Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jul 1975, p. 20

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84 The Canadian Champion, Wed., July 9, 1975 Abou#tihetown with Ootores Melanson LPhone 878-3138 Toemaey Shields leom mdal reeetly in ballet. s.lasgwm.ocotlad isuspend- Bteulisheogoout lo hee iug the ummer ith hec oncle anddsurit Tom and Jean Karen Doheeoy. Heslop Rd Shields, 540 Churchill Avec gadualed rom the Rss We hope he is ejoyiug hec Macdonalod chool foe the stay lu oue tous. Blnd ou Jue 25. Alleudîug the gaduation Congratulations lto Dausa ceemanies wece hec parents Odeshaeh, 110 Helop Rd. Me.aud Meu. William whomîtth e euteeiug he iet Doheely, Heslop Rd, heeheaû- yeae a Beocl Uivesity ou a hees aud sslee LDaid, Pal- cholaship toe Envireon- ick and Kelly Doherly, hee mentalScienes. gaodpareets Me. and Mes Deana aso wn asilvr AlonClemeuls oflMitlon and The marathon move Wechangedhuueshspatueekeudiclshaloimust sueely ho cossdeeed a marathonnoie Ilws a] alioe so ogamaed. Eoeevlhiog packed and lohlled coeeectlycecus. lauleuccu',e te. otached ai tapeto the apptîauce oaaich theyhbelouged. We weeto staelPeriday ateeuoon and haseve eey tiug eady lue the vau Oolueday. A scec-upinluthe hooiug arrangements foe ihe recual teocko necessitaleol a m ove lom Camphellolle la NMilon duig the hours flOp.m Fidayadoa.m Saturday. Pictue ilPu yaueuel inoue placehby magiuîug s ocuanouscîng 10 you ere moiug loday eeyhig ofiacicesmisp and ouîithe tiiehit Illcmldulthavehbeeuwoese if e uerecueahîgoiu the middleol theuighlto asoidlthelIaudloed' Like sostug a am Thauk God lue teenageru ith steoug backs and gud seoes onumue As myhusbaudaergaoiaedifeomi theodhouseldirecedtrafficatth eeu Ilsoouk theee luchadste,10mose the sriait aemy uwe hase a amily o seveu)to10lus e cataion, hy Suuday the oumon ece inorode, the frapes ou the uîudoms aud the picluces ou the oals 1 coul ostaod lvîngoutuluiboxe atilgs mgt jltasa-IIb', uhereeheyhbeloug sleaigupagislltheall We nohaeo eeuiaotruck agiuto lakelthe gar lagewe mased iýiiî îathe dump Theecoaso tm to sotloulanddecdeoh aue diolOat ouloeep Il ailcre othecvanod cou il'ss ooeed and eado lo be Apsed oai F omgt ptofathe lm blod my piccols moocil i3 t'mes 1101100 le lîsl sxyeos omy lile. ldo'lhunou'houithcyîldi Inclhse depcessi onda.ssecs were chelpoandllouses lu tocoue bh.If ymi aa'one yoo lîhed 'h)ite oo the street rveeyvouaweui Appaeently my molhec loego ononeaocacsion la tll vathecua-eemovîug hal poclîcîlae doy le crehomelromwokofisd thecplace vacant nduno o-sading addeess! Fle had la lîud out lom o aegh- hue uhere e e! 'd hase lovedtobe in hecsameboat as hi. oauthio aeehesd. tlould have eecgeeal ta aolk 0ilîc lieun bouse with eueythig inplace. Thee's only ose good lhiug lohecooid loe moislg l's a gecal exuseosclceau up the place and tlb cout0 the ccumulated juoli MERRY NOBLE Mr. and Mrs. John Noble of Mlton are pleased to annoosce the forlhcoming marriagu of their daughter Nancy to Harold Merry,"son of Mr. and Mrs. Keilh Merry of Hors- by. The weddsg wll lake place aI Groce Angli- cas Lhurch. Milton, on Sturdauy, July 26, 1975, 0f Mrs Myre Doherty of GLogetoise, heuelu and ai Mr and Mrs. George Clemeults o Mîssissauga and Me. and Mes. Roy Coulter of Related birhday oiohes go to Tomimy Shields,.540 Chur- chili A e,oho celebrated hs liih irhday on Thursday. Jly 3. lteuee Melanono, Martin St. eeleheated her fhlth hîrlh- loy on aturday, July 5. Ateodig her bithday party weeeLaua Lee, Cathy and Tommy Melanoo, Kalhy Stedooao, Jamie Philhips. Michael Bueli aod Weody Melaosoo. Ms Loua Poue o Couoly Wtefod iolclad is iit- ig heeheroheand sistein- lao Me. and Meu. Thomao Sloloocy. Glen Eden Cl. This iu Mes Pomes fheu trip 10 Cacala aod me hope ose is eujyi îg hee stay iu Mlilton, Ha.ppy bielhday ishes go 10 Kevîs Cobell, 45 Fies Line a ho celeheales his seseolh hîthday ou Thues- day ifflsl10 Alice Lee leom Gl asgom Scoland vsitld with hee be- thee aod oîolee o -lau Tom and Jeau Shields, 540 Chue- chill Avec ou the eekeod Aliceooas accooopaiedhby he siseeand beotheeîonlao A ges and fereeh lolmes of New Torono Mais\ happy reeioeuof thAe Aiy oace oshed foe Weody \Ilelacsoooi627 Churchill Ave, whi celeales hec sisîli helhdao os Moday, July 14 flappy bîelhday oîshes 011 ti Paul Shieldo a540 Chuechfl Oie_ hîo elebrales hos lîîeihdaoon011Frîday, Job Il Reosidenofiltion or sthe pool 2à seacoSte or nd NIs, The iouelh Wilson rscoll Ed Ilaýosoki aud lher oasheldaItPinegroseShchool, fomîly o 331bMartn Si BallonBillis, eceuly. The moîaedlthisoweekltolheîr eeu lîsleeuoumwas hcldîin 1960 home in Loodon. OntSte ,hen the gaudehildeen of the ilawoui hi miiihe oaehîug -laIe Raouah Gasticu and oîlh the Ontlario Mîuslcy o Joho Wlson met and dccided iieallh d cogs and heca- iali hese recaions mauld he proesdiovisonîîinsosolesilhi-d aeS 100 îo eaes. Ontlario Spencee Wlson imbu lis-es [le 11iîîsforeaonee of0a on the hooîeoleadi peesided local phaîacy They aeoer t e he huffetliuocheou aod oeil khocîs s ese lheough business ameeting. An electeic chuech and hospîtl a O-oas hadt eco lcanspoeled olîjs-s hbaseen active lu the site ao usicwo insthe hoopîtlauxiîoey and upiîd hy Macoî (FOX) b %%asoa iemhee ai the lieryad olhouyoandlRia hspitai oard Therlreeds isou. Sileoce wmsos eced ishthci alfondlaemciibultfor the cousns oha ad hope Edanod Si and thie psed away sinccîthe last famli o il 01son come bacS in gel logeihe, lthey ocre Goy iL tagain o ouo IsseliJack Pealhersoon'e and Glenn Martin. Sliiseiy olleooois sortis -Theieowasno meeting of omas eucdhby Johoiiy oa .Milon (îiurcii cheduicd Ihis Ria Wilson.oadSailys anA .ekas scceral meoîlucssare Graham Reeve OSles CAS '.Service and Installations MILTON NATURAL CAS LTD. B Montgomery Loue Mlton, 878-3281 -24 Hr. Service \ aielce010 c Salvation Army Il< S&t alan PICK-UP TRUCK éM E ' MENS W ERMY u&Acco Y 202li MAINST50MILTON EVERY ToUESOY 0 , 'c4807 8717-8522 7320 Toolos FboAd, fi . 3, (aillo))VliF .presentsOa summr proigaof Ocrafs forilu Ateioons 1.30 ta 330 pma0 f Mooday th 'ough Fsîdoo 012 pern ma oniiols ciACALe) Chldîcn8 o 14 id 0001 O o.TfITI13 PNR <,JOlWf'VT Dawgad paitig, macrObOn batk.potoc, w00110 Pc, ISABEL PAGE wh Donna Yle and Brion Darccp 878-6020 Reistratineand open Hose Satacdap.Juiy 12, 10a o ) MEXIÇAN DRESSES at the Campbellvillu Opera Emporium are modelled by Saranse Lamoon and Leslie Masos of Campelille. The dresses look surprisingly at home in the aId-time aetting au customers model lhem bufore the full-length astique mirror in the upstairs gift shop. Designed by Georgia Charukas. the dresses were bought by the stores proprietor Ansa Spencer durisg a recunt trip to Mexico. Guorgia Charukas, a lalestud, ex-American pinter marriud to a Mexican. runs a studio where solive womus maku the dresses on hand-tumned sewing machines. Al are coîtos and inut ocf the designts are of tîaîîow btitlîusle luckîng. Much of the work is hasd-embroidcred with appliques and hasd- crocheled lace. A pize acul la Ciaylon Wionu as the odsl cousin peesent ol. arrasyl Ryatas the iougcsl; 10Locua iBusseili Ellîs ai Ciîîîou lac comisg the larîheut. Followiug are the ollîces lue the 1977 rui Presideul George Wison, ice-preco bboslyn (Wlson) Reese, sec.-Isea. Beuce Biesr, social Gienua (Busse][ Cook, Daceeo Wîslecloî Elbhe] and Kay hports Slau oaîd Edua liyol, i. Ocli adBes Wîter ton, eeceplîoo loa (Foui Fealhissloe, Veco iBussellu .Martin; egsrars Gicuna Ellis, Joauoe Wiisou. nîoinîations Guy and Eosce Wilon, IOda (Fisher) and Albertci Iutes finance Lso 'arin, 0Lloyd Fisher r , f ,NêF@TW.AR Wlhere you'II find Milton's finest selection of seasonai footwear' Open Thurs. and Fsi. 'it 9 p.m. 250 Main St., Ililton 878-76651 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS EVEIOY TIJESDAY 9 p.m Gioi.e Anglican Ha ,ýg opeobi O? Pa,,sh Hall Gop n. AL-ANON ALATEEN Do you lace a 'lalîce Is youî parents, withba drinkinogprollcm' driniohering you? Meetî Tilrsaililhi8.30 Meets Tiiursdays, 8.30 p.,,, Gîoîe Chiieih P.m. Gace Cbui.h Pariîh Hall Paîîsh Hall JUl -CLERONEPm[c 25%/ to 500/o OFF ~Z8LSTHANI b1/2PRC RdlSus a cyrOr ss redi BE A SMART SHOPPER S-A-V-E ON A COMPLE WARDROBE DURING THIS GREAT SUMMER FASHION SALE * (ioufl oif (o oîdîîini Sportso Wcos *Bloiuses * Byorlswear_ * Sommas Passes * Hallor Topys *Rogular and Poli LeogtS Dresses poli *SKIRTS ~ u j9j SWEATE RS .$7EACH For Cooler Dops Ahead Rg 0$25. I PIII U~8ut' KWtFUIEXCLUSIVE or Mutoi, LADIES'WA 264 Man St.,Miltan 878-3961 uan Bradley and Runald Fins oece maccied in a double-ring ceremonnpJase 14 aI3 p m. Falhec J. J. Murphy otticiatcd aI Holy Rosary Church. The hridue acied a sterling silver rosary, an heirloonm otloegrandmnlhur. Susan is the daughtec ut John and Lacillu Badley ot 159 Martin t Miltun. Ronald is theusonsufMr. and Mes. J. Peddie of Il Rohbet§,. Milton. The hides siuluc Sharon mas maîd ut hunoe. Hec hidesmaids mure MaryAnne and Maureun Bradley and Patricia Cairns. Theie gomes wece mode hy Sini Vandec- vocul of Mltun. Flomegirls muce Anse and Catherine Bradley. The heuthe utthe gruom James Fins mas husl mas. Ushucu oece Douglas Naylor, Mach Bradley and Kennullo Byec. Follomis the ceuemony a disseand dance toc 155 gamîts tuuk placeu aI Hly Rosacy Hall. Mr. and Mes. Pion houcymooned in Mushoha tolloming a stay aI the Royal York Ilt ei Toronto. They milI lise i Alherta. Cacsts tram leeland Special guesîs oece Maie, Caroline and Clace Bradley, and Brendan McEsay, of Luegas, leeland. homes luethecouaple mccc gises hy Audcey Hluon, Lcuoce Wacnec. Docolhy Me- ('obe, Jean Peeldie, Joanne ST Si INSIIIF [f apeesoniiîoaluneand hii slatiiiiicatoches lice. he should rol authe looe, ooîolheriog the laîîîes mîlh the nearesiueap ind call lac Si J.hîî dîhîll îiic ilgges.iOnioiiccouul oiîulI bciiih inio theopenî SOU VEMIR SPOOINS mu a150 houe "Mlton" $2.95 and 8350 andmanycitfeentsizeso racks to hang them oeil1 C-AGXand Browseý MILTON KOOMINION HAROVVARE 272M inlSt. 8 78-2353 Wedding Finn - Bradley vows Lunch, music, games at Wilson reunion RONALD AND SUSAN FINN are shows following their wudding June 14 at Holy Rosary Qsurch. Suaan la the daughter of John and Lotille Bradley of Milton and Robert thu son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Peddie of Milton. The couple will live in Aberta. (Photo by William Stuckuy)

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