IEvoque gets~ Story anW pOtos iy AmJhnr Mellrolbn medi Caruld Magazine Fnatly, a Range Rtw< r thial. hitks nitxem 1neyer gui the Range Rtier -rhing" abo)ut why peuple thtnk illey art w> t tus anîd upper trust. 'theref no denyîng how Iwtunously i fies an- fiiicî i tiri d Rinigi RL'is--rS i e tfi Batj. t iv yr. Range Rt>st-r-. tend itî lutik aboui [tir tanir as n-cy tidt 30 tar- igtî Ntîw ht-tet anr a loi tii people whti rill hut hemi simply for ihat reason alone bit n ifh the nurnibe (if hîgh ruality î oipet-titrs, niany ai fesser mkonry, Range Roverr nctttti aî hrrath i firesh air and îhey hase tl nitt tht- 2(112 1 i- I-ncuru (prtti evet ti -ýinurtld ot as the LRX tconept thai wtt, vlsibh dfllervnti n tîs.siadi tif tise -,quaLrenggtd fttttlt tA Range Roîsees (cor the- Und Rtwer LR3 and LR4 luer iai mtrnrr wiîh ihrir îall glasi witiws, the I RX wa-s ale.-îatr witil drarnaif ftîw rttilltnt But iouti tif aIl, Ille LIL\ taught hi- cy wîîh à pttletily proptt(niîtnetf tise Ai whects anti tires that miattlied tht t haratiter lies tîtît tirt ltettI lieuti V/hile a lt-w signtature destignt Ie-ý r-i.til n-îtîg hfvtfîîîî- tharitirr iti- fuit tý- a tît r fiLil>w Rinetr. but 1 belilt wtttt flt. ft lai A Range- Rosir -tian $tt 2tKI t hli- 1 etjt trt i$1 titi f dift- î-fti andî $32.')u tU itti ifttîîit tit0q tititttitg .1 $1I.27 hu fipjiing tec Ituttat tof the litige V9f iii ifs- R.ntti ve )%rr t1w I;v îpii- t-.titirlît t Ilarged. dlirec~t btel tiiIe titiS 2 0-l te iIite fîttir-yfîntir prrbu-tsg 240 hii and( 25 tti Ist 3grip on the compact Iuxury SUV segment The 2012 Range Rofet Evoque is a breakîl-trougt vehlide in many sayu Kt is the ttghtest and inut fuel efficient Range Renter es-et but and beimu avec wtti neit technotogies iii iirqtt tetith a st5-sjxcdi aitittattt, tranls- rtissitin Runsing titi preitittiii fuel t n- sîîîîîfîîtîîîs iE, !/11 4M Mi5/sitt k titi ,s iiAttgi- s is'/tttiirid M î ie qii lits iiie h tIf iIt et s--e iti tI lle î-nsit-l if 11, hik' ltiI tiu- Bt il wottln t f-te a Rtnigt River ilfi titlîttittiid nitat tIi Iîîjîîlltti. lîî> be - fii-liig INC iit~te- utaev IL tiines up tfltc I-s-tque te-t-, si ttiLitige Roisi i taIls tirriti Rr-sptinsef. th. îî tittn tht- engine, giaàrhtis. tetriIlaltlic - oiitpliiig atîd ifie terrattii hi ns tntrtdiblv t tm1tlicated fut, fIr thse Miiunted titi tht tranisnitsstt4in tîtîtîtel it- a -tint-tli h -ifi tht rtiser siet ir t i-nerit fIns îig iti-tand itt ai-s-if-titittt tirvit/Intw itiper ir %vet i Klud anti Ruts atît Lastly ittit Perftaps tht tiughesn test (if any iil-rttad sefîtl is sai tflit t si que àlmit it Ides li fu Deýeîit (tirl (HDt2t that attîornataIIy reaten-nu ,pteci (fttwnhitt wiîh tht anti-lotit bruIes and ilirottî ALot on îap is Giradient Retast C tintirul as part of tht EIDC. h priugressively rclease, thte hraetts titi ver> sieep gradeds tir mit4re gradural tie fotr maximumii t ontnîf Litly ihere is il Stant Assist that hotd.% the braites ftir a kew secotnds %il the- dniver dixstl rol baekwarîs when ging uphlîl filr a standing stop Traiter Stabilits' ksist ns akst un tîîtled tOnt the insîde the Es-tque b everrvthieig yoîî wiîtild etipeci fromn a Range Rtîeer. nchl% tite oi and precîs -lut fit-ý tii 'L'tors paitets.lxpaker tirrIiurici- and, fl , tu the setits ihai. wehîeite im and suppîteise look like arrrathairs. F-or the dniver. controIs are centred uin an enght -inch I-D touch screen that dispas the audio. vîdeo. navigation and phoîne sysiens I-ard ittys on each sîde tif the St. reen are titere as thon cuits ii the ment used si;recns such a-, Home. Audîto/Videti. Navigaton~î andi Honte. Ilitre ns ais additittna live-inch coilttur dtsplay betiteen the two mrain gouges on the tIntrment panet ftir prnary vehîtc initie miattoît A neai pant tif this ns a suite tiiril sybîemr that wtîrkts uith "Sas \V/fat Yîîî 't-e prtompts i tht dtsptay Be-sîdes a full trnge tif t hitititste Evotquc oflers a seittnd sysîcrn ssstb Mendian that bas a 380-watt. 11 -speatker -,eup as stait datif uIth a lfZ3 watt. U7sîatt s~ei tîptîtînal Anoîiher nili> ti esth i-l puitftl*tttfi.t çtrtfeti tht Range Roser logo ti .i :he tliiînt t. ttntpared t us- hîg brîtihwr-ý the f toqît- ns mitre liRe a runahout and tehite îî t- à t ti- pau.t itSIL dtîesnht ferl liEue tint lt fini-i iiiip.rresuiit tit t toig a im iil dttor ta ont of immnense t-titstliereàtist Klytng tihînlt wbeit suit lý ftIm .tistfir Conthwued ont pope 36 r M J