JiusSt,.a Nov 19h&Snay o.2t Hot W EKEN! Ptos GîftBag, Fod Tuck Lv Musi 20%t ,..- $1 .1 Online auction wraps Up soofl ibis wi-vkcttil nrnk vont last cha.nt e to pLlt e hids tri t he Milt-in Rî'gan- t- onhnli ;tu, iton fic .iutt un whîth lei mort itan $17.000) wonh (if iteins anti servites 'dut havr heet rdn.trd, wi tll tliude S;undav Amoing the iterns heing auctioneti arc Totrotnto Maplc LIcafs' tickets, golf packages anti a package frn the Miltnt lier Leparimerrtî thit irncludcs! a lue extunguisher, srike andi caebttn mitnoxide detcctors. an escapc ladder anti a Hfomec Sufe Homne'visai by fnr- fighuers. Anyttnc îrncrcsted tti bdding tan go tti www.rtaryauctuîons.cat and click on the Mijbti ltnk AI] fuits raL'.t in Milton wjll beli) the âla Rotae Club suppin chanitable prolet is in the Loimmunt last ytar the Rotar- Club til Mîliton Hopefully ideas wiII be realized .Ifou MOMIE on page 6 tussung our wný, cxpinentces wnlh housing in Flaiton Allitrdahle hîtusing Lsn t lusi a nccssaty fttr îhosc oin Ontartt WIteks otr ttse wiîb minunîum-wage tths New graduaies coming hack t 1iltift fr uîîuveriy. young couiples kîoking in bu% ihi film hotme. (tr icnutr-, lttoktng q') ditwnsîzc arm also on the prowl for more affolrdablc unts In maany cases. Halton just Lfnt a viable option for hoineiîliers or renîr i n a budlget ofi- tIhe uie thiev're lorteil t o lewhert fi lihutitrîs oI -.îudeîîi- wlîn paftlitied in the tnest under stîtîld [lit neecîlo litilIr)g for lite t andi hilpeîul% t heu înspîted aiea' iîll ortC davie t o Inuit iti On Houses 948 Rigo Crossng, s38.500 Susana thlo lD44 FDunh La 438300, Myla &Ir Jattm 745 Robenso Ct, Z9>49 Citytn NKtebri Nom Roll Wual cm.h. 90411-117 317 Bell SOie.. $39.500. Aageî Lyonî 761 Hutchinioe Aventie, $439,900. A"n Fours 689 Tuifotd Drtve. S99001). Sand> Haizîs 1471 bMiAw. Und 412. $292,. llulfivMwan 1944 FWMff Lu, $CM,50, V"t & >ahw.tauat Ribu Ellill CMe hI11lf 3W Prirqe Ove. $5990 Diane Maynato