Citizen-based compensation committee could be formed Commîaee would malte oecommcndation about town council members' salariesç By Chiristina Commisso (ANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Wrîb tht- salant-s oftii-ted teprecntatss lxrng a setnsitive tapit lar couttiilltit an-d the- publtc alitc. tlx, Town ta hnptng ta dt--pohti- cz dt- tht- i-s itvi a ýitîierticciptisiui adaîssîr>' ctiiitî'c Mondca>': tht administratian and planning camnmittr appt-at-d the- formation af thnt ca-nititne that wii riettatw cauncillors'anti the rnayo-h salant-s andi recontretenti an increase, il mîrranîrd Milîctu rouet-il mili malte the- final dt-ctiin (in the- cammtt-t- Monda>' -'e ht-en dcnlîng midi tht-s- ktnds ai things ons anti off and tht-y t net-tr the- eist toal l-nI ir td Mia,-t- Goali Krrint: *Il -jou anti I gri ont- 1-r set-, oIr 111 aFprr t t-ni or a 50 pet- cent mras, yau crin ramn a brick in ao the- Town tor take tl anti gave t to vstur las-sunc chant>'," lx suggesîed, erîplaînîn>' cuîuncil docai have t laoc-pt a t-aie Kranzz marord lx irauldn'r mant ta set- a cautnîillur appaose a pa>' hike. and) lat-c ritct-pt tr iiutk mites ynîr becarrir hypis ntirl aitd that han happened in the pist - le jul>', t-ont-t) and nan-unîanz-d Tasen staff rectvedi a tira pet- cent salai>' tnt-trase as pan of their yrarly mage adjustmrnt lthe animal pa' tnt-rt-asts are ta ensar- lîri staff and cotra-il salant-s n-main Coarn- pttie and krep up .%ith tnflaion. In 2010 cavunctl voted iti trrze tIteir salants A cauncti compensation rt-tntw, undcrtak- t-n evcry lt-w s-rat-s t-sures the salant-s af Mîltaîtsb cîunctîlsimnsd etayar are in Iir vi thas;e tif comparable muntcîpitîes. The last revtese in 2007 lcd tsi a het-l> iticrease - tht mayat-is salary icted 1jin $49.133 Id $60.480 and the t-st dl courtctl amy an increase iront $21.096 ta $25.096. Ward 6 Cauncilîsir Mtke lutt, who in the past bris criued councills yearly raises, sarit itns important Miltoniarta undernund fit rt-si- dents. ner cauncîllors, mlxi wouldi dent-rene hair well t-auncIl shoulil be campenriateti chrough the revrew pruccss. 'l dont îhînk therefi a pt-t-vaîlng feeling in t-he public tha met-e avet-paîd .but 1 chînk mve shauldti rkr the cîttzeri animitte- t-t-u-ir- mendattan st-nously, but rt-mcniwxnng that t van ricis-issurv s uunsmîîrtc tatis wrc rust-cpt whisaever the pi>'tnt-renne rnnLy lc. we crin take îî ba-k oir me crin t-y tai deler it ta a birr date oI council. Thats satncthmg wet mtght wmnt lu cafns-ider" Wrird 4 Councfflar Rirfi Maibacul sasd lx mould he pleased to se salary> recotumendi- tiatnb tuiketi aut ofaf a'ind cauncils bonds. -Ive bt-rn thrnugh thîs pt-tcen bettîre andi my advisr is il tya lr ra>'y feire thîs issue -m EUMon paga1l W ZrZ<ï *r0S her- t Vs@ O St. 'honias Aquina Catholic Secondary School e*an International Bat-calauis tl (IR) I)iplunna Candidate Sdtool I& hursdy, No-tember 24,2011 aI 7:00 p.m. Nom acceptlng applicaiosî frein acrosa liaon for the Grades 9 - lO pre-fll Programme! Fo- fortber information, please contact: iel Ct-owell, Vice- Principal Si. flomas Aquinas Catholi- Secondary School 124 Dot-val Drive, Oakviflk, ON 1905-842-9494 I Aire Anne Leta>' Chair of the Board o iDRINKING WA+'t SOURCE PRoTEcnrLo N ACT FOR CLIAIt WATIO' 3 Michael W Pauller Dliret-cor iii Lducat ion LAKE ERIE SOURCE PROTEalION REGýION-- i HeUp protect drinking water Appty for a seat on the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee Were looking for an interested, consmitted ndividual wîth relevant expeneence ta fi11 a seat on the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee. There ns a vacan-y foraonte!f six seats La" ElitaSourca reprtsenting the public interest Igeeral public). Frle6mRg The term of office is three ytars ant i li begin in January 2012. The 25-member committee is overseeing develoipment of plans to protect the sources of municipal dninking water in four watersheds: Grand River, Long Point Region, Catfish Creek anti Kent.e Creek. Tht wvork is beîng dont under the Oetario Cean Water Adt 2006. Catftsh ,y Tht application formn and information on the StatU Craal Creak ellglbdllty and iites of committet members can be focrnd at Tht form and information will alto be available at the heati offices e! tht Grand River, Long Point Region. Catflsh Cretk andi Ket-tle Crtek conservation aurho'iîies. Checks the website for office locations anti contact information. Th. deadllna for applications I. Friday, Dec. 2,2011. Senti applications to: Manien Keller. Source Protection Program Manager Lakte trie Source Protecton Region c/o Grand River Conservation Authority 400 Clydle Rd.. Cambrîde ON Ni R SWÔ Fax: (519)1621-4844 E-mIl: asd u m r a t ww .ouctaar