Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 May 1981, Sports, B1

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Kelso running first ffshing derby witsddssas msSuh. ohsi lfurti r Iist~hall tit.b sock N uies n a bg way d"iiysaralr Id lcha Tisphl e l oawardsdiluboh &dut nsut stclugIltat en l . it KilosOusaie Ara. fo. 01 and lb. boit ms u ob lu. an =to awmah lise derby s Iles b ot h bdeys omer the mois- for cbllâe, tdis suiotittrou0 7isgit il oedeol u fi rv ssb lis 5OCA ai tsc.d isuLai. udi slLlb iuiruô tam OitiYte CyPl . p in mna priseo Awards are duuated by Mol. cluilmge dsotuatcauu uaii ai -tî25Uin l adbliln lé di é adde st dap ida4tr m .to4p m ssBromrtes miicisaltssg idi IIICA la able from rd ulboS dymiif ~os 4Ati5*t~d5ob RY. =,lis r* suu trlu n d orit and retroabmoulaavallie. belo lb.opitai < flhlu ailas prds <Zs làeu ai er 1 olt iago e is oswbu i t hutyta declded For mr lulrmatlu, &BIl 11.1 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION M'sILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY . 1981 SECOND SECTION WJ Basebail fever: Youngsters catch it early Stasy veatetsr greoudhe opoing of die pugesltly utpIu4lai s houis ague tOi1 Minor BaIbal sau wbteb got players i. a rmbbagloue wtdi aidurway Satunday el Rtary Psark. Gleorgetown. Playlng ondthesowty refurblsd ordi- Mltou dost 'hvesough playSotr ts met T-Bail dlamoud ai li ou di.soute- omu bouse laque aid MMA bai ossured weldamood. dielueam tarlodthlb. s tosa nbmater lib. brought o t-a aumintg lu fine stye altougis jreys avent yt of Guorgetowun MUA toul.gt <Wothssayl. rrnlvsd and playoru wo a vaietlof <So tir, lb. iita roacttionhm ai ongd sweters aid mata, bul wi wo'l bmw uaiW aller lin meeting lh isetuoget dviaionainl ooldu ntolutheii ouctly wbol wlil lis.e place Ffshing cderby Kelso Lake lu being st.'--kod sethi nearly 1,000 ftsh including 10 ut thse 20-24 loch lize it prepurotion for tibm weekend'n ftsbmng derby. This lu thc con- servution autbority's first derby and it Ipent $5680 stocking just fur bbc derby. Bob Edmonston, HRCA officiaI, is seen îtockislg the lake. Springers host mneet for provincial finals Springers Geolot.and James ire baiy preparing for Tisundor Bay. The pair wtt compele in tee Tyro B citegory aflor tluiubtsg one-Imo ai the olegonal meolo. lu addition. erry Hre mou uetecled ai slernatto theb Argo B group aller tintis- olg sevente overall afler teee mrcefriloual meeting Tuesday Wite tee poition of prouidout open, telu ycru anuaitgenerot meeting ut Millon Mluor Hockey promises lu b. very lu- teresting. ing. Banie Fîy, mho wou MMHA preudent for Iwo yourn, ban derided agalint ramnisf tein year. Tise etoction il laboe place snt Tocodoy May 12 ai linse Hall. Ail ltereoted peuple ire orgod in attesd tise meeting. AUt positions wmil h eteldail- teongis many dirertocu from tot yen wllt proboily ron again. Il mnI b. long beforo Milon Iprior becoro. a major force lu lb. filo u provincial gymnnaics. Sartlog rom scratch juI oa few years ago, Strlgr havbult astrong clubaid dhitoyen mIlI end tNucompeblug gym- nala. Pista Gnolot.and Suolo James, lu tee provincial ctumplonosipa latar Iis mont Inlu iader Boy. Tise club itiolf bo aocquired a good reputation andwmsou con lu o hd lbe provincial ciamplosips for tmo divisions ail EC. Drury Isait u vr the mooisosd. AtogIl pringers didu't quallfy a com- petitor terougis thee roglunit meeli for theo cisampionubipu bre, lis, club iosted 112 gymuiolu from aillover theoprovince ou met as 410 officiais, judges aud pecatrs isooevensa mre for tee noviceoand juuior divisioou fr -botenouand womou. luntheJunior A divloo, tee top evel of gymnaitic in the. province, Robsert Dinon, of Yorks Unversity, fisisbed firsl on thee - - mens sude tolowed isy Chisl Gain of Ottawa and Pontl Renfrew ot Beteuglton. Plcklng t up: Down G urd picka uf a ground bul for Brbos Beauay Otee womonsu aid, Kelly Noubtî of a ty Oshwa, ooktise overaliltile. aviltons Salon in ix-yenr-otd T-BaU pay oturduy il Rotary Park. Minor Joyce More (oe page Bt3) and Misulu- baBebali started early this year, getting underwoy Sturday. saugas Tommy Williams Lied for second. A Lots o ýiQo around - Halton guide to golf Sprlng lumisai i yoaig mai's tancy tursu tagreens. Goiflg grensteiit in. And mite theerom- ing ut armer moteer, glfers wmli hut lu fuIt force. Golf eotueiaisailuNorth Hilton ave mmny cisltuuglng corseta chone fruo. In Sotiere Onlaro alose thee are 200 courssiand more teos 25 itelu o shor drivlug diance. Se get oualtemeo-onu borime bheres Norths Hatanu guide lu golf: 1. Actas Meidomu: a 2,930 yard, sine isole golf curse ite o par 35. Itu lcated us teeirt lin west uft Ans. A emi- pricîle course, green tees ire $6 dsrlog the o-tek and $7 ou the emeeends.05031 2. Erin Heigis: a olue-isole semi-pri- voteecourse locited off Higiway 24in Ens ThI ights i% a 3150 yard with par M3 .ay 401,ths rehole, 2,945yad corse i wa' 35. Its os tee Miltansinti lino 070l 6701. 1 R7,cviem: n long. 0.550 yard. le-isuid courue ite i par 72. Locited lunObvlto on Ogisay 25 bolmeen tee Dsmdaa 11g- mîy aid Quees Ellobelis. 827-1211. 5. Victoria Prk ai Victoria %MaInl Guelph, te o 3-bote course mii tu beoins Eaitand la West. A semni-privite emoo, East bai a par of 71 and moauros i,397 misie Wst lit pare1, ail 3,410 yards. VA- i. Citoso Gais: one ofthtiseouaiprivote cis blc"Ale t 100Collège sInutitnl Guekg CiUslau i10-but, 6ô» yard par 7. Guelphs Golf: a ulue-bolo privite courue locited un Waverly RadinluG- Ips. ise par for thee uue lu 35 us-r 3,027 yards. 824-2741. 8. Indian Wels: tcited on Walert Lin is Burlington. An 1-ote par 71 course. Tise privats course mite ,465 ysrda. 33&- 9. Blton1Gof lu a semi-private course toated tiree mile norte ut Blotos ou Higiswiy 50. hie 27-bote par 72 courue lu uvor 5,810 yards. 857-20W0. 10. Derrydsle: a public course locited il tee norliseaut corser ut Hlgismiy 10 aid Drry Raid. ls os 10-bote course over 4,000 yards. 4572024. 11l.Georgetown Golf: a lougJl 6,396 course lorated un Sidoaid 17 aid thee Tenus Lise TiePiole coure is semi pri- vat parc71 9776011 greul Jars Ncklauos.Ils a semi-prvatr course user a rolling 7,133 yarda fur gold, istue ,0, miite 6,104 and ladies ,179 yards.Tiso 1-iole pr 72 cours e lu tcied on tee Norths Service Road lu Oihvllle, b.- tweon Dreal Drive aid Forte Lise. 044- luai 13 Gien oge: aiolhur Bolton-irea course, tocatod on lgbway 50, M ilesl serte ut tom. itesemei-prlvate establishs- ment lu 1-bote, par 72 over 8,30 yads uf furwiys, preu and lies US-osî. 14. Horeby Towor: a public course lue- ated uorlis uf Hlghway *4MhinsehMY. A long 1-hieseuai6M00yardsmwd par 72.17MOI1. 15. LidoGlfonaitise SouhSerireso Rd aid IronIe Road iu Oubvlle A semi-pri vite part6 couarse bas 1-ioles, a driiug range aid 1-iole minature course. 027- 1002. 16. raigeville Golf: emi-prîs-ate courselmwo mile soute ut Orangeville. Tise nlue-isoie course bai a green tee ut 86 durlng tise meeis and $0on weeisends. Tise course lu 3,000 yards, par 35. 041-47-17 17. Peel Vilage: pblie ulue-isole courue ou tee eiut aide ut Ifigbmay 10, Imu miles soute ut ffgisoay 7.Tise course is par 35 and iu 3,065 ,ards in leuglis. 457-4511. 18. StreelvÈi Gles: semi pris-oIe courue un tieseoidesoleutMsisounga Roid. lhe 1-iole, 6,561 yard bas a par of 72. 451-034. 19. Bramptos Golf: o pris-aIe course luoc aIs-J osnlise Firsi Lîue erocf Hgisway 10, Rra.mo s zs-trs-:.:Ihffl, rî :7::5 ut Hgbway 5, u0e mile cr01 of llighcay 10 Credil Valley ia au 1-bute par 71 courue ruil ,810 yards. 277.0460. 21. Nboauag Golf: a privîte, 1-iole par 72 course rmi6,,436 yardu. Il's fomd os lb. eaut "s te d.Misisuga llod. surIs of Qien Einabeths Way. 37-125 22. Nuste fattas Golf sud CountryCGuis: prvas luctbt tee corner ut Tratalgar loadiund aple Avenue lu Georgetomn. lise 18-bote course moisores6,374 yards aid bas pot 72. 877ff0. 2L OalihesGolf: prss-bteprimate Suse on te OintedTafaalgar. fIue couru0 nremures 6,»0 yards for mon ai par 71, and 5920 yards al par 73 for womes 0845-8321. 24. rafilgar Golf: a pris-ate cloison thee Ste Concession and lerry Huad i l ton. Tise 18-isole, ,505 yard courue bau par 71. 878-23W3. 25. Wytdewood: turated un Trafalgar Road in Hornisy muasother privte cnis o-shla10hotu .Wyldemoo ba,214 yard par 70 course. 978-40M0. 26. Hotorne Vlley: al par teree couse loted ou tigbmay Il souteof thee 401 in Misssauga. Tise par 56 course in 2,000 yards long, pius mmmiature. 277-Mut. 27. NoistlnLais: norte ut Nuisetas un Higisway 27 east iog Sderoud 16, Oi 10- isole course over 6,900 yordsu n par 71 5M9- 4070. 20 Ookixll-Mîosouga: on Foorth 20ý Gol 10-Oc Higbccay 10 inliceen 401 and Eglluton, Oi is a sisort or onxective" course. 270-1004. 30. Chisluacousy: Nortis ut l.&mpton andmoust of Ogisway 10 on34 Sldocoid dbi 1-hote, 023S yard, par 72 course lu pri- vaie. Ntebholesbsu2,8W yards parl34. 5Mu 31. Gollaid: lucatod ou Hlgttmuy Sic, serte ut ClapplisaCorners, tdia eue- ctive-sine courue fetures 18 botes mite a par 5. 32. Hdden Lake Golf laud Coutry Cluis: ou tee Nimber 1t Bderoadi lu Brlnglas, tHdden Labo luia publi couarse cocetttg of ts-sutes idi a par 72. 33&Msi. Spiorts E

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