z01N0 Gve gift of life j- your blood Ie Yo u tsevee know whaîsi waîung for v O around eers cor- Ilite is full of uncrantines And si metimes, the uncertaii of needtng the gif tif fle - blonwd - may bc knoeking ai your doomsep For thwcts ifvon sho have heen învcdeed in a hife-threaten- Iîng aciîdent or required a lile-vaving ,urgrnt ynu'll ltnow well the importance tii donaîing iii Cairadian Blond Services. type- cîally durtng the somrmer months A Apersito hbas he'n msvolved in a 'ous accident may itirt, .8O Littti 50 oif.ittî i blodý while at lecikemnia t I,titi ict î tilît. clzl nit > a uît' s tk uaî nitr i iitl.i For Itîse oif us svhc havenit relt.ci vin as services. ihcres> tlwayî a poissîhîlîîv. that cou nuay neemi iti one day lwu iîkiId duotîr clintcs are planned Itxally ibis rnonîh ai \cw Life Chbcîvh, 824 Thompstin Rd S - tîn iis Santirdas' trii )~ a iii iii 1 p ni anid vine 3bursilas, Sept 19S trvm 1 30 tut ýO p in Apçxiintiienîs, arc preterreul tit sslk ins art ,tucepte(i t 'ii i 888 2236-ti28l3 it piv the pOt (if file ReadersWrite Transit funds could be used way better manyvi portabhes? orpn,* 1I7 DEMR EDITOR: it rep teu lit i ..nt letIter wherr lie put Etirsard t citevin peoiîntnp îci the itf peak hocurs transît service. he dîdont nmernioîn the coi ni pros'tding ibis service Proiîvdtng the an-ent off pi-ait htîîrt iraiti se-ivite t, is ihu- tixpavecrs (if Milîin .ipprctsimatrls $35.01(X) a mîînîh or $S425 ji)iX .î vcir \Vîth îkî: tîttînî iv iîîî,îld( aflord to kev-p a sîtellite libran- ai Bnuce "treet. ii ýc etittld ike îîî.îîîî Pnî Ouîlteî ititr çtrks, playpruic- tit ank a or %ic ,itiluci rt-tilt iie-l \tlatit trret lanctsc ape ivvte tlieatiiiai'.> il wiî.tluld beitc4te-v e a tfar grea.ter nie li uo! ie-.uicriî-, tivît dic iiuîîiiicr c cirentis cisirg ouîr tra.i iit'tlic transt ha-, bctotis ti titi -. tir niant i iii laiic iai- cîhN iîltiaii- sut ý T-ortnto air reIut ing an lîiîî.îîg iii ti-, iliu\ hirin esc i ii N inî)li Il- riit- Dm lOffOt My commenta ar mmed t the Imm of Mîkoot; planing depsemnt 1 have naw lied on Millon frea yean. ani have wawche the a hi which I initie grow lu that gosoil PL. Robertson Public Sehool ha becs bu& l'os veey conluseti as ta why in dia day anti age schocils aoeff betng huik big enougli t accommodat the châi- diras ant rachers, Why wîthin ant >ear are ther nciw ai CMIs a dozen panabls ai Pi. Rohenacin2 Imn sure parents donS puy tara ta put iheme children' lu traîilers ta get an etiucaiîan, noir do 1 hleve far anc moment tiser theteiachers wha, @et poubedos ~~ bu On iolupy c"be Hananyhody i he phnaW&deprn- rmt even -huh Sm -qk puo9dio W-S buI4bhpsi ib*is M 1nMd&oeutac&M mm tac soinm dkrmiMper boea- hoId Tht cour option la ta MIM die schaal hadnr g tr4a m tr p.go or ai loaking anruen, putrhasosg a haine a beautîtul neigfrac rmcd. Lettens welcome The Canadian Champion wekcomes letten tî «Zt Cmman Cbwni M*1m5 Ceicesesls f*esupe< iii tO 565 Induanni Dr. Maitont Ont L91' 5EI 905-878-2341 Editodi Pua 906-879-943 Advertisig ua. 905-876-2364 CiaumfL@d:906-875-3300 Circolutan: 906-878-&947 www.ilnaanbnip m rme V.P. - Grcup Publisther Neil Oliver RaigionSl Centrai manage David Harvey Genermi Manager Debbî Koppetîn Editor ia Chief .1111 Divis Mqanaglng Editor taren Mîcci production UMnger ttcrr Cotes CIrculation Manager Clîautere Halt Office Manager Sandy Pare On Line, Sales Manager Dantel Colemnar ofudmou@"llM" Go ice efl flh, tiS aiq te lit.&, IV "iu im h tto bu. e h - M.1 y'uiu uxots s NtI0~MiO CCA# Audite Reciug.omed for excellence liv Tiie Ceîîiien champion iàs a prond media «ponter for: .ams que frankly in whax we ihink ns Mile ieals irhooti han just becs W-eoI HILAEY DIMELO ttte kil lied @A&«« MITON r ,the editor We Ae'. 1 çperîîvnîîuer reserve the, iMt to tu/h, hseîie an ecAat letten. do luit : .u- îu iii i fulilittitiviîr ire -.uIi-iiitg Mlltton Irînt ai a bîgber Letters must be signed uith first and last name, andi the address rtc than oi-c iiiii, îcnîtitiîe.ict peîu i ,rti peuxnt tise'. and thse telepisone number of t/se writer indluded for venificatton - llctdgt ii tîs liIi 'tir riEstit5 i î purp oses. 1Iw hia i i liît trarvit r-;i -r lui ii.]l .1 fev. andi pii.l ISmail your lettets to editoria1@miltoncanadianchampion.com ROCK MAIBOSEUF, or senti by mail to 555 lndustrial Dr, Milton, Ont., Lt/T SE), or WARD 4 COUNCILLOR AND leave them at our office. Osr office hours are Mondoy to Friday MILTON TRANSIT COMMTEE MEMBER from 9 a.ns. to 4 p.m. Why do new sdioos havew M-YNç~