Tise Canadian Champion, Wcd., May 2D, 1981 D3 Mangonel mash StudenlsaiatBroovkille Public Scisool isad fun lasat Wee , suytgmeiv =aapla and a me tttion waa eld to pick tUti !,se oklg and tise beat looking. Among thse winners were Chria Enrigbt, 10; Johnt-Paul Jarvia, 9; Sean Deatis, 9; and Jay Hutter, 9; who made tise mangonçls and irebuckela. Winning entry Lance Postma, 10, of Brookvilie Scisool Gr. 4 clans, isad tise best-lsoking mangonel (cala p ut) in a competition iast wcek. Teacher Lynn Sokes reports aii tise ciild- ren made n medieval catapuit for a com- petition, as part of their studios. Hillcrest Women need old books for CAS sale hfilUccat UCW meeting mu bhetd May i 129 8p.m. la Feilowelsp Races iU 14 ladies prenant. Mc. JonssMcHsih, Preaident spensi tise meting wmus pee ioltowed sy iymn and prayer. Rail oeil mu ansaerent iy "anc of salaces Crealions I Admire." Tise miutes nf Uic lui meeting mm-c rend byhy Mc. Francis Wisn and Treserc report mus given hy Mc. H. 0tasas. Uwrespooilscne cns- sited ofa snotice of open Forumn on May 7la St. Davido Osarcis Camp- blilvile. Ha doinila daisha ieen setim-r psciing bute. Catering il bu done on May 29 andlSeplember 12. Repr an iStewards meeting mu given hy Mcn. T. Boasileld. Aayane iavigsurlsmpo Papo bucisboossouare asis d adaate Uem lacr a isookssale sponanceil iy tise Chistdrens Aid Smc-- iety. A letter af ihankha wu Inabensentlta Mr. Eile la bu extcnded tla the beys lrsm Mapleiusct wha cleanelthUic cisrcis buse- mont. Mc. IGymais ce- ported oas hriscisamp. Ilimas declded to, buid a Tsrhey Sipper Orlabur 21 selune ticksets lac samne. A tip wuilbu plan- ned ion UCW ladies la Jonc In place ai meeting. Oevatioasai as pre- pareil by Mc. C. WriggiesmsrUi and given hy Mca. T. Bosseliel.' Scitsre Galation Ch. 6 (7-tO. Tapie "Se cm-culd wtt Yas Saw." Every Women prepare for Hsrsisy Wsmens la- fii "Namc a hisa1rical A cosiesi mass ieid an stiitc meeting wumal it place you bave viaici." aid buildings. 1 ai lise bomne ai M. CecilMca. H. O'Connsor as Coaches seil 10 stop an1 Paiiersnsos My 12 ai carla nsenor' wu lain eir route front Tas-as1 1.30ap.m. wt 8 mensbera ciacgolL pp4fs4,t,il and 2 viaions prusi. Mc. c J". Mcat. Roy Wlson q srateiah oe wSeM if Presideni soptemalsetse =109 ai grnd- os,"Tbe Boy Wtsistic meeting allsapsof. maillos éday. Twisied sinelon i n Al repeat!dthecopen- The Bensali one aid Scisool Readier md1 ing ode and Mary Sc- mitis lisn a imtcihoards, 05ewmtten by s cinlc os wari Colent. Tiseth a efslt e ng Cidnj minutms ai tse lui steak- maymc acd10 el tSl epin Ui Ciden in wr rndb Orchange in atm-en n rte d Wod gwe -a yMnsL Our entsniy bulletin coscersini Sampsanad Trenrer trlct srvnices i cn- itile girls sot pillas'. 1 r-port gives. Tiolser vaicsiodnal REanismemiser wut 10 leehiS.itain lson 10111 siofice, Uic appearasce aif h la asing lu r-o he csaisiing lmas e i atomobile ima mal. Thinicae i and Mc. C. Patterson worid arsiardiy fasy Maple cream candy t planes butors 190 Nom D n- Oitriei Anssai May 2&t.* me sre into space etc. Mc. L Sampsnn, Mc. C. Patierson and Mina L. Mc. H OCnnr gave Godard ace lise rsm- s paper an hisitry and l h r p mitice olokailserMl- sac ibuilding, Sue ton Fair Eshihit. mantioscd Uic md logM A pragcam planning anditar paper nbautlcbuGabrie meeting iii bc bldt ai rend as article os the Mc. Roy Wilsa on May Homse la Palemmail 19 ail1 p.m. Cuntry Eniate87 - Rol ail el a aaseeailMagasine55Man t Mountain Union annual is held Mrs. Gmdos Farlase hy Mca. Helen Janes and eicomed thie ladies af Mca RuihTaylor. Masalain Union la a pot Mrs. Neli e More gave lacis lancheon and their the reprt on Ctznsaip M assai meeting. and Wrid Afaira, Mms The rail crailwmu gives Anse rem os Educatian ih the payenent ofatalesaad Cltural Afaire, and ansasering tie qust- Misa Margaret Osaos ion "Are yoa abe ta hesi Fsmily and Cnsumer a meeing"' Affiirs, Mrs Lam-a his Mac Ruai, Mm ison gave the Cuator's Edna Waidie, hrs report and lMca Marjorie NOW Iii the tirrT Blanche Elilaî, Mrs. Pomys Resolutions $1,000 on any J, Nelie Watson, Mc. The Presideni, Mrs ta-a ison and Ms. Pomys, somm.rined the REBATE of upt Marjrie Pomys mccc yer'a activîies ad JUNE 30, 1981. appinteil delegates toacscomnisbments and the District Annesi 10 bu hics. Lura Oloon gave heid ai the Ksno Pres- the sominasing com- hyeian Cburccbla Acona mittre report Mc. Mac7- Mday 21. Rusk lstall e .o- Tise secrelary-ireas- ficeca itb Uie exception rers report as given o ecretary-lreanurer, by his Wlsie Harbttiie as ha1 psiton bad sot micb bail becs audiied baettî illeil What are you doing the rest of rs Decide Le. Y 5u l pon o soln day we are pIantlsLby isoaglit. word and e. Are you scatterisg demis of kindocos or are yos living aolely forsacliah coda. Several postas werercad'To meaaarc a man" and "Tise Miracle of Sprlog" a littie acoro bas no chaire except as saks ta ie. We may isacome iike sturdy oasaos miri flido wiii reiy or just re- main l~jine amail, miss w=t coco iry. ici us be like tise cors flaks crisp asd snappy fair, mansacripts, scrap boao, woodcs crochct hosis, roriscrcw, square bcaded salis, gadgeitat bu=e. ëooss5êst cgi.'taritil wcce sa os dlnplay. Mrs R. Wilson acicd as courtcsy canvcar. Mrs. H. O'Connor proscnted Mns. Jobs Bird wllb a salgifla af appceciatioa. Mms. Paticrson scrved a delicionas lncb and s social balfbour mas cn- joycd. Mur and ready lanerve. reallacd Icasa IbIs, wtb Prayer iollomed sith Mca. lymais as sm-- "Grant on Uic viadom la tianeer. me theumoris Ibut needo la Comuen ms ers given bu donsaec. by Mcs. C. Pichet, Mca. Mca. H. Raluon mu la R. Wilson and Mca. R charge ai a Plunt and Sasepsan erved lsnch %ite Elepisant sle. and a social issu bouc Seventy fom- dollars mas mas enjayed. BLITL.ER Air Pemuure Iflanure fl.n.fmqr Utjwtem Whalor ous hnrd lza-M, ton or mrs-l air pessurse maya masurs ta storaga ln minutes. I's simple: ysar aules cleasar, aiIsy scraper or tractor- scraper, disnc masure "as l' 10 a stsal holdinn tanks. A twist ai ysus sEsI t teso sie the tois; masure a n tals andl mavs o0 thn storaile basIn, as mach as 1 I. anas, for lais, spreainig. islrams, iluas, redussos or dlays. Se. us for sysens andl service tisai help mi.elth. goc l its. botter, R* 3 k jsg,.ast Ontario Ro»ckLW N OB2ltO tala>)858-4927 meoto gai into, somo Joop 4WD FUN I Nol only con you SAVE Jeep oçdered BEFORE MAY 31, 1981, but you aino rocoivo a la $700.00 on sanis tax if vour Jeep is DELIVERED BEFORE ET QWituary Jessie Watson Jessie Assa W=ann Mca Wasaanlasur- died May 12a als vved hy ber daugiter Cenlanniai Manor. Bshe Shirley (Mr@. Carence mua thc dasgisar ai tise ion); Isea sonsa,Donald lae Accisalil astJasat and Gardon, suai o McDoaad ai Campbseil- inrlingtas and a ainmer ville. Loin (Mca. Roy Parker) Bshe sea a member ai ai Campiseilvifle. Eighi St. Oavid'n Preshylarianagrandciidres and ise Cbm-ch, Campisdlvile, great grandcbildren atmo satlE nbu marcied Orviile sm-vive. Watsonan la9l4. Tiscy iscmcd suc- Tise laneral sm-vice ccsatslly as Osadas mas beid May 14 irsm Higiswsy ai Tansley foc Sssith'n Foneral Home la l sanyec. Barlinglas. ltav. Gray Mc.Watson mas . Rivcrs ai Helsos-Pai- fiiilssdand deoald emmacharge afficlateil. memieraof Nelson UnitdI nterment mwu in Whitel Cisercis. She mon a Ilile Chapsi Memacini Gar- memiser oi the Usiliesi dosa Hamilton. se uchdon er rsie The palhnearcrs mers ioul cr. h m t Murray Wason, James a ille membur ai thse Net- Watasnand Douglas Par sas Wamon's Insali10a, hec, nepiesem; Brins caniributing many yeas Watson and William oflservice la Uese m-gi- Ninon, grondsonsa; and luaises. Fernando Deli ibm. TEE SKT'S TEE UMITi ri li non the CanadiensForons1 sinorb Lilons sascanidates 10 train ass piotsnasir noipatonas. s aochnce Ion vos 1n serve n lthe ais fosceand Itnsentas youlant a ver profitabl latime sili Il yoî'sa udicaliy fit, ad bsaegrade12in a fiyar or dvanced sin Math, Eaqbnbh, Scimncnda Social 9U,&Hiatory os Gnogsapby, yo qualiîly For mare Inormation, ciii the Canada Empisyment Centre, 310 Mals Street, Mltas, ast Tuesday o! cacb msnth (9 an.- to 4 p.m.)or etunthe coupon, You may als noallcollect -416-523-2751 TUER[,$ses Line Tk.. a til a LIRE Il é rIDFRES r ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- a N'AMllaii se.» n, a ,nsisn * AnalasLm . -4990 na.lnnin -i d LamJ frm 1584" SELFASTA fme554 NIRWAM ftvm58J The only X siding with the steel-plus-vinyl dit ference! Tae seeaddilayers c i-vcbsrvcaIs and . (0,00 cI(.i ciils,,dc (PVC) 0001,59 You v go( Sinino Ultragard Sd.cng Sd.sg su pema'Ties vr ,>e,ýa sdng Illr NEW STELCO ULTRAGARD SUDUNG PETER VAN EGMON06391~-7666 & SONS 110. PRESTWWCK frwn'544 frmn648 a4r[ jeep 1 ruCKS Bd 5"c,ý,'t ' 'Oayy'o"hê cal, ,al,, 1 Jeep S lngaS l lkeroimnk dys Savings Endme w0May..,198t CPAirt JeJes - HOMoUYS * * o : En May 31 s i a a s OAirH~ Ia m hati IRITAIN siurthgp 190 1 I... -r.. ..%L.L% r 7-7-7