Dcvelopmeîîl Conteol regulations ow u'bcbgen toiccd by tbe Niagara Fsrorpment Commission are uiair, Councllor Ricb Do1 told bsn ligb raning officiais outhIe conîmisnion durîng Monday nigts cglroilcimeeing.t Ecco fi is egal, ils isolir. Pt il oovoue ouses andosceboîs yoo elrrlbr saut. Councillor Day objecird t10 the commission doonoooîng lad su lati i coll be cqured by tbe goernment for a reasunabeprrmbni ns readylu oy il Day told Centl Louis, Denelopiseol Control Manager and NEC Direrlor Gerry Coffin Ial be as roncecrnd about o persoo beîng stopped tom puting a bouse on a lot, simply because tbe situation ufthIe bouse mîgt oiiend a Bruce Trait waîber. Non -detendees" Day sid tbal a tris yearn agli Bruce 'rou naîhers Oece "notoeiouun respassers' but nom tbose people living on tbe 201b loor ut a Toronto aparîdieni building are being regarded as tbe "greal detenders ufthIe escarp- "Tis is a serious tbîng. b ibere some reasurance yoîî caigîve me 10 say ibsis nsol so unar? Sone pople anc planned on building bomes tbere ail Ibeir ires, Cotfin said tbe com- mission as mode ut i7 maturerpope ubo ouîrerd local bnowledge, commos sense and comp"ssion in maing decisions about snbat cao and can't bcdone. Tbere s non reeze un decetopmenl. Nul al ufthIe planners' reports are acceped," bc said. Doesn' ork' If tbere's anytbing 1 noic about, il's boards and com- missions. Il tbe aifteîd pa rly isol Ibere tbe only oay an errur or injustice wlI be drawnIn th Ie commissions attention is loe someone lu ïke ftuêbiau MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1975 Vlum 114iNo.16 Jim Watson scorns system Councillor instails pool without required permits By Gerry Flaherty and Bob Burtt Counillor Jîm Watson, a member of both Mlton and Halton Region rounicils, hau recently instalîrd an in-ground swimming pool aI his Campbellvillr ares home oithout otaining either a Niagara Escarpmnent Commission NEC) development permit or a vlid Milton building permit, The Champion han learned, Alfhoogh he admits inslalling the pool while wating for NEC approval, the councillor said he had favorable indications 10 the ffect there would be no problema gelting his pool, from the NEC planner oho inspeted the site. Watson said he abhors the entire NEC development ystrmn wich entals a written application, inspection, staff recommendatton, mailing and a lengthy waiting period before a citizen ran go ahead 10 improve his owîî property. NEC contraIs infringe on an individuals rights and invade his privocy, Watson added. NEC pkesnion Waltei- gcosied lasI ise, arcording Guwiniofsaîd Monday tiai the lu 1000 Building tspeciar concillue liaid opplîrd lue a lbs ecido, ailbuugb tbe comumisson deveiopmeni insillaiiun ourrerd in Juiy. piemit os Jue 30butlfisai Townbhastfine oppri-ufor let1e peojeel hali Nie Seidu saîd he under- noilieen gî-en pending notifi-'10011a pi-isos voaid Or lored cation il neîghbbrs sho moy .yopt:lO toc rînstiiing a pool oemyunoiis?îl ohîecvl toîhma building permit, -iear toSillllllli The laie prmil oas iovaiý An aidelto Mr. Goiug soîd id auyyî,uoîd Mr. Gooing persnsuor lrmo coli-ven- uf 1he escarpisesi commis- îng tbe tbmgb ses NEC sion. eroone as NEC deve- regîlatouns pproved hy 1he lopocrulpermit had luahi- op- Ontaorio Legîslolure un Jue ruved belon' the100 ns per 10 are liahle, upulîsommars mtrcuud brîssurd. covcto , oaine noi ex rheibuiding imperioe said rmedîsg iii Ouiiîcisuedthe per-miafer re- i sueser. the NEC( said reiiing o document îhirh 6e Msvday ivîgisi uaI uo action misloheniy elîrvedlisoti o ooîîd i-nel ob es iginssideselnymeni permit bod hemn lihe couoscillr as "nu maosi issord. cri-mnal ollenî'v' baiseen In tac,brehad rereîed a comoîiiteii rpy oflbe documentlmailrd As oeil, nde- the eo Ag i îoCmsciloe Woloon's egulboss, an NEC deveiup neghhues indiroing Uai 1he snitprmil must preede a NECavoedthe poo,hbuad- muicuiplhbuiidngpermit visglbhemlbtailbeybhadi't eing issurd.saysto appeal o the Ministry A murcipol buildi ng per- citimuiof. mil lui- the pool oas oly Cbangerioroin Mr. Gooing saîi oluer bidsg insperiors have bren miaing Mr. Weîd's misiabe, and 1e commission Fri-day cnged 1e woodîng os the appel document sueveryose womidhno Uai il dd soi muliiotte formai appruvai toc o proposai. 'Hie shoud'l ave issurd tepermi,said MrDo iri, "but eveyling's e and o' ne niy bren uithiis a monlb"- Me. Weido sai limas the tesit NEC document ut ils lYPo e ad handird, but mediy admtird bs misiabe Counilior Watson, a Coispheilville ceai estale salesman woulivrsons Sieries Ave. Orsit ofGuelpb Lîne, JIM WATSON in a sadin an inerview hal 6e member nf both Milton bilreceved "verbal appco val" lor the pool t-sm an and Haiton Region NEt platiner wo visied te courucis il,,,,io, 14) Chargeas a/ftthi- A GROIJND-LEVEL PHOTO of Counillor Jim Watsons neoc pool be- cmme impossible f0 shoot ohen a Champion photographer was refused accrs 1 thr Campbellvillr property. This agniat photo shoocs the soiro mîng pool and surrovmnding ares from a height of 560 fret. (Championi Photo--Steve his i Commun fty centre grant no problem The Towun utfMilono sbuld have%,uspebleis" obining a grantfroni the Ministry of Culture and Recreatîon ol purebose the Compbellvîlle Lions Clubî Hall for o rom- muiiy croire. The Champion oas bold Tesday. MacArthur blasts Champion story Mayor Anne MacArdiur ai Tomn ut Miton bod decided tu $50,000 in iumn mîoey might arooncil m egMooday step betmeen abot 20 mema- 6e ovoiveli, wibb a provncial nigtciiir TbeCbom- bers ai Ue Lions Club and Ue grant o about 125,000 especi- ins fr "diisrrpripseis" ami clubs redite)rs, ond ootti ed to compinie the deai ta "bat-trutbs" wbseb she said boy tbe Lions Bail and tom t purcbose t6e vm-yer-oid e-e contained in a Joly 30 inio a eommonity centre. building valued ai $75,000 to- reprtwon eounci's invoive- Tbe report sod as mueb as day. mn itb 1he Compbettvilie Mayor MacArthur obk Lions Cub boit.iISeEuIkwleral escepto 60 seu 6 Tbe ront-page siory in the onPage B4) mrdsecret" lu desrîbe in Juiy 30 issue detalid bUmtbe iconîood o- P.«. 15) Mn isicys Csmmoniîl Centres Section in Torontoo saidbhe peoposai 'meels al ot ur rrquremusoasfar as 1Iran e. S6e saîd o decisîuv on lthe applîrOlion oI i- lîl aîde "ley sono"'. ai olstibîv Ms.~ Wilson soîd 16e fr1111 iî,îililamovîîlliî '25per ,iuîl A i ,us1iisjii isi',i, sayslise nmarket value of th1e Lons Hall today is beloenn $75,000 aud 15î,000 Uing the $75000 amono aod Ms. Wisonn pi-eniage figure, Milton ouid recrive a provincial gratoi$is,750 il il purcbased 1e al l rom 1e Lions Club for $75000. The tomo mouud iben bave lu cuver t6e balance ni $56,250. Mayor Anne MacArthur bold a couril meting Mundap nigt ibai ony tonds required over and aber 16e Provincial gratnt ouidcrame to 'capital tles rom 16e Wrd Thre iNassagameyai write a Intter or pt a bug in a members ear. Il jot des'l worh. Il's nul ýair," Day coninurd. Jusl because youbhave a $l,00OOO budget andi tbe regulations arr b4ebed by ibe Onario Legilaîdre, doenol mabe il fa r. Il migt be legal bol il's 01 lir. You are operaling under tbe cloob of a uiborîly,' Day saiti. Mr. Louis said rouons lors mighl hind tbe nyniemcot as prototoive as ilseema "Il il s o ooy comfort, 90 per centfthe applications bave been appeoved," bc poinled nul, Cooncillor Jim Watson naid public omnesbip as a poor may te proteet land. He sed tbe ruample ut allon Region Conservation Aolborily aequirîng Cramtord Lobe. liavnsfor s'ondots 0le said Ibal many peuple mwame n tbe lobe and enjoyed the ora ontil il ment public. -Nom tbe placein a obais- bIen Tu-o cottages bave been Want NEC boundary revisid Milton cooneil iii nettion the Niagara Escarpment commission ta rev ise the boundaries of la nds oner mich il now bas control. Planner Bob Zsadany! noted the boundary would be revised 10 exclude ail of the lands in tbe Branle S. tierry Rd. area east o Ue Canadian National Railway righl aifssay. Coancillor Don Gordon soIggesled Ibal tbe boundary be Trensaine Rd, Ehêampi]on 30 Pages -15Centîs McCague resigns Commission post George B. MrCague, rbairman ufthie Niagara Escoep- mnent Commission, rcsignedbhisposition Tuesday morning to see the Progressire-Consecvaiive nominationlfor Duflerin Simc or Hr tenderd is resignalion lu tbe Honorable Dorry Mct<eoogb, Ontario Tree 00cr- and ISiniter oI Inlerguvero- mental Aitairs. Mr- Mî-Cgîie, a native ut Allîvons, Ontaioi a former mayor ofthUe tomo, Hebo bs -bairman ufthie NEC sînce lus incepiion in September 1973 and was oppoinird by Premier Bill Doavis.Tbe NEC eadquaeters ai Guepb and Mountainvieo Rd.,Georgetomn, ocre olirially pesrd in Sa ys NEC rules are Jatroctous~ Persoss lvsg oîlhîn lise Niagara Escrpmeut ora bave lu apply lu 16e Nagaea Esrarpmnent Commssiolue perision lu mahe ohol oulappear lu 6e îsifîîî tîcani changes ta ihe properiy. Durîsg Siltonu(ounicilU meeing Monday, C suncfili Jîm Wtson shel rom- mission officiais obat oas andowhoa-,anotlînlendedlvo bceonder contraisanîd in neeii ni a permil. lie a-,bed lui- conîmeuls a 25 6v puihelîcol situat ions. CecilI Louis, iManiager of lles'epmenl 'îîulriuîihvh C'ommissinsaid aoisbiuti viel ,pris sic hall field, o pris oie teois court, 109lo bouses user 12 leel lîgis, garden gazeio,ieruitlcellars, %îndmîll.s,îvovvlbeîls and le indîcoleil Ibtsil o tbeseiteils îîîglîlbc6eemnpt il 16c re-raccessors, build- ings 'nder .500squa-ceet butlaainedllioiaoîyuinî doobi shold iconact the Conmnission lv sec loe sari- louoscilîve OWatlson descrîbeli 1e îeed fi gel prinislforsuvislbîiigs as saunas aîîd vvidmills os tic bold 16e commiussionî officiais 6e had ree'cîllv opplîed lu lisecscommissionîîfoi, permuission lu huîlîl i vo imoilîfpool. le said I is ibv-vtheîî miisin:32 dNslt iiie it iih oaN ud heu bhey cicclaîrîl lie notice lii lsiidiiviîcis ihin 4(K) fee ai bole soîd thebvoiiceiic, vaugc and wihouanyex- planation. Mi ita 6e "Oue neîghbor read il ouid lbîugbt asobjectngto a pontîl evîanleîi hI buid.le Soîsîuy namî'îîoî thelurm.- le said, Couscillur Wison conlesds i sisould 6e noue nfIth16e ucgi buiî,'hausinessîai a person dors on is on pruporty. lie iqualified] bal hy notîsg ueîghbnes shoulli b cosoired % ien ilicomnesiuduringenuels, lîcîîîriesorvibher lbîvgs ibai coîlîli psel lise a olie Inside ALO tprhsPgs 5, tun. Cisirsglu 13,0. Da th e ake -t Edtoia oag nB3 Ail is e"go"'Ffor Sept 18 election Specuialonltuined toreol brîîg leiltoithe provinces to rîdîng the vunsersalîves lir Mord-v ,fernmvuýhen )aisusîîussd aver'baliioi't havamed Gary Doo'ins ot Oltaio ('cesser Bill Davis in0the dretion nI 16e federal iselun ant ill Sinsni 300vs th6 saoîdhî'd 1le aitîîs'Tories nolulbreois oben 6e siiggesied NlP candidate. The ibeculs .nî>t l îîîlrl,îv' thî-ii, evlîv'tie iîii'iiii il îîl hîld lbeîe no iato 'i ~~, is ,Jf !t U0 ?1'iC5~i lvii ii 1,inl" i6sq oas ime lu go tlu lie peope btie teil( on raîlîe oil wumld have caused undue in luvnin e o 1e eterior air. He nuieli 1e Sept. 18 dec- lion ouidlîo on early stan tor Ue Orsi session. He aidoaneariy siiting oid bc important becouse ibss s a ritirai poiod in the istory afube province. Infltiion issue The premier pîomined a no- nnsmensecampoign and bîni- ed Uai inlation moutd 6e tbe eyîissue. He saidîin theab- sence ni a tederai pan 10 combat inlation, the job 005 ' 6e onnoncemeni gises the ihrce parties 37 days lu do Uereampaîgnîrg. Davisîlid the Tories 1u nctory in 1971, eaiming 70 scats oîtb Ue Libecais imniig 20 and NDP By etections sinre tibr osm the goverom'nent tour sealu as Use Lîberais oppod hirrce- presentation io 23and 16e NDP ta 2& i»Iberais irad polis Poin pobisbrd rarty dhis year indiraird 16e Ontain Liberats abead ai 16e Conser- vatîves by irer percent. on tise eoHaItoo-Burling- Returnisa siticer Roîy Culiereofni ltlon bas bren named Reurnîng Of- irer in Halton-Brlînglon. Ie bas beer mnons the ec- tori amctonrry toi- eerai meehs nom. Incombent Haitun West MPP George Ker-- iii 6e sorbing re-rierbion in the Borlîngîonoridîng. Jim anois, mbo ban brid Ue Halton East ceai fui i- ni a rcs, bau decidrd lu con in Ue e abitle riding. Botb are Consernatives and boUs bave bren membres ai Ue Davis cabinet toc some years THE OPTI CLOWN bad o bad day Saturday. One lucky shot drpositrd him in the cold, raId oater of the Upprr Burtington Optimist Clubas dunking machine at Day o ic hePark aliüKlbridc, Hundreds nf people from North Burlington, Milton sud urbon Burlington al showerd up ta take part in the festivities. The clown oas Tim Browen. 3