Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jun 2011, p. 21

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L~~J W M ~a YoLuth & aduits wanted t deliver the Milton Champion Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you are interested please cali 905-878-5947 Admrinistration CALI CENTRE DebI Collectors FIT, Perm. Ns osp. Req. Muni have gosd phono manner OEW & Erin Milts Cotnite Wages source.comn F:905-855-0603 Ref#f105 TencaVkIlie FehSatFs. CndaLd LEAD HANOS FRUIT and VEGETABLE PRODUCTION * 2-3 years of previous supervlsory experi- ence inafood manafactaring plant *Able ta work flexible bours including Cnights and weekenda *Able ta work in a refrigerated environment *Have yaar own tranaportafion * Maat apeak Engliab FULLTIME SUPERVISORS ORDER SELECTION 'EVENING SHIFT Assista Manager wîth supervision of Order Selecrion tvam, Assisîs aI seleclion and Joad- ing of ordvrs for shipmenl. * 2-3 Years oI prevîvas supvrvisvry experi- ence * Hands-on order selection experience *Ability to work in a fast pacvd environmenl * Physically fit!/ 501b lifting reqairernant * Effective verbal and administrative SUIlS * Experience in prodace or food rvlated warebvaae an asaet * Mast be available toi wvrk vvenîng shifts inclades weekenda WE PROVIDE . -Team-basect Work Enviranment . Commitment 10 Safvty *Compeftive Wages * Benefits Program *Opportanity for Career Advancemenî If yaa meet the above criteria kindty, apply by email: Fasrecradmentpfreshtarfovdx.com rfTax reame to: 905-878-9010 Moores CzaeeIiEG F0R MEN Fuil-Time Taillor Wanted! Thia individua ahould have a paaaion for SERVING others, be able ta praduce bîgh qaality work and enjvy being part of a team. Send yaur resumne or contact: Paul Barnet, Manager Phone: 905-338-0111 Emnail: PB30@nmorescIothrng.comn Position a vai/abte immediaty Trie FERNBROOK NATURAL, SPOINO WATOzR Fombrook is hiring a: QUALITY ASSURANCE MANAGER Ideat Candidatea wilt demonatrate leaderahip qualtiea and gvvd commanication akilla and have the fottvwing: 2 2Yeats aaperviaory expenience *Food acience backtgroand preferred *Knvwfedge of manafactaring equipment and prînciplea *Knowledge of aanitaton programa & prieciptea *Experience in implementing and mainitamning qaalfty ayatemai - HACCP " Knowledge of labvratory testing methodo, microbiology and cbemîatry " Flexible workivg booms Please tortilard your rassise ta: lauraelliolt@fernbrooksprings.com On/y candidates considered wI be contacted. IIENE 'Yf gi S Wanted af the busy Casadian Tire in Milton. Contact Mr. David Steeves Email: dsteevesl4o@hotmat cois Fax: 905-878-0180 ELECTRCIAN 309-A lic,/ equiualerr. 3-5 yvars ae Sear nece. Sonne trauni, shifti ý wor k Fax: 905-847-0310 Salon Anepa Neo Centrix Salon and Spa Your s ookingfoa~ Classifteds.ca IFaltimeor Par-i meI 1Estheticanj CatI 905-693-0878. Send resume u-- iir neecenîrix@ belînel ca Li~ 1 F Program style insurance brokerage located in Georgetown requires a RIBO licensed person- al lines CSR. The successful candidate should have a minimum of 2 years experience, be able to work with attention to detail and enjoy nin ný. 1 working in a small Office atmosphere. A work. ing knowledge of Pdwer Broker would be a 0-11 lite asset. We offer a competitive salary and benefits based on experience. Fomard your resume or drop off in person Io Gary McCasýý,in, CAIB atý pàs McCaslin Horne Insurance Brokers -G 4Bý 1 INVESTMENT OFFICE LICENSED ASSISTANT Oakville DundeeWealth office seeks mature Outgoing indiviclual with excellent communica- tion and computer skills (ACT, Dataphile, Access). Ideal candidate Must have investirrient (IIROC) and insurance industry experience including completion Of CSC/CF H. Duties iriclude generai office.management, reception and administrative fiancions. Ernail your resum to: mumming@dundeewealth.com DUNDEEWI Taylor Moving & Storage Ltd. Is looking for an ACCOurits ReCeivable Clerk for our storage accounts. Duties would include preparing storage account invoices and managing storage accounts, Also included in this position is the management of the necessary paperwork toi invoice all household goocis moves. This is an entry level position starting ait $13.00/hr. Please fax resumeS to: 905-632-M or e-mail to: ian@ataylormoving.com SaleOpetie Saes Opportu oie ae potnities Sales Oppertunittes undatîo01n s * Cncretea/dirf F/T Used Vehicle Iremavali Salesperson Ohrservices Molîvated w/eocellent avaîlable communication akîlîs. 905-334-4028à Company vebîcle/car allswu ne & benofîts . Fax: 905-84-9588 1 Ernail: dom@ kenedylerd.ca rTELEPHONE SALES Ifyou enjoy telephone sales, thon thîs position obould înterest you. Safetycare prsducea andj distrîbules a widn range of Safoty Training video programo, Training Coarse Books and other eloctrsnic media in the area of Wxrkplace Hoaltb & Satety We deal wilh a wîde range of clientu acrxsa Canada. Anyone applyîng for Ibis position must ho a self starter who ix intoroated in earnîng an above average income wxrkîng ander the umbrolla of a sacceau international cxmpany. We offer a full lime tolephone sales position, an oppontu- nity toi wsrk with a woîl esfablished client base and Most impsrtantly, the infrastructure f0 guarantee succesa. Fer moe information en itis pesition, Cali aEd Asuan aI Salelycare aI 905-831-8070 LilJ [ j PAID VOLUNTEER! Home In slead Senior Care Holpo Seniors Romain Indepondent providing non-medical rdaily lieing skills und csmpanisnssîp Io seniors in Halton. Carnginers/ PSWs needed for on-caîl, part-lime and live-in positions. Cr..ix roquired. Pvase app/y at: SrviAuAlif NE Niagara Lite Magazine la xeekiog an expenienced Full Time Advertlsing Sales Representative Position to service and grow eoisting accounts and devetxp new business relatianthipa. Position Accountabilitles: *Service esisting clents marketing needa through magazine advenaising deeelupmeen and castomer retatioshîp buitding. *Deetop new basinest accaunts thrxagh direct sales, research and new businesses *Croate proposais, wnitten and verbat fer potenniat advertisers te itîsistrate hsw the sates prugrann wilt meen their businesx needa, *Assist ctients in ad design and coordinte with Production on content and appearance oftads * teoelop and recsmmend speciat featuret and adeertising promotions *Potfclients'ads wften necessary ts ensare compteteneas and accaracy. *Enisure that mnnthly budgets and targets as assigned are anhieeed, *When applicable, co-nrdinate speciat csvenage by Editorial where apprnpriate. *Must hol resotos oriented. Competende/Skils and Expenience: *Preeious sales experience, Magazine esperience an asset *Strong written and oerbat communication skilîs *Solid time-managemens and erganizational skitîs * lterpersonat skiffs *Sntid refatianship budin1 skitfs *Abiltiy tu work within in a deadline drives enoirosment *Castxmer Focus * an moIti task *Retiable vehicte and valîd isarance *Govd teamn eneirenment Please ferward resumes, ne latter than June 3Offh, 2011; csîfleslitniagaralifemag.com ileoppreii tinhevrovovpc howrorôîyinhose iried nr or laeiîîew wOOnonicnro 1 Outside Advertising Sales Metroland Digital Mtroland s Digital Media oroup is iooking for high-envrgp Senior Accoont Consultnts with a minimum ot 5- t0 pears renaîl onrâne sales vopvrieoce la support and drive sales in our Digitai Auromonivo Divisiont As a svasoiîed Acciunt Consultant, pou wouid bv respansible tor niesorating and sellîng online sevicvs lu reaai customers within a designatvd nvosravhîcal area (40t corridor, Brampton 10 Guelph), The idéal canididate bas airons onlirie voperience, car provîde solurion onientrd sales prvsertatiotis and has the abilr1r 10 establinh unique and long-lasrîrg partnersiiips with iris/her clivorele. THE JOB tN A NUTSHELL -Activeip prospect and develop nom busiress wîriii a apvcitîc gvographioaip rritory *Maintain ard grow eviarir5 business relaionsripa - Achve monîblp sales targeîa *Acrivoly consaît wirh clients on trotlîc and îoivertor rexporta *Monîitor territarp îooentory levîs weeklp -Liaison wîith lxcal newsoapor reps to levrage marketrneiatinnships and rîcrease ovrall *Mainnairi and complété weekip reporting rvquîremeors *consoîr wîtb dealership regardiitg their indioîduoi meb solution tu mouimîce sales an vO icivonciea *Monitor and cosult mitS eacb cuatomer on ibvîr iroentorp and prnoîdv adoîcv rvgardiog level, prîce and inoettorp mio *consaît wîth customers regarding their meltaite and înoentoep traffîc, proxîde mneaninglul insigbt ot site aod vehicle vîew numbers *Manage biadt debt and be amare of receoabtes *Monitor and consoît wîtb dealer retardîno the effective use and managemenrt of emrait aod phone leada AeOUT POU The succesatul candidate wîill be a proven advertising sales consultant wîth a demnstrated atrility to establîsh unique and long-lastîng partoershîps and close business with ottependent and inaior automotxe dealers trouva. S/be wilI ire a very bîgh enerno, sharp instîoida wbose protessionai efforts are drîven bp the désire for excellence and tor market leadership, and s/be sbould aiso bave tbe toliomînt: *A aIrons ondvrstanding and iamîiianry with the mn vvorkings of franchise and iodnpvndent car dnaioîship A Astron undersandng an famiaîywt oineadvertsisae *Stiong saies/ciosing skîlis aoid reiatîonsbîp akilîs -Strno time and territori management Ouills * ntrepreneurial team mîndset *Selt-mnrivarted/driven indioîduaî wbo takes ownersbîp and delivers on goals i rau,'ut-ot the-bon' tbînkvr whbosniorys creating nun-tradîtionai aduertîsînt solutions - Worbîng and reliable automobile, proot ot i nsurance and a dlean d rîxîna record Pnreresred candidates are învîred te, seod rbaîr résumé and nover Petner ru Ery'nn Real an ereap@merroland. nom on or befare July 4, 2011t rnetrolandmedia C ...vi aý. t. y...n o n , rity Metrotandîis an effaiaeeartunity employer. Wa thanb ail applîvant or ir intervo hawever onu,- tox oeiected Par an interview will be vantan ed. nai MANWJT BOC- EXggngATssl FONDATIONI REPAIRS LTO Eterior Membranea Te Rplacement,, Free wrulten esPumate /uarantee,Since 1987 905-572-0843 Frat/feetîae Otuetana SEerior di ount sfi45nitffb Casual P/T Cook and Occasional Servers requîrvd for basy estein Miltoni Day lime and wevkend hours inclodvd. Forward resume to: cateredaffair@ gmaiî.com Ian 905-875-1753 No phone Cal/s pli se eqiredi for 0akIle ol couse. Full and patlime positions valcombinativo of weday & weekvnd, daytîme and eoenrng shift. Excellent wsrking conditiona, evperience preferred.. Maat bas own car. 1 - 1 CaneraiCotractings >, GENERAL CuONTRacTNisu- Fences, decks, homr rero 5 varions. 905OOî 84-11,C 90 5-5104045, GLOBAL 0 PAINTINGI 905-617-1797 0 INpjobto bigl No job Ioo smail Crows moulding & baoeboard inotallation 1:11oo Inoludles: 36"door, 2 Windows and tiower boaes, fioon, beavy dunp Singes and laIrS, 10pearîntain, 25 pear shirigies. Catt Adam or Sa! 1(800) 521-6132 www.grandriersheds.com Ceea Ionactns

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