2012 HONDA CIVIC LX Pow» Ac widows I luBed pouo- obdo notions AC ieions mool phono Ineface And mach moi*i LEAS FOR ~1784199ý iPEUR MOUTIP OR o8 MouTN* PURCHAS FORàa a i'1541t99' 1UU00 Il (EOY naesporosMOUOS HOLIDAY BONUS '19,020r-I.1'0r-WAý Miou CvK 40 ( mao noocrpo n u ON 2512 civic MODELS' Nodalloéoo'i ~ liqd frgli Èjc; . 0, q ç r> e INme.i Gifts for auto afficionados tiMt ]-lL: isirs tta sirflg as ilit: iasiotà a *r tiser luis lot *tsiiohdbes tXtit ati îlti xaikinigeryiteda abiut ffl titittLs ilitiittitissV lt t stîttts! lu i' hululas t% ii httstng a git dr tise lar gu:, ut gai in tut laitts întgrr sueni ext Aller ail1, art1 gi related tii cars is sure ti Iravi tour hîscd one head oser heels i fouve.dr [buse hululas shoppmr wlru dont ksîtîr die' dillerente he-tween an air flber and art aitu otiditioncr. perbaps the Iollowtrtg sst1'tttns itîîh lare berter under tht truc D'iving Iesaowns Aol iiinscg i-s une sif Nortb Antenca', itis poptlir sports. anrd rnai %ar gurvs ante gais witiî d loti tu kusît what tl tecks lîku' ttî gei ltcyhtnsL the ofee u a ratec tac anid put the pi-dlitii t h-' eniai i bat drerim san bts orne a ttsatid liilida> shupper n t licinisi thi ba ftppi oir a ioced tise as ng sdbotIls t'sisI titi Aii suris il r;i ttg. lue tl ;IoLi i:%t rai tng Fliîila 1 nitng. Indy Cars, anti eseri d'ici ratiîng'iNir Kart ra(itng dors tîuri culer tn,' tt &rt i t p ick sîIc at' ertii tact mlaket an irai gtiî fur atto lover-n Gi cericaîe for a wash anrd a deraihing As tii 'I al, tac guys and gis tare abot scfiais lituier the bituci, they alsitcire abotut to itir .ittracsutntirs lisika Viintctr wearhec ýart w*Cris bat tini a cehicles extecitr, su help stîtr lavortie autî tiver take tare of lub sic lier bahs ilits irter rurtî a grît sectibscate ti 11trlN i;r wsh îlî<it/tic autot derailirig centrc' 1 li>i i l ttisutr rthe sc rernatit a str icr uses tlcîiigtîi tire ctrîter )sis lie sure tei itîs ude Mtile trîp tsi tht' sac wasli atit sletatiîrtg enrIc.,, a tac iriet ritees a Leswt înps eacb wuitir tii keep up acîe Magazine srohscpuion Lie rirtsi Industnies. tbe auro tndsirs o> -onst<nix thaotging Wbvath, poiàlar rIoda « rliiit tit oubstileru tîorrîîr'rw HeIp cîtur laver ie autîo entbusoasî soay abreasi of the auto tndusrvs miany trtncuvatic antiupaus wftb a subscritpiun tu a favoîrte aurto magaztinle sacît magazines Insptre star lovuers, ii irtjunive their oumu cbsies whîlletiîg them knM rthe Lrtrst trendls iri the autîr tndstr c Acrissones NiL .ar ituer sari do acorbout bis sic lier acts- usints. wbtcb tan range (ullni practicai gtlL like a ne (11x, utmil ru more spetatzed itrerms lite a paint gstn accerurry lut shuppers, whbî arerît sien lamniliar wirb cas niurh fli kntrss wth acsessiine' to Nay in sucb inswrarts. a pît ci'- iii tili tn'i+s itei i qînt sîf' hoîtl sîtîl iii btis gîarntes's sotîr loveci uie xiii gel scist- îltrrg tic hIs or ic s ac ansI eltrirîtua the' tis'sl IL, r'tiiîni lic >-Ili il lie i'ý s»ie lrix;s Lil tehts les, ant iar stock saur hi' Joncî ustr iu tire n1jrr rîsîl If isible, vsa itý lit icire' garage tor shcip aird pc-ruse the tutu Lîîiertîutî If anyrbtng oiks espes <alls agrd tir raggesi replace rl wrrh a neseer version At t lvcc an' tîfren panuscular abouit their rotiNti s i rut retent abuusît buyîng ries sircis. rate 'puc gîli retipc'rt rît the stître and let btm tir bierbse aL gîlt or buy a gi cenîlîicare irai ovethe l tif the titul thir Isork lite tlsey nwee ruplactrrg :i~ ~ UmsNb Uln To M tL o M SM noflIIIIIM ab. oà . "Ia fIlb M Uns C- -h mu MnM cm- i m mm~et~ tset or haUnII Ca.ue ar.Te.n *OUlmU 118110011 u U «DIFFUS s~ - H 1 ý1- i i ( ,Yeîi savc