1PORTS SPORTS EDITOR' STEVE L.BLANC e-mail m.lnOilecndaihnpaao 17 '-; 77,Gibson chases wrestlingdea PLAYING THE HEEL Sebasteen Suave uses fils foot anrd tthe ropes t0 put a chokie Froid on Aiex V.ega durting Saturday% Milton Mayhem wrestiing tard ai the Miton Seniors Actrdrty Centre The ewent wa'. orgarîtzed by M4itions Fareg <ibson Gîbsori krtowr as Jason Chase in the ring (right. bol tom against R. t (ty). t5, dis.- cottetng tiser il% a tougit go bot i n and out of thse ring to estatFsh yourseii in thse pro wrestiin garrie StiFi. ie managed 10 tuti rthe tables for a îrîcioey Saturday MitHALt *1 ]I rASiAOIAN t ti'MPION t'ti-Fîm-r'i- .L I v vaLui, did r lr t i' itil: t îr.'rrrt kI: ltti î-tr i 'fl îic r' pI" tîrltri rît ti'r it', IiNn Fi- h r lirii tîîrî Irî'I)paiti 11,.1treadttrvFi' r i %-iî t itir i 11 g.t I% Ior-F tîtîtt.'.- lil Fiirsherf e hte. [II' tAîý à.î~' Mîltli iriised show i.n .itît ttr play 'it tîri t ir gi surro iî.r I ii ti t ii' 5 i.' itii.i r i w lr - trtpîdr rtirii rrto r nînîî..'F fais ri'n tiril year oitiramng wi. i Nîtr rk ni' "qtoard CiriFi tr.rnting Mitoîn .lalaxv iîrema'. andi- s ttî' ftî'iptrg mitt ith ontie rît thte ieer tît'lt' t i t îti r vi. Ini iriFt t- .en tir- and inttîF'tng tin-t' Io '.'.iirîtg tricket'. F-tî'tt Fr.' pare'nt'. gix tn hc att. rc'rit:îrg itrnnt hIiti comiti'd vtiung t .il'ttn t' ut .iliing i', suîpp'.rt i' Itdt iIt nirn Nialtii>srIcc.'..' Iki îikrig ar thte Fat t1tiat îFttr andiî t împans' isoixit have r h-er Fii'.k' ii brtak ren tin tht nîghr - anid thial i-ic '.otig '.'rrsair trtani- wiiuldn't havt madie mor' titan a Fr". Frîtk'. or hitrr'.i-F i itit rti rtrifhit iriiri 'Xiuî t, Ii ;11 woili il't Wck'iritri thitdI iipendeint prir wrsz"tig I rrtittirn lia:tT ~5ing 'tiri'. dix-,' in frotin Iiimïidr'i '.tîirtsi ftor hump' thangei' ' a! miiih ai pair ii rît it as dîtt1tkiI k'. .îîîidir. dAams But For tu the-krt"î ..r'riu diurhards F-itke voile-'.Inils- the utughiy 120 fans ai the ii'ntttr atity îtntrc twtrth at hr'rtr-ttiri v'xpecte(l %v'-aik-in trtirsdi tri on pîr wîîh atierdanti l mai trrnitit a'.Lnt', ouithern tirrt Attlia î htr irciter ir,îr 'tîrvî :i i lirE, i t' . t r Àtt tr i d iti rw .Itr Jti tht Inîdy circuit - R.J City ii Vis' Fatrit and Ritng ofl tiorls Ms. Fiat, LFgrn - Gibson shîîuld tee pretis gttrac aboti Fis firsi full-fFrvFgeîF c.rack aithiFe business 1-ite iif wrcrs ring Fit airs hase pntktd a ý,airc paih wîîh Fîttis secunis antd a Fini tof litttntti pîttaiis brîr hes wiling rît mat.h Fits pasttmn wrîh pltt oît ]lard wiir Ytîu gîicma admire thai 1 Fit Mîitire lS-Hawks 'atiid îur unantiwered goals à,titis railiniF ii Finoi-- IF1 tht itmt pLater Iiaffatjr ii tîý "e'ond'. uni tFiFi1iitt tutu à 3-2 ltiýi~ '.tcIîi:~ lied the gaini' anti Kaie F-liut'. rtwcr-pa- gîtai tii [it: tinalirinuie iii tht peIlra gav-t Milton the lead. t<sie Riwt' exterideit Fliat c titiF miniute"s ino tht tiri anti a s-iihaTiCîIF( empry r-ti gîoal i> jamit: tultvtt >iialed the win ,.r iant WilFiamsi att nd f .riioaris gaie Milion t'.' arisy Ieads but cach lime Buffalor replted hiitre tak- tît ils Fir.,trFati (il tht' giîsirth lusî r ivic mntet. rrrîaining in the '.tctnd penoti 'pencer Ciiitriay arid Jrustin DevnterrtL, cach had [sNt' itits' ilit IMiFicri tt-et-tawlîs5 gomw Paru Fam'.ari trade 54 savrs Frîr fils seventh wîn oif the scason Miltin FiLni' vw eamred a point in each tifii s Lasi si gatri".. taktiîg o li à pti-i'..ie 12 points îî.vvr tita, '.îretth [ht s'.'n tipri'.'e Miltotn to 8-12-2 tini the season anmui i tîst hem wîthin toîur points i fournh- place Hiamtilton Pîiwered Fîy à Lester Brown Fiai tri. the lixHawk. secureit thetr second win oi the stasn over the liurlington Cougars Fniday - dumping thern 6-2 An utarty Iead andt tata shorthanded goals - lriim i.onrlay antI Nathan Renouf - factari tnto thtl îei.- So5e IfAWS on piiS OPTIMEYESI i PTICAL IceHawks upend Sabres to extend streak