Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jul 1975, p. 27

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Omagh HoId 2 of old b> Mes. Cecit Pa tteeson ympa tby is eutesded tei tisane chu mues tise passing ut Matlctlm Mcteadden et Houston, Tenus, U.SO.A. 'Me. McFadden sa servied by tes usduc tise teemer Jennie Meclaetney amci tca sons, Edgar and Attan ami tca geandeteldeen. The lamity tarmed formeny yeaesaonthe Fiest Lise hetare meving ta lise U.S.A. Other memhbees ai tes tumity aera heatitr Witt- cen McFaddes, sintees Stella Curratsees et Landes ami Ethel Mfalt at Geit ami miany ciecan and uepbecs. tutermeat cas us Jese 2t. Mis Margaret Douglas ut tieyse cas laid te eest sn Ontegit Presityteries Ciucci ccmneteey au Tuesdey, Jety t, chen triruds and reltatives gatiserer ta puy tiseir lust res- pecte tua ne chu cas taued by att chu issec her. Cumisg teum e distance cre cousins Me. and Mes. George Mases ut Wîisor, lite-tang teris Or, . Stoutt uf tretvl Me. and Mes. Gordon Me- Crerdy ut ArIser, George llarkîmutofMHmilton,Mr. ami Mes. kilt Pud, Anne ami ens ut Muaretieli, and geaudnece Miss Bannie1 Douglas trom Peterborugb. Tbe florat tribetes cern very heutîtut and tise service cas caniectei b> ber mîmistr lIeu Boid Leais Me. and Mes. Witl SMc- Fadirs eclertained et hibr home lise cemiters ut grade 8 gcaduatiug class ut Iturcis> U.AFE, oI 1917, us Wed- ceude>, Jet> 2. Nie icembees allesird u'îlb hibr treeber Mes. Peecy Meery tue a ueery bappy 26(h auat re- uinpienc Tise preseut weeStanley Fay, tirs. Veru Biouliss Scutl, lais. Ceeue Rtobinson) Canningham, Mes. Qaeuir (King) Gel- bisst, Mis Vers Itiessetl Merlin, Mes. Auüe Itieys Cbapniau, Nies Leste (Lindsay) Jaeîîesun, Mes. Alice ( Heur>> McFaddrc, Miss Stargaret Bth ami vsitars Mes. Mary Fa> ami William McFadden. Esxche sge gilts Tise guests galtered lue e musn ceai and spent tbe allercous su viuitiug and remîuîscîcg ufthIe gusnt ohd scbusl days e t tluuby. Tber suas an excisange ut gifts. Tliusepreseutcrresoery Ibat one membr et tise 1917 ctass usas enabte lu attend because ut iltness. Mes. Edse (Rubinson) Crozier is aî patient cn Scarboruugb Geceret Hospitlt Futtowiug thse eceiug crat ail departri les tiseir respective bom es Mers Vers Scutt îcuîtrd tbe geuîp iu iser suce en Ilusuville lue tbe 1976 re- Congratolatiuns lu îles tud Lewsanidtstes Lewsisuonu lise barts uft heiseconsud suc Williamî Derrics ai Miltonu iîstrict Houspital us Tiusse ste>, Jol> '1. Mle and Mes. Wslliam Mc- iaislec eulerined lreeds ansdlacslyuonSiday.lutyu6, lu a happy isirtisday parI> celebraiue Vistrsuwere Strs. Esther Miller, daugbler Ruth and sillau Purteetirld and uhîtdrrc Gare> and Wetsiy, att ut Boltiou, ami Stuart and Frîrda McFaddeu aied Scott ami Annu. The geup gaitisered lue euo seais, and a speciai bîettiday cak lhltherfursnaines of lise iîthday peuple ou il [isese ocre William Me- Fddes and Gare> Porter- field (aged fu, uso Jli 5, 'îles Miller us Jul> 7, and îles. Mcl- ddec, Julsv 8 ý6th reunion Hornby Miss Margaret Booth of Orangevitte visited a t es days scîth her causins Mary and Bill Booths and attendeli tise scheet pienic. Esees Srsttasd Mr. and Mrs.tain Scetty and daugh ter Nicota et Campbeitn, Argytl, Scettand have enjeyed a ttsree cnet, hetiday in Canada cit tieir cusins Mr. and Mes. Jack Mulses and tamity, R.R. 4, Milton. The J. Hitses fatnity and ttseie guents attendied the McMiltan tamity reasian an Sunday, Jaty 6, at the hame of Me. and Mes. Wittiam Sack- fietd, Stestivitte. Get wett cishes te Mary Etisabeth Curtis, cite s a patient in Milton District Hospitat tettecing a car accidentesn Mesday evenisg, June 30. Mary nattered injuries te ber right teg, andi her brether Mark, a passenger in the car cas con- fined te hospitat tee a tew days, but ie duing ceti ut hume. Mary cas deîvisg hec metiteen car but test contrat whes she sweved te aveid bitting anuanimaltonthe read. Mes. MHeryVanderdees, terîtannia Reud enteetaised tise tadies ut Omagh Pees- btran W.A.and WM.S.un Thuesia> aftercees Je y 3, AWARDS ATO.V.C. Verna Thompeon of R. R. 2, Milton wsosn wo awards when she grad- uated from the Univer- sity of Guelph ut Spring Convocation oith a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Thompeon won the Charles Duncan McGil- vray Award for her contribution to OVC as an undergraduate. She was alun awarded the Pitman-Moore picture prize. LIME Tise Canadien Champlas, Wed, Jet> 9, 1975 8 lt's pick-your-own raspberry season antis nine membres percent Mec, R. tieecnridge, prer sdent ofthe W.A. presidei j tes tise business, Mes -M. A Rtherfordted is sciptare remiing ft Psatm 23 ami peyer. Cadsofttbans cere rmadtcumMes. J.C. Maeshiatl and Mes. T. ne Mary E. Curtis, Mtarkt Cetis and Eaet Gabaih * l in spial, wr ob enmmheedNew ï,4e tabl er obe prhamid e The managers cere tu be -C~.' cucsetted t e secure an rstendei cateeing sytem eti tise cemeteey tee caterisg .,- ttucers. The Wcen's Nn. Asociation agrerd ite puy V costseofsaine. t)hseeve silence Mes. CPatteesen presi- dent utfte WMS,pend isg theteary Stewart peayee , flaltacr byea minutes sitence A inmemur o a beved membere the tate Miss M ,ereDuegtas unid me arapaerbythepresidect awoschusl its cerebhandri n tee Vsias prjerc e w RASPBERR'III atready have hes sent tl cou des ird ta hatd a qe ,,ng Maener Inglis party in the chuech hatt au bernies almost August 7 att1p. m. tade tca qcitueorthe sate. A speciat cottection cas tubes otet W.M.1s ad. A speciat speabk- /2La er s t besecredforthe Ior , k Tbocbvttericg meeting 'c Octelier 2. The Nassug Mes. R.Marsbatt cas pro- Prcsisyterîuîî M gremcocnveere ami gave a Assciationebeldlth Bible quit and eeadiîgs meeting ou Tbursda Flltucicg tbe ctasisg paper uithtbrhbme of Mr a basket ut gaudies cas sutd Nris in GuelistT b> auctiuu usis prucerds lu itad Pporen tbe llecer tuci Roltcatt cas itesseritauch wmi aseed byveesand tbe oîembers andgurst isoribetieur A paireoflmitts puloicg Iis, the cas acdrd icloe tise bale as oprurd b>lhi uiîcb wilt be pa cbed in is Keiaiivdy, fio Septembere A delîciaus luncb article -Please. wis servri by thebustess and Some mattees peut Mes. J. C. Marubaîl u n i alise e nulovtol i t euloyed a social bal hbuse ure iiscussed and Abosust 25membees uttie lcar ge lamîty, ibeir relatives ami 'hepoga Irieuds gatbrred ai Ibrir 'ts puom sommer bouse, ltalcyoî cisose for liseS Stiore Luige and 'Cottaes ai readivg, lise lourlisc Ourbe FaIts, on Saterday, 'isilippiiivs. bIbl etiirtde gn tiag Ms hayoc R. rowridgr Mers.Fre Roubinson, William Me- Fadicu, Alice McFaddec, $9. Sterlîn Opsievu. Mes, Harold tarsis, Mes. J.Simpsun, ttelec Vao De Bousm, Rîci Ruman, Francis Ktecsarels, E Raymound Fosrd, recie Riti- macl, Mes. Lîttîr Clarke, Kens l'rond and Stary Vanieuatb $4. Cogauain tu Mran %vdig anvra . 4002 rfl w! OAKVtLLE Pick-your usen markteting bais becace uer> ppuar in the past lec yeaes beause ai ta aviens benetita leesis fruit uni segetuittes ut tht lecesi possibte peter. tts utcast tîme toc tht eus p her> seasen uni Gler ci Mr lene Inglis ai Gtesmur Ferme abtut six cites truc tuce arer eaiy tur tise yerey anstaugiti of picites.Aî50censaepint, the lime and effort speel piciting unes acu truit wcul rmusuttin a substantiel saving. ES as far as te eye cao uer. Farms cer Speyside. Malnieranîdise, lîusbuud slooku oven part ot the t5 acres ot Glen uperate a pick-your-own farni s. lis rasp- ;ready le bo picked ut Glenesar berry pickiug beginntng ,loly 1. fove and lite called ""best things," guvesa se cutly ldy u>y :3> WsVelcu aielsrîuus iris elecro Is ecju>ed. emeeting epresidesîl, isetu us.' the rsuris id a iîrAh s) ali Scriplure cisapler il use tthis usis prayer, An article, Pt hen Suviday Oas S testa> depîrîri a great dillereitre iteer peeseul day ubseî- rances ulSuuiay and thseof thie ldes iays, Tise guesî spýalir. NIS Rssuer tullfat a n ilarr asdsise loik s ahier suisîcci-The BestlTisgb.% flis-isu Ssenrsse ises ii >7irlî Luse sand Ic a ni the c- sup cas iacici type- un 'tee pus-ms aboaut caris siiIlr!t Aller readisg ltse poens, anis vs>rusaI dis vsin ashbru 'setlebîr ssîptes Inspealstsgssfssri.Ms. Stulla trcii lishe rase of lus noutaisle peuple-tir Filuinî Jaissluv lie lamouostenue, sud liele KenlIer, ubuse fle ueit abairuugiti the suie ss-uecl eards whiicis fllourd fluenarli Tiseluve iof a gondisome andigondiil> irlaliossip mabus lue prace sud secrîrt> site saii Tise csnclusiuvonlofise pneusuit LIfîe speuits lue itsell-" sall geuuul, hut never ]ose i Fs rcet -5aue lise ruait s ast ltusýllisetteibss te aiter usas preseisîni is a cure> rup a auc ;n appreerîiuîsuiinoi' in-ii irerstvg tlathe l tessi li as iisaiîed lusithen Irsi» ality VI~ITIP g Thte seasm rustrac .1, in13tAu4$mt Swts lte>U i1 tier>y picheen are deives tethe tields as a teacter-dr wagon t a ait he rchiti,ý liste six uaeietieft thue i availate. )f Location ai Gleciý ixFuets is cent as Sideruso arttffiHisc a> 25 tnthe 1T, If Line Fulltae ciges rv, ieonthe TownLine to thtelua i Locat Ptaygeeucît tiuîtîes hugan Manda>. 16-hp Tractor Gel Sydroslalîc riet hydraulic lift Color- cuded Cuvîruls ani riple-salet> slarlivg A taciet> uf allachmenss ncludes 38- and 46 rssii rstary cocues Rotary TiliIer- Select a 3'2e- Or 6 1>1) tiller for deep, fie serdbrds 800lo iTe, estu anîd oulci to1 7 siic> deplh, 13- 2i-îvit chidtits Revrse gerebacks amay troc lences ARNOLD'S ULawn & Gardon Contre Hwy. 25 et Derry Rd. Miton 878-8121 Julyl12 to July 26 only BIG SAVINGS ON CO-OP DOG FOODS You can't afford to miss these values! 25 Ita. Reg, Value - DgDay Spesial ~ i 50 its. Rep. VilLI- Dog Day Spur ,il 25 lits IReg. Value Duy Day Spes.îal éoDOG FOOD 48-15 OZ. CANS Rugular Value 1309 Day Speciat pur case par catie STOCK Up NOWAND SAVE! iàî,,YOU OWE IT TO YOUR DOG!1 878-2391 BRONTI ST. MILTON RALSTON PURINA 0F CANADA LTD. RINA DOG CHOW 7l50 lb. bag .79 (Reg. 10.70) W DOG MEAL 20 lbs. L99 (Reg. 5.95) :N'S FEEDAN 'LIES LIMITED .Er R 845-4611 VVfy Dot lime forage and hay crops now? The conditions are favorable FOR PROMPT nERVICEi CALL CAMPBELL'S LIME SERVICE R.R. 8, BRANTFORD Bus. 75i2-4981 Ras. 647-2220) Y750FI "Toughest" Jeep 4 Letter Word Jeep On Wheels Namu 4 WHEEL DRIVE - GO ANYWHERE CAMPER TRUCK No#wlao$StockFor IroodiueeDolivtq CLEMENTS MOTORS MLO BRONTE ST. Jua Nati ut Hospital MILTON 878-2328 Hune ut asJssp 3 GOG0 REASONS for installing precast concrete steps Irait Railings la Match AILT4I~ DECORAJIVE-SAFE NIiJ1<JIi. PERMANENT ]jirj~ FREE ýeji PeSTMaTESEXTRA STRONS Ph7ve6Tud3e MON-SLIP PATIO SLABS HYDRA-PRESI Precisuon made under pressuesAOPES ."i ueseSaisaouacd CATHEA CONCRE RESTORATIONS LTD. 250 MARTIN ST. MILTON, ONTAtRIO, CANADA 878-6853 - - - - - - - - - -

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