5Oth anniversary Belters enjoying retirement here ANNIE AND JAMES HOEY of Cambellville shure a jayons golden wedding anniversaî-y. Esir and Franb Beler o Misîoere lelsO ai a sup- preandishiedsg". asouer guerslpatit ae5 5-idy nighl lu husne Itheor guidon wmrdlîg aeuiliersasl, Ahouti 5o persuss allendeil the roas hef isers aiLe- gîue s-ssi, and Mayor Aune Martrhur cas presesol lues- tend Milns coungratulatious bo thecouape. The lCriseslise in acosy houose wihubhaoks ussîl the SixeorsoMite Creb oh 133 C'emmeriai St.They ssoved here ix yerare agu aler spesîlîse hese meehîng lbers inMosrral. A son, Abert, and hîs o île Lnda loor cîlb Iheor leur chldren us Mlsisde Dr. lie s alutaad diemaker atP L Robhertsun Ce, Ad îaeglîler Mrss Elsîr Ceoh, ase lias tnue ohldre andtîcvs insMnlral. She is comspiling arransgemsensfor aiootoratuss eslurekeid iii ha'il ot hîrh the Blollss Biliboard of family photos greets Hoeys on anniversary hb Cery Faherty James iluey ni Campbell- sie cas eaciug unday ssrning despile 1he rasny and coudy ceaiher mhoeh threaened todampen fslivs tisssuruusdsng the guder ceddng asssceesaryn l3îîîs andi hie c île Annie. He bha hai ear trouble, but Suday hewas smiing assd teliing everyne il as the hca oay healh-cse 6e hue hartial oneg chsts ile Asis agseed, and the cousplesas rves hy her sonuso thlss uthe îlahsils Hluidav Ius chere hy esu jueed a lurhey dsuer ailes- Orsi hy u80guesss I,alsr on 1he alisrsuus, lhsy piaysg hsi su eicesu 310 and 400 visiurs atan open bouse is the sasse hbul Sisise visi55 Snce guesrace ruc as far acayas Vanouver,ome- ladîssg James' sister chu i nwMes, Msnîie Mrcralssy. A isaureuof the esesîl cas a large itihard cousasnssg phuîugraphs uf acoly cechersmwhîchmascmadehby sosurolherrchiidren asîd leaohed orre lu 16e holel. lasrers lley, and oîlr Annie vhuse îsadrsnmei Smolh,osereheshhraised in ')iiiîty ,hsîiroc.a mrtm coocsy uf Orheru Irelasd ahich osoldes Belast. .amsssaurle ( asada i 922 and Annie luiiumed Ihreer years lter They ers- sîareed heein1925. Jamces saod the seacshîp Monreai ias 'a greatlun0er ,,lh îdancing es rry ssghl >003 lae oale oitshe shis- Sauloiceergs But the susage as oeayed ho "auflticebergs"he Annie nd James isd for uost fher lives ons a Ou acre larnitoaled oie Tra- falgar Buasi eluees Druc- îîoosîasnd lioruhy While Anos carrA lur the sx hodres andî hriped walh usigiheiarc, Jamsoossialdng aon-s 00000 130-d roitI, i o-oog o rmhch esîpoiysd -40 A.T. MOORE NSU RAN CE C AP PB E LLVIL LE 854-2271 FAY 9s ELECTRIC COMPLUTE MAiNU 0NO N h [ LECL1 Rit ReN OLS 878-2048 s-e-s- SIMASO persoss alonepit Jamsresaid halos 192.1 lho ioune thelfirslito 9ge trscks n the forerTra lalgar tuunship lie reraltrd hal ho huught ach s-il teruck hassîs lue $0108 and lhenîeonrul odrs grainl bxsoie heso Eah troi-h couold car'a yardiasilone- hall ofi grasel. lie saod hs coupasi holt -gssainserslpost oicers- eserslhîng, aud 0,e, 100 huuses. Made hblork, it aiso oprated a graotel ii ini Gorrgeswnsm herer %tu soade wei eha h lachershoppeotin oui Thecoumpaso 0,00 0one ii the coslraolors hobiing tho Qases Etizaheth Cai isnd James said ils tob Oas 10 pour the fiîsshed cuscreeforte h uveine srelrh frountliroîso Bidge lu Freroian ornîoerr lie laire solthe lloiin.oi in sectionsooheîo lits hîri troohleshegan oadoorhri o, a ee ispectoîr foi, the Tou riîiri ()ai l h tt or 1t1iN ars T 3e oe ot,- hoGuets-h ýia go ,ireio,iotorgisîand lîhoîo022 granîdchilodren'nd our000gi eat gi ,diiiioiiîrri ho aoghtere are Mis Mi-,oiiMilfordof 001 ihioti Ml, lutth Iligilesof ol sonîgofoIl Rti1, A tn0 nd00 i 1 ,ooîo i loh, tIli>' ,'Igriiour.îo alo ho ooon,ho ott i iig lhe f,0 li.. t. ou i li, ,1, 00000003 i ii , t lis i a Lýigone he w îîo h î-îlo6.îîîd ton hiffleangae o ii o., ler t 1 l iii,, il ilahoio ie ot 300pu0t ao îri an vi-to iditra ine 01,00510f Agaîho. 1Que. a ssîotilni e lioorenîîlossMoutainseffl îtoîîîrlh of MoulreraI Ther lrsi pigeon hack lrum Ste Agahe oas the iiser. le saod, andlthe averageltitre f0333theî ltghl as aoutoounieo hooaos Jmsis ad thetîiîgslîr %%s2 uehi t hat 'a3 goootpigeon" çoîîad rloîlo honte, rou en 31ostc,m .1,minio i19.9stipe*oiseitho ,hi0ritof to5 Hlsint 03 (iley ioso-ar an,! 0shiy Th, iiltoii'rc -Olîlîd ho iii-- liofoit5 oliogtooav Jlamesoirs 0ahorhro fanand lie loireu oî aichiug Ithe hlari- 30 loi)etyîoidedoy1t05 a dre riBul he's a liltigroîlpo ablout tlhsshjeol. - 031,-i the irais %r i,,ý,,]i-il,0il1. 31stlsrot0tho so îoîe Iokshave i red bvi oril33luopes-(hleuli li logisfr lilommr ao uil ho guesis 1o hunr. FoankbBleier cas iormerly employed as îîghl orumas ai ho huge Tesaro Casada Lsd. reliiirry in Maelreai East whrrrhe orhrd for45 years. Elico Belles corbsd as a hosescîle escepi for 1he pes' iodslrigltheomas'mseshs mas as inspector ois a delsea- tor cap assechts ise aI a munitionls pant smsh of Mou- They mre married Isn May 2, 1515, in Mary Queeoi the W5old Caihrdral inMosîreat, aohîslorî structusr oated he onsan Calhîîlto Aroh- biîshp. Hlappy iu milton 5-sie cou bers mîlh o Wilt- shirermaîdes sacs n oCristol, Esgiasd, mhlr Frask grec op inMasu Qsrue.sheiOtt- aaRiver, Bush isf lbem leve Milles, asdallursîs yeaes Franh 5h11i 00Ioe ai the oayisidr grri raoh oher ohie sîrel inîg a iesg MainsoSt Eltsio. Who says "thrpeple arc jus1tnoy' ite s tho 1,0i yiofher iiaghlîr n-aw arivn in îg sMitiosalere tiving silor going sot osereonsus onheo irst day ers, Esîr -oi hoaoghlere ]u e tIrnesd houýmedor aid '(toos,an cia-ha' s aresg ilhipropeoup hor Aittef thriare salig'hi'and hoo aieryosolhos mrsiisg' ihe Sellers arrgrerai ioîooterss aeddhsosovars age ,Is alhreoooso tgorof the Bitilsh Isrs Frankh bars ,d iwtostop- seaso, hîîrss Cagir.l or, The rciupte as os %Aoales Il, secrtheie îsiure ofil'rince Calsas Pi'i 0e of mates, and ytaiedod iisait fo tales amis, te Iiosh ea le ,ail tebis loîitg iofher Frank u oas aiort*(d aheut Lilii oogýo esikino lie 0 boattilgIsa omohni0Bristo toloin uofi a13 agioat cure, Sieo sots eilhie, Ini lahe ,nebonua5pisg papes, tuîotaloseconîabout lght nicihes square ,endytlaceil on hs sieeîaohosndeî hs otîhes an i ould bctfihe.tos ilsiso i hrlieoo it,- said iî aîîh iho as checisgIii.; oo irgotarti ,sd sayisg ils goîlîa 0creasy min ut,"to ii hîîoel lieioîo hînssesassohîîess irn drîîî ,itîo hthoagri, loorîtes for 20 ysars, and is 19601 the coîuple asd a wna redîroeahug a]tlray Io Mexico o1ava11 on And fast[al, Elsie sud i rauh deroe ,00 mites on a tour throiigh ie Western Statesssed ruosdojia rt ishlColumbioa Else hsrela- ives out Ihere, and sosie of theoguesls at hr sparty er Iro o Ls Angelrs amd Vas- Franîk mas askrd ohother ho ;and Elsir planed lo stick laoertohome fbore oc os -Weli, mo 'o eioping lo go to isilgasîl hîs fait tlr attend a îîooýidieg,. oas tho oopt Show models Moîdel airpianeoonlhusiasls o il bcl ho hoîi g of fthir poîuo ait 10ftIo ho puhblc May 1h 17 when the MssissaugaMo- (lot Fibing (lut) holds ils a noat isptay. Thoerel no l e lod ail Squaire One1 'Maltton 1 ilgiioa l0,it r, houd iii iigaloocoos as te' argest l dsptay of3,1 e Morlesthas .300îie,dets io iiî-vtaloioîanotsoiitiloo THE MONTH 0F1 The Canadiae Champiun, Wed., May 7, 19705B3 ELSIE AND FRANK BELTER of Milton celebrated tbeir golden ced- ding annivsersary mth 50t frsends ut Legion Hall Friday. 'tfor, 303 - o'hHIioolMhico Festivaltislbiisg agiot odaiý Si-iliiosiiay os i ,,miSe peing lforloiphios. Fo Fer FM C A FRONFREEZER 1 FRONT--------63c lb HINO ---------5i b. hre e stdlr for-the KASE arefree beauolof iii LOW FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCIS a Aluminum Dhors F , e00 Combination Windows e *eCar Ports e Aluminum Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES IOF-CANAOA OU f30 OF TOVOIN CUSTOME RS PHONE COLS E01 MAY 197b AS FAMILY UNITY TTON-Th N )rTARIO PIILMIF I I 5 l O Your family is important to Ontario... PROCLAMATION The lest of RADIO's Golden Tears The 1930's - 40's - 50's .....cornes your way on JACK AULEN'S MILTiON MORNING Burns & Allers The Whistle-r W.C. Fields ~~ç$$ ~Captais Mdnight Fred Allen 'iii ~l~ ~IAb i & Costello iî~ <~ HBuck Rogers ~0 Mae OWest I. The Mad tssias AND MANY MORE STARS PERSONALITI ES, AND a ___ADVENTURE HEROES. bc ___ lS AT1J R DAY 1250 TOP DOG RADIO IN HALTON mmiý