f~ ~ ~~~l 24BATSI cathe bil tmc ea n2 atteus 243 UTONST, Wf129SPIUUSRD..t ILoc HCMITON561-à24 oaxvua 44934a Uoî I ImaaIk,'flaaI "DA VCI 1 SUPIN SAVINGS ON YAMANAIIrae at ai ou ut ne ogu Au mlb oE il wM I pi nets a fstiriartnt topIIII =Li mtaotric itan îlEmd port poi Naiser.iord rýlra.1tOte11:0 tWINDOWCONTOa Ira, Tnd"i aIln~ at te rpate th aiatiti eitdeow - HAODTOP Camp.r, h pionm~ looitt ioeo e 103. gIslapi6, lane h-vdm gg lml rvAdw ed Bi mtirraashaurtr, atthetaMiltet Ceurt HCueaMotetn, Otare. in ratorigarar. attaflchai NOTE: A sta vieloider tastrille oha te ttt ho~ rs 12 X 8' dtiitrtat, rihaMiltnCort Cueg, 4EtStudos At., Miltn t Atl caralcbroit" . matie, Jcae 1tenatt eaat, Juota17 olotat a ont 177 HAOOTOF Str rprtaittativa etrthe MiitoflaremrmtSertices mar craittcamps., stevet. mt brinattatceabete Arcthetoulet of tp.m. Aue oirken î o t. SP8 atten3:30p.ttou 6. Geetcandtionet. Tandar teomentti mY e abtilneei reo:Misraoft et aCti. $1 Sc0 87"4 ommetervrites,.Ntoccaa igiotal Otfite. ME ThE 10It-OOtOIS MSatop ParakS. W., .OF.Btee1tE, Don-du, Ottarie. 19H IOte Campsr icaatt-c- 5E7 ren rets,%, ao4Akiag SildTetonrwlbe raetiI200pm., We-TER 1750. Otie9t0at877 e Ln 324t. nIue oa24, 1981 ear michime te mWil ha 1979 MAPLO L0Y oepeinlapobli. Tenceat tia in l Eoras. ie Campr, 8', SoIopo , 3 NOTE Fertettrar irformati, plaie ContactiM. Et mat rltç. to8.VantinAc, Mitestre et Goterment Seriesat.Dot- il.c. ar.eiiofd otaly ton'ciasOtaineiptins (416) 62736 1- sacritica 2,50. $78 Temvetitrutrir notettetirltctacîtd. itti. TENDER NO. DUN-0t3 191tPOhlaeoR 2 t e Mialatat0e -76pCuitO t8V9-0145et ic Ira TVatnnie. th toi btw80ateiti. Ontario u imeracueeconceatito. mstiaun. 77-3422. o« l S7TAOCOAPT tort 0ti0c rillier, r' eai, aitapo 8. ende ce trtate, Stoca, S.C atr tanuco aneta br8oko, topherti. trTEIOO CHIMNEV OPAIRB S'IIIIrII mrtrebe, 10ebl, 'OtItee raeIcîr at tr ablaatt cantg rie ecetd titttte. Saitceaitio. t ienîlr actet. ilppicUe edot o olet art 87t. Ia- D TIT Trater, pott tl-tlmeetetaaidlbemeiréiaciralarhe t teatition. i784957. EtarC.DroreSthiton,le.Otaio. cr 1071 Wi NNi1OAGO. NOTE. Aatiiý .tttorietremavilhaoe ýd.ecti top Sloops , fritte, $ato ti. raPee Coi.EretstC. Store SthoiAy. N. C batirear, ffait, et. 215MIuret e oadc, rote rc16 ita ac, ci Excllent comiils' Juea17 mAec rprsatitle etth Miite eof i Attitte07 SI 8014 ottereeterSerticesiibiatendcat*tti irm 'n' or 818-2u29. rthioroftt:00e.te. art 2:0iottota - _ __ ITettderouments ay ehaiene rot:Mitreet V ±ai;;su&Vler$a I Ooeetervets, Nigarc Rgiteci Otfice, 345 O aZEDefitaeriect Par St W. PO. tee 100,Dneeia.Orttet. 911 *Ftlitc a t. icti Al ectoc Seate Tanemcciberttotaer ti2:00 p.im.,0Tue- c aFil i1irr , aec. olv ti a, clJote 23 191etcrtim m e i ie ee « Aitublc. ond clrt catiraias l Lowanc deth NOTE'PtFr frirer ietrmttet.pleu tciolMr. Et p itaIItastaptil Utite, Mitiie i ttyo oteetaat Sanoiiot, Dun-e. a.C.tottet ticdes, nti. Tlpirtea (41)127-3515. a *MtIrnaeotcIrteth oetoraytne ntncsoil Ic CRIEDIT RIVER TEN DUO NO, DUN-0Ni BOAT Co. Moeae NORVAL (5 D r i ScatIef "-21erO Sv eriesa 19e0 iatct-INE Ontarto f Barrccda14tt.taSKIp Out¶tartl ead trder7,ita watk pactu"ematarew, NTICE'TO NOTICE TO aktrptcr. eioC. ®r ipetffe. 07500211. REDITORS CREDITORS 16 POOT Fihre. IaI N THt ESTATE .et N THE STATE 0OF bat Mitaroofand 7t 5 ROBERIT WELLINGTON JOSEPA RLAN At [EN, hrsepoer Jhsont;DeiDo, ltaeofthelroaaeofthee Tece of Mil mr acetEZ .ait 1Towno ltoM, itelraton, e ire the etio trar oeil M1eetîîîe et5M 2327 Isolar 4 .00cm_. egioni eiipltyo îM'cpety e tHar, 5 PT. PIOOESLASS ttt e tet tFemer. At-Icaet ho-oct boat,,,Johnsont 2.5 ALL pursoncsuret t Iiiets gilat rrilot ýe mcto ie, eme"lca. Olmte ire sit t e arlibi 5uramoij oia ""dr"' icitî ac e .a ..ý. ro tlatlttc nti i .oir ciiom ar cotlcig liti, .itttrIt tend u iue raO a rutheriire n blga pomp & tIpet., coi otheetret i geeteentor efre th ie oI,0.87t-9896, ___ coeaon or orbeloe e l letee et Jfoto ,11r11 16 1PT1 CHPCERD 1h arrtefetJoie. 191,.aler hor icaeS thetir mairgeateplatE toit, SecaoS ittr Etta ' 40 7511F cEvieleotreter wicoat heEtre s aO ta lb s & tdoim traitar. e050 EteIct'cassura ,l eis-trit ed ioaiqreeardeott-t 2DI7 âatta6 .Mr Opm eoirotiittregrt ot- le tde otathvelrhoaInrt leioetchri i.tatre t tact retoit H i,,i eeretroocd eteNAti L[Et HENDiRO- tAISE etoriato ccir LAoeIAEIecBY OI, le otn our gaae oejl1lESSEOF1. Eaîutter 0 - tocf, 0, 10 IWoTCINS0N THOMP tocarieatibot bitE irireerote 264hM n I r tettapar leuir. Urecsteras Soliroitec. Mlr o.a Litt . iavestrett 264MintStret, S F roteirot. Satae EceitL esta1=,a., d MletnOtio. 6533 Mi. oa t.9[T 1 P2. Wff esaIaaIII Miauset, N tAL.n mŽzAI3 r Slis Wrd Browridge 0006 E. DONALOSON DON COLLING [tceae ctorte AUCTIONEER Fim t- Lvt AactIaca Arot aletta r ae camalrA-.eet Att Pacei rurnitureSae 878r2940 M Maint. W. Phone 878-6730 R.. 7 Gg tw RR N. ,Mito. AppIsislib u ye tuiEEEZt±tr- E AUICTION SALE AUCTION SALE Fr1. May 2Sth stS P.M. For Uoyd Coombes Loctioan: taMilto,ete eFalrgrcots, ia SaM. May SOUs at il A.M. tht Agricciterel Hall ca RobetlSt. melton: Sile o c At iretiltht prcperty et Futý,ow o Deitet pomp teor nvsaiot cait; >yt Atieeti ca tht Ih Ue, Ne. 7542 ota tel; matileli ecitort ii grattcuiitie - L proc. 2 mite atcf Milton or epprce. /a sien tabla, amt chair t 3 aideairita h lalti t en oaogîcttetiAa.aits& chiacaiet vith 1 glaiatte&h1 trason; lesho f Ctilte0elAvcoe.tmtea IesiatetoH a M iE Jiaece oncheira; vit.miuittot&a a la Cnebdg Of Antquefurnture 3 Ryal hall *rten; J.S C. Pertiot Chair;VMo. pareiotchair; le 271; Paiî Late 002103; 4tcsafl Draitotecigriea; wat hall ti; ait a blee;t ca onit Blonetiie.i M, cttieair, ctes.&broua; promira etive reetaook; geetoe; eclikmitait Shallnsock; amali rolltoptee iM Tolamra, acmStaaîe, mc Menis Ocerg ot ei ceaii p aitaonî;atSt onî. ieeltlmtI pirrai p@nta; mitittylecir; ut oft4praicit biet chairs; oi t os. lat.tuioct.ci; 2 atiqleocOco1tmilwihitcrhet chair; pin ttwith ir sa pi oi C8 .tae oks untieque treeks, t Mcrt etat.. t Cet ft nte et tii;ô rwe aiitir hllS ci ,nWeai celerai, 2eitaltot iec t mrchasr; moi 3gare3 er ahet;o tr~oaint; ak co"frei nit; matfieetabla; mi$ ml$ a Wtep Plier tabla, plant tnd;rarcinuchin a iet;chiet; ec ani e alttttabla; plea tacal 6 dnstcrt' e cr atotet Phyie aftt;bmleo;l tiuti entabe; p.ol Dottet at; eet ox toam pbard; ttteer tatato pbood; oodfmstad; insk sali cht:rrtoSitger tractia seaiog Mcinet; mfoetie T and; pins ttcentetable mitA tramat' 2 primitivea retndpinsefttarie;pln a heairi; pin utie t oxa; [o atmo 5 drevstlcht artlepns); ttlt'stdeer; 5 . lte ore nl pn o;pr.eofttdpinsetacl vse pinta chatstar thmestitha pells; sittswing P" ; 'eot; mit oth rtir 3 bt; t t rt er mttotota pinsra Aacamates bhaoricginal, gotd et titort; 3Scit pinscindtows; ccrdttaltelt fire chaose. il b hitsoog t.;oecd .re îri; Applacatast mise.flt":iizar portabceair&W. il etlctpatttlie tca.;Ro tosniPleH«; actA othai, R F.C.A. OMOt.T.O ar crtoen; pr. ntn et hec ta etth tr.ofAbua iceer' td eleot oreit; tatctrit trt t ilicieot mar. of tetSirs tigies; drtataart;%ire lti ' polisSon; large tee; Sopeior aicilertite ter, lita tot; > Al ireinbtte i H. ocaco Ccagke â ;cti; . et e irootet; ump pompo tiraotcusuercil hSesaeot wantî;s; c ..ve;Capitchn;P.o ppiiacrs. Plitldtttmeai; KdaEett ctPe ock amottin eticrt; Flcetscni autoins "ae; Coletmteone; 3 usetaot ryotg pirte; Par- seollmp(W ;milbsu tiurns e anretSpetet ait, gei; M.î.P. comepact; Stolitg aisacandubr; asorte faccn gl su;ermie y- ilvaichaie; r?7tC ufflnt Ma; gct i to at eh chatn; idruit Lest acratedeed&t otgltiriutcS;heorslite r.etet ui uca tainM accont. et E.P.N.S. et eteper places; îomc drsscr;oxacosaitara;e ett V:i.o o cutieta 0181 iondeaiinrt2gLaaser ho; ct iret a Rteal Alhart, Occpit Japaetct.; 10 gel. titiniom; i attiteeka 2 Iccaitt Teben getîi tatritel siroia pnel; airooele &ade ttcetai; jmpen )pesto;aleiaro neaact. cittas; ladies golftes, nem tuat; angoenîoe aoP- olwrtwm aPriétiiosEtc: Asoredreur Met; cotncct bhskt; Africin sent; cil painting; etd&tcemttreroces;a2aitct. hatimeras;Ait cet wt hl ont clitef any run osoco osttrc(Doct Coair);moletten% item; hrbona:icorrî fut et; agg ca, - tnillght; cet . cioitsiirwitg Oils h eholitsat aoapor lo t arie;nt. et.oapiait i braisi, ctettro tem oït ciit etalaIief. Spoteurctstee; cit acsais pot o et taid iitt TEOMBo CASH OR CHEQUE WITH I.D. ahe aea; sai tiren; 2Ohrtciaes;hactit; Lunciale. im hal&h errbhlle; ottsarpeitg citoson tand;tt0 REVIEW; 4:3SLALE DAY. dhroail; est; ora Iettelat; plin ateaect; t Auhr & 2 ctpen oler hlets (ott); got- AuctionSeIT Wsord Brownrldge oldtinsUe;e rol toere; 10 gotes cddi; art. Phono: 878-730 tel boel. laia, priaI; coctablea htla; Hcnry e. ______________ totci [loaiog; HMrt Bra. heail.tpentttc to ck- _t C LEA-RI NO A UCTIO0 N S ALEÊ" lt,On;oet0hr ope crock;Iniecttiioettoies:O ait ktrrtete r; Vitotr gramophonrttmlariga mn;ceaiscets;i8 lackplanetweed)t; 30molute FARM MACHINERVO INDUSTRIAL - osnc tweed); ont. tatleg machoint; Toterare; omait EQUIRMENT: NEW St USED PARTSo OF- mmeboxsta; tise, te cacher; 2 Frîri Johnsont FICE EouîsP.: EtVEHICLES it iota icefme;al; ceitniteAma; hacotiri FO cre prlet ile Sae a scthaet tirvet wirl iiuorhFO ir sit eetiieto rnt lcîectt morSccotat SHOLOICE SERVICE Et SUPPIY ITD. ,tak iJereme Desm, Bristo, 01.) smali antiuo JUNCTION OF NO.7 Et 10 HWVY iel cloA; Sali mrramviitn teethadtikte mateS. BRAMPTON aletaits Reatsheo Lits l entilemen, Mr. ON emba rata iiahoeandchat tt pfopen tcom SATURDAY. MAY 30, 1981 jotin t irdtheir0ctiatt iipntperte. huot ale Sca i ho t sthe cai verenttoaci aI lOoCO A.M. clite. Aima d811item e cle traahitaPlie te ct. FARM MACHINEAT S INDOSTRIAL tOOIPMEN'T end MF eIntil ertiel 202 tsrit, VF Iet. Ne. 2200 'EMS, CASH OR CHEDUES WITM PstROPER .D. ItrA lit;MF Oct. NSt2200 neeton lacter;1MF Ne. 4E rinceiavilastocdiesl traer ioNo. 2 lasctorhact Sae; MF No. oaioior mctoinealoct împeaaibla Our at- 35tiiteetrtrniltNt.102eInd.leader;MF Nt.44 réntaaon Sl* t. tector; MF No. 6dieiacretfronot mooe Auctioneer: Chris A. Schouten sets pioca; Clart 4,000 lent rlirt; flrate tta ptA ioto;O3ptirDaiciee orclew MFO3ptrtirir SPhono' -878--Mi toioo. ew Litle ohiae3 pticraed; et. 1terre saadir feniite rll iiriregraotirmet; ce Some AUCTION SALE tchbleforodsztactr;et; cmareaocetrtroMF No. 35 troner;OmititOnehayc eteticet 3 prir12' Wednesdav Evenîng. litit:atpent loirailite rete; cb lotMF Ne. ta led. June 3rd at 6:30 P.M. ledter;6'swamperiret. Are. frnttMotirt; 2 Location:oIoMilttte, et tht Fcirgcoeetsin buSoottafon MF oaattai t ama tehr nMF. Ne. 220 Hîl onRobnt t. atac c: e;Styie le car notAmatore ftett& Shootr tho AgnicetterlHl RbrtSt. tew se u ttoecr it 00gai. cattr tosit. Salo ConalangOf:Eteot etcrlmcrtto8a Piant. NH No. 1012 bit wacgoa; SHOF EOOIPMENT S FlieetdcoloonOT..îgSoe),Victorienthaetcae TOOLS. eirsa r& SbaudiSecîte Macince; poî- oi ap ob ramber igr ap anu uý be cas ontino air comersser;t:Lincoln 2W erP. aonttreacorercabeietvtcrctct&rletoito caoltcr.ientko soivteeoerceanttor chatt pies ethen goot fotrltirît, gier.cui.atolleor itetit mace;oSu. rorit irittester; DîMICtom- ablas mita.,Roeeal Doutetofgrenc coibSorePoe eaat co;oarien- . càtoooc sytetetr; ey Fattitte NlBi3, ScirtoletimHN2223. Tortl S 7'es ut i et; Oc. ap airr;Aiu Naller, SnirtGcmp opercici cga"tire e;oecercgic No.te16W tace Deile alemilalbra'A Fill Sali. tiaei. etplosiion prot lothtte for oinet ttop tir 4 toieoaes2 tooleorche;.Sact otttise et c adi lamep&h2 iircttterps. einailc ayneeo dresser; 4 DottetnFirytoChirs;i.ti otdte S; alltois; ttoî portable tîs enirtr irMatt; ciee opoloidflaor lerp;tloahogcn teetable;ocofic eeenaeter; sStp2S coper 'hhotteol cair;cadteirst; pitso ox;cmeicBde tales; tablelecio ieropresser; 3hcteorecSarets; oertt'sMoletatck&eci,wcitkorrocigtha;pinst0 Siou ooc hoir 8es; Battire gs 8e ' eo iele gostokt uir; Vicorlingmtleancair;Ait;toea e rtiliua' tmeotel cottr;portahleo tcm e uece areecre edim toit: Bosntnotkt; poto lime tootoell ionctelbtiti air; A frima citA 1tlot tabe; corerricr toi; A' X042" troplai pirnte;c.hoir faits (O);I; gensol trt o%- ir dr ill; 2-1W' in Vicrrit meot irailttablt; oi chaire; oit titi tacS; impacat eioomo Bouhmet t cee9idote Maceec; Oakthatlminon otkii av rineigetmachie ttnd;BSD rtvalvBt Gîtai.Ci" oi. euitcliî SùMOce.:1967 e.... replaer; SidoiterOt teio & S UctrStl langmetl otrothe cgatoi lcmpe; iro ettle baline; LAWN EtOGARDEN ES RECREATIONAL: Ciottraplates; teeal Cromr Daetcine, piper, Attojggr; 3O & 50Estkirt oir hvmcbl olt.ece vosgrt; ftcctgohiats; itai of tilvrîPili t. anc 16 h sea liE t gcrdtra cenrirh4 Wh rver bohoiire itain&nfok;fycoipîsa ouOes; &Silar (ltoeoerl.sneerertiridecermeer lace piaeofcrtal; tatresn gl eeal tcoPPer lot. Oî > cout cire trater SEtes;ollrat s 12Ap &57 Sp 14F id glace; cretl gieuce; oid sirct moto,; et iboots; lime tricoes inteoe campitly e socioeot cusoltm aiStWr; ldcrks; w icebaktse;tsmet rrootilrorFdSittrat cwsaeprterîforMF ipplae.e t dtooua; birattie.mattoe t -piet. r f tiater; nce- etippe n seto m owr atserie. -rachirteoit Victietnoritpionras i; erSor;T' RUtCKS &S StALES; 1978 Foot F30liten tace cbacteit gcita &Sampliier; ioot ce oes; ol iturrme otorOtruk re r ý 9 otey. at4epetetrmionES &Sprito;tearecirthine»ceeutor'acaetplustorer ilei 9ta.176 Ford Y.tonetuc lasie 1974 itmtcMrtnyorliing. ' Fort 87 s,tria trothrO14' mtaeSoiyE St y. neol TERMBo CASH OCHEQUES WrTH PFOEO 1.0. gte (lot o.1, 1973EUaaFotrttee.17 Lunerch vichblo en eetiroipi(ast); 1970oFerco Yhone frcridntsi. CICar 38'oeettriter; OFFICE EOOIPVANT: 2csteel4 FREVIEWI FROM 4ASCLOCE SALE DAt îdrîirrer= ie pitell ecti. i mooten t traîer Auctioneer: Chris A. Schoutefl truepttt 1tet -4 traior tite tainets;i. cl Phono: 878-2576 dt airroiticers2iOdietcotolotuslrge -W~ tto ..tt. Olîreitotieroti 15" alCleorî lîocoorlttt. pop coler;.osattreezer; 20 chrome SAE aooeogrooerchairs c.Op ofafchair&tltechroe AUCTION S LEse,; me rr.2 triotds;titoal s eoît Saturday May 3Oth I socuore3stationcoente-oet.largeOoPeirie liim.iovtlutrnlAiopotehnerAloadting re9P;owid Fer Harry &MaioOnUHolck ,lareortyewEtirrisetVMFttfeimEt d.lî u&tgrdten Locclt et Atir hCoctssion EstFlemboni, - oiletîcofll.ed qysnrc el &S ron t, tri etr&tis- (elnlRd. 43), tirst lott eaCst of No. A Amy., et aScels. rocs &Boîte s. acn lotrtala Ot-Iiotoa Cr Appîrox. 3 mi. lortS of Ctcpicefls Cre sicaEtrS iret rrc-tr e et Vloe it oîtst Coritg ottuseoand cr4tiqetelos.btrc. sent lier eumaroustne menon.e Stpleamu taeote.e ta ol m oNtînteMU i t. strcrrit1:0ott . tucep Pa% o [HtRhil Oai tabcuit eatrehoeg SOU lt d iroco teme. Froîeo. Maye29,treer1î:0t AV ltiO00 astmchar tetto6 rttrrertllethair, W n &tkr PeMan et.tlirer8:00AM.on. ratker. Alot« c tetoaitM ocirs. trecent Curie ut iocl, l bn soaeifl eipCppostertdobl t imtaits OmeersB EtArttonoeornt eotttbi torotteac ralrl. Caiper wcine a ciot ecîcahtant.pita toastai irptlgttaintir atat e tar. rat hoîtSc1dretser. anioque cicors cy of cie. titds. staaertrts. tchey potet. teh ovisel11liet. AirtiiecloDONALD nt.oreitaoeo. tpil l ilmantes.omtt. licer piato bteitiPl" ta ottiO Brampton[isc ExchataeInuc. t atirotehrry etoaetenett reo tîlil.Odîr00soeroon .1t. til,11 th 3 11', (416 tu6 e07 eln lcytc , lriloordwoe ododlrio toi taltit casetolt & echrint SotirFrncohProortîrl taltît& 2Oeilthtabuls.t2greenaolt air 5ctc l.ttfrearutnSl toad AlLaert esrrie, Il eecttStaciigitotandohina I t C I f S pse, u el a&tchrs O f Antique And Collectables talta taree, taitbalugraetuê noïtiîe thrr( Sueday, My 311Lîil 1:00 P. couru.1t6t G.8.C ite là' tan,1911Fo i pkirp Surest 3 P. plaw t, A Sorae ltltrotler 2 .mpwNo,ieT~ M.iniiasM. M".Ut tner sterlipentgtst cnt g-,santro penyint oto Dittti or gtiWrWtt hue ltesn Oit ait eaic oualar m ohalAi b te j plage le litant tranmait lttt- gi SaMi e hll aHirier comtrn rt' Atm a01 tI is i Lnbahlhson OotL. Trres:Cioaso ha aidit 1.. lin McCrtnSf '- Auctanbir TONRMi upN 1111111.0 liiita1-71N 6898778 a-' Wtirdiii UTOEE9i8UO2U.iftt ThtCaadieCarmpion, Wod.. Mcy 27, 1981 B3 AUCTION SALE For Scanneil Movlng & Storage@ JB B Tuesday Evening, June 2nd at86P.M. acationo le Miltoen, Ne. 375 Steita Aire. S Ida t ocxt ta Heme Hardmcre.tld a t Ample Parkiag irehtad Home Hardware. aie caniatiogOf A Ccomplets ousîe otair aidStna e i taeeanet mouet ira aitfor Stoncte Charges O [flOmuOb rs n r Sahe iolemritacts oUeistitae ieen toeroer Rtgieac Ceecilbasc tontirciet memhartlep Stoteta Irvoices:on îlt St iWete ManagemetlCestiittee. cen= dait tet racla Iccacim er ef Tht mamhtrc ii ilire: R. sMilitr, ilten cyoclesa.ditoairmet rzrirerliteretel. tcy.". c Hiles; 9BilleJohso, Millt; AMec Mele, ak., trrocte.tiren clioltec o g«eechef" iletoit cicle; Mike Armstrong, Hlitas MiS; ent Cint, catutis e tirceto. tîeo9 tcorn table. t Wolter Muecemith, Berlintle. iten rrir airs,.bufot, a b.oinoet, t iractae. rs , ir (no thetcfirsI tocere ofMtht e ceitteet mit boenis t rcea.r, leeieuat. teand endrct ital i thcaoeport caietforc a tmat tables poctîct rait.,retua ouSeoa n ocres,oisin. tlrodutincof gerircgaepcrciea ic thte es patcetc. A pIcn fer iactitlieg tht cepereaoU o OORMOo CASH ORCHEGUES hOtTH POOPEO I.D. eteprnt cndglctcs fret tegerirge mc trot- Lutch Waigon onUGronts.etet ir7Rtctace t cgrcliea Syctemri. la. LSail or Aectieaiar tet raatcceaibta terc- Al"to e tcittrt is the proeltofil ldgt cident. andets otir elieescpply le Hollea fermierascc Aucioneer: Chais A. Schouien tertiliter. Alex FinniS o Manor article 820511510E t be contere 8789188 MILTON ob cune d 014e..Haa..0 vilbe ue rJuY A presrelaesiry Helltogite mili Atstet FrCmeo Foctoîac. ipploaccar le ret medicaliutleac pleîc tht regieccl sdt --iur -omplete pet lthogoirtr.2ficattromleicpmcarec bot tm eciafllef AuciUsService etoatoît. tirette to Cntnia Mnor Chris A. Sohouîoi îooîcil. ,, lîdutoît d-Tht ctaay, poctd iry thteHcmoiltcn Speeltar, AUCTIONEER roctqte w acmr Ueeeeri ictc SalesetfAl Tepas, 9789444 mt crrtcdicgc eithlie Mecer. ScaiitCanctoed U,.», Tht clery prempted c cescioa et prtcc-iooclecg Aryelea AFAOTMEOTS tcr aetc meeting ef tiera tgiecci Heciti ccd Secial TI07276 rsrt, NoeTetrs, Sanvices CeaSatteat mhcc il mcc ctctedad urthe Tl87-56 Adt itsnte pts. 876- raporter ired cet ftiemaed p tht clery and feecd 0.0. 3,.MldtonOnt. 3332. mirctircdiretcidoute toeet tht cemplaoitleof tht APAOTMENTS frtwoC ciMcorameidetl. rie r, chiaol Teac, Mo astemi, Helee CietAtteiciccraor, Dec- :0~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o tpttol Aet e ots. île. 3332 altar 5cm. -tic Parlic ic le draft c pressatree elofrairotici COUSE Or cparteralt ACCEOOtapetmsnt andihaveitelicleiirted. caalt e srcitsibialecrreat, tortishat tat couplt. Cuitn, tac air tettitioeat sors, trinkii, miii tfaiti cra mc. 8773761.Ke Anr rfl ofrmst.7'l OcE &lrue ifrir KeeA de so RESPOOSIoLE tittlit cpcrrmmts. EloctrIe lar tfo rtt% "r tm 3375. ti namned solicitor aci iii 0rlin-ONE & rtOhitrOet rati.osfetMIltt parreratro r ,tOPHtaMllet milliinetoe -retlecctrea, fleeiveJact Ciii1terlat t 10101:24- oilrls & apîar1 a 60 ratts078 nltîcta. cisa re Cearcet haset dersed catrectceatitc 5tirtei5 & dOtiemcn. cppeiecitg Keacath Andersoc te tht pot ai c W Oî Pieacittal i 6377 îcry of $4c,3 ater, pluscfringeaheeie 2 i ERM Oandrtwca. Wirt ienleart, Me.Ante ill Atona cstx 23BOON aparrmsnrs. Farkirng mecth tratperiet ct thtetet m wicircime, CheU TOWNHOME9 andtappiattta inr Atacinisircler Dencie oPartie tilt tetteet careie $29 iotailde, thliiit eflprere ccnd mckt ca emitatlîe or large troat lot. OoNE.OEDR00M loe a owehrM.Adesnsaso o cpetioesbletnterO. SatletfaosslenActre, Mr. Partie mot liegiai talecîter cclii l Marhi Oiititrn. maittl e ridiaertestoe nleta. tre en mcc eloficllHy ppoita tttlethetolp 000aitioanel ul etin. 7-40 attt4. adminiitatiepottat Mcltet iractqattt Sytte. eppei eo. ONE 86 Wrme Liotes Ill e dr fltitîtt Otot apitmato. aecllabia. buoling Ne Petse. Alto cle. Ne pers. tiues CcEW &G ii o paratatet., No iliumbnt ion cillon. Sercot Coer. 2Mr t& o St . 2097 Meactîot THE VAl.eMAItn205 Tht Octarie Miestey cf Tratpcrtctiecant bls p.tort aite. Oct nario Si., Miltets Commictionet miii Atoaittht rtgiee aatt c le Ban otr FoteSt lit a ptrmnltti. t lea epile toicarminca 'titeetitnst mire ot~ ~ ~ eý & nIe ct.otapertmets' regîerniat tos HiFgirmy 25. 1.6378010 rt rirestriauscoa, Then sugetd igtdiercioswu b _______________ careatienrom, hebhcb 9 tgr tttt rti BURLINOTON mctn.parkin.o7!OflcS cregfiencl mailsfronetlgrmee40Elletht Hltlta HSmr3e& tbedoiretitr eetuceciieble Joe, Thistsctioe of the leghmcy ti cise Aticg tp- tuide on tcc&rpttthr tuo tat il r d f rt u k ra ic t-ttalCtCOct. 1 ctoîU& titectIers,,Tht ragiet has tecitedt te infecta the ministea Aoitl c s nles ilotatd.il"sntpeaeetti ielprvdth Cali Caendisrh Co Lt-ertai 82 rrlîioiiai ctlpacate hetata0 tt h oprtie Drios.9île 249. eeecry famtt fer tht installctien,. tcargy, opeecloot eacite cdantiennceccin; fer previsien et 335-0280 : eecct illumination." o nEOOM FEMALEctrerctitta . s.Iroaaitli. reciaoserretlfor 2 eticar 1221)irotrkinren . . metrisavoalluJie a MplttirStsttmpîat 15.sr 30. raqoirtes co enSeVSISOtA, oet a& - board______ cectimmatiattit le rhroa hor...a OUEHILLE cotais tera~ tteitlnraa. Caîl iiottakeplte ooes aaiiaii, tamle tem, teitiSeBstA ttrrtgre at. .rl.at 3 hatreetes sertc cao - rce r, cal Mareta tridqa, s tre. 335 3242, aatrr e s C ttge . ROm losei, tempianale rmvoed $25mothy HOLI DAY IN six rer Mon Zta. e, F10 RIDA - 1/ ah,4appliltncti. ciraim eatlata etoti ocaeMtrAci.Fot.On ecegtile, $M7S a mort Irrtulogmaiteancettt c. iltCrcorionstolhoert eandabtil Reatcatiao.tl6» oa-aotSi.arctcortBoototrcomoe eirg STORE fl e cont Malt For ReLerVStiofls or St., cppr.. o tsq. ft.1 $240 a mentin. Atailabla 1 information Coali lun7it-3202V. mle 1 821-2636 or 4784 heti, sopocrte tîii 854-0346 or 8756 roiAtallahitoe uneretirti~ 085-e21 ,si.' __ a ___h.8W8Teni&teci ~QùocPRIVATE SAL E rls t cot rad$490 INDUSTRIAL UNITS 181Atanit . o t Ccli 070 500Cali atinet treathie Atallabitoe FR EN e-'e 'OCtER REtOOMmiels gaaet1rb a thso Armstrong Ave. HOOSEFARM tseccthbactccrt Ecîte îo ceo larga tact. 1400 87624fflsqti p.l 50 110 OtetSegî. cb s e tt15 1 5.Fo oratcionO.cal,îcooono2ýtI e ls4 poitnesgare l,3cose877-6936 and Obta... ttet ý te sinande GoDctrait, -tY, orrRerae 677122. RETAIL myceIaocote- in Milonaice. 401tt fo r mai lir. 540 elciJrai. mrSeapc MlotcaCOMMERCIALint W1l852aitonait. e oepltt e leMI StLTN- teci.. Vir eetra .C.tTet. u00.zelit98-52 ofofc tbdO PEN2) H,119 OUSE $4%SiAllah uIiatcoe rehuesaeinrMl aorâ MAY1 S9,R îst 1981 r6 . OetO ecos rte ox ton.5PriOe locadtit-on. lm tI330r0Ce m trams, Pr en grage,.$M50, asileLitOofice, Maint St., MVloe, JotaIst. 878-355. 1330camomcta. Ciii trac TWO tcuehoeSa tocr tLang, e78-4r5, Cenece ',y cool, avitîu uihi yJitI.21, Villor Real ESt8aor 472. t I3 ouîE. É, - Ccmeto tetCocettry, 10 acons cri cboc 'R ATE SALE-Ailu land pci e 3 iretrtomntiegitetO. Lttll brick Liokoplit 2300 sq. heronires 8Acre Stula. Pice rec tog 2 tEOtOObe apart- t., badrattai. 2 maln,cetarl. iteits bthretrt, iropiote lo 8129,AA.00. Mrtgcgiag t 15%. Wntt aie. NO tnaî. 7-6St2 timle rutsn, sapril mtare titile? Ciii Coche Docdds 77-9281 ONE atac NObadratta tiog rcasý, laotat apîrtmanttifor rant. Al re t itan. O -Connme anco att. Fcmily Tust Cop. tlitlS ilciota. larga kittltar, 2atir AtIIIoîtsai. Ne get. 90eaam.torsie ceX Realcor. w53.itotree3-0852. î,c.a47,90.878-30W. 1!