Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Dec 2011, p. 7

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Datelin e Datdirne is ajrer listingjor lical chiaritcable andi non-prafia eamnaaiiy grouopi îo hdlp pni- mole alfi aiiiaing esexals. Wr gaaaranier une issue of paablici ty for racla ent aulusgh nacre insertions are posuible if space pemigis. Notices shoiald bc enmlcd ta editraa@ mîtacncanadieuclampaan.cors The tiraint as nomta Frtday for Tuestiyht eduîîoui anti nccn Tuicadaay for Tlaarsdayk eduaîcn. Notices wct lie acceptcd by atephcne. NNednesday Dec. 7 Tht Drckl yautl dmop-i centre, 200 Main Si. E. frear enîrance), ix oapen [rom 3 Io 5.45 p.m for aIl agesý Vîsît w-ww.ylcmiîion cons Tise Royal Canadian Ses Cadet Corps Chaudiec hokts parade niajia [or ail youah aged 12 la 18Syrars ai 6I 15 pm. ai thse Milion Fair Gunds. Building 3. an Rcbent Sim For more information about thet [ra ettnt,' raIl (Q05) 876- 2089 or vlii wwwseacadei miiton MIilîi)ii l5îinc 1, I li,.ii.îýi liolst .a on- ona iac breas>tfeedasgcdinar wiih a Lcniticd lacta- tiori consultant Iros noon ita 4 p mi ta niake ani appruinînicnt. raIl jîl Iillis ai (905) 878- 2383, cxi. 76 10 Thr Mîltîsa Serniors' Actiniy tCentrr, 500I Cl'.iîlds l)r. hasts rec woelaahop *Many New Faces oal Miltona'. ptînseasird hy tise Haltun Multiculiural Councai, Frm 1) a m ici nouas Tbr centre also htslds bilards [nîns 9 a.m ta 94 p tas_ Ceali Club Irons 9 a i tu nun, con- tract bridge lions 9 15 a ns ta Il 30 ans., Sang Spinera Irons Q. 30 ici ncon, conversa- tional French busn I 30 ta 2 30 p.s ansd bingo Irom 7 îo 9 p s. Each actîsitî casis $2 tir memlsers and 54.25 for noas-mcmbers Iles Weekly Lunch Countier as aIse helti. leaîiang hrsanch lor $8 Sagas sp. ai tihe recepiion dcxli tir plsuîe an sîsur aider hy noon Manday For morec ilstrmatioin, cil 1901) 875-11]8I Tbursday Dec. 8 Si. Dat-ads Prexbyirnan ChurciN hi-wcdkly bile saady. 'Reading and tniterstinding ihe Rible, iv held [rvs 7î t p ns For more muscr- îawiii, ca1 (905) 834-9800 The Dcl ycsuîh drop-in centre., 900 Napisxang Rd , is ispen [rom 3 tLa 8 45 p ns for aIt ages Visît www ylcnsitio cons Caila8 New Parents, a [rer dmp-as pro- grans for parents and babies aged six monihs and youngr. meeix ai ihe Ontanio Early Yrars centre. 410) Bisante Si _ [rom 1 -3010o3 30Op m, Cal (909) 825-6000, ext. 7299 Milton Distrnct H-ospital isoldx a ont-en- one lweasfeeding clitle wiih a crnihed lacia- tian consultant Iron 65 tas Y p ns To maire an appontsent, rail JitI H-icEs5 ai 1905) 878- 2383, rai. 7610. Tir Milton Seniors' Actîvaiy Cenare, 500 Chuttis Dr., hoids billards fronti 9 amns tu 9 p m .Gauttar Club fis" 930 t Il p, , Walking Club irîtti I0 to rit-sa , Une dancing Irons 10 astn ta Il 30 a ast , Book Club lns il ans to noo-n, falliait [rm 110o4 p m , Memis Club Irons 2 ta 4 pns and table tennis [rm 7.30 lu 9:30 p ms. Eacis aciiîy rosis $2 for members and $4 25 [or non- members. Bld Etachre ix hrld Irons I 30 te 4 p.s , and Contec Bridge [lias 2 te 4 pas., raidi [or $2.511 [tir members and $4.25 for noas-members. Thli Tlsursday Alserasoon Manie runs faim 1-30 Ico 3 30 p ns feaî unng Pirates cf [lue Carîbbean - On Saraasge Tities. Tir cou s m 2ý For rnies tnformaion. caîl (90351 875-1681, Feiday Dec. 9 Tise Dcck youîh dmop-mn centre. 900 Napissing Rd., Ls open frits 3aic lpasi. laraail ages w-iti parental permission ta stay lair sequîrrd for lcids in Grades 6 tu B. Visui resue yfcmîlton.corn breasîlerding group seiti a certaficd lactation cuassultant [rm 10Oto il:30 amns ai Our Lady aI Vtctoty WesstI 4 Cosnsertal St.. saiN ainfrnmation aharcd ansd babtc:i weaghcd For woumen aud babies only CalîjîlI litcli ai (9051 878-2383. cxi 761 The Maltoas Scîsiats Acîîs'aîy Centre, 500l Cis Dr., Nolds bitllards [massi 9 a ns. 10 4 p. ns, Wa chii Irons 91i 10: 30 a ns - bingo [ions 9:30 ans to nouas, conmtra bridge frons 930 a. s. tu nouas, International Womenbs Gmoup fions i 10 3 p s and CybeaCalé lions lacs 3 p n Earh ariavaty rosis $2 [or mensiers and $4.25 for non-membrs. Tise Fnday Evenang Mot-le rnn fions 7 10 10 p ns laîucang African Cats lie casa ix $2. Bld ettebre takes place ai air C.anpbrllvtlrLbons Hall [rom 7 3010o 10 p. m for $3. For more Information, rail (9015) 875-1681, Saîsarday Dec. I10 I Ne Haltîtt Mîitlttculiural (at)uncils Social Circle kwa Filipino Older Mduls mal's ai (irace Anglican Chsin.b. 317 Main Si E., fritsP 10 a1 Iai iii riotri Flac ttrii mîcludes a surpnscr z giiesi performance, Cbnstncas crafib. p.arlick E and gilt exchaîige i-or moýre inforation. cati (9051 842-2486. cxi 241. or (647) 701l- 3781g flic St. Paxall United Chureli Churiîstas Fair îakrs plate haom 10 a ns ta 3 p ns. fratur- îng handnsade crafis, gifi idras, lcod, chiidrcn( j crali zine and Chistmsas cale The choix-h is lucaîrd at 123 Main Si. E. For maie Informna- lion, cati (905) 878-8895 or go 10 ww sapaulsmalîan.org. Drap-as Suaccer on Turf (or Adsaha es held tram 9Qia 10 15 pm ai the Milton Soccer Centrte, 821 Main St. E. the cis ta $5. Brang- shîn-guarda ansd cean socrer shors A maxi-f mumt 24 players makie four trams of sixb Cames are Sel[-ofLTC-aied and hîgh-paced . Dmp-un Soccer on Turf for Junior Higa Schaol Studeas (grades 9 and 10) is hield * s« fmNEfLgaNlon pagé té a&-ams- Damago kpoeb According ta Towas by-law 31-94. ail mantiers unclaîméd for a period cf six years tram thé date of 6eposît, may b. tranaférred ta thé général tunda of thé Tawn, prasidéd that a notice containp a liat ai such unclaimed maniés, including thé namées cf thé depaxitor as publiahed. This list can bé foatnd on thé Town of MiltaîVs wébsité at www.nlltan.ca. This notice ta ta înfarm thé général public that ail persans havîng any dlaim ta ail or part ai saîd maniés are requiréd ta prove showr daims within 901 days tram thé publication of this notice. Upon thé expiration of 90 days tram thé publication of this notice, thé Towns Tréasurér may transfer aillai suds maniés againat whîch no dlaim haa béén made ta thé général funds af thé Town, free aI and tram any and ail dlaims af any liind wtsatsaévér If yau require any sdditîanal infarmation pléasé contact Jénnifer luaste Ramé o 905-878-7252 ext. 2471. VI l U UTME AECNR I-dytoFi,.I am * * a .da 1. I m-6 r rBECAUSE HES STILL YOUR BABY Whrn s-ou chiiose YL1s CoI1ssaunftedî1 Appaoarlî, y-ou'll kîsose tisait li as bt-rn chrougis P the safesi and most effective driver traininig av-alalî. b fcourse yxsu'11 seul worry...jusî a lait lris. ,mai r Prepare for the road ahead YOFUfN 0 For detaxîs visit www.yd.com Flexible paymenî options DRIVERS or cail: 905.878.2420 Dec 27, 28, 29, 30

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