14 The Canadian Ch0 spion, Wed., July 9, 1975 Resideotsinlaltion are recriiogto theerecent federai hudget in mach the samne may as people are throughout Canada, accoediog ta ifalton NIF Dr Franh Phlhrmh In an interviewe this weeh De. Phiiheooh saîd hîn riding offie has receivediiuieeous calit'and letters peoesîîog the 10 colta gallon excise tan oni gasoine. 'ive îaihed ta John Turner and my leloceMP's aboutihis and iiot ofhei are getting the reaition i'm gettiîg. llhî'îsis* people are con- crnediabout ainigto dig dcccr ita thili poscia i tihalot of people dont andeeataod the eaiioaie hehîod the 10 ceatinces and areoitctear on why we hadiaoimpose it. l'mgoîog to expiain) il ta the people of iialtoo That moo't nahe it aîîy hetier hat 1 iliniois cairtaaccepi ance il is expiaiiied.' Dr. Phiihnoh eayn the 160 is afoim ofrevenue caller- 11114 or the lederai goveen- nieotiaditîsnecesnaryi Ottiawa i o otnun t policy oi one priceefor tari acosthe country L o w ville Bartons honored Ieaving church hi Mrls. T.Iiaoshao tins ami .George andMarian 113h LOG CAB IN ait ifaiitî i liaiS' 'llî,i"siiriîas hîîlt hy Aiex Caipbell afier sshom the vîiaîge oil(î' îixlus'll Ii, i ' 2 îîd.iirigîîalv hocatî'd 0<erMohawk Racîi, l .a'im,\idîi'lllfîg'luiloîg tlitiipresetloication iai Keino. 'The sparai'iîî'iîl i 'e lîîsî 15 îîl ufi t 'liniiirtal ile ofîlitc eariy' setler.Thei' 0 t0i ll "7 ,iiî i iulsUr'S24 ib\14 lcei. Abîin thie kitchen aîca â "'- lll, Il i ir;u ulîl'.an 'îiaii,isis 'ii beloso'Tracy Siith. iIa s iifiiwi f h i' i"î un. uîiilîr "iiisthe e iio'ri'iî area. 54YE'ARS Sl~SI1 A INi\ ýI "1J,1 i in uil' (Y5 I 'ii "i liii'gi'll kitows ileins o lîllîlI,' '0, a iii" î le I fii! l(,(] r i lis for rhiîdiî'cîî a Po!' î ' lî Ii il i i lli> Northu Suiîriî',ii sheep 'llir i îî î, litenaystiiecoantey hasn ast oeeded support pricerreveoue ihraagh coniiiied culs ini the aoait ofaitaiexlporteil ta the United States. "Wr nerd thîs revenue ilu heep the prîce foi, oas the san costiei'ountry.lti iiilhrbcusedhnsiiubmie gasotine prîces in Eaîsterni Onîtaeio, Qarercand tie ýiirietimn'n " lians MI' expIa iied. Dr. Philhemok 'aid that oncehle hadlfini'hei tidying the budgetilhe reatiocîl il was îiei'ssaey tii impose the 10i ceta gallon tan. "Ime are goiiig Ioimain- tain or]itreseressin ibhs cunty eare gaiog ta hase t gradnally iniae toeaeds (lhe world pricer li iiîe a a iit trine gradaaliy and îlot ilvernighl Weihai'e tiieînîire luture supplies aod iri is iîecamîsgîmore' r'peisive lli ileodure, (aîadîaii ou moieminey tiiîay "o thil %% ill haverî'îirgxuîîonioitiii lin Suoday foi]tocing the Lake toattiend, Bill and Ethel serice at Lowisie United ltayoad, JataodChack i'hurrh, ex eeyone cas insîted StsDonald and iamîily romn' tostayiiielunch and atime of Boliogton, aino Waiiy anld P o lic e fliooshîp uiih Jack and Pat ltaîes andfamily from Audrey harton îîho have Durham oeee there. in sentiiaadtand. fareacayasl'alifoesia and A UI f I Il ,iuiids lîhc a hig task[but British Columhia, VIn d t amlisure theyisilmeetiil'haesdlay el'ring services, jsI as ihey did ati 1oii'lle havestaeied ai Zumerman Mutfinvstgato i lîhere tacS Oas rierk ioi ehach a730. hee aeoiiiy thîPlic lt ude, ss.sionfoseeai yeaes and txlimorexsericeslaobceheid cvlisna,(s ilvihcor Jackand Audrey hase Sera as the chaeehhashbeen ol ooiis iparansîofiilhiriee ert he coaaioiii fua ie s oal.uh T1111115 Baplîxîî'linrch 1The n goplformrany years ton. finalsev'iceil beheld on 'The i'îiliei' SIli'iliii "hryouitihesadtr missedand .taiy 17 ta mark 1he ransfer ous a miagaziie 'iii ee hard tareplace. oloinership oout of e <ieo 11(jiî"i NIil itlîî S1 heaatitat paîitig dose itrusees' haods otheierustees buisineîssmn iare ,iske'il 1 l'y Catherine iLangtnowasaii'inityhBapistinoa speciai advetisî'lisiiiiîîiei Atlliai iieseted toJach and Audrey commemoeatîse cetehnatioo firetBallson ligiujI, oice lie the chxrch. BilTreeoîîth i'he 100 reoaîmoig servicesandsî 'Miltoni liii'me îindethe presentation, in Juty oilbche led 0in îaeîinigs tiiiiiîiv 111 o iln Juor 281and 291 the ioo'sille Church on Thursday hrîîarv iiiflicii' ilguellîl' lirîden ciaoniicid iheîe re- exenînes Polcer d','. f,. i' (1101ai «% illîsil lireiiill'Congraulaion to Mr.aiid magineisi' iî,ii iiiig jo il() Parkihn (;altowith 750regis itsisKen Andieso hoovire iiîh uîîplicer'luyiliî.î iered 'lie tamshaos and married in Lioilei'huevh orllegilliliiiii Savevigss allesded ieom lase 28 Famous writers spaTo nue Homard Jones, Blty editoe. Moody Pres Lois crashiioni lii ' is iiirthi l (ir a ha m e v a rg et1irai1 Neeiy, ileader's limen't liiyiderixaosont 1,, o ieprîile'fii assoeîate. gale the opesîog speciai assîgîîîeîîî oieîîeitonmhosiviil Itih eIildit addess aî Pension Ma2aa Crase lecein, rea e z in hird i'anadiai Schhool hbographer andîîoseist; o i"vr liai ililiDaid Muntao of Chrstian Wetîng heid -lansei1l, editor The Pente- Je., a Vissenl'in l'e 1970'i Tarxday, Jais i ai Onîtario cotai Testimsny; Doaglas i adlla i uliiîîliv aiiI Bilhe Coitee Torooto. [Hati, îîoseiisl aod prodcer of tRohert 'llîit of I ii Ssii Ic Mrs.Deooi Lawrencero TV. showe 'Dayheat". indlRoberiiiitî',a,1ssecir Milton oas amog thie 112 tRobetDeVries, esecoîlse i 10a 'ia Siliani îlrieî'i l studeîîts eseolird who visepresident, Zondeevas ili'iorih ii,iee Vin>us henefitird ieom the iriloce Corporation; EreCooaed, blih hîspitilizi'i shîp ailS other axpîriag edîlorîs duhel Satsatun iCars ieîi' $1îil mieres aîd meetling the Army phIilcauions ('iay ion Liiaige estahlîshed aathoes and Cals.eon, edîtor manager publîshers o ho lent iheir hlarper and Roo' polishers, talents and 110e in the futty George Bsiîîaoedîlor 'Thc 'ixs pronando s ixtat- î'osîpeehenssîe corse, iîeîog Shatyman", ;iaeýriei)îîîie, 11eerpeetda la r thenovieeslo gohbone asd dîectoaiofinomaunications, 281 di'sosini ofiîiii i logis tiîeîî osîiîsg. Woeid iRelief (ommissioni:rirh îiiiîitidiiîi,'1siîi,îî Letarees iuîlucidiL eslic Shereoooit, 'eaalhoeedilo oei](MoSliîp aiiil]1 Iil eiis 'liiei'î'heaîciierleasdiiecision Magaiesandiissuîîg,iild auîi ou i ,îliîuuî: "lîul eulTri mmr, ilretr of ilthe lî'u i meof,îii, i, l LoleIl 'tahhî' hiîîil o îý'iinig. cne t)aesg 1he haudget dehate [leirSîhinooh toid the IHouse ofi l'iosthaï, "the io crecases in the pire ai ail anod gas. ishite iiipapatar %itih so'epeople, Wilt e arcepted! by ios liias reatistie. rtpec- iiily iflsupplie,, aie thiiapo- eired and oece ouce ii etiîped niithe prores t knowiilisilmut e acîrpiedi iil'ausr the ('aîîadiaii peiiple are iealînlir aîîd gatsy. f )i Phihîîîoh saîd ihai aOile l housing pians are iiiadeqiiatrhe lhiiihx the bîudget del i 'th the preiri prcpî'rtiv "lelieîiaxiîg prohtem i one t tetii ir led hy hath gmiertinirîlsruandlthe pelsate "ertil Wrulhavie tahen inaue ilie' budget Ihal iii in hiýi ýCnsr iil'i'iprrt himxiiig stails to cotnuhoi crase herasi' et the ibudgtr,-lieî'xpiaiiîed Suiiiiiîg oailthi' budge', hr teiei'lealitir" 111 Toironitî,tfiiî(îlune olîheir i l r ilst i il 1v , ac tl'iid hi'pulicu Il on il ui'lliîi'li ui lgo i, iîa l for alia n i l i i1 e M lin () I, ii er Ro il' ilillul s ,Iage r a iid leaose 11l 1 e e 1 i po oîî l ,iîî i l ue 111 Dr. Pilibrook: To explain tax th51 iîad ilvel csitarted. ti(, sud 1he investigation, iead iii the ilPi' 6011rarliets bureîîauîand lvine the ilto lb 11 andîllaion tRegioîal Plice,. hegan in Dteînîlîrand centîd mhthe ii' rrest of theihreer nie inFeiîîaey ['olire madeil the areis hotv alle lih'iev raied the 'lîleolho offce (fIhe olaMacillr St fflime fiel seizer ecords iiiainigsieofrîthe'lisl of oiehliv sia sIh I 2(11h avi Ontrîio e î (11 itied Il iii buiîîi I lie iimaa i ii the mensu Ilui' t peopîcle inii lhî'îe ,uiii'î11lue r îclonilieii (i s, h 611111 iîîg lîîîîîslîîan( te larger erles. Tl'he police ecase ronteods husinessmen vWO0ld er haîr rousidoîrLd slrlnîg arts il they hadont heenilediao bel 065 i 1 w s upport af DRUMOUIN FUELS FUE5L AND ~~EATINO 60 .agrRd. Oi Baore r 8 7 8 359 j Church ~rvic~i j MILTON FIll'ii îîil 1' 's y 'ille Weiîîruiaxlus fEutltieiiat'1l lisi i i i : 4 i s 1,111 planlilt 'li'iti groin enrvmipos 1' ' NEW BUILDINGS conttir ue fopraci cp as [he expansion work ai Mlton Placa progresses. EMMANUEL BA PTIST CHURCH Casrsrerîral StreetMilton. i'astos DeaJ.RArmstrong Sunday, Jly 13, 1975 9,45 am. -Sadaî Shol aid Bble Clas or SOumis. 1100iiOa-sSeermonsGreatlîs God's Saihiaiienn i 7.00 cm.Srmon 'Living ,n the Cîmlî0si" Wedsesday 7 30 r-W-Meetig for erayer and B ie 51601 Comie and se, ic a flen d ST. OAVID'S and NASSAGAWE YA PR ESBYVTER IAN CH U RCHES Rer Daaglas Lowryo Jinîlt Seraves daring Jaly rn Camphellaîllr i a W Sunday, Jnly 13, 1975 Speake ro D.Cowery ,TPA Lr 151 'hlli BOSTON AND OMAGH PR E SBYTE RIAN CHU RCH ES iRevW R. ewis, BA.,BD Saîtday, Joiy 13, 1975 Joit seraves of Woeshp d-nq Jul at diOieagh ai 10,0 a.m (Nosercs aiBoston). SýAur0ev Wel,re o W-ensp WîthdUs HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHU RCH ASlosai aseriblyaof Crs Preveosial Asserribiîrs of Canada Wal.felrd Rd.aadHce 25 Mi lton castor Rca M.Chstesxe Ille Lordsay Saoday, Joiy 13, 1975 Oas5 a - lîStidai Scool 100 ase Moesîîg Woeship 600 pis Family Praire 5vilstv Servaice. Wedîrsday 800 prri Prayer asdul oî lrýdy THE PR ES BYTER IAN CHU RCH N CANADA KNOX CHURCH MIL TO N Rea Prter Barrow GegasnasadChon- Ieders Sanrday, Jaly 13, 1975 Jl lî IC,,,s ', l f Fl'il, t,, iý,, i C i, I t 'I , 1855 17 ' fuir sue ,aI CHURCH OF CHRIST l412 Brîlaîssa Rd West Rilîrard P orsyth Sosday, ,laly 13, 1975 10 00-1Bsi Sîhîo.1 eîla, -,v for ail aavs Il 10a in,, di,)or,, l'Ours rhi and the Lors is îyrr 8 00rp-sPre.ars,iq fvth is 00r FMi LHURLH OF CANADA HALL OAEAGIA Mnain St. ai James sit, 0sOeo t 8lii CHUANGRC N Misîster -Rec W. Crne C5eslîaîs tooti c ihe2 CH R eo.ne B.A., B.D., M.Th.. hrsasiitheeReivthe Ggae'st and Choir Leadler i atiordJsnL5Chrit ea ODncnaWallace Mis. Haroldi Magee Sanday, JuIy 13, 1975 0rgansat- Sunday, JuIy 13, 1975 il,30 a.m.-Beaking Breadt oetF.igl a1 15p. mw sueday SsOooi Sunday, 1019 13, 1975 10.00a.- JointtSericeihjlic00p.m.Gospel Service Tintyvi Knox Preshpteelan ChuinS Wdnesdae Sermon tapin "Pacng thra 8lia p.. Peaeee anti Bie aoc0aa.-HaiyCommunion Ureopenied". Radinq 10 30 a , aAfila Nursery tanililan 6Ait Are Welcomo ta Thaesdae, Joie il 'Ne celcoame the saagregatiim Ohese Sercices 1 0.00 a w R-oy Cammunion af Knto Peesbyierian Chrh Being iaitîd hp iaiih, 665 ta, thear servces. 1 hane peace mth Gad ihraagh Yan Are Aiceces Welioce Peaaanote chaace o time.imi'rLord Jeas Chrli. a Grace Church lillulli l:,[i K0 s ýMR 1! 1 j li i l îcI ,t,',1l!IF 1j1 16 011,,1 'J i i iiA liii;W , fI lCOlO qC i vRl il T'N Ti h 1ifl 1 il tsi 1AMrAl ('5 NDPHN A PublcSeOrvine anooncenoet ina aaperatiiaa aih the Ontario Road Baldars ASaaonîatuoo and the Ointario Provnilal Poline, and his armapaper. "A" cornes close ""C" holds win In a Tuesday encouter a poved "D" team rolled over mach ýimpraned A" squad the "B" leam 46 - B. oaeeowtyisedheaing the ln one ai 1ne rougroest first place "C" ieaiu. "C" ga mes af the seasan, won 30-26. Aqailanli and Rass cambined Bo ah ite, who led the Io da most of the damage wilh Aqadlantis pinpaot paaaing isay leam his quaaterbach ami F.Rs'fets o snot , acared i iztofiaithe ltiat.Majorsa' eeiaeaoss ai teama 26 pota with Johntw wi B.Leigh, . Feeris eaoîîaig ima majorsa ilen, S. h ueatt ai L and R. Kierstead gettiog the oadS AaaniL oti nl w a reaka e~ehaJ. Riesehary for one Set hem <ry l am il al ie a Conversions weee ke' sappiîed by wanain ahd ganie, saeh as aan 0 0lOerie the 'C" saqaad oeyard lune Brrie onthethird dam ocigA sTherooiymajoreforthe "B" noeieupt e halg. aqaad alas on40 yard pass togieapie a and Cao ieom Keodeich ta Suzuhi agala ledho asqaad Kishita with the twa paint ih excelientquaarter- conversion0 aappiied hy hackiag. His favoanite ce- Blanchard. ceiserwan BahTaylor, inhom Keodeick aeemed to have a he hit for a ttalioa 16 point- greai deai ai difficaiiy twa majors and twa coosee- againsi the tighl defeasive 01000 iHawkins and Manette net throao ap bythie D shared the thee icea majors team. itlliteagie gettiîg aima h'ed Ross agai stood ot point conversio. cith excelentecoserage Sacahi and hia sqaad were ending up in6 pich off whieh lotaate tagainothecein and hreaoe70yardsiforone of hia impressed itih the improved hoashiomos. play ai the the "A" team 'l'he "B" ieam homeerer has lia Wedoesdav aight il cas promised this iiii ot the "B" leama tara ta he di scoarage them la theie 'm'prised. Ana vasty im- qiesfor the hampionsiiip. Safety Guide' case up in court this fail Win Two Dogiin Totonto with the Ontaîlo Pfovinciol Police CODR 5 ATONAN ECM FI; .70WN NARFT YE TP V RIPT ORNO(TRNOA AR SONT NL