Champs ail the way musical talents. Ketty OVersby Uleft) sang lwo sotos, accompanied by ooxophotuol Maurees Hodgins at the 'Off Broadway" high schoot show. rli1 By Josel Rarerbils lb. Miton-Mutang socS laines trampted tOufr croetowo rivals, .C. Drory, i bolb Oue girls' andl f070 gamso. lb. score of tOu goysgaine war. 7-0 for va. Frank Hermans haid a superb gane, comif ap wtl a phnomnal four goats. Gond Hains sean badl a gnd gaise andl ororeil two goals. George Lemo scoreil Oh10finlgoal by beading the bal os o corr kik. Il wos as eaoy viclory for Mlton. We bild lb. balmosl of lbe line anilwbn- ever lb. Sprluos b.d il, lb.y vereult gic ob fo porluidy lu score. matcheil on lbe score was only (?) 40 for Milon. Goals were scoreil by Virgioto Von Grolel wb. bail vo anil flneNotlandl Mar& Gluert wo cconeup wilb lb. olber Ivo. An exce- tent defenive gfume von ptuyeil by Karen Lawns, Joily Wie,anil Dartese Johmn REBEL RELAYS Lat Wedoeoiluy, lb.Mstang racb team ravetteil to compeeine alb nuel Robot Retuy mot ai Serian Colage ioabvitte. Iltisoooyafunmeet,lsoget o 1.01 for vbot the competilioo vilS b. Th. beol performance of lb. day came. by tlb.juniorboys 4xW00im vbo pluceIl a liril overot . Tbe 1.0. rosi- sislel f Pbilip 1e, Les Plulur. Dure Notlandl Vic. Bernabei. 'Me junior gls 4 x009eim retay plsned foni o inlbeirSat wlb o ime of 3.0 7 em.iget irls 4 x 00 plced second in oer but butWitonrOelinltheattp abtoe fr uTboys 4 or00 r.ava INTIUI5IURAI£ Att tlut week peuple grabbtiuibar rackets ai tuncb bourt luptaY tlti- muraitbadinton.i Th. turnot wu wp- er and we bavethu ftlatsoatnhlb tailler rooipsttion. For thu guys, Mark Saunders w top dog. Closebobtd vire Jtm Tbriug in second, FerryMarinoiun1Me, oud Aodrew Gerside lu fuirlb. Traray MOrUwso tope for senior girls. Ga- la-uer Placail second, Audra osser plaro i brilaond Breoda Rylo was in fourtb. Nowbore ae individueal point ar- ores u lbe slnd tlut week. Juior boys: Norm, Rose, la2; Glen FaUthoo0r, 14t. Marco D'Auglustifo, 139; Revto Fotey, 131; MlkeBe av.deresi 1. .Junior gils: Disa Worth, 112; Cyndie Funk, W?; 1400 Copetani. 96; Cbrls Rourewakeg, 94;Amiande Konica, 94. senior boys: Ferry Martin, 381; Jeff Lambe, 33; Je eFr *yeltn, 311; Rd rWrlgg thl, m;2e; lve Coradetti, 277. Sentor girls: Ram Lawsoo, 3M; Gabi Rossr, Z1; Norma Wlsn, 3t; Brenila Ryan, 311; Janet Rerecbh 310. FORMAL Jot a remnoier of lbe format comtong op on Mgy 29. Tbe ticket price bas beeu ronsd slglytoinsOpr coupte for in- neranilder . As tas date beginools lrow oer, Oue price wlll b. $21. Gel your tickets in ailvancea nil void paylog lb. extra. Ltoteo for mor delail as lu wbon tOu price go« op. Lorroane Roorolu Soni-lkes. Sam Rosa (teft> broughl hîs Messy meal. Gertrude and Clarence made mouthpiece Lois Rossalaong to h. "Off a mess ealing pudding at the "Off Broad- Broadway" show at the high schoot, so way" production... the handa did't Sam coutd d3 a Venritoquism act. betong t0 the faces. * Sound Clearance "Bradford" Sterea Phonograph %e. 9. 3 ea. e Sngle pys cc v:.otictutabIO v'th s0(0.0 *Sprate oclame, balance, tocecomms *Heacpttcno ack /duco coco .2 mstching cpaknn/Wlnut-fir:oh cabiret. Reg. 249 95 1 0 a *AM/FM oOoO mo aee Fr-on iodcasette cordo /ploya .350000100 ft-n lcnable *Hne nsmkeOcOcdusI coca /Word cabine -Bradord" 20" Colour TV "Bradford" "Agtra" 910<00 SYateo se" $si Sav 631$ R.g549.95$ 0. Reg. 999508 VH/IJHF I-psolottctOOOtOflOl oAM/FM Mm oesuln Black naîrrixpi ct ue. e -vtrapepfl aYor *On-lctonO cocoadjcOtnet. :ttthg oRagcol voc Otn. bnMb-teOOoS o 8ooi55n5 * 'dMPUHF sfaMo 80Odb olo-fiOsh OsblOB ZELLERS ~78 anm5oc5nc iW7U uss=as