ïke &u1U-bÎêU a Volmeî114,ts.i (tapion MILTON, ONTARIO, \WEDNESDAY. JULi S,1975 S. S. teachers ANGRY JOYCE BLVD. homeowners finally got ted up Monday and called police to stop persons from dumping refuse on s vacant lot at the corner of Wilson Dr. Residents said theyll be a lot happier when the owner of the property starts erecting a semi-detached hoose on the site. [laiton Separate Sekool Board bas keen onable 10 conne lo ageement wîtb teacbers in ils enoploy and oaiaryanegoliations bave broken off Discussions ili continue in eptembîer. A preso release leom tbe rckers indicaten the staff will continoe e looik ndee the agreereetokîicbexpires Aug. 31,.1975. Bsc salaies. teinge benclits. retirement geatoîls ciidit listed OId jall s titi in use No date set for new jail White replacernent of Mlon Jail continues 10 ho on the priorîityli, n o stîrnale otmken the jail may ho te- placed is ottered ky goveen- nient olîtrialo. Information oliror Rich- ai-d Flemmîng said il mas the Miinivli-y of Coreectional Sec- viîces înentto replace tke Mîilton laciliiy oilh a nom centre aI the Maplehorst coîtples Theltiming isoupin tbe air. Wr have lots of other institutions. Thats al 1 can Say. y, Avked mkatiînstitutionn and lîom ioaoy preceded Milton on the piorîty lit, Me. Flem- iih05gssid be ddnlt kno. "The- decision io nol made bei-e, il ns made ai maniage- ment board and cabinet. Il mll bedoncemken theloods ai-e aoailable, Fiee yearn? AI one pint the taciliy oas to bereptacodîin 1975. A ie- cent grand jury report sdi- cales the replacementisin i sckedoted loi- ice moi-e Me. Flemming saîd SMilton mas a gond insitiîon, o m pared tasorteDon Martin, Acting Soperiniendent, ai ike Mlon Jail saîdkecknewofolno delînite ime loi- replacemeot but suggesled"Ihe imoe keepa gettîng loetbei- aoay eacb ime oe keae. Asbed abootthie urgenof î Bruce St. tower goes to museum A ni- oroe han beon feund mkîch han a na vvhioe bi se for telne hel] toer mhich anS roof, ihoin fase shape Il bas heen standing sadty stands belmeen 15 and 2ii fmi bebnnd the ton omo-s garage togbý For ovrcaceolury il evrsnethe oIdBruce St.had sat atopithe old school. chool oas dernolished. The blach ochool bell]utîuch Toms Ciech Javk iedoe hsd infthetome Sîcîliachie aîd Toesday ikat nom roits onsoesuppc oîurts ai tialton Region Muneom of- te mai nenirancv nol hi- ssii ficiais hase ageeed 10i accepi Milton liîhary, ski- oereenovale ut and ,Me. Mceachi- salA th- isalil on thei- uoeum be]isnitpartiofthe-uiral and psioperis ai the Kelso im ili ernainoai the fbarv Conservation Area. The iihaeyoas but on the Fair shape snte olÉSe old Briucc Sf Thi-liige mooden iomer, chool. Marmorite Products Tii Colsioyeaes ago 1I (Pn)Lnscame tu Mlton iiom tllylie landedîi owm oit lb lisedollars in is pochel bielileld is tisI job in Canada 0o1 lave Sargents chichi-o tari-nv soîhîog asa hseed laboi-ee Thuîioas in 199 tand oos26 yaslaieMr, Lonis bas retlui-ed 10 Milton, liut the days oflochog ovckîcben laeîov ai-e daysofcIthe pasl loi- Mr. Lonis i-i-urîsi bis ime as the ooîii-iofan ambitious ndostial developmrenl Olîis s a cdivisiov ifLlido Plasteing wilhi-adquai-rers OilI geon Pi-odactiov ai tbe Mlton plant gol îiideemus in F'ebraarylbut the oioay is slîlialoîng waylromk eîng in fll vwing.Manager Erec To/It freeý to Acton Milton lelephoneostomnees wîlI ho able 10 caIte Alon enekange and Aclon ras lomers wmut ha sle 10 dial Mlton and Goetph al mthout loi eharges-in 10f more ays.1 Bell Canada introdoces te enlended Oece Pllting 0100se Salorday, July 19. Miton currently has Irno- ay local ralling ith Bringlon, Campbellville, Georgetowns and Okville phones. The basic motld rae forMilton goloers il1I 001 change, saiS Bellt Telley aîd ihal thi-planti loi Seonie SI.0110005i--5 lsîsel0 squarie leel lbut plans sai l fo the adldition il anoolbi-i16,iO09 square eled TIse i-osi-ei pîvys 12 mesnîisim liti hat conîpletîsent s especîeil lis swtoi51or.50s-Sly i-is ime seul si-ai- The Mlton plant specîalîoev tiii hree lotseli Une uniqutoi 1Mitlio is the gard en aes-hitectui-e fir- nîtoi-e This losolves sontie 100 dilîerenevdisignanîd otOiyi- olcoiciee vase-sisnd figurines. The laeoîlure- ,Inades small satuettesv, bird hilhs liomei-vasev anila iode oari-eiy i o ries Me Teiicy especîs 10 add anotîhee :3 vaieisnx year. The film el l olb il the piavi anA îbeosîgh ri-cli dea lei-v Me. Tstley daims thei-nî sone ofthe .idîvl lbth ca/lin g J111Y 19 Caadas managefor tbe e Oabville MilOon area. Ws C "Bill"Barneo. Hie toob Mayor Amiei Macrthur of Milton and borner Adtos Mayor Les Duby nom a Hallon Publ coonicillor, Cpreseting Actas) thogbte Milton swilchisg rentre Iis rneeh 10 expais the changes. AflerJuly 19, calls belmeen Actas anS Mlonshosîd ke hasied as s local raIl-il wonihaeScesayIdilI10or the ares ,ode efoey0ou iat dmt oumber hoe eplained. the i-epacementi. MrM aritainii Sillli tell liei- icpiicîiii-ilt said, Il's ol bhal urgent.- sisiiltalllbhaiii-gent.l'Ibis iCrani jii-yreprtsave e- i ii lui-e hie lan on u pisiiidly codei-nthii ie ci- thle-s- ilGrandoîl .1 iii si- tr d aiiîiY Sol 'Ir.l heni a . THE OLD BELL TOWER trom the Broc-e St, schoîl bots beenin i biîg aI the lomo oorks gar- age on Nîpissitig Rd. il î1f3ygoi 10 lallîii Mus- evrn, Keisiî Those stumbling blocks have pievenîrd a selilement 10 date. -Suhstantia5ly tess' iln Ik o te cicent settleitients reacbed by teaces in tbe suoeeiniing boards. tbe tlaches oegotiating i-arn 000001 ettect a settleovent aI Iis ime as bitard oIten aree ob- siantialiv lesChan eille- mens recently reached with Hamnilton, Toironto ai hi- prisinlibhe-s teacbeev ai-e $10,f07 îbth Tbe public came t0 agree eicmenlaeya school Leacier scbîml closing package milI payer an addi 100 and eepr ciease o33 p oidnoo fisliocalitlon Pohblce lîoard m lions biased]on eîloca lbThe cil-conti iseag la ssiaes a nd olbec sslacyfor 19576 folîrîîur homiounity1 lions ofemplocoîîietae i olîlc sfîool cîootîi-arsîin oPagrB-1 s s siumblîng bhocks [laitoîînîif lie $15.047 sihifi- ai Siethe leu Allan Camer( singer on Paat Likely inquest W -- into Kelso death An inqet inoithe Jne 20 dioning oa 12year-old - 1tfamil ton girltitheKesolonsercvation Arai-mming pool N wi i iiibly iîrtîrld i nataolthreeeems, insesligatingcoi âM-i - - Dfr. Ivan H0001er of Milton saîd tîn meeb - "I is probaly bes to haveoune and ciear the air,"he oibd- TheChampien. Atpreslime ho mas stili conlercîngoîtk the ivstigating OFF oiicr, Consi G.Cl 1 rs Nadia Bianco, mhomwas iib a school group picnîg at Kelso Inmarb the endo thenshool yeai-mwao polidlfrorn the - poo ncomscimusShemwas pronmuneed dead aiMilton Dis- tici Hiospital and te aotopny eveaied deaik by dromnîng, There mece about 25 people in the pool ai the trne and Ikcee litigoards mere on dîty. G. Kerr rejoins Ontario fi tnWes IPGo Keri--o xpn-cied linrejoue hi- OIntari-suisabinet as Solissitoi clnr l , ,sloisuu g an an- nonoscruuurof made- hy Pre-missr WlliamîîDfusi s Min Kcrb adiicsigniiilbuis cabsinietpootl asf Feuîari-s ulinltivmoin ta i fui-n issus bhai-nig oflthebHamîilton linsiu drdu i-ugtri-al sggi-oli-l sa5$1,(M couins bulionhsd lis-i-smiasie- uf is chhi.fchi1n i,, uchlril loi, mes, aiiuile MSiluiui Issu l;s i isgIuluiisivi-o Isuui-uuisesisu-nepui-cha ro i eaurs ic isl th aI ulu- ishs-suigs llontiîsed on page 3) cabinet Il tril ended i Hmi lon fi-ii1î-i-b andsiltSi ustic i, iý sI i-vscMrteKerrii-ýsi lil%(]eiiîiiîiyiîlîi-opii-l vn i orSKL:ntI tan tlegiiiail hisbci- cii-cl roundîîsgîîîlly ioii1lîcbar iy-soi I-aid. ciospiraci sM1if Lit iîriig Oiehesîs lic l Con Prne l )iasis halla i-liFehr a Sý,Iiiii sii Ig t ,les c hici-ha ui- Mr Dîgbavstla o e lî btl hi- suiv s us- taiiill( bî-îîuglî il 1) ti sii gi ovI Isu i . l Ii laîii y.ris i I înd ils c-îllî-agus niigssss-îîsîîîî-î i- K ier sîîîîîîîî-îîiî- l i Febroarv.-IlIc as iviIi îlectin M3b. Liberal ticket Mayor rumored as a candidate Pages 15 Cents Milton Mayor AmeMa-Jhsnt ereti. Arthur is once aanbig Dwislvsi co n rumored lo be a candidate on Johnson hado tfrom northern a Libecal, ticket in the new Nasoagameya. Johnson os Ilallon-Burlington eiding oeill known in the cidig as a Seveci monîbo ago the calepayer acliolol, lcith oiayor declined an invitation special inlerestsin evrn [room Liheral Leader Rlobert mentalisu. Nionin ruellebat ended rumorn that the mayoe may attempt 10 slep u0 t10a h ighec o t Sînce ihen hoinever, ruoshave heeo eeneised - Ina tetephoneinterew othe r t r î r mayor moold only say "I e u n g *cpaeate sclsiol haven't icooght much assai e eaîîoîng an ihal. Otte mould oeilhee Itarama balînono have ge aar oldi-clioc nor suhstaoliac the floitld as feaira NewnYork, raeslnote0 umes. lOkio, and Pennsylvanîa and c chiiol board Julian Reid ofNoeoal isthe dozens of tags have been ement wilhlthe îinly Liberal ho bas piicly reloned 10 The Champin ond secondary declaeed hîsintentîion to seeh ivillthe hopes ofisinninglthe ýesjuol prioe 10oloffce. Mr.SReid is a peo- $115 peine. iin dune. Thalt essional acloe and tor sonie The helium kflled kalloons Icostbheltas- lime headedop Norval's oeee part of the Rotary lina îooo- elst o keep tIbe comminioiy Ctab's Rotaeaooa held Jane presenLo aen i-ochool open.2-0a îlnli iono per cen t GMdinaoeneido on Those iobo booghl the Gordn bs ben nvied u lloosioro50Ocentsoare eoîifoe office bot bas said be elîgîbie 10 min a 10 npeed kike side oot atlempl bigbee sIlice il Ibeje balloon i eo re doeingitheoneoieecion. leonite tarltteol distance. yDay is covcced ttiton-Boeiington lots- The ronteot endo Joly 19 ecaticro g ave eleiseniary and the mînnero mdll ho aloi-e on.Jobn vebool principal Gai-y annoancedly 22.Distane eron, 005101 soi iloobins the nod obîic the iv jodged according 10 the e5B2. rdng NDP cbo s il omark STEVE RASBERRY holdo a tombstono 108 yearn old which mas found dvîrîng some dîggîng in the hack yard oS hî Charles St. home. Early pioneer's tombstone turns up ofl Charles St. i e ltîsisîî-îl110iElicabeth Ilariwil, (liaiteliSt i Iai lotiiis mis-i led1 is-las i Tdanflis haii o-ine1 e dliS-ccl;,,- lis-i-ccand i, in hiivsigations havesi o liauil i, dûtebi-ie set ciiiiflicishe iiaihshc1867ilalcilc i l- F hile ilcIaisev ipicis i iîîncal lîabout Mr la sollaeoi,îislisoical (hi ai il Il, il iiîs lîsand îIl e h ssii su isiiiîi i- Ilkl-iiIlanh iîllc v sos Accorisîîg 10 ihi- Ialloîî Allas ifI1l7is ic. anl Sus Harrcisio l-reiboiin iii lad ete nLt12, Ni-o Siii-ss-, 1ra-sl gai ini 180. aî1id is il le irs o e ll partioflthi- sitvie 'lliecorîsîd îin the Atlas e(,i *oa tlm% \l(ý ca"eynou (iia la - isIs-Iirs-cîîs atiisls h iil îî i- l s lisldla ihîssselfiitheîrooflandl llooe il hisclifiscs, yhal tuisîlit and lhi-sibss ilum iecigs. andlisîcocc fladiia I hIicicilîsofiliaîoi-i-s siurcclsiiip oflircsl iii miii 10 situ -us loay ssfîa of thi- i anidlsis aisi j, tthe v îîi sîlîîaî s sel- 1li S sN" 1ai s i isi -ooîvaî th ioli-iiiiiii-si o hesa, anotiliShe wor0 - - il narslsh.î-a s aLitle s or-sbîooî if ifsflktic slfîîîîîîîof lIa. gliîoiic neday andiiisuiglhv cand îivsliiiiing liii iiiigliloivini tlis ake ohi O)at sils in s ^c ai liiOSi 5 51iîtoooockoîi -( sccca-sali-cciîicîiglis country-c Si Hlarrisoni(licd,(iavi îîg fils iiioa'mi si hiilis-ii.thi- leh-si îly 17 ceai-v ofage. bulsîîîslsd of sîccîîmbsg og 10 um sluilics, shi linaiiiylîssîglîl îî lb an vif- lai h i slîlfîs-o ffbcheilsialioni.and nuli îsot' Iheîlamili, SsiI thecahîilc îî-gbboc flocdîcllîittd lier icipîscî-îaoce and i-ssiigi- lhi-îiirc-vcs loilasclioiisi(if ay I ii ed îsii-Io paigei 14 Ruîli'iullaIdtfn 1 ha t high bid stili too Iow 4 Anattmpt o sil n an ('cmi i-sfenton h l 'oi aî fliîbely hi- ollcred uniOilbidn n ad acin lc.sal-ihrougk a reallor. in iltn n Jne 5 as he idtopedoîb c hidis -155451Blair ofItlb laa faied-a rsere bd n te eterd b LoisNadalîn and Sîîprine Coort ordeeed ýW popetyestalised y te AureyRicardon, bout of pcaperly and building sotî our wa highe thmathe tobîgbt publicaociion, onder id theauctin. enoVh toeatt eseeve id Mechanics tLien i îfIlocpîsehqiprnthelf0couodcînte a 3uft isgnniiaches TOLL-7REE CALING hetmeen telephone sub- area nmanager Bill Barnes helpo Les Duby, one of Scacborogk mas the top Constrcion LîdîgiKBar ceîos imitJ Zand scrihers in Milton and Acton will begin Saturday, Actons members onBHalton Hills Counicil login bdder athensale, handied by Siltiornaie oneconimtSa Wison, Industriai Aur dAopohesman for Seison AFay and Son Limited July 1a, officiisofo Bell Canada announced this the lino that oilI bring about the switcsi. TIhe hoes, Milton. Compat.o and Saines, the Iam lurin 0olher conlean brs a week. Miltons Mayor Anne MacArthur gels set photo was taken ai the Bell switching office in rîpresentativo Bll Filsilel tlaion Hilo bandling te nipplîecs. Hallon Paintz to try the no-toîl service while Bell Canadas Mljton. id $945Wmhon Hallon Paint proper-is sautdthebeuildtng Coîîtiîîued on page4 lion the Act, and 1 q.