIs some aspects ai gavernment an me have seen mith tht remnoval by Ottama ai anc person mbo mas trying la open tht truth on tht ail cartel. Mtust we bave something in a similar fashion brt in Halton? There le lots ai aggregate leif le thtepots se designated ln the of- ficiaI plan ithout some people or firma gresping for more. 's net havt iftam rnouf nom that iftasin place. If is bard, he said, ta 'take nomething amay from people once yo've already given ita them. " Unlese a Halton opproval cao be fotind ln tht files-and there le some doubt-it le likely tht region will order tht bicycle poth de- stroyed. Halfon tends ta think for Halton, as me mli knom, ond pro- bably milI nef ha amenoble teas change in tht desires ai plonners. It is boped a compromise can ha rtachtd. What that compromise milI ha, or if il con ever came ta fruition, is a matter te ha seen. Luckily only a portion of tht poth is nom in existence but if mould ha nice tanee t ifcompleted. We can only say tbat from nom an, mhat bas gone by ahould heaa lesson. We mauld suggest in future planning, bicycle paths should ha mode an integ:al port ai site plan oppraval and placed in the plan-so me mont bave ta loethIis type ai lifestyle amenity. itates residents put glana and poper lnemsprint, carrugattd and fine) in separate bondies af corboide. Haltan hopes ta get tht concept ot separating monte inta rc- sidents' minde sa tht refuse con ha recycled and bring in revenue, mhile cancurrently extending tbe l1e ai landfilîl sites. Halton dota mant f0 move 1asf and if bas a marketing plan resdy ta be discoosed in hopes oomething con ha established, perbapo as sean an theesrly feul. Af tht same lime, tht Ontario Governinent is ready mith lots oi moety to start a projtct en a dotant have any othtr choîce, then if le time te came te tht pomp. Mr. Main le o very astute per- san mita anticipctes probleins mcli le cdvance and rarely makes a mistake in is acesaments. In titis instance, homester, me hope Mr. Main helpe by appbytng his web-known admilnistrative talents taelthu conSept andSais sorce npamfi oini e ven fister hein ifta nom. asit LINDA KIRBY Lst et i1mclita ota. crcas, i retecter vcguely sceg toot mederul irtas aimais ail e vcry teeder elge,and se mon t fmy impressiene have tees gieased tremteletoicoin shoot ced thcederu ielorideof ever ever laed. i oce alocysstirovit iy tte romance et teircualite; thecmy in iicittesvery taleeted people wtuthiemit eaulitul memen, muscle-hoced me, dere dcvii stanta and eceeue creatorot moed rsm tame ha tme lite gypties. Aed ttceitet port eflil ail oun, tey evo îoed metief peple itappy, Nehady eaiad tergel CciB. Detilles epic, "The Greccent Stem on Ert. The circas effers on ecape tromacli the tonal realilicsofe evcryday living. Or se i ecaiied. As i llned ap mt clese ltot 0peopl- vcittdren oetcllage"teelite irstisito, t mendered et typîcel reporercr cyelctam, lest item close Iis localcoet woaM matchtmy laetastic imagivation, i mcn net disappeivici. DO IT BIG Gencral Mtctrs Gencrel Sales Manager ter Canada, DicCO ccmho jes alocys tellieg it dealersî bde mmc.- thlng "big"mitet c sco caris ire-, Tom uni Morley tRichardsee, et Richacrdeo evit-Dîde dd justitact and t rely as iig" "Dict Clcemho oayn mc titeeld ras cnelepbcel Up te main sîret e vry lim e estav a neto car,"Tom Richtardsonesaid. Thale jasi mitait e iccci e de dolasI Thursdey, duine te previcwof et tt ccChevrelet Cevalier ..l carý mt Merlin and Demne circas alte The magic was there Fer e nhart, meederful ime, poe more acooped awcy tale anelter mold. Ttc magie wmu eal, tee uta iutred- bit, ttceeimais very clever aed h. humer priteleu. An enthuuasceic and eivineaiy taientad iegmcshr daeilcd as acjsggier, master et ctremesles ced mrite intahie ring cec. In ate, te rieg crem partse, mas maie Up mstiy oethlie pontermero. There mre familes mite bad gnome up ittc circas lonti, eacit dieg Ibeir iCI and dieg il mili. Everyitedy plcped mureibs n o n oIe, starei moet tacs e etalent ced mrted jusl as bard as te sesl pertee ta mate te circcen etglemerees and eecileg an mc al wnnted tahalicvt. Thteimais hare preofofetgeed cure aed teiding. They preeced ced Ibeir ceita shnet, cllemieg neiteiy ta criliizt Iis sitew ter slnppy hatdling er improper .Martneacd Den may ns e th ie lirg- est circas in Canada, itut teir sel moud ha tord te tetioity muet cemponien efthIein taingconeds, Teom and Morley get tihe services et Jemet te Eteplecet, oeeoe Ithe stars etflte hoand mite had e part n lte moec, Smoey ced te Bondit Port Il. Preciscty et 3 p.m. tnt Tbursday. Jewel, mt Merley ridlng asd Tom lcading the parade, itneugbt theneem tar uni Jcet ldame ttc Mani. And ae for Ditit Cleoma, wmcli bel Ztfsally geltel at es itee niting ton, li t. aan erpittg idec on bhha cf te cor deatentitip. TREE FOR ALL Goi ecs fer peepte with meei- iteretag stases cernes f cern Hilton A cesly bg Bitow. Jewel the Elephant belped Richardson chev- Odis introdoce the nom J"' car in style las t Wedntcdiy. Thse nom car and Jemel mre In o mini-parade down Main St. Titeir tueceso, ne desitl, tan te ai- trlhalod itoc mlnnlng tomblition et finil tino acea Raith.prefeaulenal may le mitici thtey were dens. Utke every oteltbuiessa Ouerpe-tie, tbey have c bealtp euppip ofgimmicte. The cincua ta ne longenrnmsaua of tleap enteritanmeet. Gettag leulde ltee tntla nol tacaspenolve. Ilita tise getting out Ihal proloes cmsliy. Candy fims, popere ced pop are )uâl lte iegbnleg. il it ditticul ta odeey c chiaionceofthte adercable taffedaiaiseoen cstick, ora ccieg book. Aod everyhady needs magie meed. Tht tint geet nandon Bu o enees, ltha c il parte itec- e&. Yen dent rlpmii They givepe lteir test. Tlsey mctte peu lcegit and hemil la al ever, yen geoterne feeling gla yeu tee oIt teea tid ie iti. Aed itesides, te cîncus eely cernes 10 tame once c pear. Bogien. The reglouat comeiei meni e laigeni Pubtit monta Cornrillee recemmandatiosntai mitesdeai treeu are remoe, titey are eut ep aisiet ai te reudaide teruai taleon. le tte pcf Heittnhot I m tnslderei seliig tewoeod, Normai prîclice, eccerdig ng tcmmiltee chairmae Bit Jetoa, ta ta tul trou ininsin ta elgiti- lent tengto andeve ltewoued ite reedaide ta te pitited up tp butai onui- enta. Mr. Johnson ii il mastitbe leet tee cmele tate trou aflor thay are ce- meved, bave taem cul ep, ainltes tnetkei loia ceetrat spot ta tp fotr sale. GOU!) POINT Hilton Iteglonut teenitene 0111 tati a meetng Jane 10 ta sîeip a report on the Corjtocte Pisanitichin ta eslgttei le set r"guns]l geais eil 1t67. Wittble msme touneitlore tnsiier Oie decument lie. montambitions look tais tae fture cliemptid pet ta date, ene Hltas n erner sali ta tapai the cerporate planuemeu"moite tare tht mitestey cetokni ite future ttc1 M.w. - s,- hw:-.a,""ionw SPACE FOR RENT? The Mitaso Plipors are tetkieg fer sorage se for ta.ir prooian scn .Teprenant storage room il bitto a M intaovorce . If pes have a tacs, oareitouau or ernptp garage mitere Oie amateur thhtre grep casesore ttslr prepe, ciii Jlrn Seemail 8786M5. OAFFY-NITIOPI Meeting: Utare nsmntu m ie hav aid bous o i. One year ago Peauthomay IR, isim HallonRegonal Police have culd su = ii n consectlesmlith à srins trocit &y aI Dufldbe en t u rouéirtu Misln MidelatW&e6yeelg aller is 18m bI traetr aloto 1h Bieette eca ent un a readmay on Dufria property. A Im aryeah arldate as beaut bd foru" ý fr Rb". Mareball Eeplt, 49ecared mit motueghter linte eittlg doh of a 24-year-oid Million ma. Davil w~eeiii {tleTr enta tlomyer wu ideedisg Mr. epgisr. Andre Wyemus 0f8202 Heulop Rd. died ta Mitas District Hoepital 14 heuresitar beisg lelalilysabotis;inte becitwhile fleblag on a prtvslo farn owned by Replis. Mutas Csuaci lii euh Gentario Labor Minseer Robert Elgie ta istercede in lte le-week nid RoeInmternational trike. Cesecilior Gms Gestagaki, whe aekofr the letter, eald te etdy may nom ta gsi Bny actien tago dlrectly ta Rechmel Iter- national heaquertreitaTrony, Mlch., ta bepesa arequselmi itte bacilg etflte latar miister wttl have soeeaffect. Milton Piayera report lhey nete have e berne fer regular rnslly meetings, a toc- atlen fer rehearecle, aed a tage fer peo- ductions. A mulcally eatieiactary arrangement has beee made miit thlie adminsetration of Hlise Centensili itaner cnd Hilton Board et Heallb and Welfare. 20 years ago Feau lte May 25, 1IMI issee Knes, St. Peisanad Graec hurchs wmli ce-eperale ont a outmer vacalien bible ectotl. IRobert Mackay laoetairman. Aueised Querrien LId, e susadlary ef St. Lawrence Cemeet Ce., itegan strip- ping aed deveopment ot a nete qsarry sertit ef Higbocy 401 et tta Firel Lise ef Fequeeisg. Develepera aeld they bave regard for lte face of te esacrpmeet and bte e ncrreeut calmy hae eceM yfor a ceeveyer, te halance ef the qucrry willi net ha visible ced lthe face ef lte eeccrp- ment wmlinet ho destreyed. Ceueci leaplcnnlg c cie-uputai te ploneer cemeiery et Oronta lit. liome et lte tanes cre itreben ced haurited ever, ced te fance là le eeed ef repairs. The nom tecm cend Anique Asoaton le discuaalag the peeeilty et a tali ehow le Milton, m ite Cbamhar et Commrerce. Howard Griamold vins naed precident et lte Cbcmiter etaite annel meeting Ibis CPR's plane lq chase a feetitalt cer lte trocitu ai lte CeuetSt. sation areban proteledhby reeldeetie et Ceurl,-.W antd Bruadmaye Oi$. - Mr. ced Mns. Aise L. Sialit ef Toronto itcve purcbeoed tha Dio tarn os Waliter's Line trem Lerneancd Guy Disen. Tbey plan ta preoerve lite heaely oethIis preperly ced raine Charolais ccttle. Bruce Heod han givet ep is meeily aponta celume le Tite Citataplen, itacauoe ha doem eet have nufficlet rne ta devote ta il. Tht cetun ambieen toton ever ity reporters Roy Doseced Bit Mykes, mit help lrem Mcnugieg Editer Jlm Dito. Ceuntry Lite, c Britisht magazine, tectured c pîcture et Mitena famao ereeted tree receetty. Tite tree woitlte double elho a on e lty. 25 erliftwnItm. 50 years ago Feor te May28. 1931 ise L.H. Rtchiesn em servicsationlet te eot ed et MainSt., en te Paiermo-Mi- toe igtmcy, inscempleled and mlii haopen fer buines en Sclurdcy neet, May 301h. A"geelernat et clr, net e reeldeel et Oaboite, fr rcieicg c dlturitaece tnac pri- vilate ue eIletome, masent ity P.M. McInlveentot te eeeety lait fer 30 daes Tbe Provincial Pelice liermed Thte Chtampion tedcy ltat otter inveellgclisg lte taries circeleled alput a kidnapper bietgl intis district titey teced taI ttere lu caoietely te truthin le aid tarles, ced Ibsi parentsa eeed C e afercld leto end titeirebhlidren le ceuntry ocitenlo. We titanit lte Proiecial Pelice ter titis iefermatioee, miticit le g eed ecs. Empire Dcy mat otaerved t inte citoits et te teme ced district en Prldcy lest. Tite Happy Helpere MistoneeBand mît iteld a ment meetieg ite aciel-reoon e Fridcy attervees ai teur oeclocit A drive titreegi te ditricti cemis greatc ereofetfaitIoheci and acflct. Net for yeare liseoieat winlered su eet Thece iii ho a geed dance ai Stanley Pcrk Ernv en titis Satucday eigitt, May aeti. Muic supplied ity AI Bitter aed hii six-plcce rcetetra. 75 years ago FcrnmthteMay 1. IONIsse Thteibedy et Asiiigi Crett Moereitease, tee et Dr. H. H. Meereitente, et Terenlo, mite, olit William Hcci, a tellem Trlelty tudeet, oas drewved hy tite capoietaf ef a cesse etf Mimnice Point ev Ssturdcy, Apri Ttoct teued Ceating in thc cite star Pert Neson, oemile teo tiscllvtev. vs Vriday e oig Iis conbobo's Wd, tce Adceeontacm, upper middle rend. ced kiltled o lectoetfiterae. Mr. tlsrd oce le te biulding wmitt iloeccurred aed ne star damage mcs dame. Empire Day os quiet le Miton. A nero f cithaess meet ta Toronto. muai ef temei t leinte Toronto-Jersey City hatehailimatchtes and c 1cm cllended te cnnesai pnlofetProidence, toc mhiethct ie Millton hand, cs uul, aeppllod te muit. Mc. ced Mro. Fermer mit teir soe and daugittar, apeel Empire Dey i lte Claub bonne. fer te MitanFiat and Gamne Club. SIbe meaiher wae cefaverabie for trdal ftabtag ced Mr. Farmeros luth aeonot as gond n Il mcc un te lit ladt. m(Dýýffl@ucow@ M@Dýmmom '7