Students help needy familles by donating tons of food, clothing IE G " DITNTV LA IE FASIeN i w-as. the ttilewhç-bnc thai couId, anid did Nil cnly dmd the 250 students of Martin Sret Public Sc-liol colleat twîce as mach food for the Salsiatiori Arrny focdhank ihis yenr ôver last, they alsc donated more than 1O0 pair5 (if mots and hais l(t needy [amUlies Swudenis exemplifîed a real spint cf shaning. ssid principal Robert Haitori Donations weîe up, ti part. because tnaîead of purchasirig tick- ets for a festive concert, parents were asked te bnng a donationr for thse food bank, saîd Hiamilton. Two firetruck Icads of canned items were pîcked up irons the school Thursday mcrntng. whîle anîrhcr two fîntrucks and a pick- up truck were rcquired to handce ail Oie Christmas cccl> dIrie donations Iroin Robert Baldwin Public Sçhocl îhts wek For their effonts, siodents weoer allcwed te sperid urne on the fîreîruck and speak with fiefight- ers. .1t'5 tilto 10sc kids thai souns csring about needy families ai Chrtsîmas,' 5aîd Lietienant Grcg Ollerenshaw cf tIhe Milîton Pire Depaniment. I TUESDAY PECEMIER i il" Company, employees fill pick-up truck with 1,080 pounds of food T'se Miltoni Salvarisîn At-mv [bc-d relocauting tc toen, tin 2007, and out- btggest contrnbution toseard thse batik shihss are full fcr ihe Ischi- dîd tîseil ibis year wtih an overshl ovenihi Lally, whîle ettpicyce chose days. îhanks tin no small part io doinatiotn il 1,080 iicunds. to forego iheir usual Kns Knngîe git lranspro Ulriîîtp îlI L.impanies The dcnatins werr enîîugh iii I he Mîinbsdbusiness lias bill ihe baî,k iii a pick-up iruck. eschange tin order to put mort held a Chrisimas bcxd drive sirice l'h cempantys dnver tride <lic rony tosard ihet [ccd dî-ie. Glen Eden ski siopes to open for the season on Boxîng Daya I. e eF STOREWIs Truck toads of canned item picked upj4umn schools