The Canadharn Champion, Wed. Aug. 27, 1975869 DBil Environ menta list, combative Part y opposes death penalty Trhe NeIl ihîluhrati to 101h , lietîîhîî 101h ishlpplledttoeapttith ur' ih teeehth day hltcul ,te t un princh-piv. 1311 , hbet 1 ou ldbe kietO aîil I .J,hbfllht laidhd ut le lerp verhheh'lanid teeaîeîibhs mil y i hîhhhs dhhhhl ît l d phh'hlthith capitl ipunîhhntr eotL îihlt'alhIa e,1 T'lhat thebehaul. fo uri OthI t t 1htlbt atY Ootine, P ht l-hhhothhca dtthe be h'peopliehhlhihltrac t iees ( Iti hhlhth;,hllhh lIh hhae tîhe tken out of Mal hvehi hhhhh thh , iihh' hihhhll îii itlhhhh e%%.llhdheihhhhtllo d ot --an l oranhp utîh IIIht phlesa i e fathhtthhh thehîhîl hh1hdonh t mhhthhl h i thrr hhihlthîfokhuti a phI lll sIl hhht forîî t e 0101'eahîî an col trac t il h i Phhhhhhh ien hthhhtN h c hoe thhh andhi rinh v thhh no compssiois c1hmi fo ln i klsfr O ; %re0l ratepayer discusses issues hip h thhhhhhh r l,, t hh, hhh ilI t lhhhhl'lpih "hihhh h hhhîhh lhh hhh it fi,-1h 1ihhhhh IIhhh i,1h hhh Fit I hhlha hhI hhhh NI hi a 'h i hlhhhhh hhl'hi h h hhhhlihhlhihhIl hunp h ahh lhhhhh thhhhhihVle hacad erihh l hhi hlh hîl' h Iihîlici hich ' ihhha, feu hi oihIj hS Pa ir, l d 'l n f irt hi lhhh'l g 'bu ir.h ihh'h 'l lilig l Ilhb eahhh i 1h11 thhhhhi \ , a hi h l hh'hir., h 1 hIthe ih,h hhi1hhhhhhlhhh 1h 1 1hhi h h i ilh gihhlhhg,, h' .hhiîh'haîîhh'hhh lit U fl Illit - er't inv 1921, I l'hhle thh he 1)Ihihh la Savh ilethh' h'hhhgeth N-h tththandhhIhhlhhht*ýo h ,pth'h hhhh lh'hhp [hih' Ihhhh'iilhhhhfhh l, Ilit«t> and liie' ohnhhhh Ilhonhhhhthh ie Agahi Ruralhhh \[hhi îl hh- e iîî lb, I hîîhI thîî~ ~Il ,1.11 hh l'il 111hhlh li iII n h11ý i hhhhPhhhhl hlhhhhlh , ilIl- a lied r i l i hti g i fi, rh..hl I and lbeehmîiih , Ih'th ; hhî Niz t ' 1h ( l'h h , 1 hîîhîîîîîî a - hi h h h hi "l 'îî ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ or a 'Hei'lîî l liit"ilîhh I 11hhlhi\îî 1fil[1 F Would expandl role in housing h îhîl'a", - îIîiîl 'h 'hhh h 11 ll1hih an, 1 h hi W 111h11 rIhh bdîl i n, h l h' h iih l l 11,h hoi tlh a il l î, II lhhhth 11 hl n h h I 1 fi -hl l M W l to 1 1,1 1h 1- h l 1-,-;ik 111 Ihl 1 il1h h 1 lI I l'h 11 h lh'ih l h 1 1 h1 h i m 1h111 'I l ,I 11 - Ii., h1 h l hn I l' ait,1 ý;Iabî~~h. llî lvffl of lan no-m car Insu o ( rh ,i îî î l 1971îl P îl' lie sad he Il ' r in % hil he diverhilhhiIîî'rihllî I taye$71h oth e bhxahcht saie bFortbdreî', l'er I25 thpovthhhhP. hlhl. hehhtlpe. Johnson said a ,2-year-oltd k iIlhh îI-hih îî il laII 'I'i îhahh i 1111 c 1 11 i l Ill, lii il l d Ilîî1 -I I i I e îîîîIl l I îl 1 ,il ng111 i t - , ,lh I l il î- i I î IlI îî 1,1111 .% l]Il IIIloh (tier Th t l i I II il, --h hîI i d 'h e l 11. th ance tshte hs he lll hIhhlam IhhoN ae ,il hoids l îîi*î I haveîî 1.îl hiu 111"" mo r mah hîtr m he bee reUtihîhI dîtieeî'îIetîlhse 'Kîîho u tîîa bale iîî'îal îia thlîhtihhute NOTICE N 1915 OUR AIR CONDITIONERS WENT UP AN AVERAGE OF 15. OVER 1974. WHAT WILL THE PRICE BE IN 1976-- - RUT AT 1975 CLEARANCE PRICES Now 5000 BTU $169' 6000 BTU $209P' 8000 BTU $27e~ 10000 BT $30eW dOLiving Room set 7 Pieces 1h *SOFA * OTTOMAN *COFFEETABLE2 CHAIRS TA2ES $39950 NO s D 0 w N NOi A y N T s TILL OCT 75 ON R TENDOE TERM i PLAN GIGANTIC WAREHOUSE SAVINGS NOTHING HELD BACK!'! NEW MERCHANDISE IN CRATES, ONE 0F A FIN KIND DISPLAY MODELS, END 0F LINES, FINAL CLEAROUTS, SCRATCHED & DENTS, ODDS & ENDS. 3 ROOMS 0F NE~ FURNITURE D:ý M 659-5 iss$s$ $$s$s$ 22 in QUASAR COLOR TABLE MODEL SAVE $100M hilItRIA EI )fTISWEEI< ONLY .dnc 6P:CED!:y P i C E 3 PIECE IEREO COMPACT Z gao I W h.. h 1, 1 1i -,h l ihIll211 î 1% h h hhh Phhhhh h i. ,i I 'hîî' 't bh dh B., tOi ar t h i,îîî-îîdeî ý I11,([N o iu ie I poli cv ashe prpa sI Il( t oer m flitn-uiligtonrdng. NDP would change regional governmeflt Il THE HALTON BOARD 0F EDUCATION Il NOTICE School Bus Schedule-1915-16 SchooI Year liJh Ii i- I 1 1,1G [11 I [II i 101 ý \ 1hP M",Ot)M A i 11h Ilit I Il ih îi h i 1h ii li M iht\ 1ýN S iii\l 1117 l 1 0 ,ý ý\ llM ()11 1h 'h h 1i Mi l h1 M 1 1 1 i i-" C'ANDIDAeTE Bill and wife Mary relax onu the' 011