RZ Wd~ Sentombor 17 1975 RRAMALEA DETACHEO $5,000 Doooo Res,,0i001 3 o ~ L on private feed lot, Ige. UNITED mlggcoe1 hos NEAR DIXIE & HWY. 7 $45,600 Ootachod,' with "a loust, extra lge. paroilled -'It l shed hod MISSISAUGA ,4,,18" Pool co1anc oqoulip., No MORE GRASS land lease $8,300 -Ma y OR SN0W JOBS continue0 a9 s 0400 $355.500 -Comes apd relax purchase otr ig h t, in his deligotful 2 beodop excellent t4oily home apt.. lux. cr4pet hOss902. in.de & out T. K.o0 457 002 y kitcose, fr idgo and 58l0 ov ci tphop Plo9, schools apd PCA frasOpol.tio, ver1 S49,00. Detach0d 4bd,20, 2 doos401o ~~ 4os10 Hp s stooî brick, aluminum0 822 6900 who ,ins, th, oomt J MISSISSAUGA CENTROAL Kooad 457500, $74,500 3 bodr-o, STARTERS bungalow , seprae d.oing DREAMHOME ro0o0, lar-ge liing Dom, $250900 plus land4 lo490, l.o.oshed Oso, ot w0, lup dptachpd, 3 bdrms w941 kout, oicely fards c pod living 4.oing -hn wi lot 125 x 70, mature0 treoo, 01,4,09 dos,- to pati, ooelo la,, p 9ss ,s'loi C.ou eatn0kit , recsoom .th Euqpop 82206900, t, , 2bathosoo-pltolp Lcid , 3 appliance s 7 ts $8002 20WN dr 'pOsOOp00pemly 20011 Fantastic 3 lo frot split 5800 laig9l L oh app liv. Il.0 00 ,0 w 00 . f om 1 os huge POAMALEA'S HOTTEST back yard ! T40000,.lly 00000 Dos, .cepsoPpO004 J 4000 0aie00r4 al4 sharp! 0040000 bacsOpIli home, B, 1 on , double garage. 0000pletely fi.02,9004 Op 35,000 Il 090a 90 perpcent 0020oomwi ir O0place 00Mary Walk to GO Train! Hurry! extras includi '9 hQr0und Leeioa 822 002900 pool, 949 B0 BQ, 400dmore 000400 has bought Bob SHERIDAN MALL 000004570 1 005 $36 0 0,900 qu 30200 cord4 Ipt. 004400t.0extra BRAMALEA 0070050 pool , aune largo balcony, 0460 excellent 400400000n .9400, parking, elp 0040, 40040004 home, 0074,st, close t0 GO Tr i ,o Q GE 4.0.00000 0042200000ot000 Wrtin, Stolo 820600 1.0.09 00nom, poof-onally LOADSO0F 07070 209, 1-e0 .0t 2n quiet S"000 Dow0 ould put yoo 0,oOl Mko MAstoke, In a 04,-o , ac400071.0?457 1065 00009 400'ý al 000 91 Oprcn OEDROOM 04000 dr. o q.io l M $09,000 411 brck detach004 Staýy 822 69009400,0fh . 0000dgls CLARKSON2 ORE 00 ,900î n 40sh 00dr 04cr00om 078,300, 0790 Bright -oi n t40 fo11y eoee 00'0 1 00,0 4000.0u 2040000 &e fr,00 d401 MAISSISS404 ISCOMOE BRAMALEA PAOKL2000 $ 00 So i d r2 tlx 92,900 09200 , spaci00 3 90700 00 m onthl Tenants p.00044 l0400 n4, appl, 4o0o9 N040 11 a00l,400p0 ,0010de'404 40000,0,09 Lotsof5 parko9 pe0000019 0009 ru 000l 70004 seploded str000 A 1 a 9 457 401065 oosd,0son 00,- K,44p4 279 CET. BUNGALOW ERIS M ILLS - ,00 900 0000n vlh rok PE RCENT FINANCING prof-ionall1y 0,0,0004 rec $59,900 Modoro 3 0040000 com V0,0 batp04 390>028 10 bo410440 Tas 050'd 4o5700 .n wlk0 tO 500 0 deep 1065 R. K.,-ohkropf 279 8440 DETACHFO $42,600, 3 bar- 2 sto0e00 S HE RID0A N -- 0om,00 f 1001peOOOt HOM E LANOS 0009 ,.9g front yard, 0004 $46000 Sp 4o.u 3o9 de 10 0000400140 home0, 00400000 0r,00 0020000000 land se40 looo Leavens 2 bath, privato drive & 450 1005ý garage. WaiOooO le sui, 00040440 and 04419000doom BRAMALEA GEM 91, percent 00000949 Loso 543,000, i00m04001400 4 40200 payp00000 I ,llieo 00400000 4004000, 2 270 8440, soooe, 0.99000 l00 n the area.09 c os tohop po &n I s000019 p000099,0onall BRAMALEA landscap'ed 40040 home. ERAMALEA RARGAIN Koloo Chillon 457 1005, 140,005 3 04000 4004004 ]BRAMPTON 00,00 II 0. per10 0040 f 000BRAMPTON EAUTY seo ooOOOO $0,900, 3 00400000 C-d. 5800 t,Ooly d--ec, -d 1,l BRAMALEA SPECIA0, ot tu la-5 00004 yard, a0 le. t I ya fier0 bPdo0 0,40 0457 1005 nom0 le, th 40040004 IPECIAL 940490 w20 1. Oi, ý1120 J,090 .1090000 large 0740410 d'ring 0D0n0 l01 -MI, cle-ra00400 101009I I 419h _n 01, _o, d04 ,, l"! 314 ACRES 10 Ways Los of room toi0 ros 0, a place to caH home, 3 b000. bang, $oP,-ondod bp trees, 15 1 in.t OORamaeIO, 400009 $72.000. Carol Coa0 RARGAIN $52.00 Imma0ul0140 3 04000 00, ot 924patio rec ro000, bo4oOiful land sca pn.C Diver457 S00 $4,900 00200, 3 bd,0on 2 storep home0, sliding 40009s o patio, 40,04010 leoogh- 0orood. M. Roobo 457 0E TA CHE O $5,'000 00209, 3 0400m bungalow, 004401001 land scaping, cosete hop ng000 H0 O. 010400.09in, 8O.pO 45000,00 Oîol RARGAIN 4004, boîght 00000y ki, close to scho019, sopping, financing. E, Kadaoh 457 LoTn & AQREAGES OUFFERiN COUNTY $27,900 10 col, sightl rollioq bic9 lot, 20,0 000,09 0000200 mature0 t-s,0 mi l te101 25 0204 072000. 117 Acrs oo 00901 gond wel0 I Ohydro ch0,0 COUNIRY PROPERTIES 9000000404 by a04u-2 011149000457 00000 20002A COTTA BE0A0470 O10.000 Do-,o Oo2,O.lly lan0i,,a004 1. a00 c Coodîl R.vr 0 9pa0 009 B FPolOr 4044 500 $10,000 00202, 0040001092 ,40040 000r, den0049 0400040010 0102, mature0 00000 gardien, .000004,40 pos9009lion J. Fol0404 457 HOBBY40010040100 ACRES $59,900 10 ooOhouse, NS Fedele 36 40900 MONO MILLS, BRICK CAPE 700C Customo BoîlO 00 000000, 11,'.ts 0400 140 00000 0.oopl40,' cou bOo 940490ý 2 po old, largelot, GEORGEFOWN GE OR GFTOWN br ick executivohomon 901 4.2.0 9 r0m0, dinette, fireplace, 3 040094040ca mairsh0.p J 20000 877 5237 BRICK OETACHEO $6000 00020 000400 3 1-dy4sd 1 0olo -fi, i-hiy0 dec0004004 -0040400 4.0.29 Estate Agent takes the worry out of Homne-Buying i hey save yo tîme, effort and fleadaChes. They disov ooo pooîtereooo ersmt higofyu 100900000 p0.00p000 fastes00and 004 70 show0 440 the types of 090009s y00 20400 to 000 2010010 4040 pri range 2. They adoise you about neîghboroods Their protesioal experieoo. il aluable to yo na lyzng ftureo trends dthe potential value ofyourhomea o ng range investrhent.020 3. They help yoo see through urirealistiCaly iotlated prices. 0200002000otp f0oseIl peroonoall, otten tend toooeopri.ooa homeo Hoes lolod wih aPreal estate frrn benefit 0ronn 0roess0onal k0owledge0o To 0000t market values.4 4.The realter arranges definîte inspections, Thep 00400 appsotmenls 0for your 00000010000 Thep 20011 also, se 0ira0 poo have plooltt.ofo orahooogh, unho,-Od inspection. 5 The realtor helps yoo shaopen 7000 vision. They inspe omes 020000 000040, cent pou attenotion o sm0provements0 and advantages 404 could overlssk, and point out disdOntages09P OOpo 024,1.00 040 0044 spot. 6. The real estate agent arovîdes 700 wîth toil information. They will g.oey0oueOnOLolîs factsaiu ýxý -000 -00 ilenoco cosls, quaiOp of ontruction, adequaop 0of publoc services, bcoois, ohoochos. 7~ The realtor aCts as negofia etloofheinrpnt ftorcan tedifecscrielpty 0000.0 Yoîîo agonI 9000400S 0000 the 4004.19 and helps buper and seller- ariea aruu 0001 l adoaritagsooo agreement. 8. They help yesay withii our budget. mortgage adoîce. Thon, if 000 dosire, 0hep04000000000004 SOurces o morotgage foods. 9. They help Yeu know final fac9s and tigores. At the losîo oflthetasaction yowill ed 000rolete fnOO.4 s04000a 9041009 400in 40040 an 00 ea t o,- or 000 04srace 404 00000h 700 poses. 10. Theyaorc in buîsiness te serie ;'0u Bell. If 2 , 21.0.1 4.2041.1290 ou li,422410 yu01 1100Ldflbdtl 9 Clpetentlp. mhe are arifin,,,l100 Io %107e y730 foi20yand1ex01rt0 w00h0c10etence an( i2iteq104 a Real