e Our readers write Hydro corridor answer iii,,Su.i lnîien-ryinexed l rn neietteni xlire fironerhi1)ilA. Mxliiiin lien inek ixî,,ian Cxhampeion.xn mmci, lin ilenyn lroun[roi an fmi in netilxienxn any liii iî lîîeh hlîen niern iminportantnixdai nil li lienlimes l%' e i likn, h,', îxeicxlxeisu 1ilro -,oo.îîiirue [lavnethe pmxblie ai] m-ic. nIlas ciienn hae a eni ni tiniiieicil'ore einegyhfield, ne iii,- ;r ,llîiteimporti-ant reeiiied lielle sueliin.,ei'iaiioiîeolaaelnliand, pt-i ,rhoniofthe'ineniomenteiclming eut oîpubiclîfinanici's, publie saleiy and oaniinceilsniiieiui'i'nxysitrusthi' Irii omniiiidaii' hese ix riens ro %fiiixie 'slt insii', îîîh eneriiix ing and ii eiinfraive. I iienid ceri'eey xiii, hue e ilîîînl hesitaionixeIhe i lire )e i'i'd if l a xiipossihle x noiact lndlxurlheriei'ieiegehiei ýodl iihriiiied iileilnseelxeliyonelnpel ro waniîmi'h asn eli pas iponsihle uili Ii,, inl'ndmlthe P'rovinial, n,,l tiiiveiithi' prees ielirieiios (i l( ridor cppoiîsiiîii dinh iii ,i i Ilitii nil linrioi ldeirly 'hiniiie Diîîîîîînl induiicil andxiei' exmeised di- ,lr uh i iienxi'îhkaIoetheifuture ii liei,e\ corrîîîî iedor \ tiré lii,,,iii-iiiliri itL imin ea e lih Nixni l,,ik, l wah ii-iDoinhe Mclennandlî r Nlsnofii lth eegeowen Dîitict 11,51, eýh, 1îîi nasn iiilialtnIeii 1lhl ndxy. Apeil 7, ii iiscuilnnthelîîli'al genreiles grein ipel oni nieeigralio iieiih nindenele lîîîînesess hn'licestýslxxe 1h i1iiiinateil'ly -in grade 1i3 siidenic and the e(lII, iaproi nina elu20 grade lm liiiiiiens hliici'ii"i'ei'i'p igenees dsssos\iii, los o uetoni n cranyanvacleis iof altitudes on 1e pari l theitunt l'lliTe, hein ied ernoileis aboutîopulaionîîîîgi'nuhihneCanxda and iiiiiiiiaie i1iiîîiln Il lien a sinnlxliie ,>i,'er litli- ifor nie n e liiirt iif lici iiiiîins'geileal mielinani ni hiisieec ;idîi hililoiiiîithi'eiiiunelsessinse, I halli liciiloi1h ia tombîlîe il Geiigeloii aur f ismnucssihe gneerai pllîcal and bu nnsscll itiith"idig inideetings lu a lli j> iieiiinseixli iikeepîîîg ii )miiVIivlan hînApil 4 a i,,ii',ed ltie' 11k i ýoj leiiii 1,,ib u citze o 1te iri Inn hlii h Il K'The' Liens' ']l[)i ulit . -ni,,, ided lfor' hein nier, l -ilnnni, nriun I iithe i-inei ninlc anîd i 1,riýuýrloi inglingouteipariiniuieplei Miii d,nizinii ani, veai'for suri innli lnillin.ei ieng mln, il j nini oii'enii(e voîle n1111a Si jq( ijt , ni i nipie niol p openi i' ni i, e , nninnicnnbut sniel buii lîediî 1,o teoniIl îîî ad iheiiidenieiî e-odpol-i nrnt iglbuinnness as hi' i, rg Bun d- ,i,,ii 1,1i l 2 iiiii'e liiii l'i'ti l'niil i- mil i lîîîi ha ge li i' nInipinini ui ii in ,imx liiner le ,1nnnie I l\ nîpliilne iii e îîîîiî,î, 5,n-ini ietnami'c eiuing eh', the- , i ni,,,, lîîîih lO in eîîi :l el irecently (tu ing il isi linuhi' iding, if is iieraly n hain enling husiness. lxx e slong as itizen 6e Mr. Mnffatare cnenid enniigh tlx hi'elein ,nniuid hee', niienyn tropelfor a easinîinly snniin lelxry soluioin. 'Ince again, le rue assue eeeeplne of ncesinceiîiconcerrnforennnh îrobe,es- Ieian. in eIlaiixn, and ofxixl xlv at ni liiinli nied if[lie opininif mlcn Y,,,, ueneeiy Correction meeise(] a'i itue niflhexrei In i ete le hi' dito iniledl"i ilii laktthei nîianen liîeKe amipbelliof Th oisiniîmi,niidIlleiiinîeîiii fIne Iaarp,h ih îhoiîed have'rend as fi- Andl sein iaing the vreekage ofn di' iii lzto te i îleni le nil lii 6te self- shiss fihe wxii nefctxioîîîn lh,î conlee mu yse il of ilici'i'lln' relgion, iii îe.ixndstryndl eionneîclxndee d our rune iser niîighlilliii ind ihmnni' le auslie sek niche i ehllinges ofi hie nol rihnfi, a Cnadaiî,ii n h-i"ihe' Great, i il -o ( li ii i ' li o iio iueni ,mili linoii'ci, * 1iînlini nîngenofnlînercieln nalInlng i'llie Pl ighiof îinise eiidreîn eiiu io io cilils onia tril*%,i-i' aie i cineda ngrecal deai iof eeeliciiiiemidniieilt i,iifile macih hînîglîl fi nsocial îii'niieiins ini iel- nin1lihiriix-'caine'iiiionieiiliri ,ni icielesliiiensuiiflintlnne ieleiniese chidrn %h cnnie toii ianadaiuareeplaceiltne %rnndîloiinig Cdiiiain ihomese e pareille xh,îi) i l cish en ,ilaiinn'oriiiriiI, siof llîiiininear aii lin th(! ii,,,,,,nuit liiefrif i snîn Olink ilnisne îîng ifore uis fi, )lave' l i, btai%,selthienie on iii naiesThie nhnie ililier ofNI il npan houldlchi ile f nd if an i dieIindeii iin,, sîîîThis nan att eîm'd neinn7 hebutin>' lînse ni vInt aininh iil il, elle lnedeil a iI,ecvi hanbiiuî icealonig tliio. i il neni I -nniinin il11 Ini i aielIcIneInie iii ",,, he1es i A[;l',,Iniierinl I nu11ncing finis ,i,,1iiein,adIiiicieni ,eei, 1g liii' Philosobits f ni al "e fi, a, uni a il a] gininil ii, iii ni lainistieakie, hein i- Il laefin un ht the c liid i, i 11wkn lo, tI, i ii,, eof,1 'c i i1 P l'n ' nil li m ie 0 1,.; i ilIl i iiiii 'I oiiliinii tildi In ni'o 1 Y750I "Toughest"' Anan 4 Letter Word On Wheels 4 WHEEL DRVEý-GG ANYWHERE CAMPER TRUCK Now lan$Stock for Imediate Delivey CLEMENTS MOTORS MLO BR ONT E ST. 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C t I *Lightc- Chanel o ero *(,[l rput& Calee Oar ONLY Îàâ. -T Complete Home Entertainment ON Y FM STEREO/AM RADIO 1 TRACK TlAPE PLAYER FULL SIZE RECORD PLAYER 24 WATT RECE IVE R 2 AIR SUSPENSION SPEAKERS PROFESSIONAL BELT DRIVE 1 ehHNdch LEWITH MAGNETIC CARTRIDGE LintS 3999 Good Service WORLD'Sn ST 300 AM FM .tp'e o Qne iner GNL Y The Caniadian Champion, Wed ,-Apr..i 16,- 1975 .B Ilj MUI FLIPPANCE & CARR. MM E______ Ottawa Report By Dr. Frank Philbrook HALTON MP 7 1 ucup