r*~ Mayor raises siot revenue concerns at conference 8y Chritina Commiso CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF IX-Senars mn the' TcYwn'sb di revenie bncI Mîlton,> mkayor, alorig wîîh about a cwn otil crs, rasng ibrîr cncerta duning ai provincial îîînferirc laie tata mcntb Mayor Gantd lrantz uîaîd he was very voc-al about thre Ontanio Lcutery andI tamîng (orporaionh, changes îc finanoial reporting, wtrêch irsuli 'flan mnnual Ioss of $136,000 for the ' oren, dunng dhe 2011 &ssoeuaikn ti Muniripaleties o! Oniaio (AMO) c'onirrrnce 'n I indon, Ont - Fhr ir 22 municîpaliiies aliected by iblis and ai this poitnt we haveni elralrengrd the legality cfri, o.tr qiiesionedl the' chies cf iî,- s-aîd Kraniz. 'ýReguidîrsa of livr theL' repbi ut shîtulcni have a negat ive rifrî on cs" In JîtI ' lirvn -:A i ûtci their- tppitarîn lu tIr 1310, trpcnng changes, whuh reas vup- pxined b>' cuciil Krinîz aiso adîiesard the'bik tc becis !,ubsd> durng the' annitl AMU eit uul li itigvtigilc' r [îîssnaîu iin 444 municipal govrrmenis alîîîg sitl proituil munia;ties incle prcovincial fac hue'c. litIl il, ti- titîsi- tirs andi tirlege., hîstak ansdui ittîtli centres, aie exenîix tum priilsty ta eb Pîmvince gtes nîiîcîa iii"l / pur hixît/ bcd subbid>' - ait a îîîîîcîîî ilîti liî,t'ii inceaurd sîne' 19)87 Pcîîntîng to the' Maplehctrsi oit ttîa Complex. Krantz sa.id, "Ih ties, a li Ai e'xtra polîeing iii kcîik alter a pîlact' ie Iai Thbu subsid' ib nc weerîi'ar as c osey as WL' spitrid (on extra puKiLcng)." Kiantz satd tht' Liberal, NDlt and l'C prt> s'nioul pan>' ljedtrs titatî'.ppc'aranucs ai the' fiiur-day t tnlrucîti andi nitiniti[-liil rcatIr scer rager îo hear the' parties jîlatiturins. *'VA- ail bos se hase a hucig Jefîcit tin otni" wamed Krantz tif eiccîîîr pitttîs- Hltîw.cvcr, aie lahig'n>lc' L Qucnk Park îî'îiI puir uit untivy iniiotînt iii Milittî Iit.ttiulactn n Jet'; ,irdy lraniz zaid rcgarcilcs' oi siticit r"> ceint" tit Oin il mp thiie t il t-luvîcuîî ihevîuttiiiiittîîtul i gttflg ihirttugii stiii i- rîtm iltittsi pt iitî t hc htî'piial esjiaîî' 'tor) il l nuctue (tirs irci M il ili moet'a lttie vlttwur. ai i l îttîlu lioVtlilrd ba tIv bran i it ix t' -lci îlit-til Illei loil -II Ileit' II'I tiiy kntîwleidgr, tire' lisi sîittlu hîts t i' Prntcni' s hoti 4tt)lX Uit;c'rsItLt(i tîî tIlliegis' i- 'jid- V4W 'a lcxi it litinaiî' thaï hoitacî Uînsriia Ctîmnrissir can Ire ri'acted ai i oitiii¶sii8@.ini hti< oeaditintliam Pitm - com Fire considered suspicious A lire ai a dttwntiîwn Main 'Sici building andi sicku. s it tînt' il titnt tlit ing',t î il iti 5k misca ioriig îs heing t tunidercU sus flaiesi, witil. lire tîîgijtisheu pctioui LiIaliitn piiti su> ie bOre. st: otit itîîîulite Mittîî I 11t No tint' wstan bhtm cling thie il ii i iti S'tnnienîs4 armai btlaze'. s bit b 'ieod ai the' fronît Jouitr Iclîîtig Mtinimal ilarnagu a%.t uai'td&Li bu cli tum. cip i tocnciî 1ltr ayartient unîls, anti silic arc' i11tîssuîtI îg t[kt %gt Muray' l)îiiiiwaltt't. iltire thlutun \nyutnc sîith triutrtttintio itutîtt 0W Lu i Crimunal lou-c'sîtgattuns IBureaut cîtti a oumber deunt i-, avhed Ico tali (t)(15) i425-4747tii t itre of tenants wtre woecin by the' smelc aiarm 'ioppers ai I SIX) 222 81477j v' IP115 ~hm Breads L B EveryBaked Freih ï Dayl