14 The Caoadian Cbamepio Wed Aeg. 20, f975 Dr. Philbrook also puzzled Haltoo MP Dr. Frank Plnlbrook s uttastteonused about ew propoer!feleraf elortoraf Ccctdaries i Halton as mot et the pblie In anoiterviw at Taesday afttereeo Dr Photbrook satd he plats te inoeetgate thorttaghto chat has eeo dette te hsiie 'ttg -I ha rertt reallv adltee te stady chat as Iee et to mf riding AI] 1keeet fat s chat t hatve sereinthe paper andtteeegttti ed tfdttg oap. 1thatet'theeabtlttt fgureeoutttbat t te s WOmeotenfeted tht he htie tost Georetewnrnd the'ttt of hts rdtcg chtitciniil Weltngtoe 'ectt he itih avoctd ceteptaînte t e DIttappoitettnd -Iame ertttiappotttttt abeut ottttg (tt'tgetttetttntd 1 can ted ttt keep aittof faItott Hlsintritee ctttegeteengetth 1 Mitoecandtakvîtfe Hatotnt Httte shectd be at tegetherit one rtetteg,-ttcPhtlbtttetf satd Hr noted tht elhatdes pec ted ttt fse hre andt1w parts eof tt, rdeeg elWtintg- tee but wtceeerpttsedtfte etc G3ergetown.t boe tat Cc a ttthe dltt Tede, anet that Ctfte ere't gtrett pt tee tat et tg f the hettdatt t.ftcese The one tb'ý teg e Cet't a butCeotf art tchanrgetette bhat hehad hecd ite ft ccd(n lne1head ttt tteghucap C5and that a tater cbanged taeeeythtog teccth etoftehcgiray 4et thad alec trard t ceetd keep icergetoce and Nttlton and ee ActtetAet1eatd, thora t etul tc dtat et tEr nd 1thtbeght tna eeetc CrIer. hut ntf Geotrgetowt, ' hcexptatord leether irertît ttctcthteng thce ettce taer-a putaftcg-Dr t'hetht tek eettf he dtde t thteb keeptttgACetettebCt teeteg siCe tt tonisfatther tet th. *t1Itte'ibts ctditg andth Ie partetftitfOte thteg 'tietttthrb vairtttgel artteod the tr t reatttttreperts that pro% ittttaltofficiais aretapet tatoet the atteceett haue itfucthrcentuese t terredtetg anrtettettDr tthtttrtttk tad thetnone tietlle teeted ferrai otriattdet thangesfha teCeen ectettîttied ittt BiCttth ColumttiCcandttttQueeeatd tuda t'atseetecepIte cdat fie satd tc ette Ceestt0 date t etarhantges antet aller tatdier ted e C-1t1 tcedgt ,arttttpfittt 'ilf1 ha\e ttetietgettecet1 N 's t a'ett'tnti,, e t ofachaCne ttitccthe cin de, tný eete ontt'tt afer ices ettetpleittet t e teent teCt'e Crmlit incte detiobut es't pset abot etgthrttetin et ten change its tiiid eith arampton thoy should cotntat the inayor so luscom- IHte uggested 1Chat if paitstca beepased oto Gleorgetowntesteidettse ,tt (teca aortg tith hs WiII cause lcnmtenteg 0Ilt ile plepeeoetf frdecet tcdtttIlg Cecedr chanes,'t flaitont- caddate tare tjecktce ettd e frît thce ntcrettic thCe t tee wcttc aec ete tterecotnfustitt thetetht ,thtrh etrad. ettet [eterted af the canges en ther rdtege tttcettecase sene confusietttand thates Len Coxe. (Ctittted rttetpaget t) terce te the fght egattet teedfil tfethe Cocrth. aed eae Ceea c te Ctftpresetd ceatd ge te Ct fr tttbilr get- "C gond coreelrttan d trtettd. -asC (toreclfer Erttte Cvese' arrett tlcomn hoAnaseet t ceucceh e tif Ce erete tct tedcoid tttrddCeuncllrttt Lcfes Ct Erotie efd. Cet .dtcttt .,r to fi e tc for tttt Regtee csatd t lud f 'tee eC toea ee tietstete flu olclû,fer tht egoce utretere on abe Caedfft t ,t't et pepeate o, rn toe o hCsaf outi pret Cad ..ýeegoig conf usion ce cto f e eore hr 't ea rs, AsCed tetcotetotwhite i .Mitotttt'erdat aftrrnoee. Onttarte Ptrmter Ritf tDatts cad e tc Cadnt't brrr a care et thec ant e ce et e t Tetdat h " great tete te anuc t. Che eetd, Ct ,ttettf ,ffercne futher ctotent tetfhe had a ttppotnttttt f attttartar Cin,efýthecneto .. arkbte-r ffoc Herriffattchatrotan et ffettee Oegtcc Coervattio Ceutheritte derthed im e Ce takbCene cf the Cethrtte. eth a efrog tet r fr coerveatione Cr fttee arterdforteatty ýetare at hshtoeneothe Seeth Ltorand 1thtdrread, eacd fatere eperat rd a patineg e dasfteeersetond chour- cil tottct dier of a hea t att a c CnIthe ftermof etregeteat gttt eret tee the aea fra,thetRc tfefrof Gerge toweed fcbefre e ,cfd asu e selectedeofficertn Cfr Coxe tceattteed hY hte aýf uh, daaghtrJnc Mr rgilte so oad Police beat Four thefts Thefts teck raair prteritp ce the olipettoceorattre theets ibtseeeb aler Milton drtat.botet attteers iteraS gated four theftte"J A Toronto conttrtor reotrtrd 30 shoots oI 3 -8' pywood andetix txS" ords ottstog rore a constructione site on Woodwsard Ave. The tomber cas talord at $337. Threer fags terre etoea rere the corner et Chitde tnd- IOtarte Ce. The Oage cern e oarbed Miffowner Estatos ' Af40 hp. Mreeryotbord otrwatt stoeno root a Miltteobostnes.. WhiCte iîestigattef a break t and enoterepoticer eared ae Mtlto ieeniettrhad soie a M onerdollar btlronthe Main'~ St. basinoes Tres on a vatn parbed o ' Martin St cerer patorrd att Moday,, Rams are outt Offtre ottoogte e trst > fornero ther te ot tOrer grop serei-a 12-5overrb th redate tearetars. Haltten. Oite Rame test the ert two garest1-8andt1-9andmerr TSJUST 1BEAUTIFI rhreieatnd rere forte Reedate cttfpfappla aisiy Davis. as sbe disemb, aega for the groep champito campaigo bus Tuesday ebtp. Centennial Manor. Conr Ster Wilsont ot Mitotne Premier Bill Davis: i netted too bote goals te the f0- lots. rthor Paut. abo alec te mttb the Rente has nec tetttpfetrd lbisjutoron rs eigtblttt 'tster Doiete Ct, eorletge aethe MClure-Joe Fuerat Sttii ofrme, tGeorgetown, with Fuerateservtre attfbheed ctermeet af Grrewood TCarsday aftrcteettta 2pm, Crmrry, zUL" said Mro. Kathy Mlton". Manor Administrator Stan Allen at left arked frorn a Tory leads the party to an afternoon tes. Tory ty afternoon at Halton candidate Gary Dawkins is next in fine and then mmented ber husband, be Premier and bis wife. is always beautiful in Need More Room For Your New Arrivai? LUXURY TOWVNHOUS[ Wale towl ra o a r ge s t ig 0 IDEAL FOR THE ACTIVE FAMILY Pacr e c t' ce td, t apetol rc DORSET PARK e erat e, e "e . r a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1.1te. tltct t, ' KELSO Large tlCnt qalecet acta tee ccc LIKE CLUN[RY LIVING? t, tt e 0 l tt PIcIIttf t 1t1' , q -t e th,,r3r c 'tee ca tet,' tREDUCE O $76,C900 THE VEGETABLE GARDEN hrtoe AsCkttgtttt Gary Thomas,Mgr. 878-2366 Murfel Dobfen 877-6281 Aadrey NewelI 878-5339 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE CALL THE .. FOR YOUR NEW HOME TODAY! GANT WALK! GANT TALK Bac tri e Onreer t ettret toen eeake ortsee Pltcee tarpettrg traCqotar age teaster hndroom, rate rat garage rt cheerice , terenrarna et fin thtt e'cýM,t antdf, getd frtae"tctn.raaand ttr-ferr ac'eareat Dnteteeeeeenq reernee$",30 ON QUIET GRESCENT rn Dre r k Ctete Ce2 tr 'r pct Kcracdaen ratom et.pst, errtelatte radttrr te eatttctte aera '-ttCttThere are e hdrooeteeI atecc-,large ,tcriar eI a rg e ,tatta dtrtra ot tnt nact ttq tt'crt"gAc hrra rt CAVPB " ÇF %P ,tl In ert e79" ,,t t a (,AMPB[LLVI LE (COU NIR Y F-let c rater fo i ratncr Etra ar er double garage and Cteewaa tPtrre creert, setaa0 OPEN 9 'til 9 For more details cali 878-2365 Tor. Lîne 826-1030 SCHOOL HOUSE .act ftttearTreeet 5acre FOBERT 878-2365 $54,9Me DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR Come and seethtehbrick3 ehntoom eacksplit hacktra orto Parkard Catherra trtttrfttinclivig and dintrt trOms and ktrCrr Ftrtetsed taretît reere Ar etttrantp lydereratea hbrtghtrate tth a te0t Per rt teeetagOe. $oct0 SPILLING WITH VALUE a h4 edreerle Cr rateir Tratalgar cea t4l t' e t canna or a teactttct rend 2t'2 acre eraeertc, cenafar ad fett ree for t an eacta rfattr,,t, e,, tra trttteilng andFrenrch C,, feced p.atfrefor heres toc barnrtth 6 a tý,ard 6COsqOt goaces t ereuppor ran evlwth ati erc'e te re rat etpraprrty aadatt roc teetef Mchtteoreftth ojdrexprrt teeorîtrl CONSIDER THE WISDOM .n rtg a brtck dartex rar dccrtecr Milten. Ceafd ], st the ,rarsttent ccc ce teettra fer, teît aeaed tttage Arn ecetent btye$s5,900 EXCELLENIiT V ALUE efarreeytrter'trricee1 10 ot.e deattearHt5t n .tcterr Lartge ttet Poct0 tfu1iidecartra t ttttcctdigThi ri e e a c r, Doret Pari, s$5ee0 Wartrent Crawfotd 878-7487 Joan Iohnston 877-7210 Bill Contie 878-49,1~ w CONSTABLE JOHN HALLER of the Milton Precinct of Halton Regional Police stands proudly beside one of three new patrol cars the precinct received last week. The cars are Plymouth Gras Furies. The paint jobs are white, except for dark blue on the engine and trunk hoods. The new Halton Region coat of arms ison the door j huîdisrvices EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH tCarerretat Street, Mton. Paster Dr.J. .Armstrong Sandap. Augast 24, 1975 o.5as a.t-Ctedap hehoot tard Bible Cfass for Adultte tt,00a.ot.-Werstfp Ceraice. Cermon: "A Wrktoan ho asha m ed " 7 ee0pot -Worship Cereice Sermon: "Jesas Koops the et Ct if the Last" Wednsday C.30 pro -M.efioqorte Pacor and Bible tadc. Coenad bing afte tnd ST. OAVDS and NASSAGAWEYA PR ESBYTE RIAN t CHURCHES e.Doaqfas Lwry Saoday, Augasf 24, f975 f0.00 a te.-non servifeoan Nassataaeoco. ST. PAULS CHURCH 0F THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Bo-ea.k,B50,M.TK Organtetard Chofr LoaOnr. OMAGH PR ES BYTE RIAN CHU RCH ES Mtnster: Recte0 ýLes.5A. ,D August, f975 Ne sereices in Bostoor0,0 agC derfot the otof et0Au est. tearshinth e charcf et etarchoe PR ES B T ERfI AN CHU RCH fN CANADA KNOX CHURCH MIL TO N Oe, Grad en .A.. Preatcher Ogast and Choir Leader Mes. L.Vtasbfom Sanday, Augoot 24, t975 tees a.te Cier eralce mth si. Pacte uttot HfGHWAY GOSPEL Cac C HU RC H A lcaltassryofee "Thre ,tofartoetKece 0Ce Potcoestat hssehtoes PerhytercarCarrchMtotn, 0atCarada 1e5c c97e" tfr taie t akfineld Rd, and flac 2f Ateereare hachber CCap, and Patr ýMtee rstrn Ttte CaradtarCampiter TheLeerde flac CHURCH 0F CHRIST Senday, Augest 24, t975 cal2 rtarnia Rd. West 9.5a.ma rSCaday c Cheaf Mcrstr 11.eeate -Mrrog Wershfp ORihard Foesyth ee00 p.ot Catecte Prayor ste8cette 7.0ee m.Ena Ococos Oan- Sendap, Aagasl 2,4, t975 gotcsticeCrvice. f0000 on -Bfbfn Othoot etas- 1 Wdnesdap e e atao 8.00adc.-Pa ad abe e ofr aLtade Cope 'Wfoseernr hffoath lo Himn8.0po. Proaebfog et the shttafd rat parfoh, bat havoeGaref etra ie-Johrn tc1 tee teodoesdlap 8.0 te.-ibSbt udc 3UcoCirta-ct. CtN ect casa Chrititansgathelredcin th GRACE ANGLICAN nar, of theCHURCH Lord toc as Chriset etr race a on age ------ rnafngorgais Sanday, Auga5l 24, 1975 1.0am-ralgBrad Roernt F, Argaff 1 ,f.5 p.on-taodapScehaaf Colon Cretet aI Knoxafores 1.00pon-Gospef CSevce Stdp uul2,17 byterfan dar'fng teoonofaI Wdnesday udy uut2,17 Aagast: eenotiafor otKnox .00eepon-Praper and Bble Trfoftp XIII Reading 8.00 a.o.-Hoty Communion ___________________ Afi Are Wefeoote ta 10.30 a.ot-Matttos These Seteices Tharsdep, Augaet 2t Attend the ohurt'of i1000 e.o.-HoIp Commuanion pear chise thfs Ceodap Wttteer'boteeth f0 Himot1 i hoaîd nt pen'fsh, Sot haee Yoo Are Afotope Weîeome Ietefrnal lIte aI Gratte Ctturots FOBERT H. FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD. 22 Ontario St.S.,Milton {Across fromn Plaza) 1 Milton i