Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 May 1981, p. 2

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2The Conadien Champion, Wed.. May 27, 1901 Councillors get a raise Mlon Mayor Gord Kranti noi eaorn$14,9l per year for the neni iwo ycora. folowinig enacI- men of a hyaw ioauptlus nalry hy SItOW. Conili have tianeabad a oage hihe ftram $5000 per year in 1981 a $5500 pr yar as af Mayor Kraîla aiso gela $1,500 for ail miles drîvea rack year wie coancillora will raceive 25cens per mile for al miles drive. on ton Escarpmnent garage held Onaro Huin i Mnier Clude Beanetba direcled thOe Niagara Ecarpanent Commssion cata odcailcter wîit an application hy a track firm o abud a achicle norage loi on escarpmeal Bariii Carriers Incorporaleit had appealed a refusai by ihe NEC la aliowOe racing firan 10 cannraci a bulding io ha uneit for an office and a garage where traceor traier would ha repaired. and la rslablisb a parking ara. for Oe heavy Mlo coancllors have heem informeit by Me, Bennet ha hav referreit la the NEC action and Oe Barlîn apprali o Oe chef earing officeri of the Ontario Municipal Board. Council told plan held up Mlonoan been inforaneditstaapproval of Oe Camplelîvîlle SecondaryPlan han hem held ap o Halan lilegîo Thr reglan decîdeit la hall the approval pro- ces antl aller a flal hydrogeological nludy oit the area can h. heli t l deermîne if projecicit houingcihe area ill havean adverse effect on the osier supply In the meantîme the regian wll allow develop- men at praceri, as long an idams noi ocan oster wdîhb esc Committee for channelization Haion Regional Conservation AatOiry il keep a special ciien commilie. on Mille. in- foraneitofai lwoarb on ihe channelizationofaIthe lowerrSiaieen Mile lireecb The HRCA honical a ipecial meeting April 3010o enplaib e wrb and ohat l i ll menan l e aid- enta in Oe nighharhood of ihacreebworb. Ten Milon residenla ocre at Oe meeleg ai ohîci MA. MacreilIand Ken DePodenla oni- lineit ohal oîlllhappen Or hehaaî faItOe HRICA As a reaui Paul Lonergan. of 354 Kingnoay Place and Mrs Freita Siain of 435 Camphael Ave an been appoînird by the HRCA an contact rendenta. The HRCA bas pravideit hOi oîh a set of Oe prapety eqarearntand dsigndrawings. Mr. Srainanid Mr.Lonergan willhaeinformrd ohen te oark i o sarandoîill ork it the HIICA anîd residenia toi renalve any poblemi wnch cropaup Business head thanks Mayor Hainsoro Direcir of Bosneons Develap- ment bas orîllen la Mlon Mayor Gond Kranla. Oaniog hian fr aiirnding a meeting of regional member oayors an May IL The meeting aa el la le tho business develapoient allîcer ecame hailer acqoaloleit iih the occita of Milan, Halion Hillî, Boling- ion. soit akvlîr. Mlaon, o hal ocal appraval an been reacheit an 1he declapmeni of an 1100 acre induarial park. oll become the opiar focal paintlaor0 windury and the businessofficers mandate la trinf il la Haiaon Even GO doesn't know Even Go Trianit desn btkaaw hoany pas- seageco la expecIl rîonMltan ohec the eo 1GO lior goca lnoa peealîolalerîthîn year. MltloCunl had reqeted a cpyof anrder- shîpaauraey dance li GO Transit winch siateit ibere woald le about 125 Mloianncuaîng h. serrvice daily BtuiEngneecciag tirîeLaî H.W.Clellanal han clforont Mlavn Cocii ihat "-a urey a undertabea. Appaccaly th figure oaI125 rîders pr day tram Mloa oas akcc roan Otria Mininîry o Trasportatioa Cammunicatians formla ohich bases deoand on modela. - acrcxslîag Go1 flanrderchip la doniowc Toronofoem Mlonaaerages 125 prday, which willh.bc fluenced by impraedGO Bus service to norh metroand theTTC subway. -Eslîinnts îlîni'd by HitllavRgîac aaggesl Day threatens with Milton wmli figIt Mayor Glord Krantz1 1011, oXem on as cotinset Fred Leitch stated Friday h townn lintention to content a con- tempt of court action brought against Il cucrent and tlre former Mlton councîllore. Milton to fight... îConiaomlfrom page il On Fridy Mayor Kaila wIi asonme concdll meanhees haleda atae- ment Oraagh ile F9 coansel Fred Leitch-1 woalIad bhan alcceafol lat year whan Milon1 maught aad gaI a court1 injanclian ogains an1 Oct. 15 Enviroaimental1 Aaoa.menl Board bearleg an Site . Mr. Leich sald Miloni oUi go le Ogoode Hall Ouas Friday ond l pre- pared tol fight on a nuzo- ber of grounds. Ho said Milon "oillI lalts Oe poition tIal il le prerîuded ram pansleg tIne amendiag bylaw anal amending Oe officiaI plan by reason of the pro-1 visionsofaISecion 6 ai Oer Enviraamnenlal Asa.s-a men At. "Il milIl akhe Iepas- iion Oal the ime when I the bylawe hald lha pannaitle upan the Min-8 ister of the EnvironanentE givîng appraval la pro-r ceed wilh the undfer-t iabîng tnawn an Site F. 'hi will laate Ie poa- iion tIano fa hrancan lha caaecilto10the Iegiaia Monicipality f Haton le the mountime becoune Oie Regianal Manicîpalily of Hallen canoot praceed iOi lIe underlabiog ontil !la aoaeasment as complese and Oe Misner basA given hin approval." P Mr Litah tlad TIne Champion thal official s receipî of Oie 0MB rlingag le reanne Oie lande ar- a rived ai Milon Ton Hallb Marcb 5, I i wh i mnlh time councilboranmdsaoll, "haegan coniderations l anit deliIerations ase- a pectleg Oe passage of r Oie ordered amendanenta and soal procedoca. r hing folloed." à On Jane 3,1990 amné menta la the Environ-M mental Anamasmenl Aci came ila action. WilhM the nco amendaenti Mr Litch nid Oe on a moughl coannel an ohatlx Oie changeit rulingi b oould ancan ta Milon le llgt of Oe Site F hear- t ingn enpecled i Oe fal.t Milton 00 astId a C hearing on Site F woold l prohahly have 10 h. heldM under Oe neo rlen anit regulationen of thene Enviranmenial Anaa.n- c ment Ac IEA.A) as op- t paned la the rulen and t regdistians of the a Environmental Praec- r lion Act IEPAI underT oich Halion had been preparing ilin sbmisniao.o Whiie tim ao going l o, Hallon made appli- a cation la gel a cerificair ot appraval for Site P r ioder the EPA. Thal re- s oulleit in the annunoce- a ment af an Environ- mental Aienîment h Board hearing la h. held f Otl 15, 1980 cn Milon. L That action prampted r Mille. ta aeeh a court lejuaction agaleal the hariog hecauae Milo. fai1 Oio noo amendanerla of Oie EAmA wold ay. Mr. JuaticeaRbet Sut hey af Oie Oniario Saprame Court Ineard heUn Milta. and Hallea and docidod any hearing ould have ole a haed on a declelen hy Oia. Ont- aria Environmenl Mle- inter Dr. Harry Parrot on oInic Oct oald apply. Thie court appearance oas Sept. 30 and Dr. Par- roi loboko action antil Feb. 9. 1981 ohan lha announced a haarisg oould havetle h hld an- der Oie EAA andt. Oere- face. according ta Mr. Leilch, ail ries and regulatiann old have la apply. Mr. LeilcIn caid Oie EAA "providea generally 1h01 no anderlahlng ta ohich Oie act applia. shaîl proceed until an enviroaimenlal annesso ment han heen accepleit hy Oie Minister of Oie Envirameni and Oie He'd be 'dead r£ Milton Coundillor Bill Jahnson blid Halle. Chiai Admininiraler Denois Perîle there "are arrora" in the conlempl of court soit Ballon hanshaoght againni Milton Coancil and Hallofi bad "haller hae right." lha rigbt." tI hape pou arr ooara." Mr. John caii to Mr. Peelin, "Oiere are errora i.inbtaldocu- - ment.' "Yoa ai ha btier h. righi. Yoa'd bhallarlh. iteait righi." Ai the endt of lito Weitneiday'n Ilagional Coancil meeting, Milton Mayor Gard Eranîz tld bus colleagoa. thalIne andt al noier coandcillora hait haen served wit theowrit by the Hallen sherllf. He tld councilors thoue nameit in Oie con- tampt of court noit in- elodeit aIl carreol ment bers andithlreformer Milton iown coontdlalrs.> Me. Krafitz nurprincit o îamh.r ofIothebre rgional cooncîllorc ohen lOc sait Bhe firni notice lie hait of the nsui oan ohm il a nerveit an 10e coancil meeting in Miltnlaat Taesitayeveriing. Me. Perlîn, oho nore out thc oril. naid the isoance of 1he oril came afler or hait anneit Miltoî ncnelanI lime" la rezoce Site P an a dump sie and thcltownhad not acteit Mr. Perîlon aît Millan naiteeceived lcgal avice from solicitor Fred Leitch n00110 aci Oui the legioco lao lirarhait 1847 Rogers Bros. 50% Off on anada s mosi p'opular patterna " Reflection " *Orleans Milelter as given is approvaî ta procood ithO Oe and.rtahiag. "Framn andt aller Jane 3 1980, Milon oasuug dider Oie compulsion af the 0MB ordr andithOe comeiln a lei a for aladarad ilbu tawt4ag a 6ateapt ai courI sit fled ogalast hlm lest weeli by Ibli reg- tan. Mr. t)ay insne of lb.ill ~a nd t aIb fomer oSmell maembera erved alithmotiosa y the Halle. Bioclf aI a May 19 ncmllmeeing le Miltan alaltag the counacl had oat acled on a Onaro Municilpal aoard rn thant 12 acres of land ileMMlta. ha resoaed ns a gochage FIoflwng a jo-na con- fereneaFrlday 8ai whi Une TaMaet i Mllen made îls ea ta nd om.ns-m f lIcs bsema.theaOMS raing and regnaatimofi Une Kavlremai Asoomnsmit Ac, Mr. Doy-hlanoelf o lowye- aald ha wuadd ha reltan- C. eparale egal«Èn- As a ayor, Mr. Day naid! Une Law Socletyaf tipgnr Canada moy ol- readyml ha I on pleaoed alUn a oeas aCharg helg levied ogaleot Mm. Mr. Day ma.d ha feels confidnt Ibat Molln counacfllra mISast ha held ta cotempiof tUe 0MB ralhng asd 1ah0h and olbam müli ha acqnttted. If aidmin.. n hep pas Mr. Dey tadlaoted hispoittIionad lvel- haed depad ons is quol- lflctol asaa lowyeroand Ois may hava haen cal- led ita qnestoan hy o charge hetag laid agint Bhonld hahabea=- erole MrhI. Doysaald ha wnaldUthnaunasaln act- Hea&ald heapecta b. aIà ha able t nlen a stI of "lader. Spealantlecantente of the conempt mation, Mr. Day aald 'le my con lhay very oeil cauld ha libelana. Considered quitting; Johnson goes along compulsion f ectin of Local and reglonal ning fr the EAA. coancillor BiU Jonon oalright "Campliance will had considered varilaa arder' 1 Section 6 indicalsd Ibat acoa- rmeaga mewi no slep h. laken la for- hetoa fo nt nollcîlor mla Brait ward the Site F projecl ra.igniag froan couac - (the j and compliance wilh lthe aller a contenmnt of court figlnling 0MB 0!ders idcae charge waa laid againat and lhey llnat steps ha laben la for- hhmanad alher tien cana- nelthllr word the aile F projecl cillora lltwe. hl la f, Mayor Kranîz and Mr. Bot Toeady moraI lLeilch aaid 1ha1 from re- Coancillor Johnaon ceipt of the 0MB order anmcod he a ml g jane 3 00111â ehe a' aîoag with th1e reat af amendanenla af the EAA couaci, and let Fred came inoaeffect waa o11dY Leitcn reeaent 1dm ai three montha, faor n the Sapreme Court short a time la amend th heariag ecbeduled far officiaI plan la inclode thin Friday morniag. Site F. "ystainl if Mr. Day' wha 'a con- eMy afronatheo l i sidering alander sail eMre nsoraln a allira said lil 100k an lame- M.o a l aidteea lhiog Rite nia years le gel PrePared alem t Amendanent 7 Iboth iaToeaday. 1"t laid 1 would three montha ia octea;lrly 00 complY with Oie nai enoogh 1h00 for 10MB) order île relane nomnetbing as big aF." lands for Oie Sile F dumpi on o matler of principle. 'tter be For the past 16 yearn, àtter h e he said, ail bis sparte liae han been apent flglntiag long-lerm landfilliag of gt'l gar age. He hae adviaed groupa, lectured le SI that in thir opinion, ayone who wodd the advice gîven le Mil- lialen" and aerved as ton "la flot correct." land ose dicecler af Oie Ontario tlarbage Coa- lie îaid Oie rason the lition, a division of nheriff nerved Oie writ ai lPollution Probe. Milton Coonicil oas proh- "Wheo 1 waa elecled 1 ahiy hecaose Oie aheriff ntaled 1 had no inlention reallzed he would ha able of becoming a rablier la have muaI iofite ata(r thfor Oeagio.,Oie people who were lamed, province or anyoneeale. presecr i ane lime. i cnoidered ra.ig- Ca/lustro yl Nopt Milton$t 005M. S E 87U.1 Wom cosadll or itd.yleg Ois ieadmlle. Bat b. [h Oie Trannota- la Citasem' Graup laoea grop 1 e eIte F dampl ýurged bMnbod. , ileod advlslng aor OieUncourea labea by Oie tlama ilney mtabed me le coninue relreseatlag Uem. Iltwuddaotbe fair le Oie people ta Wrd Then, woh a.!olirepe- set, le orfait my antaon loaland reglonal couaill an a moller aofjo-inclple," ha concluded. siander suits, "Il Une "ouata ree a le t wAdaaaalarataa llbelaas, l'Il haWe l baM DeuielaParti i. ta wba le an wwa tamab hm erreigleasal caunilecas Unna atta.e' cMld hacoealeeaa if ha flah Ue ita- A« t â01tme, Ar. Par- moats have b a& delia salaleay eoam tl ~ Ue rglasa cea-waadd cmeagaluat the lInion In slo ol.aarpaalhi, ltae wrlle woaldd hagatag act indlvldtWo membera. out. Tne ata. cealempt Twoadaya peevlaaly at action le lad aglaat Unhe rloocaclOak- lw nacreatiani vilecaaclr 'Terry aad Oij adlvdtalm- Monaellqaese Mala- bhaaofncmwgcl The Corportbn of the City of Burflngton NOTICE TO PROPET OWNERS DESTROYWEEDS Nationa la haebvgleoe la@a@4 eaeaaeoll possession ofi b.d. kmamanceao nlan in WIoad asaalAot I1 SOa. 4.14 .Wd20alia naaansaameada geaMlasoaa 55,fIada anllaiaineu Mnodipmaofa nlessoad. vayad hy daoaSJan 1m adn & sho tha moamn. eMunicealnav aynataie uesthe »oM loadaandhaeadu -1oddaoaeyed,alara- bg the o nsa.ekM dmidal n ea.0 memotS len t» Theo na-aeealo of ail nIaisaisla aiaaooan aolad. R.L Bd. 0.E. ODn". moyar ChW aeld lnapeoas ClavI ofsan CvCh iaf Orsaaae Sdays only! Superior vertical blinds price We've neyer had a sale qulte like tnis! Save 50% off M.SL. on Superlor vertical blinda. The cholce la big - the savinga are remarkable e il finish choices 4? lIncludlng codaIs, vinyle, rmlrrors. fabrics andt canes i e70 color choices SSave on other famous name vertical blinds: i HcheelndcVerticale ......35% off M.SL. O Flexalumo Verticale .......40% off M.S.L. "Levolor' Verlîcala .......... 30% off M.S.L. "Louvre" Verticale .......... 35% off M.S.l - "Draco - Verticale ......... 331/s% off MSL. hursday. Fridav ".,d Satuirda v Msv 98 9~ lei -dl anly ' --t - 01.îPply tlivO loo Tma.a i Bivr Ibe a.0 a gr acl o-iif., oi-h v~~~~~~~~~~25 Maacar arini.ai'ppyiSlpe l ad.Ire ghtlad haadllag chacge applicable BLINDS BLINDS 33M FAIIW <ýeUI LCSOI BURUNOTON S«"- sINSTALATN *émMfh

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