A YOUNG VISITOR cnjayed the sand mare than the sater an ber visit tast seekend ta the beach at Ketsa Canservatioa Area. . .....: ..... . . ......: c . . . .*.* *. . ..~ .* *.*.* * Active resident, banker Brown leaves for Jarvis Ative îMiton icsideiiiOiGegifeawal>is Brownasaid in a eeet intiewi't hi iic,. iaig the cmuiavaini raiimaaaging the îiniesitiiiihirigv-ci'Siit te Roal anak Seanch ah Mibiazaforaa art-e liimisett it'.,ihehbashes i lia re thevone whajisiditheiiiiii Ses ees iasierrd,amilesnvestnard Aiihiiagh Jarvis has onids60 Ssircidenis ta JarsîcsenahakeErvieiu eiabish ha thiid iday, Biwneaisi cd the mccis iin noay a a,ranch eoincnprdt itn Browna.35,sas scicici as snppîy oatiievea ieiiai ofari i ti te Mltoniaa ileisîsAierCadet Sqcadraa as Tîill ciii melas biig activ iiitheSitton iipiiisi lien xp iîed ihai Jaccis us insaivd ih . linS he Nantissahe devsiapmi nh uIch ise the cia ati fa nen somninisis usithe ti asaisii aorkedias reasnrec oi thieasaiigsrmuttceeita iltaion iesi lia BaîiS( sniia 'pvcivd [nu hi' 240,00 ii iihia i5vraeis Browni hicsu ie iteaiher anîd shiidrena Sas iii naieniecc iun aîi, 14,and iiîae-idi'cV S 'e s elc ie i h is hniidia steelii i iiiiiiiis resdigonsttiuchsiiii'De ,a 6,6(Xiavîiire eaassiuhh s in Istai a fne, s iiS' i iss s rhehiaishimanage ica serionac ampser braches"Bron ai u t 1 hiiike iliiee... aîî essnsssenaisi aîdih imîc ias ii psii i ie Ss iive ana 5aiLIEUTENANT GEORGE BROWN waves te pewter stein presented te îars ini iivi as an hopcn h viisvgand bhaitgi'as esaicand il hinm by Milton Air Cadets at their annual inspection in June. Captain Jîmn ~ sue 9'a s w houi aîîone.Aindersnsmiles nI the nuddett gesture. Great news from General Motors for small car buyers 60,000-i ENINHE LE HERB HIGGS OF MILTON, a generat foreman at Rockweil Internatioalaiof Canada's sprinig tlant an Mitton, retires this year nter 34 vears of service tte hegan in tic i)shana plant ttien known as Ontario teet Products tan .27, 1941 and iransferred to Militon in 1954 when the Mitton plant speniei ierecii cd a 15 s ' ar pin at a pracaitatian in Mittan plant manager t5siig iiiiileý s ssice tasi cîeek, Frcmiclet are l-tckwet's vice-presideat fid cis irui rlsiions HBob \trphy ofiTray. Mîch. Mr. Cnley, lHerii tiiigs andindtialrltosmnger KnMaore cf Chatham. FORD RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM *MON/Pi/\i EOS BUSC/sT i1. ,ASENGERP COURIER PICK-UP ýUBWVAi.01 F 100PICK-UP LOADER Aiosiîîiîi . Fy' e a Month' a Year! anC Check Bai Economy Rates. * P('a 6FFKEND RATES* Do you have something against HEAT-NOISE and BURGLARY? We do...... ROLL SHUTTERS Newcs ia-e sas -'i garacge dccn as s c ALU Ps'Ollc a,îlas, ventd at o,,Ta,y t -r 2045 Dundas St., E., !y Mississauga. Ontario Tels (416) 625-7232 Milon 878-7731 c<nîada 's Ongesi t auà iiisreis ilR,,11 Siiiisev Untîl ncw, in the 1975 mcdei yenr, the toughest engins gaaraatee yas ccîid gel an imnparlsd cr North Ameecan cars ccaered ethee Ihrees yenm cer 50,000 miles, cr ave year wth unlîmted mieage Weil, Geverni Mtcra as aust gane il the et ci Iea cas tcagher wth aS60,00 mile cilive peas engîce guavantes îwhîcheser cc ses frsi), cti es 1975 Chearciet Veqas, and Chearciet Monzas equipped wt a 140 cubîc inch 4-cyiindee engîne deiîaered cne aller Jane 25.1975 Generai Motais guaranteen tothe cwners cf 1975 ashicies ectuspped with a 140 cnbic inch 4-cyinder engîce that aay authcrized (semeral Mtons denier wIl mahe repars, ihcut charge co the ownes, duing the tern i ftpe guarnatas to thc cyl ader block, cylîndes ead. all traaingica caris Be iaheancd ecicauscimanifol ds acd scies ps'cc mada aacessary bhaasse ci dfeccin matessal cr workmanshsp This guarantee isain addtcn ta the New VeBîcle av oe of the mot papulair esc cars sf 1975 is an esea Setter Sac The spwtd sp.,ty Monnza.. stye alnias ecahomy-aad a aew 5 year ne 60000 miii guarantes an ail 1975 4-clisader madeis. Na nîher car manufacturer aches Test drie Monza tday. i37 MPG HIGHWAY 24 MPGCT Te CherltM - a 2+2Htchnk ý,p oip al q ippdt cessiiC ' Ctes andr 4 iii i4 5ne nqre are atreo n sedmn, A c k Warraatii but does not apply ta repaies reqaîred because of massse. negligeace, accident ce lack of rensonable ce praper maintenance. Tis guaantee is avaiabie tc enrîser purchasers of 1975 Chearciet Vegas, and 4-cyinder Cheneciet Moazas a ateracent thrcsgh any Gevevai Mtcrs denier befcre Octcher 1, 1975 AB60,000 mile engine guaas5ntee! Dcc't ake any deals antil you see 5csar Chearciet dealer VEGA Th ci s35 liii cci ar mCcecrniei nc casies a tangSer cacsasty S ceats ié, biO 000 mile s tSai s a 5narantae tram Generai Mtars n anselse matches [nakies for smal car conaceaeace-test arias the t975 Vega Is rce ab ont te same as theaStes-Sut S a t a ltte e 4.Uivir-GHIGHWAY 5MP CT conma cisalc ES esil aaccin sisHc cns yOc , an e ga sce B compa ra nihe a esins ld eCaaa 3s afee ana iIsII 1,-a, rIii saa inpersImpera al- h oermn PýFiha et hi may fac!'s s,cas iicsysa Base travi as ycs.carry cessi liiisîiieiaihes candiliossanS chers yns do Socs irisin RICHAROSON CHEVROLET-OLOq L RHIGHWAY 25 SOUTH MIL1 SMGBILE LIMITED JON 878-2393-878-3812