McTrach pitches Win Dormers top Halton basebail heap A tght 4-:3 n s'es Miss- sauga tnshed the Milton CotoniaI Dormer Juniors' rpgglar seatson on awnning notie Tuesday nmght. Dormero tsîÏshed in the six tea 1 pgoe's top spot thss orasots ,,,th 14 is, a ticand to'e Itses-- nltattead ot second ranttost Brtamptonn oth Il winsnt eight lusses wth a garne reteasntng, ttok -Skip'- MeTrach inndled tise ptchsng ohoren for the Milton squad Me- Trach attnwed the Mssse Iatmten the thsee eunnfo nt see hts.tsanding outthee saths andi stoppsng tons, atters altise plate. MeTrach fsnis'hed the season wth a soxson,threet tosnrecord, "Ittas"hSksps test game othtie seannn asss toto best easnnop to sots- cometer!ted uormeroacssh John Kettes ofo the'senior lt.sikies toustti 'stl tsssnsts eesssd stop sotoisptchsng psrformsn cessot tssorsokis H'al)nPsosott and Rosger ' t'niss'tt tIeito t snshs'd thes sasso n sits t he ,sn, agaistsos'tosssnatst obsîs t'ss'os t sos iss uus sndtnly ose tos WOasrreno Otlceoti soog tise hsggs's t Miton Past at [usosdny ssght, hamnnersng as a thrdsrotang tripeto soethe opensng Mslton sots andss adtisog a sinthis nnsng tiltso bs,isghbone Ctesent t s"s'sset, Steve <hts"an Kets Armstrong and Larry Beautseu att sottecteti Doroset'ssngles. Mslton scooed a ton in the strdsinnsng tth M sssssauga up 3-0 and added another in tise toortis shen Stese ttesdersoo tagged home attee a erses otoild ptohes, MeCanneroundedth ie ases to sie tise score in tise it innsng ater a saorsfice tty hy Gtenn Tuner. Open Sa Incitay ttores open tise Haiton County League payotts i stahostle atneday teornsng begnnngat9a te Thegame sspra'tot.n sC Mitt ' , s si ,nss .' opponeotts'esssssasss pta> insthe 5sotass%î -4 goeotsssssss ofsssssss" pace s' tttt t, i-ý! f( MOR itSTANDINGS tC W T L. P ' 2o 14t 2, 1 5 29 14's,<s <t Il <0 8 22 <SsIkI' 18 9 s() o9 tn 'lts' , 19<0 ti 0<s 2 12 "i 'A l 19 f s s : 12 linpbnSPOR i aianC hapondsoFspi n, TAiKIEI) AT ' Iloltrttby aseruttoer Wanyne Elits slis hus sony onder the Prospect Paosîng thtrd bsemno durtng the opensog gante tf the liornby tournament Saturdny, josi as the bail sips tt'sss the ittlelders glose. Thte înspre VOs rght lin tssp t il pIt anslssnkethi'o'll Iotî ý nt <lie a un i sttthe 1t <<all gaitnn an ns t,<lsnnthis si1l t<tî U li s Lý ins t l nk Pin nos scntss ed 't's'tf lî ittî i er ast And rn s i t rqy -Second Canadian crown for s Brookville's Sue Thomson Sue'Thonosottts'eae-otd Mtoncton erlstvoto aapt tothe vns.sss'<file '<st ss 'd<Is'<t,, lr .ssss'sinig taNancy pitsshe r lot thte ttookoltr 'the leam, wonhins osthe rc, Nats ««i ' ' lss onal'sýt irrd ehetsof- s e ts grts softti a n, Onstarotfille s attoestto pss toast s'sî "rs( 'ilh a triple. oPsis 13,Mtssi ' pssshestbc oayto hersecond np tno playeen tente any 'i"s~aIssnulssg<sss <s"' ssssss'snsasrn SPs'tossed sts'asght Cassadsaini Natiotnal Onstarosteam n nthe tourna te Mttssso tsss tîits m.'< r, î'a talln <d pssol campsoship ssi Moncton, ment. The oiieopsick-p as st bigg or sss'ssss ls2tha< dan Sons New tronso'ss', Angot 3. KarensPionnshorstop itî'r IsDoa tttts'ss'e s n "ns <<5lt fo sl-,yrps'd tehel 93. ,rhomssnoas ptchsng for n a o skile hssIl tt'il ttw <<«is.tlr i, i , ' o ne ýs' u tl ss< spers ontise iscoongi s othal Clois. Misss Thomsono oasd tise ,s' lssw sllss<ssssssssslssssoThe geoup ale seng ohosns to pitssh torc ilght to M oncton n'as fine, tsor namstsss'st 5 s' si,'tsogase 'stotel t heclbflloisg anO tntarso esen tisongi thearea e-ro ntosspliîss<sI'<<t i, Is l'sssssl Oomens tounns htldsonSt. Mart'"sperencestahianoae the day Dlssesslts'otstir, l, 5 s st<tlL lsss 1 noo psosded tsarl 'Iomoost he tine. Iitstr trblantroasas s an' osos 1 pii fit <'S 5Is' '« nasdOStilitosards sýtva hmo ic e ls^bon descentitotandsng. plave nts <Otl i tsslt s'ssossnts'entes the liss snslngtso aod ed themr tsn esght ganses pînyrd. the T he'tis <'<'tnt tsnstsst lot 5t I s« t t sl <s hss'sponsors of tise tsrsat'anadsass tis'e Sn'rhoroogh <ctuP talised lsso'pttn'hs's Itll frs ,r lsnssst t' rtt <s's'Bad Boy and ptsthtngitsnseandi nnsrg onse engh i ns it h 'Thomsoo n t'o entnip l s ct tts <sI slsçls'ss stsdethesrolet. oflhePi s 2- TPe21 mat, asdîtio taisei o sssts c uriho o edinsghtis ro The gt'onp Test OHA contract Tonelli case goes to court 'lssslls anostheT oronos'sarl Tssnelts han the sgit t plan lssocsn «fthlie 0«IA Major 2 un- nherenerohe sants. issr 'A" Pochey Isagoe s 'sise iIAlasser Jot, Kane lis e- sslnrsolneds nscouti psrttdln nsssstog Tonelins Issîeltis igiseila S Igure, <Vlalte ôïnjïàë'si>4 upheld lhis os ear t, sstactt sileto ast, nssnnasoi nesottitimat 1tlsstst Arosofothe World seansrinjotion tnpeen Hockey sisociatonoe hsi'Tloell om planighockPey «,ýnc 18 ilotoMatois <arIhoros «<shteotltho sIatteti fsntdtosseleaoe Tosellsat the tise junioe hocksey star' iati fsssellis oa iHouston Aeo.- sgssd asllseeeseao paoi<ithis s'sosisnenpnntat"n ho' \tnslsai ano n7 heen se tonoh isnttisHouston, Tesstnnsaisdtt lNo'o 's goedansd tia'ssit" Thte <'cort ilssîtot he' 'saste managee Booil s sfîi t i tise titAcnaat nais reptortedty o sonire tise <igtsos l' lssmsisos TeTon- 5i1A vssnld not accepsToo slltssane so ithels o srneaa tllsommetttl ie appatenils' ios cae oi, soiher 100,r oed tsssrot a tsadedth «« ostlat,oo tht' Sanît Ste. Marte Grey- Tssssllsand a~get GusBad fodotfo,'aryt"ntells zd.(amthe ontrians nias ttadals totos tisas <t Torselli siniesîho a msnootndes'dnt, l<Ssolutse lieLine ds n o oss nr sit lo thon hane a aie lIo rtun oit,he OAio <totln s c a hoo i n i onoe, dnatinnfhe may pay Sennor' lun <s g o ort 'oelt< o <50 natlege ockyorsso 0 oss<tly l<'gnl ro<'îtsnotatsn'o Miass plat in hEur<pe' adal, <o Aotlofltloontsxhhnot ne<suceo hontsosTontllsotilttl h tesn pos <<lotIho h <Ilh laYnog senlise Wntld oches% <<gaidntaltstsstt nappearsnt, Asocisationo<is o nstet, date. Torelli plnyed ail hissmont-o Batisînît <nisoed alaIl nIhokeysin Milton d piased «g 'issno ls tio oolsd lîgal <onttsaso vtis th ise<hsto<n ottng<ndli, leaedns<tP .Junorot"t*Flnýroohessso 1[w action«5<h<'tisn the, toitstao<n<g« ilt ithlart<on ion 'Hite tHtt.h <'<s «<<accopt eit eaeo ago. t' olîts <55't'Oefnt ilt 'Torelis an tho 'MaIor Jnli lilso ta aIt despin' <leie <0'"A' al 'tai centre' is «s %var ssso<ssmigto ssto<tintti Minor hockey budget Raise registration to $30 per boy hss'hso 'stlt<,il ise osn<s <a.s ann nceî n othtelbudget $l)th discussionO bsl nsds'th 1 Mîs iltosn l <<<<s llssn\H'n ar«ldh'rg<ssn e lls'tOtt ll<<ttttgli y s <<'s t<llsng t$<5s« o<snnqipo<os< 020, <<'anssd '<'littis lasgtaddngnop Iat't.t<r 01<5 t-, 'carsoagss osîsnysent sattedani<tnges 'lIse îIlO uatS sthnso <i1,0,Ot astis 00 Si ««s o icss i««7 5'lh lois <t oplineola ootu York Merchants win Viol l tAis 'tht ItIil î<îîs à ptch deltvered by hruu honi <in'Itîîîîsssst Ils ««o%<île Selecîs girls sofstha<l <lînI ý, n1< s < tti 'ilst net',nille and go o tsî plî' "Si l.I' s's< 'i e <! Sn t'îi îsin the next toind tsi <5 I Local teams bumped at Hornby tourney TIIRD BASEMEN Andy Trenes tends his vocal support for Hornby at the Saturday tournament. WINDING UP, Hornby hurler Maurice Cuts ptched a strssng game te tihe opening match-up with Prospect Paving aI the Hornhy tournament Saturday. Curtis pitched shut-out fastball as thse home teasîs made it b' te trt round challengers 1-S, before Palermo put sut the Illsrnby flame 4-2 in thse quarter finals. Champion photos bo Dave Pink) Il c 'tsniptst<plson ater tionoisoand iatton h asthal Leagse r<sals tien Wiliams, Strttisite and Palermo hons ot t einer tise fials Streetîsv<le sas the detoodsng sosney ohamp. do prentsng tise Milîton Mens tndustrsai Leagor. Fahers beatty gave np a TO0 Ioss toPaleete n the opensot rousnd white tise Robert Nroman-t harles itotel tags sutcomhed tonna 0heattng hy Streetsnttte se tise quarter final ater stammsng Coting' -'e, tgs«ly ralon 1IoSspec <'<<<<' Pnssng trote Torosnto in thne <«"' <5 <5ts fist game. ttnrnhy's n .Ood '-i'ttore tll<t<ttan,t't,ll<t Trenss atted RsaP Penn o S oags ,a «h tubtuttfImi slît homeifrom thtrdin thensnth<tbok tt'ich'lss<',st<totl<ts nning oftasesensinmng game h<o"' « h, siin<<tstl - i to ase tise mon.Maurien FOI Rsît s'. 1:sT S O l t1Si Crtse pttohed. pnn tin The home tonnfavorites t~ttl5~<t5t hnted tnPatermo 4in ethe ii<lot< t<soO'ii't1 quarter finatl. atlesmo's Palti, tt7. ot'ssi ' is hnpes were squetotted agame Zephii lt ltt Wll<soso i later mise Trnntn Foosnsla- "oonda<tt«osn< u lionnGronp emerged 2t0 s5p505< tss<tt<s<.«t winns on I., i « «t 15<, Gten tWiliames tietiearty at famo s ,es ý,Inl tise tounratent, wtti a 31wt d QLarter-inais sssssisss' iotrospa, Zephyri1 '<«<h tnthat4. ltarteony <îe4. Miton Stage t setes-tsnalbs Fni' a t onsoGsop2. Pateenso ýOasis Otschasstn 2. Streets- Fintl ttokiuts'chasst9, Founda' tienopti ----------