BS he Csnadien Champion, Wsd ,MOY 27, 1981 Miltowne ReaiW Corporation SpacionS. Make na mitake, thia kitcheni l large enougb for even the Most active family. Plenty of cuphoard and counter apace make any chef's job a lot easier in thia moderm, bright kitchen. Country bungalow minutes from town Th beauty of th couitryiide and th proximitY ib City serViots mabei 00*4 home a treat A wel maitained bungalowu, tiî iitated o amsut one are olanod and locattd ooly minutes rom Milto. Imagin a berne srrounded bY mature pins, lilaiii and a iar edge. For yor fummer pleanure, thent ila aunken aboei-ground pool and patio ai the rear. A breezewa y sepralo te berne fron thOe double garage. The tasteftl decoasion and im- maculate condition of Oe inlerlir make it a tinter. Wth thnie bednuiiin and tito tom- hue oSers many Theei mclude a fireplace in, th living noom. finuluiid ereation roem tfSa Franklin stle iifrlcii; games ama and den and a 900o.khp. Th largo wel-designiid ktoben protides los of roman id cuphoard Anid bt he liIvuig rot.. and dining roorn have th luxury of a PrettY ciotryide scene fr000 the large intereted byeri iboild laite noteiof oei etra eature. Alibaugihi"nhben tardies noamorigage, lbe tender lb 401- ing to take bath a f irs morgagein mal wils a gond doito paysnent. Tii make an appintment bn view, ,iase cîuont Milonone PÀealtY Cor- entra ncetief. pratios at 818-2365. A beauty 1T% cutom des dh om ofrs'h yo iigaa hr r ielcslctdit --Lindé Kirby, advantags0fcutry I hnabtw ait living ox adf«nihed rereation room. Aithougi les. Located on almeat one acre of land, thia bouse in- thiboe does fltcar a mortgage, te vendorV Mil/ton Champion cludes a sunken above-groufld pool and patio at rear. wwlng to taire bc a fint rtae to sesI with1 The home is in immaculate condition and boasts plen gOoddoWfl ayent AC EE..LPAGEITenmfrnd pa-NT AFqrReELo0Mie fld s A pretty scene. Th roamY dning area offers the extra advantage of a large picture wndow with a beautiful country ocene beyond. JU5T MOVE IN VAUEPLU tfru h ndua, Eea0hiin hoeiiitl YOu ill 0d eniiptis 4 bet0m. 2 4 adoos, 2 ats mait'W vit stuiisy loadad niih troua Inluldad aa: atit dy, upgaded btnadlott. ditairut oui- splt, mnîtocfuimiiuli tu1s00aaa muiqAi~~iî iAtcuaiottoomutuuintkm kichrliin .,diin Mr wthmlou ioer, lu lrg Pl n ae sa oulihilas itAuost i.P -naitti. pAl hiittidec, t,aaiuuuornd3 elPfie oems i le aiSrisrm utI . Al bite 0500' a UI T uitu l îusi nitt ia@ptaoo. 4 bidfuocuM fn tefMrn insdrc uta, lagdning i tom. 2 hatOt kpuabeakfast toot, Rittlout JiiaiiMcCor Vi lhidfapdba. kyard bciot paoklaid and, ovredpaio . hom otePerfecionP1asCnli Comfortable but elegant. Wth a large firepFilace, this living room makes entertainiflg apecial. A floor ta, ceîing window takes in a lovely view of the front lawn. A ary o. his talrs recroatie rote, equlppad wth a -Fiamm is lm 000* fur ailtypes f gather, 1 ing. M i nrt%:tt . 9 au om 6 a denam.e reConut LiA $9790. Pais ait eilBil ï i $152.0M0-ORSE PARM S RN I MI- 1U fes te filmai t i oidettif il gnit m l eofii i ta ma ti ssit tatoiiittCp Sdeitlitriiii "u, iscouo«.pgmded tioed- 30tc l flvn fc trn:4be- Cdlýe n1 aysei c ,P11 mi swotd -o~ul iuitfidiftitib d Cid loith od n tii1tutimoadsultiîi.pit lu ,aipslu . klreltivng 8 r utti totaililong oit rioatimdingm" , age n o ,Id n iter dt nte n 8aiî k dinnq on CoNnaio, et-i . Hollywiood kitcOn ith birieakfalst ttk out 10 ilhndt i re acintivin roo an 1iFEDRA 4,0 ON40ME hidi i apaeillsttatid uIiiooktiog gimin Wt .Mi foo fmiy oom 0.10097. lmlyromsearte iing lithM0o"' a FbIEDttttu -foci, d , 00tt.hteouilacs d wakit tisiltl sialsacsa adnioiont ~ ~ 4 beoooi stable attd îîinmtld smtimmt lend ii olu.u. crie of tmt »tiiaiquuf u nsahi. Ati 44MuWd aMbmiiail 11% mtiagO ahouIi, shotinug aid IfutreGO tain. Asittu put. 100olii au itier titttiti PCloma tSu holh nga dtnt. ptai a #Lndsy J. MeLJui. $131,900. Pstaisitll LiduytJ MLaten. pemolluWittt GENTLMANWS HOBBSTOR HORSE PARM *50.505AT il% UTIf AREOFiEAN XWAP l.itad stitueîhi5ttitu 01ai Mheli Ctidet dis 3 bidtiio eft u r i ngt1ttf lvitg Appi. 27M0 ci. Il. of oficeio t ntiexta sPae. fatuy, tii, 26 arno t fu taurets- 4 lase oomi liiia tiiott.ttiy tt.iîpiti. fl.OEC R M N SAE Ifmfiilni i.pilauii ibi o mti nairioortu, sao.ooiingtatd dithiilmon.2 cental ai, bey indo. in hlîoivi*n tt ltcLotd vittdanidiat o5 tl dtît d ie« alta n il Lawrence. fi lac-. iihd 1-.m bt ihs, ole i r l tiie tc.sitt g $1019,9W uu. ase tai nwotdiid îtiîtttili sra u nirig thG timuh r 21 i-2'o îîtq.od bil o 8,îili ONTAltlOSTONFtOUSE "oIn,î Jdn 1 t.i S- -11iO ittinl y- l it llu, ti,' SOMMER LIVING AT ITS E5T - $11f19M pool uhîih -mu iiiit thitO îtatiotiOldesli t iîtoit 0h00 lrgoseat ditu ,12 ti oum and i Tht 00i dcksin iilthe operi bfohtftd muiiafor lii i iau ei nju . o rmod el outniliohtu too nd solarlium Upgtnded boadoot, satei lois t in u itCnadiens fftiht et hal 01 Pl, outioriviet vu boufi15hat. 4 large hadifornis, aufl icot ult saiiifonii afi larg hal e **At.Phasa oallIg i t hefotiingp laf ibrfaî O iloidom t oped wood boi 0um iing t alft ul.a dikfafifi l.ittuuutPbISi' it 9100it5i toitua, poiin q al iflosdh sa d aud iupiutii homin excelet:sf loatotn. Pilsaa taitCaroeorfa ir. rcin.Lfa îe io e l it frshted. Aabiif$375,000. Piae aaa f IigeWitthfu. aioniluo JialtMiCoy. m citufa. Milton 878-101 389 Main St. E. Toronto Lino 826-9218 Milton T~r Sndarnas MaagiF.NL mlUOINOM BSaitC.sdy DMW51!LOWrOfioe iieWIihiIU Undowy MGL*rOt 8784-M7S s31UOSW2h Ma~i.lme - JoaMcCoy SWl Corel Somtte Ittidn Donane Symein $ tm Hri iohu alns4 o rlon' Green L M; 7 781msi f.4 0752190 7"112 ami270 879-43»0 070-41