Dormers Halton chamnps eicd te sirong pilcbîng Dlabvlle 4-1i n Saiorduy efforts of Ricit MeTracit and games in abille. Hap Perroti and te hol bats Dormers ad good ot Steve McCann and Larry reasons-plenty otem-10 Beauieu, Milt on Colonial celeirte ite Ciciory- Dormers clîncbed te Hallon Manager Dirter Caer said junior iasebail campiosiip te in over Waterdownow Solucday. The clab edged "the'ir besi game of te baterdowno2-i and lopped year-bot games nere eai team efforts". Ttiep fot any non the championship, Dormees had ended the regotar seoson a week earieri ai tie top othlie heap-seveo pots ahead of seeond place Brampton. Waterdown had tood hird, Oabville fouethin te sî-team league. In addition severat Dor- meshad outstanding games. Rîek '-Skip" MeTracit capeda terrific seasoo hy p thi ie in over Oahille inte semi-tînai ecent. Slroog oonte mound, he ulowed juol one run on four its, slrihiog oat lhree and gving op ive natta. Atnust perfect Milton infietders had 10 put- nais and made only ne error. Balliog leader Steve McCann once agalo came îhrough ciththlie big it for Milton-in tbe fftb John Volpe singfed and Larry Cargill oafhed. McCann came up ucit a triple taI knocbedo inte wnnnng run and goabead ran, Ien eet bome on McTrach's single 10 round out Mito's big tbree- run înning. Warren McCleod had scored in te third aller te singled olpe iatted and argiti snled Larry Beaulieo alsa piayed a grea gametforte Dormers on lefItfield, mahing ice put. oulo including one jumpi ng catch againsl lite fence Ibat cul off Ino possible runs. Milton eolrcted il bits in the gamte. Against Waerdowcn ite final. ap Perroti nus os tbr mound and turord in is strongent game of te year. flic oserponeriog tasîbal fanned 10 Waterdoico atters and bc oniy ulowed ibree nuits. fats hini domo Beauliru bad te best day t bat or te sîctors, nit Irer ingle bits. Volpe came up nit mo gane-saving pavs.tiiaying io rîgit Cild, be «fielded a ly baIll inte Iird and temte Waiec- down crunser ouI nilr ad- vaocieg home. Afler anero by second bsemno Steve Heodersoo. Volpe carged te ball ancd eoded the icot îîg by culling dnnn brîneen second and Ihi rd. Tiird baseman Ken Arm- strongbhad seven pul-ouls. Milon nos held 10see scallered bts Leadoff baller Bic-b McTracb scored on an error, Beaulieus sngle and as error to opeonte first înnîsg. Ite loorlt,McLeod got on niten te Iird base- mnbobbled te bail, tIbm Vol pe sacr iiced bîn 10 secod andPerroillssingle brougbl bîn home. Waterdownc ireairord io the secod ioingnwilblbree consecuie siengles but could'l gel a man ail thenway home. Teronly runcamnein te omt bcig wn e ed-off baller Pozo ot o n Irougit aerror,rmade secod ooa wild pitc and ronpedbhome ona sngle 'Te Mlontrain stlliibasnon wod on ir îrstopposition loute rlOtario crowno Tey iay beI orcrd in goto A" hallîer inising ici top ni te leagur iis yore [~mPo~SPOR TS ceCaadnaipion P age ic Wed- Aug. w il 1975 A venge earier lossC mp elie Trounce Dundas 19-1 into plyoffs Ater takng aloo-5 lium- oaled sx and stuck ou a ieider'scboice, Ba'tg ary nth fron tw.sgl, n o ithe a i-san ron Oakville i n- Camp CCrnpbeliîie jumped in10 Gadds double did he Campitellville Seniors wll open the nedi hefrto ai-i rao Campneiiciiic i y niiiiaifcioiein Seniors iaselled 10 Dundas for a laie Sunday aflernoono gme and rounced Dundas bvaiscoe o 91 Thte turn-aboutl boitplace bebînd te croco it pîcbîng ot liarnel Mîithel He alloned ose usearnedrd ubîle slribîngog ul îgit, naltinglbhree andbhitiig one baller. Bob Evaons and Daryl MeQluero or Dundas gavr op 19 cons oit 26 its Tbey Oubolle pluord ic Camp- iteiloîlle buoday aCierrooîî and took aneasy 15-5deoision 10 pret neli consolîdate tierneles in second place i te league standings Gord Currie. (akisles auer soutit pan ro teroute or10te nînners aloîing[ice runs off il its ohite ialting four and stritîng nul ie Bob 'Pie" Lee and Ru> Ecans nere bot bit ard as tey gae up 15runsoffC19 bits nciudîng ise orerons. They srucit oui oue. naited oeand bîl ose bailec, Cabiille sconed mo in te second whnitr aynund iorn ered nit ifl. ito ad sîog- led, on base. Crpbellsîllc hi ed il up ai 2-2 n iber al o te second niten Bstrys singied. nent 10 second on a nüdd jici and scred on Smihssingle. Srnitbenilto bird on Bears, double and seored on Rîck itMîciell's sin- dm1. A sngle by eils. Coîad's double. and Reynolds' sngle prnduced Inn noce for Olut ville inthethied and singles np Dayrnnnd. Kace. eis and Comrrd and ul's orer prnduned fiver nore focrliait oil n the ourtloe 0092 lead. Minor bail A.-BfALL McCuaig Insrance inperd lîptîrnusin 68ion 1thue iedt coioii'ofothelirl.i uîcs i Iouuîog Leiouu t-o, aineý sraigit. Credîl Uionemon ts e - final series nit Clernonts lieu gamesone. The balance of te sebedule shonms Credit Union agaînsl McCiaig Asg. 18, Credil Un- ion vs Optiminlo Aug. 20, Opimistu oginsi MeCoig Aag. 22, MeCaig againsl Credil Unien Aag 25 and O)ptimistu againsl Credil Un- ion Aog. 2. Bunfeed ono A itanfeed ns sioled fr bot T-Bal and A-Bail plopers ai1a nalb. singles by Deocîs and Clemeni an error and a double steal. Ite second Canebeliîle added eîgbl noce on cosectise sngles bv Gaccel Mîithel, Ricit Mil- obiel. hennis, and Clenent,a oali, ingles by Bear, Smit asd Gadd, a sacrifice Ci> and Pour morecrnue oiite bhird tri mate il 150 iri Mdicells single, mwo oilbs, A bîl baller. Kanro single and a double sieul gaveOlait vlea 10-2lradîiniltreCîlil and analit, Savins ingle. an erorucnd (utIn's ingle noe gond foe Inn norein te soumt and a 12-2 lad. Titeee solo tom erunssite nîntby Savin, Dayrond and Dullo cnrnpled the scneîog foe liabcile Curnebellilie ilially gol on te scoresiteel agaîn niten lite> scred Ire in te bol oin ite oitCaie Cr re singied and went tsecond iPeler Adrews' snge and St scored aitead oC Garnel Mîitell nto bornerd oe te riftield encer Daornond itrnered tice andsîingleorOailim Sa- -in onored and hti o in-u gles, Conrad dnabiod and sîngird iice. Hull aod (lutin bot bnmred and sîngîrd, eils and Kane sîngird inice. and Reynods and Corrne eacitsungied. For Curnpbeliou iiBcit Michtel sngird tice as dîd Citurlue Currie oC the lavenle iearn pia>îng bis luesl senior garne Guenet Mîitell on ered, Wde Bear doubîrd and OBilDennus. Boit isbop, Sieoe Smitund Peler An- drews ail snged. date and place to mbeannonic ed. Ielii Colle oooi île nad.oiiiu lnub'u.uuiioeio ToVuoFleel. Gary Crone. JefI Dereitas. Mite Sebea- Lcîo and Bll Sne ali douies aîîd Andp Westser, Mrt Saunders. ieff DeFreilas. Mite Seioulen, Krit Mauro and Bill ine sîogled For Credil Union triples neni lu Fred Reinte and Jeft Wrigt liie Frmscitdouhied. Dace Gallinger singled threo imes, Fred eishe timce and sngles ent lu Dannp im- uns. Jay Froseit, Den Wright and Kein Hughten. Credil Union as oarded a in oser Cements aller one scored asingle in h olbnrlbIn mate il 16-0. Garnel Mîithel singîrd, gol 10 second or un erner, lolird on an înlîeld ouiand scored on auoler Dundas scoeeircoly mOt inte eeiilb nien Amos nalkrd, neni 10 second on Krancyi's single, tu tiîrd on an ifld out and scoredons Campiteilsllie gol bacitoni te score sitee in te igitti bysi'snigirecnmore onan error lollnned by ingles bo carrde. Garnel Michell, aind Rint Mîitel Kraneyb sîsgled tice or Dundas Qoîgley and iLbth bridge doubîrd and MCano. McNabb, and Hll ail sîîîgled Tirer aier Foc Camunpitrlville, Rîci Mitichell, Wadr Sekar. Siror Smithb and Garnel Mîithelli bîl irer snges. Scot Gd doubled and singled, Bill Densîs and Nicit Cleneol each singed twice and Bruce Evans and Ciarlîr Crnie sîngîrd. Tite garne cîîîîplrled ('aspbllilles egular srasoiis scitedale Titen inised upitb15 inisand nine losses and asolid fnirlb pla ceinishbbyivirluofnliie tey nleprescol lite Halloîî Coocle Leaguein te Otalrio Sasebaîl Asocationi Senior 'T"play ot Bgowlers win Mon. durners aI Miltas Lawn Booing Clubs reglar Mon day ngbl iournamest ee Ladies-Marie MacMillan, Ada Siclair and Etel Cr rie, Men-Bill McFadden, B Snmih and Caneron Mac- sitaî garneendediunia 1010 ie Cie menus dupuird te decîsuonu hil it î pbelui lin th, Xciligu01ii, Unonoobîle Daouîy Sîuuîuuî doubied tIce, Fred BRînte dobd adsinîgles wn o Bruce Cemenis, David Gla linger, Kecîn Hughes, Don Wright,. Fred Reishe, i-Il Wrighti and Ron Simpson. For Clemenîs, Garry Cromo and Mrt Saunders doubled Iice eaeh and Mite Seioten douiled. Garr> Crome, Mite cioulen, Tom Van Fleel and Andp Webter sngiod oece ond ietC DeFreu tas singted Iime. Cotiniuomnpaea13i Salurday afternoon aguint Simcoe Giants. TIte second game of te test of titree serîes will te pluyed in Sîmene Sunday afternoon. (lter teamoin te series are ('lnton, Hanover, Leumington, Thamenville. Ken- dall, Ivy and a yet unnamed team frorn the Ottawa valley. In Campbeivile Three top batters OrsI aili teliaIonrte Carnpbellsillil Senior Base- bail Iani son ac ibis seasoil htave bren Don tdarnsflan Evans and Bill Dromis learno aller 47 lues il bal bas pmuded aoay 14lluic includîng trer bomremsfr a atiof acerage ofl lio Envatn bas seen te plouc 8n bits o itour Sonores and ail norage o 36, llennis niade te ibolîon (naiy League allnltai ciiuid as a cefie lrderoancd a oction itte al star Iran agaînsi Barrie oinlondan Sondai iSeccîs bas a baiîg '00erage oil.160 o lb 27 bits illten liiibais icclodiig tee hloercons. Wadr Oekritnleads te î'anpiellvîlle squad nit ine boioeri Iis season niile catchero 11kMbuichtell bas balîrd aopale ni round trip- lires RiîcitClern. lRan T Poîl.faul Ellînli and pith ir liaruiMichelîl liane ail lalîrd single bomrnhs io te î-llagers ibis seasion i mml tandl Ricit Michell haie itoît luI tiples lis ,ýi onwilc FEnans leuîlc lieteramin iidoubles nîit ilebaraluidl'oans botaie IilOi Is til brecredîl iis sa o b ile Ilemnt bas lialiri bome 1r cns 10 Rîcit FISERRlt(OKIE IlerekG riflitlis 19, enyx san altercation i t a (an Am defenc-m an îîin ruont of the goal durîng Saiordao nîgitl mîatchbhelîI-iiu te Miltonî Junior irynuls anid thie lauAi Laced with vets 1 lîook,'so lii î'orin GuiiCielph MNilton non te .12 .iiiandiplanis iîiill'i er emaltcit thlie îo Sulj olîllht 0 ediineus ' dl, atGuelpits )(oloî lo oi1"( iAluliiu , (hami îîîîphoto -Ilase Pink) Po tential Flyers deal out Can Ams 'Ibiigs are ' cliiiigili11 Ciii te Miltolon nt îîinent'l Fleres. A roupofil lolîli ,iih lbheiilocal J.liii l squail siro'îgibrord lina nuclus o iF erii'lnran., slipped I1nt e criiiiioionni thel'iiAiiHoickeyo Schoîîl 2 ini Guelpb SVI i"la i - Areia Snlurdao il glut Thie slasd l'borAun iigîthi Gleorgeloil s nloi o ro Abcoli Are'a hniî'thebr eaii pincliced I-b> ers arcuogoil nabesitî gilTe,iiiii' t, lcanini siuadl'.Satiiiiian( Sundin vnigtitoli -.ipp1iliieii teir praitice -nitedole. Tbh' locals aueo bkai tho liin :ebonl tiniigbi l5eiloesda.v ndacipricin i 01lIT AT F111ST, the Fotert Realty frsl sueker clulcites te hall seconuds tefore 1the Milton Automotive btler cao reac thlie tag. Foteri ý%n>n4 lat Toesday nightl. Geii gI' ii,- ii1i.u I ':'!i lligliiiiiii .111-- lIipc f i' i 1lIý. pas l-iflhi Ii-i oui il il i ' o' ii., li '.0 ir ri lilibIl I' l'l I ir'al il lit- tn-- . ' i S il .111 i "'o.U j . i .0' . i1] h lînore te i-lihw 11 1, Iai i ucieIiiing as a I.' "~. ou i-Bilconlender. Si i., K,, _ II c ielvbeen Il Iit.iti liiii'ilint%%(, r rr tirnes * ,oim - - ,mo%- .iii.iand iereoýill be j Ii, millic îiiulcbing >, a 1 t t ler Junior Sliatte 'lenoriai i i trougit i iý o .,li r e r SM ilton Veterans, newcomers look sharp - Hadfield 11- 1 rid .'t* S % 'iierosparbed I atiioiii,io lckey Sobool il '.o--i' lii XI',, i. niîpotnots il oas -riii 1jînliomatioc incelrainintg 1 .-0, 0" .1 11, 000,0Boîlîlas an ii.'litoi I oî ( ,itf a iiilidlieldobosalîntlte i. li ,, 1, 01 0o iii.iiiii ii - ,ch Ke li-il0 iliIn a orner (ait .11 '. îolian i ti. 1- ii-bigolinres orte rngt i îll liiil iiesscil -thibhentalet lteFlyer ititsî.1 ,, -p1e11 c1.îliailpeas'd willthe per .1 -thioiiii'..miies anid Wayne î >l'i iiiii icosNicktel uias [ , lliî udcrli-il i, i dralit oice. Bat ... mou, ibe rip his deCence I imîmmu-io lu iînui l'iiipodate. il frý, i udn 1 i' l 1111 ii-uithn oSof t e i j 'i: týriiiir- ti f; o -oî ii.nî brda> even- il,"inXi1 1 -led or South of Milton Snow to break g round at athletic complex site G ove v1U'IIý Ilc1 a aci 1.ii' ' "'i ý ý ,, reoeueoIll io,î -- pr?!iieuii li Theeeru ,uil.'o' aus2opcniuaiuth', ofrtei triouiilIw siteus ahoiîio-' oo Mlton Me. Snn o ,pct'00 ,'l aihleiic laclîlo ' aI.,l uSes al lte lii - it,. J.., ii i 1 0 ml 'o- XI 010"i',uoiiuiiid. M, due. OO00iC10lO i-o îoo"ît- h lo isecouiootileo il ",olulu' bloo o 1Ou i' m l i- Ild t- ..'. uLl onieLuin-sucit k- l IIscoln icluit moota il,1iu',th, lOntario mXr i î.ou ou l be joinrd i rlu i ý -iund beeatîng i)v Miniolor nf O -loiir oodnà ocrealin luîoî-cunieuî-h A model utte 1iuiisoiul uaiing centre wmut iv ii,,u , lia( o1 lic ablle llld n ollioing fie sort [l[i til C VI Five home runs aid Oaks' cause Round robins get underway