Halton Region to question local election candidates By Chrstna Commiss CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Sonie oi rthe lit- questtionspotted tlilton' pisivinctai candidates wsIl corne front the Re-gkan iel! This wrek, Halion ReprtIl C.hair (,an (arr w-iil send a quetonirem te MIT hopr- hleI in Milmon, Oakvïlle, 1-akon Hisk and i3urlmngton (or titeir take on Iialtant mt pressing election issues. Askedl whaaat the top o! the hist. (-arr said tht $&6 billion in lutuir infrasrnumure nereds turnes to minci "%W w-tnt iii ensuure waiet and %vasie water la-iliims, rgionai n-ads, provin- cial sccilas atid haspitals w-dl lie titre for our population,- Hlirons population is expci-ed ta double lui 780,000 by 2031 In tite Lwsi munîh. Mîltonç, Bîtringans and Italtîn HalIs' hispt-al rapaistoîts have hri gtin tir git-aheaci h-rn tbc -îv tnt c. bt (arr .aid bc'd lîkr proîitsies ihat aIl the h~p iai proje-tv w-ii corne ta Iruitmon -Tht gavnti ment couid change. li înuld le a nnnty (govenninî V&em asking ail candidates about the- hospitais \W donli want rthe planstoc change as a ne-uit a! thr elecîroit" Carr sasci expanding 11w-y 401 thmrugli Haion andi ensuning st-finls kelp up trith the ituurgeoning young population ar alto pnan- ties The document, 'A smnng lailton for a sAtnrg (>nano,* was released earlîer tits suni- trer and serves as an advtcacv çtiitlttnt tît .sets oi-u the Regitins piositiotn ont c> i.ssues impaiug resîdents. Su)re o! the requests oil t nîtios t-ext goserimert itn lte rept iriitcludc aitttillr res'teW oi the Drrvclupintetit (barges Act andi i ast iri:kîng Metrctlitts prolects w-tiitS pNer cent provincial lîîndîng for ( '0 Irassit the repant tîsit plaies a1 stIntîtgctttt on presetving iltori*s naînral Liti-skape and otîtîtots Hl-iont;XStlv l îpiit ti he î-t-sposcd (HA MAst andi Niatgara ta) (H'lA (otriotrs, Imther quar-y espanstan on the escarpntcnt and asks [or a piflant iiil t i tiitntet t ltihe ltatdle Ree!-c.n up tinilar qte WtiitC ' seCte vttt itt.itdi- di-c' in the, ast proincu.ial clet-ttitr artd dur- Carrsatd dunng thtse camptaigns, clati.- ta etr- candidate tank the tie ta (til oui the ttiestitnnaircs ILh helps create a dtiltogue I hs- candtcitr0C krtîw liittitttattt Io us, the' wiil kncîw w-bai tîcr is-a-s ire andi this important as people looik fotr a gonid candidate.' Carr acideci that the quiestiannaire sers-es as a mechanisrn to et-nitie candidates stick bo titeir w-aid il ie(,cid Cornpleted quesititnnairvç wII lie pasird ai www-italtan ea/nntartoeci;.ion20i I titrougitout Sepiember Cisfina Ciîmmisso cutrie ceaclted al FIND YOUR PERFECT MATCH Pmoud recîptent of miltontoyota.ca Y< OY11A 148»-790-6329 ipîirinacle, award Â*1245 Steeles Avenue 2010 <Mmsaofwaw~