Mltonian named woman entrepreneur of the year Munfoni recognized for le developrncn of Creative Bube Tube Dy Katby Yand'us CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Wiîit a naine like Creaive flube Tube. Jenny Munfonlt romFrpany gets niccaced. -lh gets us mn the dccix" smîled the dynamie CEO af the apcly named Milton- based cempany. whîcit empleys an assoninent of<16 savvy media experts. flube ts the oldesi speleen Afican language. saîd Municixi those ittiandit family are descendents <mon Mixa 'And iÇ's eacactly ehar I d&. site samd cefemrng te rie art of cemmuncatmng. Munfeii vas recently handed an RBC Canadman Womnen Entrepreneur of the Vear Avant. Site wms nemmnated er th Delaînte Stant-Up Avant presented ta entrepteneurs whose innovative, btgfr perfenntng new campanties are wart maacling Tb N-ar .lînc. Cirati- Robe tube bas 26 ndusîry .mwards toi is citait and contmnues tu expand and mmpress flic cnmpany bas gmown <rm a mine siomati opxmtlion based out osf Munfeids Miltoen home, lts a 24-person ctnpany visb oficres mn Vancomuver and UCalgaryý and a goal mil 14 worldwîde locations by 20)20 The compurys îsiitsra i, to mnale nV dvenismng îtcecsmble to '-il Il mnd mu icc CATCH WORLD JUNIOR HOCKEY uns-siztd companues, titey dent mtarget the Nikes er the Coltes, said Munferd. -The biggest mmLscenctpcmn i tit TV advenising Ls not accesible foc them.- What Creatîve flube Tube oller5 ix an energe coeie yeung team ef creatîve and media strategmis rite prevîde results te clients, site nid. "Tht medium <TV îs very perrful. Televisien adveisnrg la a very poteerful setling ted, naid Munlird. Once yesa get a taste of it you sec the ameunit of ereposure and brand avait- nesa you cant produce, naid Munfeed, rite bas monc tItan 20 yeais et expert- ente in business develepmerm, market- ing andi a$ventisàng A lot of hec cempetîters dent vant te lok at alternative epecauing metheds. sehereas ber company la meticulesusty wiredti l produce no trilla, htgh-end affordable advertlaing for te client rth il sinaîl marketing budget -'s's's are m[lot Llîcap. but afLîcîrdale." sbe said. l-int-tuning the enîrre prmress, fnsm camreras ta pre-productioe as key Shoots airetsnimed and sworybaardtd belote crerýs go on location, tbere art ne excess personnel tariing aroundsho' and liter bas neyer been a crer î has rmirked mvenîmeii," site s Their TV comnmercial campaîgn foc CacrPmef, fer example, net enly gleanec numerous awards for Creattre flube Tube, but increased titei clientilsriait txptiire- hy I150 per rcml nirmi Munford. When a cmpanty irapped for geed marlketing dollars, Creauive flube Tubeit challenge matea crtait a "ceally cool, rrally cmaauve way" .t bring the client a lucra- tive reurn on their invcscment, said Munfeni. Munfuni sitars her succe wîth her itand-pclmd cmasive team. -The giowth bas bappened titrougls titis incardlible tain titut' herm" She prefers te caîl temn co-entiepre- neurs. employers wbo bring ideas te the table te itelp the cenrpany grave and sitar a sense ai ewnersitip, tnpeytng the tipi andI downs akrng tht way Onc oi te <natsi; ftir the award, Munferd dmdin' timer site iad won until the evtnrng (if te awards gala. 1ts net only bnings recogniticon lu) tht Creative flube Tubte îeam but alto the clients rite bave betitved mn us and lptd uis gror. Kwuh5 can bic rcaclrcd ai hvanclus02miltoncanadtancsam pion. Noon - 2aml Thtmk You Milton For voting us one of Miltonsfavourite: eRoadoia r --d, PoadCloche' *Ouudoor PatitCoL Prime RU>* iunt * araohe Bar ~"4 Local Chef Q .Live Enteflaînusewi *Pub e *goSteak PHera caUTEiitt 0F TOM SANDtti Jenny Munford preudl[y diiplays ber entrepreneur arard "Ps ml-a >11~ Corne & Enjoy Our DAILY SPECIALS... iftIA r", rpm r111p _lq --UN