Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 May 1981, p. 1

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An rk e b hmuit N wspprSevn heC uI îafr 1 VOLUME12- NUMBER 51 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1981 40 PAGES -25 CENTS Councillors give selves $500 raise MAton eeanoll s ith Oe taaitMaidiy night di uafalilisg Oelr salariai and dicldsd Oaa wýete Worthla$ ai900neef- fctive ai ile tari of mxi year, wcille ap 14ia a $300 rase for Mayr (Gordon Io maoens rpiela retreactive rain lie. pad *5,900 e-hye glln nti. alille eiclirs îppreved tleir ra.s Oey dlappreved of intittin a formula ai hwold aulamatcilly ncruei salariai ai a spaciie rate Director of Fin- anc Don Lolad recosnmended couacil une a forma i milar tlatu ied la mnicipallaues treaglimt Haliona cul Oe exception of Oakvlle. Amaihalalary likai of froin o 9per cni are cemmon paictlce la many manicipili- lai wde use a frmule,laut concl wai cocemrnaidalioutthe long torza ef<scto of sShl a formla. Cainillor Don Kiglt catlaned a for- mula waild creain a mmlaronm offet, pluig slariesatla as lilgliai $14t000liy loi. "At lae cart ce cil le ieting oaliencli- mark alunci l lepretty lard tla raI laci," Concilaor Kiglit cnaimented. He snggeted condl forgel a formla and "Mlay mnarel." Concilr Kigiti nid memliera ilioidd continue la "cnllectlveiy decie" Oeir cage. Regienal conilori lOi Jolioaen d Brad Clemenla worm Oe oty memliers dio ilited Oey did not wcmi o ruse la aiiary. Tley atm iiupported Oe prapoied formla. "Admisrative coila Ilila yeir roseon mil wiO ery fewchclinges. Qulla frinkly, tle toan cnl ifford la pay any mre Ouan one mil," sdd Cainiltor Cleinenla. coociloJalaieifld, wedmdialdiVe non nreaaainto1901and aa ais inM wlien ce lave formlai. "It m i to me couacl mt gela lectaxd and ce want a raie. "Il booota lad pe'tbelly and tOi etaity a in create a formleanmd we wlll lnw Oe emineratin.' çeancllar Ricit Day sait! coallrs' soil arien aliuldl le tnHi lial, ailIta a part ýld n e mit ai anytiing allirtoaa an. lionirarlinm. "It laont a fulIl Uime joliand liuld ait lave anyeof thielhilarka of a ftimesjoli. 'Weiliolda't get any riage lentil," Coocillr Day said. Conacillora allI continue tlapay tOilc an fringe leneil, ai aill the mayer alie agt on record sttinglie il net neeOieelienfit. "TIce preaent alatai of riage lieneftil l, ce pay air aiea. We aitould cntine dig Oui lecamsewe are part ime poplekere," ulid Concillor Ruse Harrison. Conclllar' Mttralai mili year ce- prusento ilie fiaet aielantan yearn for memliern. "We're Oe ony puple whan cen diciain air nlarle," sld Mayor Krant. "Its a liard la." lice tak a token lanland liy Concillar Hrrison ali ascie irettola peaalilaOe motion. "Sure we aliold lave a rae. .wrtqolin lard, mutt atm.sIta onnt ging la lirathOe mancipality," alie nid. Conilaor Blanclie Hiton nild Oe an- nal wage wnrka out la leue Oiio i5par lior and "pernnily, 1 tOiial my lame la worOh i."1 tir", Ume lai beeu prehasure for tOu re- oning ram Hilton Region. OnFeli. 17 of Ou syar. Ilegonil solicitor Dennla Perli rged approa of and e- ceived p=oe liy regionlcoincl of a renottion cailg for ftanin"le reisecl fuliy rged one tt imela paiseteffieaI plan ameadiment aad onlng byla ameadmnen i dOreapecSit Fuaso r- deredliy tOntaioaMnicipil lord prior 10 tlie iliing of proceedingo ai deeaied norma' c liy tegal coonnel lao te Re- gio.... and asprevitalaiyioired liy lie pit roglonil cmanin." Il le knocn Mita coondilori lave dlciaaed Oe Ilrel ai legal actian liy Oe reglan drlng l-camra sessions, liai Oe action Oe laien plais lalaite la enîor tacil Mr. Rird said le irged Mlon move un Oe renonlng drlng ae meelang of ierling' lanas Solid Wîîte Management Commtiee on April 24. He old Thte Campoanlie eieves "no munlcipality lion Oe riglt t l iat Oe lai." Arbor igay 7JYUJ Cildren fron Pinoview Scbtail Gr. 2 clans visitod tudents Jason Shei, Belsy Merry, Michael Van Hilton Regional Muieum at Eelso lait week, to clo- Alterna and Ion Marsalal. The slinub wao donated by brate Arbor Day by planting a Ruropean Snowball in Tuitmin's Gardon Contre, Acton and Mrs. Elly Tuil- front of the museum a- mtir log botiso. Digging in are man gave the students a bond witb tic planling. Deans tnlyzes eleésction .'Comnplacency' caused TIc Nec DeaiucraiacParty aaidetaid in Oie ts provincial eleclaon lieceime New Demirrala temaseivesshave lecime compiecent, iccordi'ig la Haminirw Muaiali 0fa Dean. Mr. Deani, a 12-year MPP for WentworOh tefore eneran federal pelilcs tld tOu annoil meeting of thee Hallanairlinglaal NDP Provincial Asociioln Mondey niglt in Millani Oit Oic very people iete lav prcfiled freai NtP soil acion plattoraca dide't "gel off their lacinidesanmdwailk la the pls and vote." He saiid tince tOu election lie lia pandercd te reasmifor tOu pu r D? sincing and spaît smemc laefing ridiag acition meaikersi calmut la ds Oie ponly la la make a camelackin l four year. "Ive cocdercd abaoutor Paran d I keep aiHig myneif if ce arc mulling People mmrething tOey actoaly inlieve l," lie said. Mr. Deni aid titece 'a a fan carmer reception la NDP phitliompy inatOu cestern provinceslt in Onariaoe message la aimeitaolaitt la oher paties aiidl nea lto e ding a latter jolinatilraclang votera. Palatlng la te praiigimi mlistafficCeair lialmento liuted ontOc cUol th Oe Milon UAW Locl 1007 Hait clore Mr. Deano cms spaakng, le ailil ait vicorea la unian ceglotuaclon "are ai eemple ofwcal Oue NDP sande to. " Read thcm! Rondtem! Tcue lenefts legialallangf or aaa party." Bot M. Demns ad Oie lienefla ere gilaed liyliard-fonglil electlan cempaigna againit PC majorily goveramenta clilci ieadd nt aioa ami elianges la liappen. Il waa ooty aflar pepe qlrledtu eaime Oiey ieadd neyer gel hmi citta ittOuI Oie PCa aafcced cettecin ai Oie poilsaond reaultig ailaorlty goveramneitn. fle ic lorily govecnent ffered mmmli la iiiy i pocer and tai people iecame buled ty wcitiMr. Domns caled "Oie big lie". Ai a renli, people cho coald itenect must from an NDP ci dld ot tom onut on election day. "If tOey lad gone ltinhepolie, la ey itad gotton off their teclaideo, ce cooditave betehOe gaverineni ody. "Thte rasoncty ce lsbaslii lade cith Oic tanonof titominde .. wcin aiedd have calied laOe poilanmd rail a balot," ite said. Hcaîid lie didel kioc cliii Oie 100F lad donctu "Mfend" tose cita did not tareot. M. DeancnOiaa recnanted situaionsemcli as thefiral medcare flgh it aOiPCmajorlly Premier JoM aRoterscita calel ei ayainm of soidailieaith ."Maciaievellaa". "BuSo 70 inoc Oat u ib ista dy Iknie people dito lad la go ot and morigage Oheir liame. ta pay the hitpl l lia of fanilay memblera. "maylic ce tinaglit thuse people ail "lIt oka lite Oie y Ad no," lic aid. Mr. Deana su id Outt es le ligt a itoaie in Oe SMa. lie con mainlg $5,5000 a yeac ai a firefiglilar. Hin ihome cul hiai $4,Meand the interestlrateocaa6.5 per cent over 25 yeirs wcd mennt a moîtldy payaient of $Wn foc priaciple and ltereat Ready, Aye, Ready Volu ners in j Meaitera of ail Milton Boy Scout troupe cere nul Satordey la plant ,000 more '11e. tor anada. In flac yenrs Oce scot have plailad analut,00 trce. Slary and pictore Pg. . Look out Bambil Il appea r ee il l e aîaohr Hal- ton tree'dey. controlled deer hlican d Oe decison cille made tlay hy reglonai roancit. Slacy Pgi O Fiee market opens A leiolifci Sundey afternooii airveil ap nnahic ta ieip open tOc Lumitr- yard Fiai Martlin Caipiellville. Daner Oruona Crnie iî pleaaed ai Oce prelinlnary torioni and lac sme elans f r tOcfture. Slary aid pucoren ianbp. BaRon Raglan Comer- vutiai AaOorutYZaiora a blg~lag Esisa iesuitaid, on Mâolai oiild ailliold ap "dae praceaioa Oue lac" and iiold reztam246 acres of land aeir Tremaine and rllanla Rd. an a dam p site, accordlag la lurtingion Mayor ftoly Bird. Mr. id tld Tlie Cliampion even tOagli lie la oppoed la Oie sie ai a garliage damnp and li on Oe record la Ouit effot, li e itt liellevea Milon o lod tola an Onario Mncipal Bord rllag and re-ione the lande, ale knacvn aî ieF. In Jane 191, te OMB ridod on Oe aide Mf Hilton tOite landesîoud lie zoned for laie nairlons] iandtal ato. Il cao en- pecled billon could folna Oe legl ordr la limne for an Environenlil Aoaeament Board liarlag cmli nai iappoed la lave token place Oct. 15, 100. lot don loai cort ljuncion con liy Oe Townaof Mlanavec Oue regulailns ander clithe learlag iould le lieid, ad Oe aoliieqment provincial eleciln, no liearlag daenhlai yet keen ainoonced. 001db Mlanla, accordlng la Mayor Gord Krintn, '"not taienay actin n Iul e Police Week display at Mal next week Polce Week in aion Reglon le se for OnTedyeemaMilton wanan ail Mei si Dly im and special li = =oe orle ot aaa a:if lia roeialo iamLeaprMOeamal acdn ciniyar a Ianni lii Ia Milton, police officera all lie joument 11= 1MttOlYHII. In love w ith anim ais da= &men y eitrdnread pravlded fient aid toia When 7th Milton Brones hold o gara&e silo and garnos night; at W. 1. T1n sea alee centres on police af. liidly injraccden itiia. Dtck School lait wook to ramse rnoney for a bus to canmp, sorno of the ficers in Oie comanaty and multlcoltural- Ai part Mf police weuli, ilton RegonD Brwne emer wretei on es cstmes Hahe rus 9 tin. Police Headiqaartersin Oakvile wUl alto lie and Bath Parker, 7, fof in love with a variety of stuffed animaisla e.à A fica = i lne f«orc th ne WP.ORg Potine at efnficace are for mile at oue table. Eleth roilly had bar oyo on the bîi doil cradled in beli aîialleopnl i ii e r lo panin ameicaI acivitla tor ambut sboendod w> winning the glant snako Hoathor' aholding. thaafternoon.aaat nracian Declare war on vandals in park area A am of $2.000 on idded la Mlton Cooncilioge Mndy iglit. fr a chala liait fence la keep vondala off privain proery arroanilg the iouO end oM Davd iompson Pick. A lettr igned liy six irei reidenti out lnnagseds of viîdalim in Oie area ca re- ceived ity cooncil aid proaiplad Oie suggeslaon hy Park and Hecrealion Dinactr Larry Arlir in h foe nl old te extended. Hi departaienta lbudgetl cnld not îlloc for Oie $2 '000 lence eteniion an lie re- qimlaed rounril tla dd Oie cool la laie ban liudgetl. Direclar of Finance Dan tooglceed said the price of therliuin lirli fenre could effort Oie miliiraie liy only .031 par cent, a negligilile imoont. itenidenla complaiaed o nuaiereai Oheil in Oie res, lillerad maolrited vehiclen uotacfollyi Oie park. "A cham linli fonce cm raula in eron plae.,oaliirbiecue cao ilalen, cemeni sam cere Ohroien loto a pool icand ai t lampi cao made la pot a cmpar trailer inla Oie dranage dith, la namne a fe acta of vandaliam," tlie reidenla' bitter ilated. Conclor BlliiJohinsn n aggeted aend ing a lellar la Ithe Asocation nI Muniipalitiei of Ontario (AMO) cîling for tilfer inos for thoar ronvicted of van- dalism. Clerli CoOrdinitoc Roy Mamn îîîd counard aippacind nurh a motion. rerenty pot forth ity Hilton. "lauyera nitold kni laie conooqoonren" o livingin certaini areii, icrording la Conarior Jiai Wilson. Plaza opens Millana firaI Dominion Store cull opan Wednendiy May 20, îlong alihlice real nI Oie nec Lauiner Centre aloppng mail ail Laurier Ave. aid Ontrio il.. accordlng la, developar Howard Qaennel. Wlue mot of the core ire expected ta te reîdy for bliso ni Ihelilte, aime cdll be reîdy 10 greet conmersonmner. Mr. Qoocceil said Cibrieltea Fiocer Boutique , a nec Itocer aid glît nitop. opaied focribusieac on lithe eitend. Hosaîid Dixie Lee Chiicoen aid Soi Fond, the inst reauorant foc Laurier Centre cil in opaning oi-probalily oni oy 1t. Mc. Qoonnel îaid ho hopes the ceaidenta of Hilton c il nrn ot opanit day o cse clii Oce nec shopping contce liai tolfer. Ioss makung i22,000 a yeac ..mad ho cold't eveî qualify Inc a motgage on Oiat home. "People ihoaldn't Oit laey ire btter nff today Ihîn 20 yearî ago. "In fart they ire infinilaly corne off," ho said. Maplehucct hs an ecelrlent progrna uiliing volunteern roc the cmi aionity, Foulure on Pc DIl No open ho/stars Hallon Police Chiel Jim Hrding cs oppoced in lvi officrciunng open f00 iosters and nîgli sticks hevaine ho lecîn il cilI add t10 rnnrontary sit- uations. Sincy Pg. D3. Off Broadway The hîgli iritolo annonl rabaret coi Ion, Photon on Pg. DO SECTION ONE In the ourts . 2 Couneilliniefa ...... ý3 Editorials. rotamnA Our Readeri Write . .. 5 Stre.s gcoupeyes noth . i Regionil roondup 9 Peoplemolumn Il Classiflied l 1î li Rla nle ... BO1in12 SECTION THREE omagt, Dramn. . ...C racaies caiefonde ...... C3 Deaho a chld ... C4 Machine iiap acarde CO SECTION FOUR perspective ...Dl Entertlilament D Reipa, Wilaci . .... ....D Hi coolews....i .....Dl Report caue oacern ........DO Coacmtiesregcop .. .....D7 îIîS~>>l il r>oîr>' îr>îQîî cccii Milton must pass Sit F zoni ng -Bird

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