C8 The Cansdiais Champion, Wd., May 13.1981 Commnunity work is 1981 themneI aoies ad pheoto by Liaa i lby 9 Pcouce wring i flicormmanlfy fa flic feme bebhnd fhlo year's annuaf Polce Weet infiaitIoRcglcn. Exhibifa, fimsnand pser cve= ail apets f police i-ri arefeanne in mals andrlfty cenfresflrogbcuf fl i e ocdary apecf cff ths year's fleme l ulcrlfralfiii. "We are psomoing police wrkiiig wifli differeof groupa f peop e," es- pfained Sergeani Peer Wcialaer, avilfe Crime Prevenflon ffcer. New Canadians are gnci-bd in num- br in flicrs, ha naid, and flere jeaa needifor pofice tamaite rantact willi fbe vuricosnafloafiflie. Wifli fhaf in min, HflffacRegicof Police il ha rondufci ocreeraI ipeakicif engagecientsaiaf tfli Muficulfurafisci Cenfre o Clifhaha Sf. on aiville in tflic ccnng ceeha. *'A fot cf cew Canadini are acf familier cithlthflic lanad csoms aof ffascrounfry. Tliey cme. frcm a country witil a clile différent aftitude fcwarda police "We wanf fafe lie incw police are their finonds and ihey dont eed fa lîve in fex f t10cm,' expfained Sergeanf Whiffaier. Moflfn Mail i-an flic nlowraoe for varcin police disl~[ays ad flMERS- day. Tud"y andtoday. For many, tih lh t Cfichewe*h l i-0 flic WOicflf*fhOOfnicivilln .mardi tcfhUme lfies of ibis regles who have performed autafasdngdemtis. Lutf evening at 'BsnlogCOi ty Hall, Carol Mocriion cf 76 Frobisber BIvd., Milton recelved coiisendatlon for ber I rois in asfhg wlflan iden5it vici faut Jasaary. A regftered nurse, Mn. MorniiOn adminiafaned firsf aid fo a badfy i- jured voman actif an acihulaise arrlvedi. Shiawu one cff12 peuple fanro-ive fhicrivillan awards. Alscclfcd for finir efforts i-cie; MnS. Edifli Mcwat, Cescian Yumerc, idi ilennalli, Nlpf Woeg, JaOI Belford, Marie Cialnl, Rcnafd Scotf, Jule Sifinger, Pefar lfady, Paf Whafey and Wayne Thocian. pcflice fong servire awards were given fa, Sfaff Sergeaof Rcbert Alferlnk and consfale Jack Pefrarca for 25 yearnof service, Tomorrein afferocon f lurday> pofice officiefa and diignifarles wl f h prenenf for fin rifibon-cutting Crs- mcny ciarklng fineofficilfopin ONf flic neciGeorgeton police sfafion. An open haine for fin pubflc lu Pis>- ned for fafar fint affernoan You .got more Mazda far'yowrmonoy at Ach"kaMotors Syersi rgeant] MazaGLC 5*M0 On@ rsasoflic Mazda GLC le so popsiar la becauae If gi you a lot for ymur mcesey. Now Arhilles Mofoca makea your rooney go aem further cot super aprinq ile0 . Thone are ciglif GLC modea to choos. frm... 2-doors, 4-doors, hathach end gadns. Andl aur spning deeMI aeliliyou glad you chose Arbullea Mofoce for your oaci GLC. communications Pressure pot Hiafa. Regleari Police I Brinla hsiri Staff iergeat Lrry Th eida i ofaic dio- Red moi- chat iflu slie trirte ifl fai fAs head o phciccee Gergefawneaod Aifnasci Au in ecdeffli cei-District One; Oaidle, mueications rarci, cee- Dlct Tn; and sidorcd fhe heehivOf D istrfict fan o; src Halfo Regiceaf Poiefi re lice.n arfivifies. le evernn Il Traci htrcl incomiog rals cand thec dsptch f officers fa fin aeiged a radio channet secisn f crime, ac- providiofi radie contact cidents,sucicde railsaod litieen cpprmlimafafy acythiog eise an fficer 8o ptrof acifa and hnad- ciuy have fa attend. qcanfari in Oaivlte. The sitatfioe cain oe te addiio fathe radie hacociefane, doPondiof chiaoma prcvided fr upon fin nature f fineItalio Regioaf Police ral and lio quicly fifcocimuniatio, the must ha handled. refafively arc syseci in- Oc acy given day, cludes a foutch-0 an"e there are lief y to e lifor communication wi10 mare tine 300 dipoili 010r police forci and a rais fancd an eveo farger f10 chanci for maine nucihan as the carmer officers in Laie Ontario. wn10her arrive$ ccd Athargli North faItm criminel acfivity l- le yet faelhave a major çflsaeo. inelihold-up or listage JWtfe7mis hea al iprns- failofincident, proviaion Inpo ehere," s ad- an een cmade for If. ci sifi tafficergeant. A sixth radie stafion, As sccnaa cllicontes naed 1te "factiraf" i, a central oitelhoard cliaenel, clewo acy pol- opeorahecks if i a a ire unit in Halo roglon genercf iqiry r a com- to immediciily sigea for painf. assisace. A romplait lu immeil- Anencormein board liatly trcnferrrd te with o detailedcmap) f commuications whre the arn incows-liera the informatiniee c arclicroiser 10 torafed rerordcd ced psacd on and wlether ornoat the of- fa a disptcher. ficer oa avalalfe for a There are fIwo po ie cali. diuptchers, ones te loeokOperafano une trained afler abvile, Milfan liyce exprienced dis- and iaI fan Hilfo and a ptcher drig c il-ceci secondtfalofkarlleafr trainig priod, hafore Burfington. heif tlauechad Oen Min Accrdinif te Sfaff Ser- ew. gnant Reid, 47 pr cent et Buf acrordio fateni"or the i-rifoard 10 lceted fficer, if fahes approx- MDHS promotions Preometions fr hi-e appoieid actieglead f Mifo District Hifhi cretive arts atil Jace Sciaui teacliens wre 26 ced Jan Peich i-uc reccnfly appreveil hY appoted actingf Hc'teei Sord et Educa- anociato liard of todont tion. services util nect Dona aGrehacc wscJaeuary. w.--w HeIlp us celebrate i r 93no RIRTI.IfAY! lmafaly sic moffa fa learn flic ropen rom- plefaf y. 'fli oliviomi sfressanad rigorsotjo b ffinic i ta Te"resrciýI O fine cfico if htluace o olihth eofase suifhf eforeverooe o mre thn3e r day. fliere laoan admifted higli turnover ofc omec- "And flic rafla are micaftions porsomnel. lucreacinif ail fle ic ie," fn a r-cetfsorvey cO said fthc stafif sergeanf. ducfed hy Staff raf Monfaoaecveroges Reid, a fafal cf 4,436 ccan 6r aIls every doy. wereflogged for the ontire reglon cf Hltfo ic he Thoe s nifaics do of ffrot 2f doysocf Marri. fahe iloaacof fbte A mof h faimr, finI iacy more hindredsocf nomber increased by generaf eoqairy rail; nnarfy i,tOO faaliog fliaf do nof require a pol- S'M. ire dcspofrft Sherldan College -c Correctional Workor Program A CHANGE A CHALLENGE A CAREER Neeahaeofetpoco? New Chaanec? Maybe ou'5 cocoiniivloIn outa ecr«.Thomre on Oancli- ed caçiocliy reondloiconsentsavelal atureancrid c«niiOOlh/O foLOde in fiCorrecions.Havs ymu cealddèred ic Corrivflea wcke rPocar n e Correctional Workers 4 Wc5i il rcui-clied dOsclp/lvd sctinofi *Procidacoiorrc00oicicar ri-olnd The Correctional Worker Program *incldeesive oiç sceaint experiencs *Devns oaildn/cgroud fIsocial scinoces f lomnciclu bseOsc'enpm if o nd=el nor th lceerileodens Foc, informaton on ce Sec le aa natualie uderI fe tr;a ce yMoarcerar cad ioln e c oe oa esligi t corser.cntct Michael Byrdn tho BramptoinCmps. 459-7433 or364-7491 i-cl 31 A.'-' ibis Fr1. & Sat., May 15& 16 Chos Challenger Sere $ GreatFallera Da&Y OGIRIdes DEMONSTRATIONS - FUN Ai1 -REFRESHMENTS' ION YomaWff SALE 4 ÀYumyWn Brina Iln this ad for a FREE GIFT ere in Oakvillc, fihc commumicatiosi ce isacih calla are made, averagifn I Thoe mora vouo"k... theoes ouMia SALES mmd SERVICE 347-361 Osoen Street. Actas 963-020 Summerisi STd L) INTO SIJMMISQ Ai -orwr VATC HS *E FOR * 'IGH :ANÊS * cIGM Y12ti c FFON 45 /115 cm compare $11.00 \ iAORCIANDS N SOMMER SA/E PR/CE CREPF $11.00" PAASHICiA01iS SOMMERAI SA/E pcal& I .' v i in the air... 'e to think about Von look forai weether Som "Am à ib a m -IM icated in police rm Ptivitv Prom here ýý m VISA