EXAMINING THE LOOT they fished out et the fish pond at the Hospitanl Alxiliaryrs garden party Saturday are John Delarourt and Douglas tlrennan. The boys are itting on the steps et Grace Church hall where lihe party wan held after heing rained out rom îts ptanned Martin St. location. FOOT WEAR 'Where you Il find Mlton s finest select1 on of seasonal footwear- 250OManSt.,Mileri 787665 Proceeds flot down Rain forces Auxiliary Iawn party indoors Mirton Drsrricr Hospiral auiliary hedi rs 1trlrarrrali lame parre on Satrday aller Tire annuat eett as le Ce eid on e ounnds aI the Conm olDr. and 'res.('art Martn, 57 Martre St. About the town .... iCrrîttîeed rnm Pate 1Pli Adams loom Toronto.Mr. and Ms. A. Hrtchinsnn and daapbteo rom Toronto are îecreoneSaloir Crse MoviengrneneBnastrolrt('esc. are Mr. and Mrs. R.Ilarrsne arrrthiere tnndoopbters ron, litamalea Me. and Mrs Y. Prrinaed tam, y (OromQoobec ar nom resdntson Matn Si, and Mr. and Mrs B. Zrmmerman and tattrrlp lrPalgrace are necenrersrrn Woodmard WenueicoreeseCr or e ta, Miton. oprat anrterevere many rrenched Auxetry meniere an ttey rmeerd irnels, e10t Grano CharchrHato, Evern hogbneeinbot ar lrrb Celrîrnrnaîrd boasse oi spacerrr tire traitproceed', uer conot down ronnrlest cear lu tact f1,cr Coeur, e e p est yea"Itotall'oc- rener Jane Hugphes and or Ioen ran (O r*fitrtsoor mrrt pieedrrrllh tfnal bakrng, Elsie Joye: or n 'Nlangacet Bond1;boroks. ('trire tangridge, nirque botiqueBell: orisbetl, DnareGowland R graduated f e Master Uniest îh her Bachelor ef Science degree in Nursing. She te merly attended White Gaks Secondary P 'chenli nGOakile and ipresently working in thse neonatal uit the MeMaster \ledical Centre. ~ Caution: deadly when Ioaded n the hans sof some people a bte At eery COUNTERWEIHT meem tork and spoen are dangerers nacpos yen Il seo proofotiho er osMemibers Dangerous tb themselons They Se hemniae vwerkiregtogether worýth eirtlecturer 100 oten for ton much ofl heonIo]s hiexs pucqEryes keds of tood pligfryuadsaigpolm n At COUNTERWEIGHT we Il showyuscessTe'eneetdadfinl how to use thieersafeyand 100e ve h.Wegtcnrt1 O'UIeai wn stre tarn erth the Canadian FamilyMeélyur okn nagop k hs Plan. Wrrh this scentifrcally desge oeo ott ONEwEI plan yue ar nourshrng, weII baacdmeigts vkLar ovt hnp and tate meals pius snac ks The rieyyu nf n oksf fi fond io exteesive and uatgo e tisfeying. Pet week airer asaek C U - Wheee c riir !s ia ERWEIGHT membero ]ose weigh o countecweight, >A< peny table, 'rirra tirer, nan;caale.sManr rppsr nointr garden, lofei,, l'nr cu',rbte oe1,bhartt, t rid lihbarrir,,i rndvsti rr (orratr'rIthe lobhppondi and soldCo v m,(et Iref'irsorerT' Shoarrbor a'.am et'ooAndr D an errk plsac e lot atrooîltptar hr 'Oit 'rugimadroanro rtrt h(oi raCàsi e atyanrtd ar q'rît made and otrorh INDOORS OR Ot! heî,ihporndri r'hila rerrîrrrartratione ai h HospitaltAuxilar sga rnpartc rateltriret 'r1rtgrr ,rctirtand rt ieiper lDavid Hoard cbohekth ir,'Irîr tcoir i lîrîit ', .lrîtrg rtcJhf [etaosurt, Pauloritrîenriks aran iîrlrorrlTe ario tr ira1 ' nieved itdotrs ai trc, r alîrro' 1, ,i oIhîr'rr' iir'c cîl;ir% oorkr chae y. f~S MELTS 3 Ibs.99C ~ ~ SUID b99C WHITEING is9 9c OnSaeAtAfoi:)s SOLE -FILLETS lb1,99 1.0m o o .0Psn fonS irr iH OCEAN PERCH FILLETS $1 .49 GO LCIN MACKEREL lb99c GUARANTE FRE 9 and keep your eves open for better savings on fine foods Seits "Peet set 5 t. Stîed) l J 9 LUNCHEON MEATS tn k Setift Peetrsttt linthe 0,0001 A c BO0LOGNA lb 4 - Meple Len BREADED SAUSAGE Dr 0kg 8 maplle Lent rBneee Tendooseeet 11.89f DINNER HAMS creone )ibC.0 Bno,àe rîdteC nand a Cryovaao) - Seteked boettîe er ELPORKU HOLDER ,I . U SLICED SIDE BACON eac ooe .779 Burro't Prde et'ECorde Regrg Al s eO t o WIENERS Pan Pan ,,, 69c Nre1ieee'-S AlitFlanors Holday (Brand al C $1.1 MCE BLMgale.1 Wonrder "H'tetee" R-; .6 "kg ENGLISH MUFFINS 5 Chir'rtrt' CAKE S R, RIl JELLY ROLL CAE a h C,65 FABRIC SOFTENER : Ha~ J FLEECY-79 PLUM PEELEDTOMATOES 'T8 5r Nfi -.P ,rro A L-LPURPOSE c AJAX LIQUIO CLEANER t 79n TrOMATO PASTE 3 t Tr 9 Carada Froo Grade "Cran,, $ 0 BUTTER k $10 Urrro orr Prirrto lAtert ITALIAN BEANS 3,,,,, GREEN PEAS 3 9 c "'j, POK&BEANS 3J ' "BoIerate Ste"cr BREAD Stroecl Whte 3 c BCD POSE 0kg I TEA BAGS Iý Neelet Tattoot Cbeoi IWÇT AJT rOFFF LIME RAPID SHAV i k VEnL LIOUID FOR DISH 99c 1.09 ISIRLOIN OR RUMP ROASTS IFres Lean PRIME RIB ROASTS SIRLOIN, T-BONE O PORTER HOUSE STEAKS IPRIME RIB STEAKS CHUCK OR BLADE STEAKS FOCesh Tender Osoty BEEF LIVER FretshTender To ty BEEF TONGUE Frettr Teeder Tarte BEEF HEARTS Forsol,,Learn STEWING BEEF HAMBURGER FreehOLean Oeeragc Ol.olt WHOLE PORK LOINS Freoh Lean PORK LOIN CHOPS FrestiLOane PORK BUTT CHOPS 11.79 ~1.79 ~1,$.39 89C 69c S59C 49c r89c b49c 1~1.69 :b 1.75 1i9 -sDC FAUE APPLES-MACýS- -t ,jý79C "BARTLETT'- PFAI OStO,ý Je, , , c" r , ORANGES P EAC HES GREEN CABBAGE Fesh N.. r - r0 W re MUSHROOMS LETT UC E àÂRAiISH ,ESî 5 O ,HES 69 cI GREEN ON IONS cae o59ci CUCUMBERS eR cana59C1 $1 .75 RS $1.29~ 3d 99C $1.99 2 -rd, 29c 75c 2 H , ad, 49c 3 arhr29c 3 for25ci mmmmmRý ý F:..d la ýd