Pioneer ... Contnued fromn page 1 kind for miles araof, he organized one which stie taught succesofully for manp ears, and long efore there were any other reigous services, stte conducted a Sabhath schaol with such acceptance that etters came many miles ta attend il." One of her ttve sans. Johnson became Mayor af Milton on109. A pparentllp here are a flamberaof theor- inn thal cald armaunt for the tombtone he- iag faand where it as. Il inponsibtettiat Ms. tHarrison once liard an Chartes St. and s brird Ihece Anoîher and perhaps more likely' psiblilp is hal the lombalone a'as tally in ola manner and the one thal oas found was ncvresed for a tamhnone-bot sold a apatio ton for oas a sidewalh. Prom ponrer crmetery? Iltîsalsa possiblenstae an bonied io Mil- tns pioner cnmelerp on ranle S., he- sdeltheP. L.Rbertson plant. This ceme- lery oral la cin manpynara aga and dur- ing sabseqael attempîs la imprace ils ap- mere pndaupat he ear othe Sommen may have removnd tk he r Asni n oaot in disteess. lbraakleaor ist. mmediate The wainginavertical cir- applicatian af o cold cam- clar motion, ai a place ai presatollocard by irappiag ligkt colored maîcial or a oîtboa frm badage oillbcelp ligbt by nigt ia o distinctive precnntasalling ad ccli diniressignîal. race pain. beaf cauacly la dcoraorbaspîlal fac Xrcy F RA C TUB.E S A NI) ad reativeal. SPItAINS Bn sre tu orar paper AHilractaresneectmédical facfeaeaoiibordia prearai ctteation. Bnfare maaî ng a lîppag or flllag. cally, yîîamot spliol [ho break. Usn o0arra con-WATEîR SKIING croiraI sabstilaîr Luimv Wclec ciera cibulil bc mobilizertebr brken bone ta ccivpel cal cacmaers. the case ai o lcg, tbe un Aaaîd serinas injaries bp iaiured lrgcan bcetbesplinl acsiog cammaaaeacr Dont Use plenty ai bandages 10 ski wilh as inexperiececd n nebc om the break. o ate ratii eson rom Spans commnly ocarinng aeasao FOBER! H. FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD. 22 Ontario St. S., Milton (Across from Plaza) The lime is RIGHT The Price is RIGHT 1- So Buy NOW! gor .. cic Jos a r7 shore or Cther hoals. Rememher the 0K signal aller a fal. .hath honda clasped oerr the head" U.NCOrssCIttL'NESS A loan the head con cause loss of cscioasnrss. Nceer acr an cacoaccîcas pa tent aloar Never ]cave [cm os hic lccch Whea cas- ccliv bac bera cche-I laco other injres place im ia eirac earpstion on hic cale wa'îlu bs apper e igdraco aptoscppaalbcm ad hachia ailîrd dightly bacchLoosea bigbi clhiag ic [iicî'cig hy mocilc Patient choulîl e ['[cccaili equirarrdml e Cocaccded '..iiclicciip- Ilead or th clossc iet Si. l,,ha Ambclc coc Mitioc aishes >ouaisa fc ad fan [lied '.cim[cc[ [ccliscc co il i he [ail. kmembeýfý Sf TraditiaaniilI be inierrapîrd tac the firsl [[me iis umr The bcallîcb Pipe Bond Asociation, whicb aperales the aaly courege ot ils nature in Gasgawhcatllad,hos ogreerd la cas dccl [rrr specilpipe bond ssnsnac thie invctatonafaiSheridan Cliege. daeîng the 'ipin ccd dcammoîagbaic inier mrdiae a dîaceda a uique op îorfuilcltustcdy cilbithe eperts. siieicg ii[eelttbccigblthececellentianstructionaof the SPOA fon flic iraI [ficie otide Scnt- Pipe Majar John Cicicica cf Edîîîbargliî ani ieactioacii ccpeccid pîpias jcdge csf ntraclar. afd Pipe Maor Robert Sbcpberrf ho ab ci ar lcd ic pipe band iisacel i!iadcacld ta ils fient aceif cbcmpiaacbip, arrecci qualiîted ic ber ccpccity spipiaflioairciiicaDraa ular Johna Sccilli struct in sacre, trace acd bacc draaîmicg Pîpîag and decmîg basîcic ieS 711ii opea la ail participats woîarecc terraief incstadeîgvingmniryibhery ofmusic for ppesandafdraivs. leivnraoy shiia aif bag- pipe iiayîag afd cafier.tenar ccd bacc îleaaîiîg. Ecnsembe picpiag cîlibe 1caiphasiord as weIl as cola pîpîag cnd drcmimng techniques. Saccessafapcc- ticipats mlirecrîc e lr cattiînb Pipe Band Assaciation Eirîeaery Piayiag Ceetiiicae. lalerediatr pipigand coudeoaiiag, Ici a-8 [O. bciiio[pena l li siccraciai ee mivnraice reificatc haiders a ccliasin 1lerrtef applîcala chohavhoe preaiccai> cciearitccivilaaiciveircseaere Parfiîî paats milstddpthe iterairdiate lbacry cf [masic fac pipes addruivs ccd inter- icedîiae cili ai bcgpîpe pioyiag ccd dciiiag . Aniclermiace certî[îccie cill lie aîcrddita cccessfai participats c hi conclusioanicithe ssin A spcccilcourse designed forpiayeeccho cîiishtobrcîm cccccedîlcd pipe ccd dcciv îîsractara cill bc offeced belcee July 18 dciii[cacaiiigad Jciy 21 25 dîrîng Tbeaeprctiinsrciaea[ccivSctad ciii ib% pîatiîcali iiciiiiiiiclciaiiîdîob- secatinofaaiciar guide particîpants ibccigbcaîsylabusaof iipiagcanddraiviing iaslracliinacltechniques. baccr.cfci par- ticipants ciii rcecîe the Scotish Pipe iiaisaiiii'iianduti *,.aCi'lici Eachaif theibrece oeh sessions iii be ciicccd a l c iofii$t0Accmmoivdationas -1cbeacailabir ci the Frîndair Campcs, Unvr ityofToronto for $22.50i rc mak. KINGHAM HILL ESTATI A CT ON $53.900 FULL PRICE JUSI MOVE IN ch ihs ihre bfrocivbrick hunga a is asioiciir deoaeid andtiaatccaciingiforicca ooncficofeniren [[ccciy cf pac toc a rcariviv ai yuaeiboic.Maure ccci anc tacîrd bock ya rd. Sndaere-lu colO [cir ci eoragan e ira dta seul ai $ 5300, WORTH EVERY PENNY Aleccacif cci ind Scafine 3 bece- hachapi ccci cie- plein ccih beoactim aincektchea. double cac garage, [finishet iaiviy raom cih f[cepace anf i t 2pc csroaiv' Lcatof cencrllent eighbac Ici , ose chosihand shopping ad hasan icaai8Oi ne-, entcet ic cocigogc bAnoaictocdccgcvaucce eedOi LIKE COUNTRY LIVING? icy hic tac sie. P[nioraomto geaminvis 3bed room b cck rancheron an ace imains romissn casîg a Maynsurpriseo iaras iicluiica o idioe ficecriairpics ove staneoneano Ogoies room, r o m a oficie,[andrraiv, water siot ,feezaeand e-ahe-îîb more. Excellentlanapiagoandbhomein immeaclaine con dition. Daorarnita lae f. A stiao 'a-c Jaci efacef stagn900 OWN A BIT 0F THE GRACIOUS PAST Thiaaienicchrickiarvar rcseoiacios3cesc as Il' bnaiial[ rcoaatof dache toc o singlreionciiy doruucg oea pea oairopiona.[fealuilcaoed cci o tsihrs otMMilic, an dgr ai Ecarivoci Cciv pleine-uitfrit [ees ad [9a>5i)pot oc Sor-l, lareccanita r atiquo eeror caftOccn.'iis propryi a ustonnase. Just rnfccef $850 cIo S84,900. Taie o einreiy rite e sn thon il mincies Socihai Mciton ca cuI i iof his c-, 3dceadccce- brik -'tlitds is or 56,0 c MULTIPLE LISTING SERVI Lmokiaa foc a big iamiIp bSeinia nbriieino and [oc coscîcinit and ohat excellent condition this O sorer. 4 bedcichome o n!e' "futies doubepaaod drive eco, o piasiaf i lc[cbna iih aloci ratio fces;a iendy ardpoissianaily fnished rcnccai, ailarge ltadin afn1arOc of ine hcens, Yoa ont be cci (JHILDREN WILL LOVE PLAYING In m iee co cards and pacacoards af [is cocfacvii cc wiv achaac, 3 large bdroomn auallwtb .tao aii sabaadioair ex ra 2 pc, bath, esord packiag spots.' nigaci oaiipapnc ibeocqicoat.Cali loday tac o pricain aoioa s$46,500 SPACIOUS Entaioarf cu i, , c c5abccn hic ci'iacq. Sl brick rancher ceaima e-i a boacticia, 2 acce hcracha rent ot. Flush brocadiaaethcaugouat. caikoat patio d'or rma iabge iiihenand mastec bedcoo to a ccli.t .antar scafock, mcoin lvr ail roi caca l)i wthI'orta c iiiig storea iepiaco Tis custom ut is oniy1[cC od andtboce'îacorcnandivranid aaib rrr.Tis spctauarvaluenmustibe nno be aiie ciaird. Mnutes [cciv Misssaacac$a39,00a0. COMFORI PLUS Iflycaca racc ne aat hrea andraciabunalowaiacoth m acn [cs, icudin re roandaicnicy and ca paf [ loa ib tis hmboiv abacf aircieicbe cansf erra Locatf oihin oaikiaa Odisacîoi boih public ana acoatary ccbalaDont fra.Caii ioday. Pcrie ai sac aaa0 CONSIDER THE WISDOM Oto"ring a brick taplaxnar caiaac nMitoc. Cacit be [cci ho incactivoat cou'ro iaking o, aeii cccvi forafdinexceetorpairSondaor il aknbak s oortae n Aeoclont buy 55,900. DOWN TO EARTH Ys, [hoe gararo s pantd acndgroingin the bock yido th, - -i or i c ity3 e ,orr c kpli i n OPEN 9 'tii 9 SUMMERS HERE! WELCOME TO THE POOL' Reiax on ihe [arge patico ci hic irry aiieaîce Tu dur style imoniaorer hme in Milcans Drset Park Oc ccreo [bre aOea tourbefecoe-c 'c acas, in ished rc raOm ih doubledcool tocaplay i rc a race-o Tasinia[ir andcoacif oad ie acrdwoocd laces ircgh aoa ncvedeyardccak-reccii [cirer ie iOloiy. Jumi c ia cnly $ascii LIVING AT ITS SPLIT LEVEL BESI Thisfinelfaociyhmicccadind -c 1-1cs, ccciof M toco crccbacad cascc.ciii in .c c ge cih calk nt o l a -c't ci i licîcîhed rcc ccciv eofc [oi sel ce cc' 7c5i WISHING WELL Iiycouwshfricaobeca[iia[ aric nacîccîrd 1ac ot ifyoaccishifor a rea roamif iaowifor a trie ae agaif c iscchor anairhcktcheaocith a ds ascee, ityca isb fr a noîmmiog paol. patio. secîca ira cacai 2dXla shed,ad a brick beactitai home.r ieli i c osvtfor a homeithtyca acf [ccc tond5 cao ce colla pecdcofihrsivoc be eoact[rmbhatyoc are lokîicefo Cal ou caos ana dors axoaslî oîait ce oralofr THE VEG[TABLE GARDEN S PLANTED Su luii oe-ai cric hiscounty rc eon arean eno1oy i .Cuntry scor kitche, 3icdraccus- acea ce- race- saodock, aoam grocoitpool anfde-c i e-cee Asking p[dcc ..MO ,050 JUST LISILU T3atcfuiallidecoraicci ide cciii ' qccic e ccc arc , 'c.c ccncho-e bas cii,, ic,h ' 1 Gary ThomnasMgr. 878-2366 V Audrey NeweII 878-5339 Bill Cure 878-4944 For more details eall Waren Crdwfoîd 878 7487 Muriel Dubien 877-6281 Joan Johnston 877-7210 878-2365 àlor.LUne 826-1030s aMilI1 o0 CUSTOMERS. Large ccc 7 lorey, a berrace-hoeO hiltC piaelois. iiecibra garageci ci"t i ic o l ra dccciipaymet.-2e-ocihs p-sacss Oc i01 P[OCEN'l spd î5 UAOANTESMO Calci ALIPO CONSTRUCTION LTD 853-0190 HWY 7 EHWY. 401 Lmited Realtot LAMPI3LLLVILLE MINI PARP Sinlcargorgegc icepacoe-ib h hatalatc daces firoem dcrng eooiv ta patio, 3 largo ae larek ic 'rc ieclîdicu fidgo asf ccii n cai;eý uiv ingro'c xeletwel dci iis ce 3 primecrso ariavioofc aluiucce cinra aoebarn octb tull r cIli in.ofcgcare achiry. Askina n7c '90ovibh ee-s Lau Je- Watson ATTENTION PROFESSIONAL PEO Prestige Ltate Los Oui WSSoded Lscaupriint In MlI *ci JOciiinefoe- Tranto Cir, tcmin biccamoaa ocasl 'Oah LiS îLE CORNEROf-3'T1E WORLU Tbceocresbarn n a cb incg bomiecth cinb pors i ut i cifastina eatiicl vcie location. Soi 100cr thecbcnii ont bast eoa oco cea pullintce [iv iecar, yei anîrfii [O, hihway inesectionn.axcllntiioni de tigtftotand differeat. Goot [mnancia sic.oog. Son i saoýCalCouMrscabott 639 33 c BAYLEY MacLEAN LTD. R E AUTOR Fac regstration and frîker informatian, contact the Sheridan Calirge Caatiaaiag Edocalian Dvisio, icahaîlie Campun, Trafalgar Rd., ai 845-9430. ShbridasnUciiege plas la aîdify soive af ils courses tM caivpl iîtb fturce praie tios Ietdama darîag the iaae-dcy Second iececclbAssraibi cf ibheivrif Futuîre Soit bid in Washinigtona.C latwerh. 'Alivai2,M)iiidriegcles rprcaratîag mccl caîlira c f the caria ram business, cdacatiînan d gcaerraient (i acidiagfice cciv Seridan Cliege i gaîbrerd ai tbr caians capitailan eirra bamlbrenal 25 yearsaýuaifcfirccvorid faiicrcincth crcc ai eccacivpn, faad, cescarea r opuatcion, eccbaolagy and edacatio Jach Qicîcaier acd Strie Arccp [cciv Shridaarrpresecîrd îîît-îîîo [enaec [dacatîca Dvisioa, Robinî Kng ram ['batageophe caîd iSaecOiveîacd Barry Ross r eprescaird the Techaciaga icicion .1.1n.Tîîtflee Esperîs ia tho fidsaoiftlrîclîc reearchcad anacysiaccwiiers sacocs Avin Taifler, acbar af Futurer Sbhocafd apecîilgarni spaersens cidng U S ecalar Edacef M Kennedly (Maachu- sellasi prai idef siiraig [aiha, panel dis- cussionssandaorkhbp sesions. "Ia ardor [c [inter prepare Sheridan stadeats e ar acid tIsacrwa citcache v ,Ce Confit macdiiy rle cur courses and pcîî[rcms iîghi iii prijeclcd trends iv tc a icif ." c.cid Ouia ci e Theeondii iiaci alSheri- daniiiiiiicgc comeiacir SebacI [cii iii the gîocîîdinJl ',i-thianiciccîlsina.siirl ment oflgcicr.aiand specici [[rics ifor i'pii'i ieo l ges A liar ofdcoursesar [c iickugic inis ccr a iiipcicc derîcaît l'ie Ciicciiigiiailicseci ch cil:lasciýa riiii ii' iiieofrd big 11[i heýuILnuti spiadea pii iii î'îîîîdgýccouroici -oiciues, cliiiicg ES ntncu psyciiiaiie- s fh i aec cr5 an t. 5 co'oiac bn Ipah.cai,.ac eia ,hR p FIST ccii c ole bascaT. 'Ssicicaci rcisi pl'itiipis ['[ci c Anlis, ccr-a sniainihe .îbic OR IRS ý ilice \iicisiic TAa icpncriioialiicirlars i'iclscc egoi bstaiiicai thicccc iie îcuîbc lepccciii informaiciitionlii [l ,ractiic iileccjdzzcibcnd D. il n c ia ici8- .c I nteru-aa c.iiPc la' riccicli la ,eiv liic hli, ii cccccîcc 'i[e [ý 1 hi' ccc til, pcuîcîo '--i i lc c, ccciii tue> c thi"hc'eciiipfri'cc c aogf C lqi i [ iii i c' ililli li ci eccroa "' iiii iiiliiidon afin!'cils ccliii ccc ccto oean i c ericici li he i cii iic i cilil-l ocii i chc icicil ii c'ltudeot 'ccil tju n lic cci os cc 974cce 7.b5,î île bebin ior si6 8. ilii cpc u cii cci['hilecccthe cuccccicc'c cciic ebca ci y$600 damage IFS cccdcaiottap 25 iiinorlb cOg o udllc. 401. 63 Ai1972Fordmttiean by A lan -ý,xn w n a,, S flicai cot a 197.5Moarcb driven bv Shirlcncttla,2.8Parboay o Dri b., Miiltaon e ciardve 1 Milton 86. REAL ESTATE 1