.Tise Canadien Chaompion, Wed., May6, 1981 89 SUER SAVINOS oN YAMAHAI Y ANAI I910004M10M 4M5 ~~pIl HONDA C8B 8,51«M g*ceiioe04m C816oCB 3,08" ,1e 1 CB650CB , 2W8" S:,000 CR650B 29W200 " CX5000B 3 lu 2 ,00" 0140018 2,29- 1,40" SERVICE SPECIAL - CL Il 66L 66164808 11,50.95 HEMTSPECIAL .a Am uî O 15%M TIRE SP4.IAL5 - 606611.16 0.05 PACK 86060666M ONTENTAL 6 o 15% OFF LiAllfER LADERS 9, OCCESSOY SPECIALS .... P O 15%OF ON 2 INNÉEW NU ..R.94 YWtR. à M 9 TO 6 SA .t1 mee89.188e490e88US1008lld rTHE RACERS ýEDGE HlaorHlls Receati069 Vehce Cnr e WEEKLY SPECAL$ 1981 HONDA C8750 K cotfe. i end se0o061fine eotio o 1981 biles TH6E RACERS EDOOE- 32 BRONTE ST MILTON 8784212 A 1 ualîîy clecked recordtiored bies 172tS1086uk, ..__..... $M. 1979 Honda XL186. ..... .$19. 1979051105o,jal ya11.o9 ..... 279. 197 CB750 SrSport 61Hond ... 1»5 THE eACEHO EDOE 3 eONTE ST MILTON 878-4212 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON TENDER - Tender for a triple combination ire truck. - Tender for e 1500 galion tan0 trck for aise Milon Fire Deparament. 08.184 tndrs lemlyniy med .43lois 8e 186)116 y Tht Mnger,.Bnk ofMontrîet 144 Main Street. 1901 .6,611606611001111and ner forma66y b60 6 F a chitlet 405 6e81eAenue, Millo. Tende: s will be opened ai 2.15 p11m. inth Municipal Oics,'211 Mai oe, iton111 J.K.C6161111.Fire Chef G. Kantz, Myor GENERAL CONTeACTORS Ta,. or. tvied for the sup68p618and11installat1iono 6616,1111. s016666epairs, etrical and othe, 01161810 366111ai1the0,0161r6Offic, Mlton1,Ontario. NOTE: A sit visit for reflerais 111666114616duced the 016,61, Oflfi6, .91 Staal. Ave ., iltonon1Tues 1106 My 190and Wen1edy My,2066116118 15066 G.î6~. 6,6 .~. N-9- 0011, 6 345 pr,k Si W., P.O.8B..10. Dn, Ontario611, L9H Seale4 T611ders wll be 16-t16161111i 20pm., Fi dey, My 29, 191114t366,66 6î6îr 111y Mii os060,5 in public. Tender clo8sing in 061148. NOTE: For16111661 informatin, p1068.6contact M. Ed VanAi1t1'e. Minist1yof Govemr6e, t Servie,66 Dun-116 des ,, nari .Tlpho1. (41)6273515, Thel66lomstor ay tndr onoessa11,6600111686tod. Tend4r No DUN-028 SMt.stry of Goenemnt services Ontario Éi USED Peterborough 15 11. 80361)086 36)6670 1181.1. 896.90. 68.0 6016160. .8 645.00. E nrUde 64 M,..29.00, 608160611 111 64. $1791.00. 6804 12 aiom),0m out 842.00. 60.16616 nd 00 0. 80100.8 69186 & 050- vice, Conr 1681$ 6150(184. OtPrinOee89- 3901. 29 FIT. ".688611 89(p. Mettrais,084106.. 8W eyt oo. S8.009or8 bot offe..(519) 8SU. 404 .ZED n1a11e6.e1681 Fieg(ne, 6.6181 eLor6o.dpth CREOIT RIVER SOAT CO. NOR VAL 977-9862 131 SUNRAY Escapade Deiuoe, 0 HP Evi1rude, Et Loader Trele)1973 A-s1.1con- ltk)o, $3,110. 78-135. 1906 FIBRELINE Barracuda 14 fi. sk boat, 90 HP.6050c tac6k, speedomnelel. JOHNSON eecic st)6 art 8o8rt.500oo 30 hp., g084 StLVERLINE 161, 1110186,149h.. E-,EZ , condIllo(i 000, 11111 4071 a961 .5 m Teder AIR HANDUNO UNITS Tndem am ih11s4td 6fo i lee000.to th Ai Hadiîg Unit, a th Nagra Rgloffl DDetio11Cote, Tt.e, Ontario. W"oth 60e4.0 Itttiolt. to th drsitte g epoelfo oolng coeend o ht1 t.atd teotk. TENDER NO. DUN-041 PAINTING CONTRACTORS Tand,4are ntd foInhtelo/ettttior Paîintng and ,,1t9d mtet eth Cothose. Mltotn, 0ntario. NOTE: A s)itl,6st for tt68181111166611 coducteda th Cotthwse, 491 Sti. Ave. E.. Milto o Tes- dey, May 19 and Wedn.eday. My 20 thte 8rpS b. in atte6t46116botweetthe hour of 1:0 p.m1. and 33 p.m. TENDER NO. DUN-047i Ech Tede muet bequot8d sepaîtOy. Cmbid Tnem Wl oil) ,tthte6pted. Tndr docuet a e 64 16obteinedtt 1611 Minity o Goemmntt Ooitt Niagera eegîot.81 Offit 345P,4,Street, West, P-0.B6O100 Duntdee, Oti. oLSd 5E Seaeti Tndem M~ilI e ,.ored ,tl 200., Tsedty, May 25, 1901 etIthoh taime thy 3681 b. 110.118 in public,.Tenter 018ng in Dundee8. NOTE Fo turthr ifomation 6Pl"" Cotat r- ,E 68114006)11, M14te of Govemmt Set0lices. Dun- des, Otatrio, Tlphote, (416) 627-21. Th.e et S6tend60er not ne1866)6866.P Mnsry of SGove rnment 5D Services Ontario AUCTION SALE 8atu,ûy Ma Olli 11:30 ar. LocatLedI n linevilage ai Freelti, (Corner ai Snck Rd. aad aid NO. 56Hey.,> Aprox. 7 mi. nortl f Ci osaCorners. onsistntg ai husehaid & Anique itms, Satae carpenter taais, garden tiaois, 2 rding lawn mawens (etc.), PARTIAL ÎUST Oek bwoy deeb, ok EptWn' choir. Victorien a- char,. 2 dos, chineCabnet,. eI 6)00. 11#18C50l 1O pioumse& Ohes, omet, mest Viorintlemel',, won0611 .p ables, Oaksm et.m tad.1.4. 1136. rocke..portable eee)11 achne ).llh Dttml let), Jenny Und h«dttovd, em§ bieuet box. Pile rede pill ke 861.1 upticatd, it.mstoc h o. ir iD"bugy- be.o1,'.waon «hesiable, 0Won&à8508911.4.FleOit wood t611, fltltei 14066. Mdetlee ON litp. mrecilet CON an lemp. 6. 11eme196boet. slectott a goiNe a China18plce.. slco of B61eooBe, eMM1 linon~6 .4so50de. extension6t1 6.445, 60118176charger. ,,opestn tl 661 166 .601 6,tble1,1166. iF 11118660611411191161116B6&1D. 6 He no011 Tom 1ub 410 fl.tt.61150t 1.SOO0. 1,816)66 ode.,Autnlr ohm Hu»h A.tkpq es 8etet 7-9188 Pe.m 6 878t8le .. No.2. Heeeb COUNTRY For Comploe AUCTION SALE Aoction Service 4,1114g.B .11 Chris A. Schotea B9d à~5 .m. 6 AUCTIONEER Fame m, e3tiue8 , fur8116- Seo Au Type. n6ur, o18, 10688 items., 8Sein Conduoted 500506648 g)8836e 6, A1ythe chna, county comt, 3 Tel. 878-2576 )lntted .4)11511 prity Rfobrt Batomet, and 1R 3. Milton,Ont. notoh mos.. Reh.ehimet booth Ut bake nie DON COLLING Loffllt nlee8.40bomb AUCTIONEER Cnneof Gueph tins & AyrTV" oSale Bwitannie Rd., erintono. Aen Place 15 664e 110101 of No. 5 Pisone 078-aise Hwty. 60 Maine. W. Ron Coy,,e R. No. 1. Miton.. Asollone 0. 7804 AUCTri6N SALE W.dnesday EvenIng. May 131h et :30 P.M. Location: In Milto, t tiseFairgrounds, in aise Agricalturel 14.11 on Robert St. Marchandise remnovreai o tisa ehove location from a Brantford Fàtate. Sale Consisting Of: Furnitore, gla8, china, coliectabies, lmenu U& bedding, ail lampe, painings &t prins, 50)6. et. A Pull Sae.. Ftatdtor;Ok dreser mit64h 66(15; Empie 0style dresser oWth mirror; mhoanlroke mithrushet; 6811t.40mal18p tabe ca666410roud lmp tabe; mir pant tabe arv6866lm(.060604table; kithn 8.0le; 60)1 tnoort tables; Conooa 810chair; t.roy am6chair; foot mois; 361060 belloo11 0.6k chair; chok8, 600up chair w6611 stenciinge110)o6818) 08; 18.60110440ou11e bed; 6ph110185080 68481 ohesI; 604066 1t11); lrge & emtel eotseme.16116; 70X90060611 1Harding 686e.; oak &pinslî8med well6r61080and4666(.1round & ore 12 .1484 be1ed i6.4661608; ok t166018 481; 0Singer tt.o46. e sOm chi6001ne; 013110 cabinet 061000661 Anm l8egs; 14 oil pei11tin(1g816ore818816114Eth86684 by .1. B861in Bantford; C. 1910 p. o ce4e )a- nul6)) 0,b8a6.1; 68666 63506.6)18$1811; 686 book- Oie.. & Ci. .Coietbles. Lmp, 1Mise. Etc.; d006essio laisete; rted wa36ter ut,4 glasses & pit- chr; svnlo.) 0111.60green, . 850081.6(68Et pi11k t98pessi06 66.; 1066688.) .115011.18.6861668 patterns: f5ted 666,18) 06,4; 2 6,706.1 4668111.5; 618110811 vase; t8036868) a.118& peppers; c6,7818(vase; 616118) 11s vase; 6. of preu 0 gin; 10640050064pate 'Evangelinein', Dom the 11110Lonîg Street; B814of F868418. plate; o(.toCt pate, 6Hamilton O. 11Court 6060; moral )other 6004 6ol,6o' tes)6.P., Nippon11103)(green16mark); othr p616650of Nppon1 & No0ita6e china1; 8moral8ros81 6004 1811066660& saucers; q63811616 ot ool 116001611 40ed 0866 16 nîîly 1900; s606868)6166615(6660, Tol.o.,, 111004 m6k0; sev.18))d books . 181e283 so018o6Brat C66111; 5 966ts,. 664861,4.tbeîths11, 1811 AUCTIÔN SALE Sot., May ah atlA.M. Loce logn: At tise J.A. Turner Higis Schoi. al aihecorner ai Steeiee Aoe. & Kennedy Rd., Brampon, (South ofA. M.A.M. C.) Sae lId ln the 80caoAuditoium. Proceede for th. *nlarglng of School Ubrery. SaeeC8.eetbtgOf:the Oollnlierre:8 L46e. Selin ldets gold14)0r0ing1; s0)6.6Chain;110E gokd bacelt; p- of E.P.H.S. 8)6;le ; 1ou14m1101 Pote le.171 6.m0xer10end4 t, î.6618î 811110110061116 dock;.10 tM ; oYlopîee64a;l n;o 66h,011bgoo pocket meto818; therms boules; 64,4 tahble com; gkinEt o01e5 1ak6.stands; heilvy dutlugg000carrie1. 8.666 660aits 6 1CblotpsPlaes6.Et601111018 (anti- que); 500<0186 11006606; Oî.niooe 0,1501.tepho11e table; ho50500k ne.); 5 gel. Pas1 tic as11onaine (11.1), gof 6clubs; 3 Ci6 rsints 61861; 11.110,6 lIgth; polorcid camions; 18b1e lampa; Ilog îoII,î; .11np e6111 ru; 0)61618& 1,0es; 4 woooden kitclhn 1 11611 n»tt6nnîo61f ..6ords; 4 886,18 oianwllapts lruit design); push 16011611e.'; 111r1el 661.6(6116; Min6e ginse.. phoistered am0 6ha8r; sks 1& poi.t; Cabinet record blaer0; (866 6b11 chair; n110car 68 666.;WIdl.Potabehi .164,701; 36,1166,. 3, 4 bume tove (0004 8as,.eol; bos t Sgr«11bicycles; Capital eng achine15; 1 lcri 1 mai6661l6)61148 3600 typVellmm. 506818) hldrells garces8Et toys; amp; 6018r tabile mpe; 8165011166hockey16net; plus goods stiIItutcoursin b116601Salelime. TERM6; CASH OR CHEQUES WITH PROPE I. D. Lunc1h viabe. A. .elrge Rommaff e. of.4Cohiog & 0181. PREVIEW; PROM 9 AM. SALE DAY. Lot.of paking. 800.01 boar, .T.ob.Der,.on Aonftir notle Pesosibeîor ccdents Sale dey. 8.111,9 by Comber,. *&me8aseyothe Sale.. Note: All marhanseh811, e en docaied - sorti. of il band nw. Ths le a chartabl Sale with allproceeds going tu1thelitibrîy Auctioneer: Chria A. SChOuten Phonoe: 878-2576 ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE 6n0l66i1101 CHINA, GLASS, FURNITURE, PRIMITIVES, a1n ma1n nresti 1n ollctabl Cledon Eernentary Soisool 1 mile eastof6the 1)611 o1016Hoy. ln Caidon Village Sunday, May 101h 1:00 p.m. - P16iew et N66 Lunch Booth Ceiedont u.tions SaIIy Lw, .Auctionter1 ca8ved 016066 boxes; miture8(13Germen61611boitjrole.; Word Brownridge t8pod for Camera6 (11,8u. (691(1860061118 51(66An-611. 66611.6t6onser niv6ear1930 cimers; p150866of1brou& cpper; tur- F1.16- 61606066 ev tact1o1) (am; fnl il mp b6ronz0e18tab, (amp; 4 po66818111 11u6tab11),l850e;12 Q066068) lmp 81,45o Frniur (9014611 opl); pyîîmid a8t6)818 thads; tble6 (8666. B tureSales lght 60114)6811686. 6124; 1860116116114)84611116; Phn 87 73 eogmom 81.; moral8) 11106Place688f61.1)666Pae; Sterling n1186611ring; Sterling n110(file & Marty oStI 1860808.6. Ail Type 60115t6018618686 to, mony10f)8dong. 074668 108145; CASH OR CHEQUES W501164 FR0,.. Lunch611avallb(e. 00116 C.DONALOSON FREVIEW FR014 4 OCLOCK SALE DAY, Popety 804.880. 0,e ut b8001,464. Auctt6,601 Exacut6r, Hliboard orAtioo.8,nt repoe.ibt. 00(00611 16tp50 6116616, Auctioneer: Chris A. Schouten 878-2940 Phone: 878-2576 R.R.3, Oeo1eet1501 AUCTIý~N SALE Butinais80ppo1061088s Fn.. May Bah at 6 P. M. ATTENTION 61611888, Location, (n Milton, ai the alîgraunds, in1 1186 0F . on4 5061a 1the Agriclturailiatl6on Robert St. 10966end4.06)0 1)6810 RubRut0herord -Kren111,green &11866(2661111611 cash1In, 0on 6661 In bed chesterfie0d; green cr1s1ed velvt flyoay 0h116,; 6,8150861 3118 are I- 1,180684 For 6more cal,42" coffee tale Et m66 hing stptables115;368)6611 t ino150.on col Mr. Du6116.,, Phylo 0extension1 table;.4 366(1161 1,44)61166 Ru6y, 632-5509. dîîîîîn611868irs111 )th0eatletosais; wal0)11612 pace - buffet 116161,. 9604 one, Vi,. cane 6061161166 chair; f Fis bî1D05016 dterdese 8" ir,1 dfavîer bedside table;n.. ORTGAGE 661146 for 611601. S666.611116.1410tae& foding0chaire; Admire, 66161188.6 ai 6650 23' 60(1166 T.V.; 111,61,616666 1humidfier, 11611 1106 pol)l(681rates 1l1 E).6166(6066vacuum6(6611661 R.C.A. rado. 1)061(066; 6excellt reptymerit tabl lape; ohnon gos.40 P«. heatpatern or8. lC.)) Jodelle 1611), 066t;.3611110611 n. 40 610,6ni3611681 6060<11 668)1 64-462.06 1ot No, 2 Canadien 11111116 368tr 61161106 Canaden M811 mnfut11,1)616,1166), 11.0(0001,fruit0361, v6ry o614. 1e1(, I.LGN1)6 6.1h, 1600 mi,11 6lsa(08o0 nl 166 191107 M6. J.O Tllton 1(10 61101Rd., S., 068aw, coverod butte' dish; 1904 MrsJ3. T6l,6rWinnipeg w0161101loir 80po16))e Foi piche 0 Dosy Btto waer ither 2 r. for eny 4ebl1 (.666184 Flp11.;1O" b&6166311160. y my eslrenged wlfe, vous &18b08skes8.3 -188 614 366 wter 9(6865; 191,, 3611110650650(11 slpper; Nippon lrl fruit66036).0806111616(d rom pet 16111666ke (8plateRoyal 01111161cake60late;6. 6,1106 BRANTFORD B8681 Cv-31ty J366,2011,tu636(6lot, 1967 0063.1111,61 166; 116886an 606111116for 866,,grecs cup & saucer; 1907 Mît 3J.8 Tlf1,7" showe, air.68I6101e 0,16116,. 18614Lang9 yne cr6160666E1811690; 61. china1 Milton 0, 148 Phone 1 Match1 hole; i,. Vi,, 6 Et 189(660Match11 60(46; floral 519.75-7521 or 1-51111756- Bavarian toothp166 116(4,,; 1111661,60 306166011 118062._______ toit e&611c16 Jv0 6an 0l1Et 006066;Nipon.fora Reere1168ava1abe. 1- 18e C0110166111601156661 6661 1061 27.3536 - - 66mm' 66 ..118 ga86 sit1. JIar 6( 6111; 1o16o1 01 GENTLEMAN (5011(11 et; r 111no60614001,66; 0(60100soir8&60656; Sterling fo 1611(81184 fier n1 model;Sterlng repi;rne 11 066, .E. 1165t066 6664.1 Milon oes.ea. P)886081 12 brou bound rue,1&8spirit lve; 24" rut iron 784607 end1 litanie a61)16; 0ut olNo.1, 5o. 2,à.18630630466160111 Guelph sort i,1181& fîrdI.; 6W11,1,011660of06666,16l1paintin RESPOSIBLE t8501(6 i, o,610661616106î1661p6 large four b84166m ru- .8tramas plus t11.6611,,tetm from this h86665 olhI10 Mlle senior citi4on ' collecto f60 yeat86radius8 of Milton. 6.. & M'a. 06) 01.8lac -SMall 600,61 616611,6 6668186680 aleble 64,..; ,. M7 d c n16,stoe -y j,1,1 .di. Ce,) 611«(5.1(19) 02l "t1666,70940 101 6rr66111166 878 k,11, te 11161616t 611.1 d,,h616t1111616 613 111141061 116611or humidifie,1abut 8 d66111table 04106161lampe; 0p8116650 lor cspeoux6'811118e6361h corner extension;bi. 11,ied-1084 18ae618. W11611 106506suite, 54" baril & 1me. 3 chver d1.8ie 0Urwt tedo maintenanerend1 66166t1441366161n11011t616160161118101. amoll8i hlen.B77-MM3 Malcolm661&06Soute .11690ny 1184606111suite,.5" 064 8611116.. .410 5011696 1& moe"' 1 410366 1115)1table8 87 468.06611)66011. t go04 014 suite; 13E elecI-re 12 1 Fl8. 42" m6368, 1&.113601036.11In lait),60.3 11601601F, Ownoe.6or Ao0600.e me .poneibt8 fo 86'e- e is 9e ooms W eidantt Sal18e 0)tg. r1866 1<8148. CASH OR CHEOUE W.1641.0. CLEAN, anrectIoe 3 PFVIEW &W ciALE EVENINO. »MI0)noir1Dery & No. Auctoneer: Word Brownridg 2 66I. RPossessiont8May Phono- 87"8.730 c"Oise " 971650-.1. C"s- conmdedeSO .EEP 6L s - Mj HOLIDAY UN FLORIDA 0,6.,41,0 6a. 61610, e1t by 13the «k mo611111 ca'e10et Madoi,,8Beach, F161,4., Gul tknFor Reservations or Information Cal 821-2636 or 457-8541 9 a.m.9 p.. Mo1de1Fld.y 854-0346 or 877-5468 .tte 9 P... . tnnkellde on, COTTAGE for rent 50506)6 66.66Dl4cgeLAKEEH66O06on F168 L 316 1(e .Sof)Bal. a . ( e lare rogiser 46peopl. 2bdo 500150508 ta6686lo(68on11 650 w611 th 06ub). 0841oun r063 dr01 5 ars 6., 11(468. bt066. Excellant e81er1.t1&1 18 )61r0w. swim5m(110. For 661.1 66,000 b 6. 0)av a hollday 06.1)506111 McLayey 66116. 1110793- 6(6163161)168 (866 08))3519. 87.3 80, 866 ,1.6El PRIVATE SALE - A HOUSE IN PALERMO Chanmîng 2-bedroomn bungalow an 1/e acre treed lot i, rural OakilU,, w1111 broad(oom, dishwas)ler, 660 (116 loored dn with froplace. 6690 vnyl sding and 6636 r0of, iul(y insulaed. Open House, 1 4, Sunday, May 10. On Hwy. 5 (undas Hwy), 3/ mle west o! Hwy. 25 (Brontn Rd) No agents pînase. $64.900, 827-2611 Executive Town Home For Sale 661 Ciide Dr. Unit 75 Large13611416616, garae6Mai 140,111161 1a11, .661110, iving 1661, 2 Wa6(66616wý,rir.11111pool, tnnis court, mortgaga11'% par Cent tiI 193, 566,66150 3..i116 $52.000 M-68~721 FOR SALE-Prl1ele. tow.tholeO, 3 bedroetn. 3 80611100110, 1)1886841ro 16011. 1886619 50,00. PRIVATE sali- S42,0'.00. 3 08410611 bâthî.0508, 6066416 om1e4 111160.6006, folt bâtmet, 6.5084 yard, prIvaI, driveer, end unit 853 3326._ 12% Mortgage Private Sale Dorset Park Lange 4.08186665 home. he,dtood 11506..et- tacheti2-9-ge lar .ge lot. 17 LOVELY COUNTRY 1166, l01161y 1o111 pool. pond and114lots ore16ex- $1390 Cathy Doddls, Farnily Trust Reel Esaete 877-526 COUNTRY BUNGALOW Closet. 16401. N. v 16666614, lar6e lot, e001 in k,1r11,,3 bdroomt. Ashina $64,500. Cethy Dodds FernIIy Truet Real Estate 877-5261 MILTON Choio. of 2 dotached 1. 7 f66t. fromage1, do.- $50.'900 4 11,16631 11661,plit 2 yt61t 6(4. double garage. Coi Anne Ung C81110,y 21. Mille, eal 876.84M0o,878-718 EC GRDN TU I§cTE 20 AE: a ** **6S NEWaISTM1801100 "GUELPHUNLIE -47 ACRES" $82,500 S95,W0 w6656921606611 pl115066 freomxe6or. 66Loated No. Sderodjsetof1U 19M6l feIerdrvep wth at ole663g fields. No. 2 66g66ay. A660146doit 0ouse1 "n b66666r Ovoîli use6oui Guavantee Plan" ory6661home chased 116using yur home as a lideDAN Io allow yu topur666hae ths dre KOVALICK 639-3300 or 37-2912. Cal)DAN KOVALICK 6393300 or 066 637-29C2. * $000OOCASH * 2 ac. es mapie bush îmagnificent) * Locateri on GuelphLîne * We caoi have your dream home boîll)or you' DAN KOVALICK 639-3300 or 637-2962. 2031 JAMES ST. 639-8004 _r77L7 FREELTON) AREA! CAMPBELLVILLE ARE0o 11A %S4O0,000 I .6n ecountry ,nio0y.minslrom Oy. Pao andc vew, 6 1 ltimt01616 66Shrp31166 62a6e16611 r ndiiotqu1ienory rod elevated ranch on 2 acres of lad c6661116111of3 Tudor stylîng mh.s te noior lmnundlateiy heitotons, 11ïhattis, plit granule6 irlaen (6 attractive. Sharp nln6ated ranch, 3 bedroms, tamay 1110.6. 6)n-tight tooti tove n 6living room, 0)50 6111)61.amlly rmom l.otwlo5 1brick 2grages and 1181666 barIl. and lots imor. îit-nplace. 2-66, ga6age.106 66506 fer015018 1 $11o000. Cali SCOTT PROITCHARD 639-9006or metion. As1lng1186,90. Cal] aCXMrPRIT- 659-3Me. CHARD 639-M6aor1659-M.8 ý 1 1 m g-