SIU called in to investigate fatal motorcycle-car crash The Ontario Speual [n -tîgatiomn Unit is invstigating the ciocumstances surrouniding the death of 30'year-old Roben Collins o! Miltonr July 17, as the result of a mloncvcle- car collision in Guelph, At about 2:45 p.m.. a Wellington OPP olhicer was conductung speed enforcemerit on the southbound ltwy 6, According to the OPP the officer ohservedi neverai mottircycles Oe was allcgcdly clocked ai a high raie ol slccd. The officer pulied oui, andi as he approached the intersection iii Hwy. 6 andi Wellingtoni Rtad 34, he obserwet a crash. A moiorcycle coliîded wiih a 2004 Mazda 6 that was ntirihbound and maluing a lefi tutti ontus Well1ington Roati 34 i hc driver oU the moicorcycie. Coullins, was. aîrlifted ici Hamiîlton Gencral Hospmal. sehere he died Ironi ]lis injunes. Three Milton teens charged in robbery at Clarke park I birrr Milton iern.s face chares iii the knifepoint robbery tif aî ib-yrar-tuld Milton yoiiFiai athe Clarke Nrîghbourhtxxl 111,iî hc îc iiriigh ý ilit i timi %sit a.ipro.icc b% issu males brandtshing sniall louîves atiti dcmandîng bis basehail bat and crlphonc 1 he vitii liazîdeti over Ilis bat but refused tu relînquîsh is cell phorie andI lied. poilice said. lialîoii pol.ct hîavc cIiiargccd twt i( vesar ti i robht-ry antd ioi toîî t îilîîtl an indtcial îaie ilt t anti itît' i t-..d wiih conspîracy Io ommîit an ndîiciahie uîffence. Edible Weekends Weekerids in August; 10 arn. ta 5 p.m.; l4endrie Parke Featuring cooking demonstrations, tasty coeations for sampling, educaîtonal programming and mrore. August 6 and 7 - Herb and Pesto Weekend August 13 and 14 - Chili Pepper Weekend August 20 ad 21 - Tomto and SaIsa Weekerîd August 27 and 28 - Garlic Weekend Red-Hot Jazz à C"o Bltum now to September 7 6 to 8:30 p.rn.; Hmndri. Park forbtdwSband a~ all ewrtwnt shedée HeId rain or sine. We believe... in helping noe.*Nwee 1jj jw 1 Oil Chlange PLUS inl .e FRE Tir Roato & viulBa hc Service inctosies " Oit andttiter change iti Io t lies of 5W"'2C of 30 i " litate rît inspect 4 tes * i roll M.I ndSt e!l *COutiRit citectt itclaitc Visua Brake Checkt !Baltry / lotis /A4 Fier /L iehs /Flosoeus Icanoil 'i Lifetime Gucircnteed Brake Puds or Shoes % . 386 Steeles Ave. East 905-876-4663 ... .. .. ...... lr,ý4e 1 0-MI $2 9