B, Da-ePinkii The llaeiiss il the romi i of Mfiltfous budîîgtland the culs niade i te irecioniîofiithe reelfivu depacliiienhîli' hideed eiilh.badmintoe and exeus pegavu in the nelennuiai hrea tibis somt.edicalrd Miltoniî ecreatuion ir iecîiîî Bobi Snill las ieS Si,liiirîrdlesre'ireaii depu rinentberf 5.seed la 'lors shoulîl e nîreavaîilable icipeople onievekhenu and ie lheesenings, but ifl uef Se Ais sumnierelabveules the recrecaflue di renethniafl as ,ipprvucb'd the ilton Tennis 'tub regrding tSe hockey yercFrm daeisuiaeee t p m.'ilirdai Sepi9an.id ruxxîxg iv Spieiher d2i This earîîthe chol 1,1i1 lI1S rgauined anîd elîl.hifher Mueur lI î',eý I 1.11 E cliati-m.iishp sa i f 1, 1 t-e e 'Th,'lii ll i-, Need refs ufiliî uî lîîIII ior th p.li ig f.11 l "' l 1-,h i a.nl i ~ d -i îes are i" ed 1)lu c ii t' i f 878 21 or l ii Niiu o Rferier Aissocuiaion sedcli', tmHp Olaes t 878-91U If there is enugh ixlerest nxisumnmera sludesl May Se ired tn supereise 1the court prngrams Aller recexi buîdgetlcrua, hbcere Avait is appreheusîse about spedgluuomuch murer vvneey lu bre ,ddiionxal personnel R ina l is anxsîms tusec the flair outh1e ec armna put lu nie butnItes the nxrrdfoc a buîs sysemita thearea site lo urme ciiies as cili afilepublic saiîg ix11e TheSc 'evuriaf .resa 15 school cahst Wl , .lpeuvulee asnd fearb amateur hockey, u sfeg velhnusdeveiuped ie sýeco The nec ucîthuds eiiillpaiu humux aspects ini sports, phsîral aspects isportsuanedspurt ,k its lcrSsilis Hieiie uvl fr the hockey ,Iii iiil povide cne liiiîiiO geserise. ubuiug Nul aindi hockhey shlis. Att %lle, Iillnu clse as il hIe e liuiles ot unounered by cplaiere nder acula Vý iniie cidifio55 " The fuI i ,ill Se rue 55 a ard ý i«eiof 10ito15 ixufrurines. ic yeîvnaey objetiue nf Iis grlop nll e tlu prepureour hockrey plaeres 1r 15e seasnx eiiing up. Rlegistrationx ciiitabe place .11 te Fred Armsrong Armna vu Aug 23, Aug. 30axd Sept- i, frmî9a.m. tu1pes Al hîîss arr urged by Iber couches lx sgx up Icaed ux ThnmpuonxRd. eae ManxSt.xon heeacsiex esleemily uf urban Mlton. The laciliiy vas pened lu 1the public in Jaxuary. Smaii aiso sers 1the nerd lu esabiish a mnrlcos progeam in Milon axd hnpes tnvnrk upanearly interestin the sporinx sprîxg.The rerreallux diecr nons11e 'sni Itoncoxcerxed about estahlislxxg a mnr syslemn Sus year but cas mr conernedvîiharrangîg a mmrlacronse lixîr axnd son funior exhbition gaves Milox sled flune exhubitionx onnesa in Aprîl axd arraxged tue u lîxîr ihrongh thc Ontario Lacrrsse Aissociation andl prnuîded hy 11e Hamltox Junor'B- Bexgals Ivu veekx aga. About 20 Mitnx yunxgslers soved uy lue thetfrere lîxîr 'Thal's xul ad for iis ime ut year, " says SAmail, îmicatigbx Se ulithare libed lu haie arraxged luer111e elîxîrc arlier in the lacrusse A total ut 5f Mltn onboh regisiereit lue rgaxîxeit larrase in 11e erixg.Lellers axxmrcixg 1the live v ere lun toalchu sîgnd. LaIete paro liaons Smail admîls prepueulluxu iîiesiablish lcrosse in Mlton begax Ian laie lasi yrar, He plans lu prumuto lacrruse nesixsprîxg vith uxoîber rlîxîc prneîded by 11e Rexgals, as son as the ire ia Amal adils Oe recrealion deprîmexi allempird lu line up ynulhgrmupu lx eenurage aIhielîr prngrams ai 15e aac. "Wrerre concerxed aoth 1e uefuth11e tariliiy. dlaimns Amalilbol,il casane abslule lalure. Amati especas a phys.r-rf studext ilvii 1e ied ners sprîxg lu carry 0rmugh vilS receaiionx prugeame aI Memorial Arena. i 2-year-old Two gym bursaries for Shirley Varcoe Ballon GymuaStiex Club xlaxdoui Shirley Varcee stands lx improne hec skiflI considerably Iis moxîh aller receîsixg lue bumsarien lu atenid gymoafihirs training camp. Shirley lires in Mnial. Tuelse-year nid Shirley began her sommer ssin al Oe Caxadiax Gymxaslics Fecierallun camp aI 'York University in Tronto Mxxday. The Yack training sessincontnuxes uxiil Frîday whex Shirley viii prepare le relcale in l'arry Soîund li the Caxadelle Sprs Camp begixxîxg Axe, 25 and cxxbxauixg uuil thcendnof tbe monoh. Def ile promise The barsaciex are auucrd nly In girls .wohowbn deiile promise in 1the gymasicslfieldl andvwhn au usethe iacial assstance to contine Ieir aIlelie deselopmxxl, ntesx itll Gym Clnb head coach MiI Boohy. T1eheisursury exbilies Shirley lxfeetito in1te York prngram uaîd tbe secnd graxluithe 12yercld fre luiionoaxd rrsidrxîc fc the lexglh xif11e (uxadelie camp A SIIRLIY V ARCOE Tuo gyxi hocxoeie The Canîfelle camp box gined a eputaia n lexof Ennadar hbesi gymnatil-s campuandis atended hy 47 32. îit izi lîlanehumers lxeidh LiîiElisul, Km Gi îltîhs. Rl,i.iîAnw und Direeîi Mil1iii'ailhLavii 'iL.îstill. iti llîddell aud i us luiei illLamelhruugh lis ie. ii d lbonss22- 11ieilh 'i-Cdu llsîhuonn iiiininine Iiir es' uîly homei uru..reluSano anudllaiiir, cameivchrnugh ic ie ndil E lieuBliar cach IW bhrerrci axdtNadiaî /ilfps blî'li'a .biîg humer, hi sîxcu ir ii nacls gai,-îragain,(Illuuds 21-20 ,ih Nunc\ Sclllu'railb K'isieun iiPeggy Fîxx Kihi's liiiers donîed f flics 1,12 h îKnighi's lit endu iyan îiinîg a home îîîlui Kelly lel)uxxell a loille axd i ic Aubin a triple. MIARCI s hi id Peggy's I4- v LithliAnC. ila ygershere S il.i uie ii îi a Phi 2o-7 -thi Si',i i r iSusan Blair liiugthglEi iuîlauhome i ha iiips msLinus icre the %iixxers the- ilousl i10'îliihee I.îtughtlî.îTîurnamcuiýj Rotary Plii, duuxiiig Liiii Ciluîîîîiuesuxnd dauglîiec' io îithe , haiionuship. some of the nationu btp gym- *6111 a ton of tlent, irlually nanin willi instruction hy top nu tear and mosi important, Canadian and European deire." coachen. 'orn glail lu ue thene Shnne lat yea.r usarien owariled Shirley,' Mes. Boothby udîls Shirley commenînîl 1he head coach. ciunillfot au a cartwheel lwo "I knov tial 0the organina- yerls ago but lasl vintor uhe ions who put 1the ooney up utoine au une xf tie rean btp w611 gel Iheir dollars' worth." young gymnaulu in Argo "B" "Shirley ina1the mont competîlion laul year. Shirley mproned member ut onr club siepu up lx compele in 1the A-bail McCuaigs win Legion series wallpaper closeil nul Iheir egularureasun vîlh six wn n cxv aller sxeakixg by 1the Le g 1on0-9 louI Monday Vacolîxing playeru hase plaguca 1the playnll eries su lac. McCuaig lxssraxce balled 1y Oe Legiox 1709 in Iheir xpening playoll gamte bal 1the Legiox max irced lx torleil 11e secondl game oand 11e eries hecauxe ni o short- age of players. (lemenix Paixi gave xp hir irlisl xof1the playnils lx the Creditionxinovîh Ion ev players. Clemen's Paint lu. Legiox 9 Garry Crove vax boul vith the Clemexîxs bal clnulixg avay a home eux, aodduble axd a sinîgle vîlh JolI tieFrelax scnriiig ivx une base hilu vhîte Mile Sehoutex lapped nul a double. Tom Vax FIedt added a single. Tom Van Fleel axd Jeff DeFreilax plched toc Cleiiex's. Mach Hoiiiigliniierxliaid ixgledrdt1he Legionoxires vblBillOuISixe lipled and sîxgled luire Chris Tasher dnuled and sîxgled vhîle JonxTurnercxixgled. John Turner and Darrîx Budget... (Conuiiued rxm page S) Total rslimaled eupexses fne hi' cnmixg hockeyseuonx arc $39,105. Bank acciinni The MMHA presexlly bas a Sunb acenuni lxlallixg $5.123 uîlh 11,000 slaleil for cquîpmexl cosix helure eplember. The MMHA bnpes lu acquice $21,000 flmm registratiotees and un- t'ilîpaleu receîving 19,200 lrnm team sponsors. The exe- cu ixi hoping 10 receise an exccxx xf $5,000 fromt the gale Iis seasun ana have hopes oI raîxixg $700 trom Oie frouer Tounexnmext oser Christmas veek. Mînr hckey hxpes 1* emierge vîlh about 1055 i11e end 111the season. gamne McCuaiglInsuanace i7 Legonn 9 David Kembal axd Chris Vesraee boh came up ith triples for McCuaig vîlb doubles pcxnîded by Ver- sraîle, Bill Taylor and Tom Nesinx. Juery Raab, Kembail and Rxn Watsox singîrd. Kembali and Raab sbared 11e ptchîxg chnres. Peter Shmidt axd Mach Honixg bolh balleil Legiox triples vîlh a double rnm Bruce PetIne axd sixgles hy John Turner, Scîmîdi. Hnig and Chris Tasker. Turxer and Darrix Caputn pilched. Think inflation makes lite insurance worthless? Think again. Bb "Pie" Len 878-5786 f haue a MavuLteIndennu neuve Bonneft hai's keyed lu heofficîiai Consumer Prier Index. t Oxipu pînînîl ouai anily's urllrasilg power. Calfo r 0 ll the 0dolais ManuA4Life Thînking wîîhrp3 nmunity Wide Special Event HARVEST GAIN ERI NG 1EDNESDAY, AIJGLST 20« ip.m. at McKinnon Farm Third Line, Milton iiAYRIDE0, CORN ROA0T, HORSESHIOW, SQUIARE DANCING, PIE EATING CONTEST, ENTERTAINMENT PROVIDED BY THE PLAY- GROUND CHILDREN. NO ADMISSION EVERYONE WELCOME THIS IS THE FINAL BIG EVENT 0F THIE SUMMER PLAYGROUND PROGRAMI 1the comîxng ululer. clubs. "Il's quile a lump,' 1 t el s Ms Blxnhby aulîcîpalen Mes. Boolbby, "bol sheli bec elucxîxg l 1the head cuaihi able lx handle il- positioniof1the Haltnn Cllib The Haltox Club is out mlter in the violer wilCh regularly at Oie Erneut C. eyeraI xcv coaches. Lester Droey Sehuol dxrixg 1the Wnod ix prexîdeulni 1fte lneuf *6nter mnoxOs is *611reiluenl axsocatio MIAE x $AIE *AME -0SALE0 xALE SFREDRICWS GIGANTIC ~iPRICE ROLL RACK( SSUIT SALE ~jSPRING & SUMMER zm Reg 30. 195. Roll Back '70 Sîzes 38 46 Reg. Ot Siies 40 44 Salis t "t SMALL ALTFRAI ION ClHARGE F SEL PARKING, SALE IR ILES COIN T NUI -1HROUGHEOIJT STORE ME SAL.ÇALE SALE SAIE 'MIE Inxfeague gainehiiiiiiucrhs1 agu, L.ins Cludlad Tralulgue '12 îîih Cath:î Blair lellîîîg a hoîeî ie Lious. Traaularhoîîîîî wre erirded bylefeeiîii Ford.Ilreen MNîlrli Diane llcaîi, RvbnSyu'iîîii Lana Elisue aud ' 1.iiii'i'i Bradley. Serrvice 3426, îîihiî r Pafli Gie, 'rseresa icuan Paiti Fraser adiing o m i eux ru ch, Kah iaeiî*iyil' pouuded feu hiiîuiu'c Il Serices Kim anlel ,îd Rbhyx Sevu hlîiiîCo îhrughwih homeiunsiîi Fillieduneil Ilfîds 2-20 > vil11 Flfies Karenîî icher ' grîlillO a lhomice rl lu tci, iftIS. %vitlb ivnl hnerslve k and CatISv ills î,îl ch icing in humer.,fr lueftiîds Kigh's Cleauers dîîvîîd i Kîxmeru 2-l.5. itîh Knîhi'.( layecs mlaîîîr Miorgan sruriug niahumer aiiithe secoxd, hellyEatkix.lelilu one oi1n th elli .îîîad Susaii Smih saveixe Ine ai t sixlh. Keils Meliouneligoui i trple in 1he tfill Kiuvierilh eiu Lee.î Litle scverd oe ici he iii and Naxeyr 'di liitiicm lbruugh nih lvileî usax Blair, ofitSe Sîfîlul i Divisionu uALlair111eanii, 11,1 ruughl îop (o plu>stfieth(, Kînsie foribis.gilne zi guI lvi ig hiliier', S-quirt Rf Cair leleaied MAR( 11 7 ueîlh Jîîne .ugrOeil -ti. humerefoi, Sf flairs Ei,'Phi % lon agiusf PegOx s 1. Trfaul lgaîu îîi i( e Execu tive match Alle er uir ,iiiîi ec duughfee inuelii, il-fis I summrrthri'siviîevoflhe Otlîvsf lul)i,,ierd SMilton (Gils hiiitblaii i lue hav e axulher trick iiî,îiieirsleeve. F.erufîiv u ibrs wiil be luhîg ne iithe Su 111e 'iidgee iptivi.sf girls uî iii exhiio gaat Rifari,eParkiehunda, 15e NMiliiîî lIs Li.îes hti giril, iii te vulsf reet miuier-daughie iiunive.niî.i,hiaiiudi wner un Sionîus nul uîî,tihî, zoo!lauîhers. TORONTO - by Bus! Low Fores - Good Any Day One Way $2.25 Returvi $4.30 Buy "10-Trip Ticets' and Save Money MILTON - TORONTO 10 RIDES $19.15 Tckets have noexpiry dateand are transterale SUMMER TIME TABLE Now in effect Buses run thruugh Mlton via Hornhy Side Rond, Ontario St., Main St, and Martin St. Complefe Service ta Toronto 7.05 ar..enc. Sat. & Sun. 8.15 a.m.-Satu.-days 10.15 ar..exc. Sat. & Suni. *4.20 p.m.-exc. Sat. & Sun. 4.35 p..dauty froon Aima Truck Stop 6.30 p.m..Fni.- Express 8.35 p.m..Sundays- Express *Via Milton Bus fines to Hwy 401 interchange-Arrow Truck Stop For Complete Service Toronto-Miîlton-Goe lph- Kitchener See Tîme Table No. 6 COMING SEPTEMBER 3rd... Improved Commuter Service ta and from Toron ta The 7.05 a.rm. trip wiii ron via Highway 427 trather than via Cnnsrilr arrioing 10OMINUTES EARLI ER at Toronto Terminal- 8.lOa.m. rhe 5.20 p.m. relurn trip miii also ran via Hmy. 421 arriving 10 MI NUT S FA R LIE R Toronto Airpeci ,Eoprs Service Runs troon Isliigton Subonay Station. Tickets and Intormation at ~ MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE M iEiiien C s"- - A- Çfy oach TetepIlO»ne 878 288 <~iCor Iuy Your '~ TIRES.. i u KMLLMY-UNIROYAL J *@@aT*ARAST.e Uess Prices ln Town suy riowi «»1 ma. 78322 Bus Liners, Knights both win twice Says Bob Small Late budget affected arena programs Set dates f or *NGK * BELL * RED-X * WISECO * KLOIZ '.SALES *SER VICE *PARTS 181 MILL ST. MILTON 878-4212 NATIONAL COACHES CERTIFICATION PROGRAM LEVEL Il CLINIC SeptemIber 27/75 8.30 «.m. AT MILTON MEMORIAL ARENA CtaUl 878-6746 FOR APPLICATION FORMS I. m